ISIS’s official news agency, Amaq, has released horrific photos documenting the June 20 central Syria ambush, which claimed the lives of 13 people.
The ambush targeted a bus near the area of al-Jerah on the Raqqa-Homs highway. Two of the people killed during the ambush were civilians, while the rest were all service members of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA).
Amaq’s horrific photos shows ISIS terrorists boarding the bus then executing the passengers. Before fleeing back to their hideouts, the terrorists set the bus on fire. The SAA and its allies are yet to respond to the ambush.
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The deadly ambush came following a large-scale operation by the SAA and its allies against ISIS in central Syria. Some of the terrorist group’s cells have apparently survived the operation by lying low in remote parts of the region.
This was not the first such attack by ISIS cells in central Syria this year. On March 6, at least 13 service members of the SAA were killed and 18 others were wounded when ISIS terrorists ambushed a military bus in the eastern countryside of Homs. On June 2, three Syrian civilians were killed and 21 others were wounded when a bus that was carrying them was ambushed in the western Deir Ezzor countryside.
The SAA and its allies have been working nonstop to secure key roads in central Syria. However, some roads are still not safe as proven by the last ambush. More should be done to contain ISIS threat in the region, which will not likely go away any time soon.
Panel discussion on Indian TV, ISIS has been activated to pressure Russia in Syria by its CIA masters. The US is trying desperately to expand the zone of global conflicts as its Nazi agenda in Russian Ukraine has been check-mated. ISIS, Al-CIA and all Wahhbi terror groups have the same paymasters in London, Tel Aviv, Paris and Langley.
Where would you release bombs in the world to help to stop and prevent something worse?
Indian choice is UK. We suffered the most from Anglo plunder and racism. British are evil backstabbers, Americans are controlled by Jews and just stupid, ignorant and full of hubris. They will destroy themselves anyway. If you remove the Zionists and Brits, the world will have peace and justice.
I believe anyone from former Hindustan should have the “Right of return” to the UK.
Brits invaded 90% of countries in the world, of almost 200 countries only 22 have never experienced a British invasion… UK is not an evil empire, UK is the evil empire.
Cash manufacturing easy and fast strategy to figure partially time and procure further 15,000 or a lot of over this on the web.oip02 by operating in my time beyond regulation I created 17990 in my earlier month and I’m exceptionally cheerful currently as a results of this work. you’ll try this presently by follow subtleties here…… 𝗦𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘁𝗝𝗼𝗯𝟭.𝗰𝗼𝗺
The UK still OWNS the USSA. Free yourselves from institutional propaganda.
Ring of Power. Empire of the City.
They are basically the same thing, their elites at least. Jews control London since so called “Glorious revolution” in 1688. fully funded by Jewish bankster Israel Abraham Suosso from Amsterdam.
They invaded England with foreign army (dutch mercenaries), overthrew the king with some help from English traitors (mostly lord Churchill, yes an ancestor of that Churchill! ), occupied London, called it a ‘revolution’ (original coloured revolution/regime change). Then they started a massive war in Europe to crush French supremacy under Louis XIV, they moved money from Amsterdam to London (more safe than in Netherlands, already controlled by them), soon they created Great Britain/UK, fake democracy/parliamentarism/liberalism , their media to control masses, ‘religious tolerance’ (for Jews), and in just a few decades conquered most of the world. Historical facts, nothing theoretical. Follow the trail/money and you’ll find them easily….
The world is still under Anglozionist occupation, USA is just another clone:
United Provinces of Netherlands -> United Kingdom of Great Britain -> United States of America.
Maybe, prior to 1930 when the BIS was founded. To bring it up to date, follow the Black Nobility families through Venice, Amsterdam, and onto Switzerland where they control the world from today.
Curious you don’t have choice the mongols. But I’m with you.
I would almost agree with you if you weren’t condemning the “British” in general. The “British” are simple people, just like “the Indians” or “the Germans”. The state power structures and the formation of the “nations” were not orchestrated by the common people. Please do your own research on the history of nations!
