Is Syria Already Divided Into Cantons?

Is Syria Already Divided Into Cantons?

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Written by Damir Nazarov

It seems that the first seams of Syria’s disintegration began to show themselves already at the beginning of this year. Due to the inability of the Tahrir al-Sham regime to unite Syria and create a comprehensive adequate government, the Syrian Republic began to show the first signs of the country’s collapse.

Syria is de facto divided into four parts, which risk turning into eight if the Syrians continue to tolerate the jihadist dictatorship. The four parts of Syria are: 1 – Suwayda of the Druze, 2 – Rojava of the Kurds, 3 – the pro-Turkish leadership in Aleppo and 4 – the Tahrir al-Sham Emirate in Damascus. Speaking about the continuation of the division of Syria, in the long term we can single out the autonomy in Daraa under the control of the insurgents of the “southern front” of the war against Assad and the Alawite state in the northwest of the country.

Zionism may triumph, because it is the one that insists most on the division of Syria, and in this matter it is unwittingly assisted by the new dictatorship of Damascus. Tahrir al-Sham still cannot create a new model of existence for all Syrians, instead, the former al-Qaeda insists on the introduction of the puritanical laws of neo-Kharijism. Looking at the incompetence of Jabhat Nusra, “Israel” has already begun to use the time to realize its long-standing dream of dismembering Syria.

In addition to insisting to the international community that the Kurds and Druze be granted independence, Zionism has established secret contacts with the Alawite group in Tartus.

I dare to assume that the connection between the Zionists and the Alawites goes through two channels, local Shirazists (a sect of followers of Ayatollah Shirazi, advocating an anti-Iranian agenda) and the remnants of the Baath regime, which have long had channels of communication with “Israel”. Thus, the list of autonomous cantons, according to the Zionist occupiers, has increased. According to the latest information, the Alawites have not yet officially asked the Zionists for help, but an appeal to the French and their co-religionists in Turkey has been recorded.

But beyond the desires of “Israel”, the sectarianism of the Takfirists and the ambitions of the leaders of separatist tendencies, there is another important factor in the ongoing crisis. The old feud between the Gulf states has again come to the surface. With Trump’s arrival in the White House, the old feud between the UAE-Saudi Arabia tandem and Qatar is reviving. The first two are old allies of the Republicans and, judging by how the Emirates are conducting their policy in Syria, the beginning of the fight with Qatar inside the “Sham territory” has been laid.

The fact that the Southern Front factions of the former Syrian opposition have not laid down their arms as part of Tahrir al-Sham’s program to disband the faction speaks to the demonstration of the UAE’s influence, since the top of the “southern operational headquarters” has direct ties with Abu Dhabi. In view of Qatar’s old ties to the current Syrian dictatorship, we see the first line of clash of interests of the Gulf autocracies.

Although the UAE condemns the expansion of the Zionists in Syria, it nevertheless willingly supports the southern insurgents in opposition to the Tahrir al-Sham regime, which in fact reflects the approach of “Israel” to Syria. The justification for such support is the requirement for the jihadists to begin the process of “democratization of the Syrian political system.” But behind the curtain of official claims, the UAE is simply trying to impose its influence in the new Syria, where the main opponent for the Emirates is the tandem of the Turks and Qatar.

In the event of the establishment of a real democratic system in Syria, the UAE and Qatar will begin to play by new rules, creating political blocs loyal to themselves against each other, but that is another story.


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🇷🇺=🏃‍♂️🤡 😆😆😆

Obsolete Stars and Stripes!

stupid ukrainian.

Shlomo's little weenie

perhaps. basically just a sad soul with an exceptionally limited message.


exactly and putin made this possible he satisfied his jewish overlords he refused to help assad when he urgently needed a intervention. he let assad wait on purpose he refused him aid just google and you will find him hugging the wailing wall and bending over for grand rabbi yitzakh yosef just like that shabbos goy from argentina milei. division of syria is the yinon plan. and in the end putin helps the jews with their plans

Last edited 2 months ago by Thehandrubbingjews

putin also sold out christian armenia to the shabbos goy jew helper aliyev so he could cleansw artsakh and now is eyeing to do a 2nd armenian geno. putin lets it happen. he has the alliance csto to intervene and force a ceasefire he stood by and let it happen. his helper lukacheno was congradulating aliyev on expelling the armenians and setteling the land.


