Submitted by Julian Macfarlane exclusively for SouthFront.
“Let it be clearly understood that the Russian is a delightful person till he tucks in his shirt. As an Oriental he is charming. It is only when he insists upon being treated as the most easterly of western peoples instead of the most westerly of easterns that he becomes a racial anomaly extremely difficult to handle. The host never knows which side of his nature is going to turn up next”.
Rudyard Kipling
If you put that in context with everything else we knew the Russians were doing to interfere with the election, and just the historical practices of the Russians, who typically, almost genetically driven to co-opt, penetrate, gain favor, whatever, which is a typical Russian technique.
James Clapper, former head of CIA.
“It’s like anti-Semitism,”
Vladimir Putin, on allegations of Russian “meddling” in US elections.
American Contradictions
Many Americans will argue that Russophobia is not like antisemitism in any way at all; they will tell you they don’t hate Russian people as individuals – just Vladimir Putin, who is a public figure.
Putin is also a person and an individual. But never mind the logic. Argue with an American who talks this way and he/ she will say something like “there are good people and bad people” not that really means anything at all – but implies that Russians can only be trusted if they are “our Russians”.
Americans see the world through the VR headsets of the Mainstream Media, CNN, WaPo, the NYT – and most important of all – Hollywood, where Russians are almost always the “bad guys”. The style of each headset is different; the content, the same. This headset glitches constantly – but nobody takes it off.
It is all so confusing….
Americans will argue that antisemitism is a kind of racism – but Russophobia is not – ignoring the fact that Jewish people are not a “race”, even according to the current vague definitions of the term – but rather an ethnicity – like being Russian.
On the other hand, “Americans”, who really occupy only a small chunk of the Americas but see themselves as owning both American continents, North and South, really see Russians as either “genetically” different (Clapper) or a “racial anomaly” (Kipling), both of which are dehumanizing.
I don’t subscribe to this thinking but I am Canadian and, while my country is part of North America and actually larger than the US, I am not “American” – so, what do I know?
It all started with the Puritans.
The Pilgrim Fathers were separatist Calvinists who had left England for the Netherlands and its more compatible religious atmosphere. They came to America seeking economic opportunity, receiving licenses from Britain who were happy to get rid of them as an intolerant and troublesome cult. The Puritans believed in predestination – that only a few – the Chosen went to Heaven. They also believed that people who didn’t share their beliefs were in the thrall of the Devil. Also, that material success in life was a sign that God loves you. Simply put, God hates losers.
While Puritanism has died out in its original form, thanks to huge numbers of immigrants of different persuasions, it was a core culture. The way of thinking – the fundamentalist meme –persists.
So, America’s neo-Puritan culture thinks America is Heaven. One nation under God, right? Heaven, however, must have an Antithesis and an Adversary. So Putin is Satan and Russia is Hell, and that will remain the case unless Putin gets a Green Card or Russian becomes the 52nd State.
Putin is also Hitler 2.0 – who used to be Satan but is now dead – along with his alternative (and evil) political system.
According to this logic, hating a country and its leader is not antisemitism, except when you are talking about criticizing Israel and its leaders.
What exactly is anti-Semitism?
This is a taboo question because you’re supposed to know the answer. The definition is highly elastic and changes with the time, place and situation.
Suffice it to say, anti-Semitism is whatever the New York Times tells you. Which changes by the day, so you really need to pay and subscribe. Unfortunately, I don’t have the money so I have to figure it out myself.
I therefore look at history…
Anti-Semitism is most definitely not about genetics.
In Britain’s very antisemitic 19th Century Conservative party, Benjamin Disraeli was a popular Prime Minister for many years despite being racially Jewish. Disraeli was a convert, and defined himself as British and Church of England. And did not wear funny hats or his hair in braids. British anti-Semitism at the time was less about bloodlines and more about appearance and behavior.
