Alleged suicide bombers Omar al-Muwahid” and “Saif Allah al-Mujahid as seen in a photo released by ISIS’ Amaq.
ISIS has claimed responsibility for the January 3 deadly bombings that targeted mourners near the grave of late Quds Force commander Major General Qassim Soleimani in the central Iranian city of Kerman.
The terrorist attack was the deadliest in Iran since its 1979 revolution. According to the official Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA), at least 84 lost their lives and more than 284 others were wounded in the bombings.
In a statement released on January 4, ISIS’ main news agency, Amaq, claimed that two suicide bombers, who are brothers, had detonated their explosive vests as Iranian mourners gathered for the fourth anniversary of the assassination of Soleimani near his grave in the cemetery of Kerman, his home town.
The statement, titled “And Kill Them Wherever You Find Them,” named the two bombers as “Omar al-Muwahid” and “Saif Allah al-Mujahid.” It said that the two targeted a gathering of “polytheists” near the grave of their “dead leader.”
The terrorist group offered no further proof and their account of the bombings differs from that given by Iranian media. Amaq alleged that more than a 100 were killed in the attack.
Iranian media reported ISIS’s claim of responsibility. Nevertheless, there were no comments from Iranian officials. Tehran is apparently skeptical.
Initially, Iran’s President Ebhrahim Raisi blamed Israel for the bombings and warned it would pay a “heavy price.” Israel didn’t comment on the accusations.
Soleimani was the architect of Iran’s military activities in the Middle East and is hailed as a hero and a martyr among supporters of the Tehran-led Axis of Resistance. He was killed by a United States drone strike ordered by former President Donald Trump at Baghdad International Airport in Iraq on 3 January 2020.
The deadly bombings near Soleimani grave came amid heightened tensions between Iran and Israel over the latter’s war on the Palestinian Gaza Strip and the recent assassination of a senior Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps commander, Brigade General Razi Mousavi, in Syria.
now we know for certain that israel carried out these attacks.
i suppose it was a “message” to iran for supporting houthi blocakde of israeli ports and for execution of habib chaab, a dual swedish-iranian national who was according to iran behind drone attacks on irgc commanders.
imo, it’s business as usual for the isreali apartheid regime.
anyone that would believe isis committed a terrorist attack against their fellow iranian brothers is stupid as fuck! the only nation that hates iran right now is israel, everyone else is either at peace or neutral with iran!
israel is trying to bait the iranians to attack them just like how they did hamas and once they do they will destroy the iranians, and use the americans to do so!
okay, so according to the mainstream narrative, 2 isis brothers in suicide vests detonated dozens of gas canisters that were (accidentally, of course) placed on the only road where the ceremony participants must pass. oh and these 2 suicide bombers were smart enough not to detonate the devices at the same time but wait for rescue and medics to arrive on the scene. how stupid does the mainstream media think we are?it was a textbook mossad operation, although it will never be proven.
it doesn’t have to be “proven”. it only has to be “paid” for.
isis… the us & israel golem.
isis = israeli secret intelligence service
so it proves israel was behind this using same isil claim. dress as isil and post video. wjole world knows isil is the creation of zionist and nato
isil is israel.
i thought iran has no isis cells there. their internal security caught sleeping on the job. rest in peace to those who died though.
reptile tears are pure poison
i’ll give you a condom. stop reproducing.
your dad should have use that in the first place, pig. 🐖
isil cells exist in badakhshan province of afghanistan. iran will target them soon.
mossad pr game is good as a dog piss nowadays.
1. isis used the word “iran” in its official statement, which is highly unusual. isis always uses islamic rhetoric, as they do not believe in the concept of nation states.
2. isis published the photos of the two alleged suicide bombers with their faces blurred.
3. isis took responsibility approximately 30 hours after the bombings.
very good point, not least about the word “iran”… the rhetoric is islamoid but stale. it really screams fake.
sure, the language reminds one of the “is”… which was always pathetic (except for the coranic passages, which are, of course completely out of context and misapplied); yet this writing sounds like even a parody of what is already a travesty.
‘politically’, a wild beast seems to be lashing out at iranian civilians… what does that remind me of? attacks on civilians, assassinations… whose handwriting is that?
i$i$, that frankenstein murder machine brought to you by the iou fiat filth printing chosenite bankster sewer run by al ciaduh central and their mo$$ad murder machine. there will be blood and lots of it to match the evil unleashed by the anglozionazi beast in iran.
isis = israeli secret intelligence services
i.s.i.s. is an acronym for israeli secret intelligence service. the font on the “isis” arabic flag even says “all jews” in english to mock the goyim sheep told to believe the opposite.
isis …
has never attacked israel
has never attacked usa
hmmmm isn’t that strange
isis = isreali secret intelligence service. it ain’t rocket science.
isis = israel
it should be obvious to thinking people where the real responsibility lies. who created isis? afghan-soviet war equaled the western creation of the “mujahideen” and after a decade into “al queda.” then from al queda to, yes that’s right, isis.
ak sa k tomu hlási isil tak je to práca izraela a usa!!! toto musí byť jasné každému, kto vie aspoň trochu uvažovať.
that’s odd, isis never attacks israel. they only attack other muslims.
go figure.
now there is no doubt that this was done by mossad. “islamic state” was always their project to sow sectarian tension and violence against the people of south-west asia (for the benefit of the zionist entity and usa).
isis project of mossad and cia.
see, there you go….isis is on our side again.
deadly terrorists attacks in iran has mossade written all over it, israel trying to provoke iran, when they succeed this will put the iron dome to the test against iran’s hypersonic missile’s. in my opinion israel will be wiped off the map by 2025!