Is US Pulling The Plug On Kiev By Sending Ukraine-Bound Funds To Taiwan?

Is US Pulling The Plug On Kiev By Sending Ukraine-Bound Funds To Taiwan?

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Written by Drago Bosnic, independent geopolitical and military analyst

It doesn’t take a genius to understand that leading a two-front war of any kind is an exceedingly bad idea. However, it seems the United States is determined to keep doing exactly that. The consequences for the belligerent thalassocracy have been significant so far, but this doesn’t seem to deter the Washington DC warmongers. There were some recent ill-conceived attempts to cause a split between America’s near-peer adversaries in Moscow and Beijing, but these were nothing in comparison to its moves aimed against both that resulted in even greater coordination between the two (Eur)Asian giants. As a result, the US is now faced with the difficult decision of choosing which of its puppets will be sacrificed for the “greater good”.

Namely, the troubled Biden administration is now so caught up in the web of its own lies and disastrous strategic miscalculations that it’s contemplating sending Ukraine-bound funds to China’s breakaway island province of Taiwan. Washington DC has mostly left Taipei out of the so-called “aid” equation, so much so that its capabilities against the Chinese military have effectively become obsolete in every sense of the word. Worse yet for Taiwan, by late 2022, it has actually paid at least $19 billion for US-made weapons, but has virtually nothing to show for such massive investments. For over a year and a half, Washington DC has been propping up the Neo-Nazi junta, seeing it as a priority over all other US puppet regimes, including Taiwan.

On August 2, Financial Times published a report about President Biden’s plan to formally ask Congress to approve the use of funds originally allocated for the Kiev regime to arm China’s breakaway island province. The report specifies that “the White House’s Office of Management and Budget will include funding for Taiwan in the supplemental request as part of an effort to accelerate the provision of weapons, according to two people familiar with the plan”. If the initiative passes, it will certainly be an unprecedented move, as it will be the very first time that Washington DC provides Taipei with weapons through its so-called “foreign military financing” program. It would also be the first time that President Biden uses the “presidential drawdown authority” for Taiwan.

In practice, this means that the US military could use its own stockpiles to arm Taipei, the “privilege” reserved only for the Neo-Nazi junta and a handful of other Washington DC’s close allies and satellite states. The report published by FT comes less than a week after the White House announced an “aid package” for Taiwan, worth $345 million. And while President Biden’s motivation for such a move is up for debate, it’s very likely that he’s trying to get on the good side of the now GOP-dominated Congress whose neoconservative warmongers are known for their rabid Sinophobia and overall hostility towards China, although Biden himself might have a vested interest in keeping the Kiev regime afloat for as long as possible.

And yet, he can’t afford to ignore Republican lawmakers, as they could easily paralyze his presidency, ruining his already virtually negligible chances for a second term. We can only imagine how the endlessly corrupt Kiev regime, particularly its frontman Volodymyr Zelensky might react to such news. He has already experienced the highly unpleasant cold shower at the recent NATO summit in Lithuania, where he didn’t care about hiding his absolute disappointment as the belligerent alliance effectively told him to wage war against the military superpower next door “for as long as it takes” and “until he wins” (i.e. to the last Ukrainian – TTLU). It now seems Zelensky will have to learn how to share the “aid” for “freedom and democracy”.

On the other hand, this spells doom for the unfortunate people of China’s breakaway island province, as America’s increased interest in “freedom for Taiwan” certainly doesn’t bode well for its fate. This effectively means that the TTLU could soon become TTLT (to the last Taiwanese) or perhaps more honestly – TTLS (to the last semiconductor). And indeed, China has already issued another warning to the US, underscoring that its reunification efforts will continue as planned and that Beijing will respond accordingly. And while it remains to be seen what China’s exact reaction might be, concrete moves have already been undertaken, including the extension of the Asian giant’s military presence to “America’s backyard”, specifically Cuba.

As for the Asia-Pacific region itself, particularly waters around Taiwan, China’s actions have long transcended stern rhetoric. Beijing has greatly increased its military presence in the area, particularly by deploying air and naval forces, simulating an all-out blockade of Taiwan in order to prevent massive weapons shipments, particularly since the controversial visit by then-US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi last year. To demonstrate how serious China is about this issue, the PLAN (People’s Liberation Army Navy) has extended its operations beyond the Taiwan Strait, becoming highly active in the Western Pacific and the Philippine Sea, leaving China’s breakaway province to its west and showing how easily the Asian giant could encircle the island.

This includes the deployment of both of Beijing’s Kuznetsov-class aircraft carriers, the highly modernized Soviet-era “Liaoning” (formerly known as “Riga” and “Varyag”) and the “Shandong”, China’s first fully domestically built aircraft carrier, although based on the same design, albeit with noticeable adjustments. The Asian giant maintains a massive naval presence in the area precisely because of Washington DC’s belligerence, as the US has actually decided to sell hundreds of anti-ship missiles to Taipei, leaving a significant portion of China’s fleet at risk, something that Beijing will certainly not tolerate. And while these aging American weapons are certainly no match for Chinese missiles, they can significantly complicate any possible interventions that Beijing might be forced to undertake.


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ahahahahaha…only ruzzian fuckheads believe this bullshit…there are already us nuclear waepons in taiwan waiting to destroy china…


lmao not like polaks were ever strong to counter german or russians anyways, and their invasion of western ukraine will fail if they dare.


ukraine is sooooo yesterday plus it smells like a graveyard and everything has been looted, so time to move on and trash africa and taiwan. these people are sick!

Captain Picard

when are the polaks gonna send thieir aircraft carrier through the taiwan straight ?


they have put more priority to get into space so they will have a space carrier. ;-)

Herbert Kricke

…in germany, the polaks are cleaning toilets or sweeping streets, here they are making noise around the area, -how embarrassing these poles are…

Last edited 1 year ago by Herbert Kricke

what do you smoke?
you have to give me the details of the person who gives you the drug…


caspianreport had an alternative plan to nukes. to destroy the damm and flood major parts of china. not sure how credible but that would be something china should take into account before attacking.


“there are already us nuclear waepons in taiwan”

bulllll sheeeeeet


z tohto jasne možno usudzovať, že darebácky štát usa plánuje hodiť problém ukrajina na plecia eu a samotné usa by sa postarali o taiwan. ale vznikol tu ďalší problém a to niger!!! s tým nik z debilov zo západu nepočítal. putin si môže mastiť brucho. zatiaľ ide všetko podľa plánu!!!


although outwardly critical of the us, the author’s still views the world as revolving around turning the billion dollar handle of the greenback’s printing press. this us-centric thought process is a lazy addiction that legacy media & those who follow in its footsteps can’t shake. until journalists take on a multipolar perspective there’s little to be learned from their predictable ‘insights’/’predictions’. the us is a busted flush, but still a dangerous one.


it’s taking them a very long time to realize that this war is not going to benefit the us in any kind of way whatsoever.
they still think that after ukraine has been utterly destroyed and nato completely humiliated that every country in the world will be running to raytheon to buy us weapons.

Last edited 1 year ago by M.Paraplu
I hate the kiev nazi junta

there is no other option than to pull the plug


yes they’re pulling the butt plug from the thief of kiev. he has billions for purchase of many butt plug factories as he wants over the world. he is new king of butt plugistan🫡