If anti-Semitism were about genetics, then to be pro-Semitic you have to be Pro-Palestinian as well as Pro-Israeli.
The majority of Palestinians share the same DNA as Israeli Asian Jews – since most of them were originally Jews who converted to Christianity or Islam. In fact, these people are more Jewish at the cellular level than most Israeli European Jews, many of whom are descended from non-Hebrew converts. Of course, Palestinians do not want to self-designate as Jews – nor could they, even if they wanted to.Israel would prohibit that by law.
So, anti-Semitism is not really racialist, except in certain definitions – such the Nazis’ – who drew on American and British culture to co-opt a kind of racial exceptionalism – Aryanism – which held that only Aryans were truly human and everyone else – especially Jews, Slavs, Roma and blacks – “Untermenschen”, an intrinsically exclusionary ideology.
The Jews were the first focus of Aryanism because of their long-standing semi-autonomous communities within the Reich – in this respect identical to the Roma who were treated with exactly the same spite. America had its Indians and large chunks of land that White settlers wanted, which resulted in the US Indian Genocide. The Germans looked east to the Russia’s vast lands. As a result, the Holocaust was a rehearsal for a bigger genocide planned for the Russians.
Yet…anomalies abound.
It Matters How You Look
Notice that this Jewish girl Rosa, who Hitler really liked, looks very “Aryan”. Appearances matter.
Anti-Semitism is really “Otherism”. For hundreds of years, Orthodox Jews lived in culturally identifiable communities in the US and were easily recognized by their unique clothing, hair, and behavioral styles.
That’s a problem in the US of A, which is multiethnic and multiracial—strictly speaking, a nation of others. The Americans have a workaround: you have a right to be different, so long as you conform to certain criteria. Even if the color of your skin is different, style matters…
The Jews in the picture above are allowed to look “different” because they are…well…Jews. And the clothing thing is a kind of uniform. We all love uniforms, don’t we? Except when they represent the enemy such as Muslims.
The opinions of these particular Jews are another matter, however. They are anti-Zionist and Pro-Palestinian, therefore, anti-Semitic.
Blacks and Chinese and Mexicans have a similar problem, although they don’t dress so differently. Here, skin color matters.
However, if they speak “white” English, go to “white schools”, belong to the mostly white managerial or professional class, and pledge allegiance to the Flag, vote Democratic, they are Americans first, and … whatever else … second.
A good example is Barack Obama who was half white, from an elite Kenyan family, with an elite education. He looked “black”. But he was raised by his white mother, educated in white, elite schools outside of American “black culture”. He was the “whitest” black guy around. Chocolate milk is a different color – but it is still milk – delicious milk – but milk. And Obama did nothing to help American blacks outside of his social class.
“Americanism” is a bit alike Aryanism – without the simplistic, explicit, exceptionalist, unsubtle, fascist racism. Not that it isn’t implicitly racist, exceptionalist, fascist and classist – but in a much more sophisticated way. Let us keep in mind that the Nazis copied a lot of their ideas from the Americans who they greatly admired. In some sense, Aryanism was just a spinoff of Americanism, a not very good copy.
The irony is that Americans are told to think that Russia is fascist!
Hence, Putin as the Russian Fuhrer.
In reality, Russia is a multiparty parliamentary democracy with a high degree of dissent, left and right. Putin regularly gives very long hour interactive national talks to which anyone can phone in. Behind him, comments scroll on screen – including criticisms. Compare that to US Presidential press conferences, which are carefully scripted with reporters fearing to ask questions that might get them cut off from “sources”. Without a doubt, Putin is conservative – but the most principle leader of modern times – with a reverence for the rule of Law.
The USA, however, is not a parliamentary democracy like Russia – it is a “constitutional republic” – with its constitution set up to protect the privilege of elites. In 1911, Eugene Debs wrote of the constitution:
It is not in any sense a democratic instrument, but in every sense a denial of democracy. The Declaration of Independence had been democratic and revolutionary; the Constitution, however, was autocratic and reactionary.