its time to wake up and see the jews are running all sides the usa russia china turkey azerbaijan and even iran. saudi arabia is run by crypto jews too islam is a tool the jews use to demolish countries. muslims are used as their cattle. and yes you muslims im talking to you wake up stop doing the jews dirty work fight the real enemy israel and not your sunni alawite and christian brothers in syria and armenia. look what israel did to gaza this is what they are planning to do to all of us.


look at what the jews did to their closest cousins the palestinians. if they are willing to do that to their closest cousins and take great joy in mrdering babies women and children know what they will do to us all muslims and christians alike once they bring bolshevism 2.0 on us. we are all palestinians and these jews h te us they are going to do to us what they already did to the palestinians and even worse

Last edited 2 months ago by Thehandrubbingjews

the people of syria have suffered greatly a jewish helper was installed. twitter is full of the c rimes the new hts regime is commiting upon the syrian people. the by jew subverted governments funded these c riminals and recruited them from abroad. the jews did this to destroy syria so they can steal the land in the end.


we are all the palestinians. ht tp s:// ww w.bitchute.c om/video/7dmcdo7ejzr7

grab 'em on the pussy

one of the closest ethnic jew ‘cousins’ the pali’s have would be the jews of iran. these khazar animals believe they have no common ancestry with others, except their mythical attachment to ancient hebrews. they’re too good for that, reflected in their odious ‘chutzpah’.

grab 'em on the pussy

stating china being under jew money influence is taking it a bit far. sure, with international trade they’re dealing with the influence of western jew control but that’s where it stops. there will never be anything like an aipac in china. they’ve got their own home grown brand, the ccp. the only real hope for russian sovereignty lies within their parliament, and not yeltsinism.


question??? the syrian army was not defeated. it just gave up and went home. the armenians did not want to fight. they just happily handed over half their country to azerbaijan and went bootlicking to washington to become a us vassal. so the question is – how can you expect russia to do their fighting for them??? – regardless of the skulduggery of the you-know-whos.

Edgar Zetar

what i told you? syria is over. turkey didn’t take into account the mid term or the long term before collapsing syrian goverment. intelligence services should study the goverment the western international community is going to put in syria (i call it the ‘head of the snake’ of the defeated, dead to father). the childrens of syrian could return to normality but only after two or three decades of suffering in syria. also the goverment should be brother of israel or couldn’t be. think about it.

Last edited 2 months ago by Edgar Zetar
Just me

governments are like a disease…..they are constantly creating new problems like diseases do.only a true rule of the people can bring peace, stability and prosperity. as long as there are rulers, there will be problems.

grab 'em on the pussy

and as long as there are khazars, there will be problems.

Joseph Day

as long as there is humans, there will be problems

Shlomo's little weenie

you’re right. go the whales and spotted hyenas ! ! 🥰


al-jolani and hay’at tahrir al-sham control all the big cities in the west of syria and it’s only a matter of time before they control all of syria, specially after trumps orders all us troops out like he did in afghanistan.

Crimea is 100% Liberated

its only a matter of time before the hated subhuman turk pays a heavy price for supporting terrorism and destroying syria. dont worry your time will arrive when your terror state is divided into many mini provinces


by whom ? that is the question no one has guts to fight turks… next idea a little girl

Ohio Skibidi

cantons need to be small. the size of each canton should not be larger than 100k, or at most 200k inhabitants.

Edgar Zetar

skibidi toilet? hahaha. little cantons to better control the land and population. why they don’t create little ghettos?

Ohio Skibidi

the people are better in control when a nation state is organized into little cantons. the parliament of each canton should determine who represents the canton in the next-higher level of government.

direct elections should only happen on the local level.

the narrative

tragedy continues and seems multiplied. however this plays out. it seems the people of syria will be made to suffer more.

Straw Hats

and then theres the turks


putin betrayed assad,tiger forces and syrian oppress peole by france,usa,britain and turkey.but then erdogan betrayed that trump rules russia is at risk after hard fight and loss of lives.

Edgar Zetar

assad is in moscow you little rat


probably besides prigozhin and utkin, who are true patriots.

cosmic dwarf

aren’t we always complaining about the fake colonial borders that result in disunited patchwork countries where civil strife and/or dictatorships become the norm? well, this is the natural alternative…
