ISIS Accidentally Car Bombs Themselves in Deir Ezzor

ISIS Accidentally Car Bombs Themselves in Deir Ezzor

AlMasdarNews reports: A bizarre series of events took place inside the Deir Ezzor Governorate on Friday after the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) accidentally detonated one of their own car bombs.

The premature detonation took place inside the Deir Ezzor Governorate town of Al-Hosan and it resulted in the immediate death of over 10 Islamic State terrorists, local opposition activists reported on Friday afternoon.

In addition to the death toll, the car bomb destroyed the Islamic State’s weapons depot inside the town of Al-Horan, causing a massive explosion that could be heard from several kilometers away.

The accidental car bombing could not come at a worse time for the Islamic State, as they are currently trying to advance near the provincial capital of Deir Ezzor.

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Peter Fastwolf



come on !! what happened to the Green Beret instructors performance ?? …no more “capabilities” ?? ….same shit in continental USA : Green Berets instructed local cops killing unarmed natives, each other and soon, will be setting bombs to get more funding !!

Jens Holm

Shit happens for them too. Fine for me if true…Sorry for the time being Im a “if its true”.


Fucking owned.