ISIS Kills More Than 40 US-Backed Fighters During Several Attacks In Euphrates Valley (Photos)

ISIS killed more than 41 fighters and commanders of the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in a new series of attacks in the Euphrates Valley, the Syrian Observatory for Humans Rights (SOHR) reported on October 27.

“The fierce counter-attack, which coincided with the cessation of US-led coalition aerial operations … Allowed the group [ISIS] to advance and recapture wide areas of the towns of al-Susah and al-Baghuz [al-Fawqani],” the UK-based monitoring group said in its report.

In a statement released by its news agency, Amaq, ISIS confirmed that its fighters launched a large-scale attack on the SDF’s positions in al-Susah and al-Baghuz al-Fawqani. The terrorist group also revealed that its fighters attacked several other positions of US-backed forces around the towns of Hajin and al-Shaafah.

According to Amaq, ISIS fighters captured two personnel of the SDF during the attacks. Furthermore, a Humvee armored vehicle, a military bulldozer and loads of weapons were seized by the terrorist group.

These attacks revealed the weakness of the SDF, that appears to be unable to carry out any offensive of defensive operations without ф direct support from the US-led coalition.

Photos of the ISIS attack:

ISIS Kills More Than 40 US-Backed Fighters During Several Attacks In Euphrates Valley (Photos)

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ISIS Kills More Than 40 US-Backed Fighters During Several Attacks In Euphrates Valley (Photos)

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ISIS Kills More Than 40 US-Backed Fighters During Several Attacks In Euphrates Valley (Photos)

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ISIS Kills More Than 40 US-Backed Fighters During Several Attacks In Euphrates Valley (Photos)

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ISIS Kills More Than 40 US-Backed Fighters During Several Attacks In Euphrates Valley (Photos)

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ISIS Kills More Than 40 US-Backed Fighters During Several Attacks In Euphrates Valley (Photos)

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ISIS Kills More Than 40 US-Backed Fighters During Several Attacks In Euphrates Valley (Photos)

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ISIS Kills More Than 40 US-Backed Fighters During Several Attacks In Euphrates Valley (Photos)

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ISIS Kills More Than 40 US-Backed Fighters During Several Attacks In Euphrates Valley (Photos)

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ISIS Kills More Than 40 US-Backed Fighters During Several Attacks In Euphrates Valley (Photos)

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ISIS Kills More Than 40 US-Backed Fighters During Several Attacks In Euphrates Valley (Photos)

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ISIS Kills More Than 40 US-Backed Fighters During Several Attacks In Euphrates Valley (Photos)

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ISIS Kills More Than 40 US-Backed Fighters During Several Attacks In Euphrates Valley (Photos)

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ISIS Kills More Than 40 US-Backed Fighters During Several Attacks In Euphrates Valley (Photos)

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ISIS Kills More Than 40 US-Backed Fighters During Several Attacks In Euphrates Valley (Photos)

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ISIS Kills More Than 40 US-Backed Fighters During Several Attacks In Euphrates Valley (Photos)

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ISIS Kills More Than 40 US-Backed Fighters During Several Attacks In Euphrates Valley (Photos)

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ISIS Kills More Than 40 US-Backed Fighters During Several Attacks In Euphrates Valley (Photos)

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ISIS Kills More Than 40 US-Backed Fighters During Several Attacks In Euphrates Valley (Photos)

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ISIS Kills More Than 40 US-Backed Fighters During Several Attacks In Euphrates Valley (Photos)

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ISIS Kills More Than 40 US-Backed Fighters During Several Attacks In Euphrates Valley (Photos)

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ISIS Kills More Than 40 US-Backed Fighters During Several Attacks In Euphrates Valley (Photos)

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ISIS Kills More Than 40 US-Backed Fighters During Several Attacks In Euphrates Valley (Photos)

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ISIS Kills More Than 40 US-Backed Fighters During Several Attacks In Euphrates Valley (Photos)

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ISIS Kills More Than 40 US-Backed Fighters During Several Attacks In Euphrates Valley (Photos)

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I fucking give up. Fuck you SDF.