Today, the US is really a one-party state, a corrupt oligarchy, as no less than Jimmy Carter has written. The two official parties represent the Few, not the Many.
Remember how I said that in America, style matters? Today Republicans and Democrats really differ only in style, not substance.
Yet, the US tried to foist its own quasi-fascist, neo-feudal system onto Russia with the collapse of the USSR – and indeed, almost succeeded in doing so. The US loved Yeltsin who was Russia’s Nero, fiddling, or rather boozing while the country burned.
It is Putin who brought the oligarchs to heel, rebuilt the economy and restored Russian pride. There are still oligarchs in Russia but now they must serve the Greater Good. Putin saved Russian democracy and while national restoration is still in progress, there is progress – unlike in the US, which sees increasing militarism, social violence, inequality, and censorship. As Americans lose their freedoms, Russians gain theirs.
While America flounders, the Russians and the Chinese have made huge leaps in technology, with better social standards, and public accountability over the last two decades.
Just as the Jews in Europe were hated for their success, so too do Americans hate the Russians and the Chinese for theirs. Russia and China would only be accepted if they were American vassal states, open to exploitation. Hence, “Russiagate” – and their “information war” on the Russians for their “aggression” in Georgia, Crimea, Ukraine, and elsewhere.

Russian President Vladimir Putin gestures as he speaks via video call during a news conference in Moscow, Russia, Thursday, Dec. 17, 2020. This year, Putin attended his annual news conference online due to the coronavirus pandemic. (AP Photo/Alexander Zemlianichenko)
Putin is right
So Putin is right: Russophobia has its roots in the same psychology that spawns anti-Semitism.
In an article published in the NYT, Putin wrote:
“It is extremely dangerous to encourage people to see themselves as exceptional, whatever the motivation.
There are big countries and small countries, rich and poor, those with long democratic traditions and those still finding their way to democracy. Their policies differ, too. We are all different, but when we ask for the Lord’s blessings, we must not forget that God created us equal.”
There is the thing: Americans don’t think God created everyone equal. According to the Puritans most people went to Hell.
Anti-Semitism was for the Nazis, the natural concomitant of an exceptionalist, exclusionary worldview, which upheld the notion that there were two kinds of human beings – Aryans who were human – and everyone else, who were subhuman. That resulted in genocide.
Since its founding, Imperial Washington has been almost constantly at war and since WWII – 19 wars—not counting coups and “regime changes”. The official number of civilian casualties is 12 million but the actual number could be 2 or 3 times greater.
What is really the difference between Aryanism and Americanism? The“Americans” have, in fact, outdone the Nazis.
When Putin compares Russophobia to antisemitism, it is both apt and appropriate.
Today’s Jews are not Semite’s at all.
Correct. The Semites are actually from Mesopotamia. Try explaining that to an uniformed, misinformed, brainwashed, arrogant, condescending, downright imbecile. Jews always use the anti-Semite attack reply when criticized. In many cases the criticism is appropriate.
When Putin says he is against anti-semitism it means he is against anti-Jewish sentiment,
Judaism (Jews) is NOT problem you idiot !
ZIONISTS – existence of Israel is the problem !
You are insult to intelligence with that old war Nazi propaganda !
You Nazi pig you are NO FRIEND of Orthodox Russia or any Orthodox at all !
we know very well who did what to us and when !
you’re BLOCKED !
Евреи нечистые бесы, как турки… мудак.
Why do you never have such a reaction in response to Marxism in any of its many manifestations? You ignored all of the evidence exposing jews and their innumerable lies about history, including facts about WW2, holohoax and “nazis”.
Trotsky torture squad:
Karl Marx Planned Holocaust For Europe’s “Racial Trash”:
* In Marx’s mind, this included:
– Scots
– Bosques
– Serbs, et cetera
The Nazino Gulag (Cannibal Island):
jews were immensely disliked by the populace and leadership of the Russian empire for their subversive intrigues? There’s a reason why their government was involved in publishing the Protocols of Zion.
