ISIS Raids Wound, Killed SAA Servicemen In Syria’s Deir Ezzor

ISIS Raids Wound, Killed SAA Servicemen In Syria’s Deir Ezzor

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A Syrian Arab Army (SAA) soldier was killed and several others seriously were wounded in eastern countryside of Deir Ezzor in an attack by suspected militants of ISIS.

Early in the morning of September 11, ISIS terrorist group raided Syrian Arab Army’s (SAA) chekpoints between the city of Al-Mayadin and the village of Quriyah. According to local sources, ISIS terrorists employed light and medium machine guns in attacks.

As result of clashes, an SAA serviceman was killed and three others were wounded. ISIS militants subsequently retreated to the desert areas in the western outskirts of Al-Mayadin. ISIS has not yet claimed responsibility for the attack. However, the main terrorist group active in the Syrian desert is ISIS and these attacks are clearly carried out by ISIS.

In recent months, ISIS stepped up its attacks in central Syria. Two individuals riding a motorcycle attacked oil tankers near the town of al-Dahla on September 10. The attack caused material damages

Seven SAA soldiers were killed in two separate attacks close to the town of Ithriyah in the eastern Homs countryside on September 5. On the same day, a shepherd was killed and two others were wounded as a result of an attack in the area of al-Buhamad in the southern Raqqa countryside. Both attacks were blamed on ISIS.

The Syrian military has already reinforced its positions in the central region and resumed strikes against ISIS cells and their hideouts there in cooperation with Russian forces.

On September 6, warplanes of the Russian Aerospace Forces carried out a series of airstrikes against hideouts used by the terrorist group close to the town of Madan in the eastern Raqqa countryside and the town of Rasafa in the southern countryside of the governorate.

In recent years, despite the continuous efforts by the Syrian army and Russian Aerospace Forces, the Syrian desert have witnessed the daily operations by ISIS elements against civilians, and military installations. Hundreds of Syrian army forces and allies were killled and wounded, but the terrorist group’s insurgency will not likely end any time soon.

It seems the terrorist group’s cells receive support from their comrades in the northeastern region which is held by the U.S. and its proxy, the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces. Also, the Syrian and Russian officials repeatedly accused U.S. forces in the southeastern area of al-Tanf of training and even arming militants, including members of ISIS.


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the cohen r khan

i d f sas cia is
israel secret intel service
who was shimon elliot
elliot simon a turkic donmeh khazhar a fat faced pimp working for the khazharian mafia


isis never harms a jew. ever.


you don’t know who isis are and you don’t know a single jew ill bet. you make everything up as part of your pop cult fomo.

Last edited 6 months ago by Anonymous

you’re foolish beyond belief


some actually educated dr’s of history indicate that isis is actually meaning swissy land the ss too. but the ss is pertinent to the vatican’s operations its one of their symbols, course they and swissy land are like siamese twins



Colony Camp Humphrey

these terrorists are under the protection of usa.


they aren’t even real but a bunch of actors for photo and video ops and made of stories. to whatever degree anything real ever happens it is israeli, uk, us spec ops dressed up as they are apt to do. like the fake isis beheadings and fake chemical attacks with people supposedly dealing with ‘sarin’ by touching people and dousing them garden hoses.

Last edited 6 months ago by BunkerDwellers

you at least have more idea than the trolls here who just regurgitate childish propaganda like monkeys fed peanuts


we know who hates the truth your down votes as fake as your names


and who rules the law there but the pope?


you nazi with your fake names can fool others but not me i know satan’s the great deceiver and you can down vote the facts but you can’t change them we know who hates the truth


libyan security forces arrested a daesh commander in the city of benghazi — only to find out soon after that the man they had captured, ephraim benjamin, was also an agent of mossad, the israeli intelligence service. benjamin, who was known in libya as abu hafs, had begun work in libya after the 2011 nato-led invasion of libya that ousted former leader muammar gaddafi.


benjamin’s arrest showed that mossad was influential in the rise of daesh in the region, given that benjamin began work in libya in 2011 while daesh did not begin operation in libya until 2015.


in 2016, israeli defense minister moshe ya’alon declared that he “prefers isis” over iran. ya’alon insisted that he believes isis will be defeated at any rate, what with the us launching strikes on their oil supplies, but that he’d much rather see isis rule all of syria, and consequently be directly on israel’s border, than have the pro-iran government remain in power.

Professore Saviano

without having any kind of official intel, one could deduct that isis actions were always consistent with jewish interests.

isis also proved that there is certainly dunmeh crypto jews in the arab gulf sunni states. which is why the arabs were so easily manipulated and inflamed since the iraqi war i.e. the sunni v. shia civil war in iraq which was fomented and inflamed by us/uk and israel.

Last edited 6 months ago by Professore Saviano

you really just have absolutely no idea


well done your restraints are working. good boy.


cause he knows who really funds isis and although the cia set up the ayatollah, the iranian people aren’t supposed to know that abd so then the ayatollah becomes an autocrat representing the competition between vatican canon law and islamic sharia law that’s what that’s all about.


wakey wakey king charles is king of israel. stop pretending you don’t even know it’s too obvious then that you’re either totally stupid or dishonest


look you’re very naive. here after 9/11 they were reporting they had thus moslem named abu dabbabdo or whatever abu simply means from and there’s no such place as the yabbadabba doo doo they were alleging


that could be the reason why biden made the deal with the taliban. isis volunteers are all tapped out. so they could get mercs from afghanistan (and also use them to cause trouble in iran).


he bribed them he gave thrm gifts he wants their opium and he wants them to block russia getting a sea port to the south apart from crimea. they’re orthodox


the jesuits sign is ihs
isis horus set.


and here as already posted our biggest bank was caught by the cops laundering tens of millions, maybe hundreds and accused of funding isis. the bank made a plea deal and agreed to accept guilty as charged to tens of thousands of charges, although an insider told me there was far far more, and a royal commission was set up which the chair of announced on national tv thaf they would refuse to entertain any evidence of funding isis as part of their investigation.


the cops were ordered to drop the matter and no one ever heard another word about it the bank ceo, very young resigned and went overseas apparently to another lucrative gig


jew zionazi owned filth is moving again. israhell is not long for this world as the last of their headchopper$ crawl from their pits to aid the wounded dying beast in occupied palestine. onward to the total destruction of i$rahell


fuckin bastards