You can call me Al

““The fierce counter-attack, which coincided with the cessation of US-led coalition aerial operations” – for me, FUCK YOU US of A.


I thought they were more or less the same?!

Promitheas Apollonious

that is where the expression same shit different name comes from. For cases as this one.


but SDF and White Helmets aren’t ISIS (mossad)?
what is this sorcery?

j. jaxson

they are turning on each other.
russia and iran and syria should join the costume party too-
with their own hired hand jewhadis to really get the sorcery working.

Nick Sobkowiak

I think the US is feeding ISIS in that last remaining pocket. They seem to have a lot of really nice guns like M16s and M4s that look in great shape. Interesting

You can call me Al

“The fierce counter-attack, which coincided with the cessation of US-led coalition aerial operations” – WHY ?. Something smells of Yank BS here.

Valerianus Maximus

Well, the attack obviously happened amidst a sandstorm, as per the photos, so that would have forced Yankistani aviation from the battlefield. Nevertheless, it is equally obvious that the Yankistanis allow the ISIS pocket to exist. If nothing else, these attacks serve to remind the very Kurdish SDF that they should not get too focused on affairs in Idlib and elsewhere in the Yankistani controlled portion of Syrian Kurdish territory.

You can call me Al

Maybe right. We shall have to see what plays out.


Maybe someone could help me to understand …why ISIS having a pact with SDF since both are supported by Israel-USA-NATO have started to fight in this area ? Since both SDF and ISIS are supported by USA-Israel-NATO one would assume that ISIS just would join SDF somehow, as usual, or ISIS would be transported to Afganistan, as many times before. Maybe USA order ISIS to eliminate some unwanted SDF members, any way. I see in all of this something very strange (betrayal ?).


The US has always betrayed her vassals in time.
Until then the US bleeds them dry with Arms Sales and interest on the loans to buy them.

R PLobo

This is some small scale bullshit used for propaganda. Ghosts fighting ghosts. Mercs shooting at other mercs. The only thing for now that keeps the SAA west of the Euphrates is the count down clock to Russia taking on US air cover. When that happens – either the US zionist vassals retreat or their planes get shot down. As for nato – they will sit by and do nothing.


And of course, absolutely no Daesh soldiers were killed. Because they’re like, indestructible didn’t you know?

That Guy

It is captain sandstorm sending support out of nowhere lol.


US buying more time to stay in Syria.poor Kurd.

Promitheas Apollonious

kurds are the scum of the earth and traitors to the land that given them hospitality nothing poor about them. They sleep on the zionist beds they make for themselves.


interesting that it is american backed troops losing these battles..almost like they r getting intel on their posistion numbers weakness’s strengths ect..careful Syrian warriors those who r us backed they r giving away ur posistion to the enemy the same enemy who serves the synagoug of satan do not trust em Syrian forces trust me don ‘t give the americans anymore intel


It’s the anlozionist emperical way … fund & arm both sides to make as much money as possible.

That Guy
That Guy

The sky is so freaking red. Like, blood red.


It is very interesting that where America say it helps everybody dies . I truly believe that America is helping ISIS TERRORIST to win


ISIS is already defeated. The US is helping the ISIS dregs remain active so as to justify (in their minds) continued US presence in Syria. However, even the single digit IQ amongst the senior US military know that they can’t stay in Syria much longer as all their plans (probably down to plan F or G by now) have failed and there is no achievable strategic gain left for them. Game over for US in Syria, game over for US in MENA.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

I dont rate SDF chances against Syria, Turkey, Russia and Iran. that ISIS position is like a mouse being dangled between two cats, once its gone, then USA dont need to be in Syria anymore and Syira want all foreign invaders out


Both ISIS and ‘SDF’ are trying to destroy Syria … as far as I’m concerned they can keep killing each other until the SAA & allies finish them off.


SDF needs to tell the US forces to leave and join up with SAA to finally crush ISIS, other wise their days are numbered. Thats my advice.