Many jews were exiled after grossly exaggerated pogroms after murdering Czar Alexander III. They never change. One of the jewish immigrants from Russian-occupied Poland in the nineteenth century was Aaron Kosminski, a suspect in the Jack the Ripper murder investigation.
Modern DNA testing has identified him as the culprit.
I dont know whether this self loving narcissism is better. The message from above was we should love one another.
But……as I have heard some Russians saying: “Hitler attacked at least not his own, only non-German outsiders, while Lenin/Stalin purged and killed their own inside”.
It is by no means “narcissistic” for anyone to love and preserve their own people, civic nationalism is globalism and leads to gradual genocide. That doesn’t necessitate killing or enslaving an out-group.
Do not call humans pigs. Just because someone does not look exactly like you or does not think exactly like you or is not a member of your (chosen) party does not give you the right to hate.
SSSR have lost 27 million people because of German invasion and the last thing that is acceptable is neo-Nazi propaganda!
I’ll call him whatever I want !
The jews in control of the USSR killed almost three times that number in the Soviet Union and 10 million in Germany. The Soviets openly planned to spread their “revolution” worldwide and was constructing a massive mechanized army to accomplish that. The war wasn’t against Russia, it was against Bolshevism and jewish supremacy. Please try to understand cause and effect, the Soviets treated their “comrades” like dirt and used their soldiers like cannon fodder.
This “propaganda” is attested by evidence of which I’ve sent you many times before, you have no rational counter-argument because you have no evidence to prove me wrong.
Can also be found on other streaming platforms, except on jewTube owned by joogle:
bitchute. com/channel/GjxJw3ZZpIWb/
Purim: youtu. be/tjrzC1Nlyw0
It is injurious to all non-jews for jews to extend equal rights to jews, as they have been for literally thousands of years.
jews and Visigoths Part 1 of 6:
It is also quote injurious to all non-jews to extend equal rights to jews.
jews and Visigoths Part 1 of 6:
According to the Babylonian Talmud (central rabbinic jewish text), Jesus is in hell boiling in feces. Titus and Balam are boiling in semen. See the video below.
Orthodox Christian priest Justinas Pranaitis of Tsarist Russia wrote a book called “The Talmud Unmasked: The Secret Rabbinical Teachings Concerning Christians”:
[Justinas Bonaventura Pranaitis or Pronaitis (27 July 1861 – 28 January 1917[2]) was a Russian Empire Catholic priest (subsequently defrocked), Russian Master of Theology and Professor of the Hebrew Language at the Imperial Ecclesiastical Academy of the Roman Catholic Church in Saint Petersburg, Russia.]
The Other Israel by Reverand Ted Pike 1987: bitchute. com/video/4pdCmJccPRV4/
The Laws Against Non-Jews bitchute. com/video/FD1fRUP7f7Hd/
Jewish History, Jewish Religion: The Weight of 3,000 Years – Israel Shahak (Chapter 5 – The Laws Against Non-Jews):
He quotes the book of Isiah from the Christian and Hebrew Bibles:
Talmudic Judaism – By Dr. William Luther Pierce:
jews have done far more damage to Russia, Germany and Europe than either have done to each other. National Socialist Germany tried and failed to liberate Russia and all of Europe from the jews and their Capitalist-Bolshevik manifestations.
Next time Germany tries “to liberate Russia”, Russia will exterminate Germans
You are BLOCKED neo-Nazi pig!
You have no self-awareness of how delusional and unstable you are, you need psychotropic medication.
Every time you block me, I will make another account under the same name to pester you. And not unlike your fellow countrymen in Yisrael and any other country they occupy, you have absolutely no sense of self-introspection, nor any understanding of cause and effect.