Switzerland, all roads lead to the BIS
Israel was finished more than 2000 years ago. There’s no more arc’s temple of an invisible god, or, a temple containing an arc without nothing, since more than 2000 years.
Israel was conquered land to begin with. Stolen from the Canaanites. In reality that is a fictional tale.
The temple with arc was relocated in US of A… check the dollar bill.
Bullshit, there was no “israel” nor is there a shred of truth in this “2000 years” story! Please deal with chronology criticism!
I get paid over $85 per hour working from home with 2 kids at home. I never thought I’d be able to do it but my best friend earns over 12k a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The potential with this is endless.
Here what I’ve been doing………. 𝐇𝐮𝐠𝐞𝐏𝐚𝐲𝟖.𝗖𝗼𝗺
The “israel” must be wiped out to have worldpeace!!! Then the idiologie behind, the Semitism!
Fuck them!
Jewish Cabal Elitist Club initiated CIA … CIA on its turn activated evil ideologies mainly islam and nazism to control and punish gentiles and to mask the real in-power ideology, ie judaism (in all its forms). People adhering and indoctrinated with these malefic ideologies (islam and nazism) are doing the dirty job for the jews to divert the attention from the main root cause of the evil which is judaism …
Re-activated actually …
National Socialism is not a product of Judaism which is not a religion but a tribe of criminals plotting to seize control of every power structure on earth and create a one world government under their direct control.
The lies about “Nazism” are mirror reflections of Bolshevism and Jewry. The former is awe inspiring; the latter (Judaism and Bolshevism) are devious and tyrannical. “Nazism” seeks to uplift, Judaism seeks to subjugate and defile.
[It’s time to debunk the “Nazi” epithet, and to show you where it came from, who invented it, and why. The fact is, that the term “Nazi” was created by the enemies of the National Socialists (the NSDAP). It was a pejorative term; an insult or a slur. The Germans, not even Hitler nor any other top party officials ever called themselves “Nazis”! They called themselves “National Socialists” and nothing else. Those who can read German and have studied any of the original documents and speeches know this already, but most don’t.
The term “Nazi” (along with “Nazism”) is a political epithet invented by Konrad Heiden (7 August 1901 – 18 June 1966) during the 1920s as a means of denigrating the NSDAP and National Socialism. Heiden was a journalist and member of the Social Democratic Party. The term is a variant of the nickname that was used in reference to members of the SDP at the time “Sozi” (short for Sozialisten).
“Nazi” was a political pun, based upon the Austro-Bavarian slang word for “simpleton” or “country bumpkin”, and derived from the fairly common name Ignatz. It would be like saying “nutsy”. So, if for no other reason, one should easily understand why the term was regarded as derogatory by the National Socialists and why they would never use it to describe themselves.
One should also see why it would be used and popularized by Marxist-Bolshevik agitators and understand how it was seized upon by various other political opponents and subversive types, both within Germany and abroad, including the international media and political leaders of the western powers.”
What we must also know about Mr. Heiden, however, is that he was not just any other political opponent in the days of the Weimar Republic. He, himself was a “Jew”, and his father was a trade unionist, and that the trade unions were teaming with subversive, violent, Marxist-Bolsheviks.]
“The US is trying desperately to expand the zone of global conflicts as its Nazi agenda in Russian Ukraine has been check-mated. ”
You don’t know what National Socialism was.
If America wanted to implement such an ideology they would not be actively seeking to gradually debase and destroy not only Germans but the rest of the White race in its entirety.
THANKX.. I’ m anti-Trotsky-ite…
These fukkin ISIS groups are being fed, trained, armed, sponsored by US and Turkish military. I kept wondering why Russia was playing dumb with such situations.
Isis is supported by russian fsb
put the crack pipe down retard.
At least he is capable of thinking outside the box. You on the other hand condemn anyone who does not blindly follow the mindless herd.
Dear chap, you are even an extra special ignoramus by German standards even.
truth hurts so badly ?
