ISIS Executed Tribal Fighters In Egypt, Intelligence Operatives In Iraq (18+ Video, Photo)

ISIS Executed Tribal Fighters In Egypt, Intelligence Operatives In Iraq (18+ Video, Photo)

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ISIS terrorists has executed four men in Egypt and Iraq after accusing them of fighting or spying for their respective countries.

On May 7, the terrorist group’s news agency, Amaq, released a video showing the execution of two men in Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula. According to the group’s claims, the men were fighters in a tribal force loyal to the government.

Both men were shot in the head. ISIS claimed that the execution took place near the town of al-Amal to the southeast of the city of Arish.

On May 8, Amaq shared photos showing the execution of two men who supposedly worked as operatives for the Iraqi intelligence.

The two men were shot in the head in the area of al-Ratbah in the western Iraqi province of al-Anbar, according to ISIS’ Amaq.

ISIS Executed Tribal Fighters In Egypt, Intelligence Operatives In Iraq (18+ Video, Photo)

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ISIS Executed Tribal Fighters In Egypt, Intelligence Operatives In Iraq (18+ Video, Photo)

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To this day, ISIS cells maintain a fairly strong presence in both the Sinai Peninsula and their heartland in Iraq’s western region.

The terrorist group has relied on executions as a mean to intimidate and terrorize its opponents as well as civilians in its areas of influence since its rise in the Middle East in 2014. As the group grows desperate, it resorts to more violent methods.


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Huh what? I can’t believe this. After days of having every single one of my comments go to moderation I’m finally being able to post again?!? Southfront, your new comment system is the nether pits.

– Jihadi Colin.


What a western son of whore like you doing in Russian propaganda site, go search for your ancestry or go search which strip club your mother is working.

Rhodium 10

Useful murder Psychopaths to serve US&Israel&Turkey&Saudi interests…



Erik Nielsen

They say Trump convinced Pentagon to not use and get rid of ISIS.
By Biden we are back with these scumbags, and remember European polls were 80% for Biden in some places.

Congratulation to EU’s stupid face, its support to child rape, burning people alive, school bombings and atrocities.