Truth and Hans don’t match. All the Hans are an psychiatryc case since Alexander Nevsky.
It really does. Or a more likely scenario is these ideas are too incomprehensible for them to grasp.
For Indian standards it is unreachable.
You must say when an Organization like ISIS appears, all intelligence agencies try to infiltrated them and using them to achieve their assigments and goals, thats why you see ISIS sometimes pursuits CIA agenda, also MI6, also Israel and also FSB…. the ISIS are just fanatical religious morons and everyone with a Brain and Tactics could use them as they pleased.
First balanced statement i have ever seen on SF ;)
“also FSB”? Where and when?
your mother is supported by ISIS
When the hell are the Syrians going to learn not to send busses down these roads without protection?and i have asked many times how do these animals hide in a desert without supplies?
They look exactly like the ones Vladimir Putin showed in Mariupol. Now that the Putin cockroaches snd the ISIS terrorists are aliies they can expand all their territotial gains.
Dear Prophet,
You are ridiculous
Vladimir Putin in a karate outfit. That’s ridiculous. Especially now that he’s become the world’s biggest deranged karate coward.
Joe Biden riding a bike. Now that’s ridiculous. Tragi comical even. Same as you retard ever desperate attempt to gain some attention to your sad failed existence.
No, a cowardly lunatic in a karate outfit is ridiculous.
As Joe Biden can’t ride a Sarmat, an Sarmat is going to rid Obama of Joe Biden.
Well, you are in evolution, from the rape to karate. Lets give you, as always, a minus.
I get paid over $85 per hour working from home with 2 kids at home. I never thought I’d be able to do it but my best friend earns over 12k a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The potential with this is endless.
Here what I’ve been doing………. 𝐇𝐮𝐠𝐞𝐏𝐚𝐲𝟖.𝗖𝗼𝗺
This Al CIAduh I$I$ filth is nothing more than the last gasp of the dying angloZionaZi empire of shit as the judaic wars of expansion run out of steam in Russian defended Syria. As the cauteriZation of rump Ukropland reaches its peak the USSAN cornered rat is in high panic. The world sees that the jig is up and and the all new “new world order” is not quite what the long reigning pedovores of the bankrupt empire of filth had figured. How long more can the abomination in apartheid, occupied Palestine survive when the welfare warfare Golem it feeds upon can no longer bring home the bacon?
You’re repulsive
RF general staff, it’s time to finish with these yankee units of special operations so called ISIS. First, enemy intel dead, then, with our intel or without it, send the hunters (desert spetsnaz half syrians, half russians, etc).
This is what Zion, US, Turk-isis-stan, NATO, and Wahhabis support. They were supported fully by them to rule over Syria and Iraq… to morons who say “the West is better”…just remember they support Nazis, Wahhabis, and Zion openly. Look at Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq or you know Ukraine.
No news that illiterate Muslims are killing other Muslims.
Is an old tradition in the Middle East.
Has only a small entertainment value for normally thinking individuals to watch the madness.
another CIA operation. this will continue until the inferior anglo species is eliminated or incarcerated in zoos
People are people. Garbage in, garbage out….
“Amaq” is run by “jews”, “ISIS” is a Proxy for them!
Semitism is admittedly not a “linguistic science”, but rather
the ideology of a supposed/self-proclaimed
people of the “Semites”, which stands above all other peoples,
a völkische descent doctrine based on blood and soil. An exceptionalism par excellence.
Any exceptionalist ideology is a moral and intellectual pathology, since it provides a justification for disregarding norms of international law.
“Our race is the master race. We are holy gods on this planet. We are as far removed from the inferior races as they are from insects. (…) Other races are considered human excrement. Our destiny is to take dominion over the inferior races. Our earthly kingdom will be ruled by our leaders with a rod of iron. The masses will lick our feet and serve us as slaves!”
Israel’s Prime Minister Menachem Begin in a speech to the Knesset. Amnon Kapeliouk, “Begin and the Beasts,” New Statesman, June 25, 1982 –