Somehow it’s okay for Russia to “liberate” other countries unprovoked who aren’t even Russian and exterminate large portions of their own population, including those whose countries they invade. But god forbid that anyone else do the exact same thing to Russia, except they never did.
The “Nazis” received financial support from what remained of the Romanovs and the Russian aristocracy, including the Russian orthodox church in exile. There isn’t really any evidence to prove what you like to think about “nazis,” beyond the endless amounts of lies shoved down your throat on a weekly basis.
Russians are easily manipulated by their political elite out of fear of largely fictitious external threats, after more than a century of intense political indoctrination after they were taken over by jewish scumbags whose destructive impulses have psychologically, as well as physically inflicted great harm upon much of Europe.
You know when a people is hopelessly enslaved under the mind control of their masters when they show a great love to their oppressors, whilst viciously attacking anyone that attempts to break that control over them. The Bolshevik revolution was a repetition of the forced Christianization of eastern Europe, all they do is hop from one cult to another.
And just like the jews, any rhetoric surrounding the notion of “peace and equality” is nothing more than a ruse intended to weaken the countries they subvert.
I’ve sent you enormous amounts of proof and you’re too stupid to understand due to your limited intelligence and fragile ego. All you do is gullibly accept what’s been shoved down your throat by the descendants of the jewish terrorists that destroyed your country, any evidence disproving what you think is immediately deemed “a crock of shit,” this only goes to show you are an unstable fool that can only treat the subject with fanatical religious zealotry, than by scientific inquiry.
You’re literally an obtuse human tooth pick, all talk but no walk.
Lenin inquired Pavlov the dog trainer to help him train Russians as he did dogs, only subhumans resort to that kind of cruelty which Russians today are still affected by. The west was also conditioned in a similar manner, inconspicuously rather than in a conspicuous manner.
From two different KGB defectors:
Like any other jew, you are so very self-righteous.
Ernst Zundel on German prisoners tortured into signing false confessions:
Ernst Zündel Interviewed by an Israeli journalist (1996):ündel+Interviewed+by+an+Israeli+journalist+(1996).mp4
Short version:
Somehow it’s only okay for Russia to “liberate” other countries unprovoked, god forbid that anyone else do the exact same thing to Russia. I swear you’re a bot or something, you always say the exact same thing to myself and others.
Or maybe it’s a result of your training?
The “Nazis” received financial support from what remained of the Romanovs and the Russian aristocracy, including the Russian orthodox church in exile. There isn’t really any evidence to prove what you like to think about “nazis,” beyond the endless amounts of lies shoved down your throat on a weekly basis.
bitchute. com/channel/nZhcRSzGi8wT/
Whatever f@ggot, spineless ret@rds like you are all talk and no walk. You certainly have a death wish, you like to project your own psychotic fantasies of a nuclear apocalypse and annihilation of Russia onto others such as the Germans.
Really does reflect your delusional outlook; bee glad you are not in my presence, you would end up eating your own words.
“So little pains do the vulgar take in the investigation of truth, accepting readily the first story that comes to hand.”
— Thucydides
You ignored all of the evidence exposing them. Even if you ignore their religious scriptures which are deeply antagonistic toward non-jews, there is plenty of content online in the form of footage and news articles pointing out their words and behaviour in exposing their subversive character and destructive intentions.
The Orthodox jews also believe they are “god’s chosen” meant to enslave mankind, they all revere the prominent rabbis throughout their history and are deeply prejudicial towards non-jews.
Their Orthodox rabbis (many of which live in Israel) say they should only reclaim Israel when their Moschiasch (“Messiah”) arrives. For the jews, a “messiah” little more than a revolutionary leader who they believe carries out the will of Yahweh. Sabbatai Zevi was one such jewish mystic instrumental in the development of Kabbalah.
Karl Marx Planned Holocaust For Europe:
All people are from Mesopotamia.
The Ural-Altai region, at least for me 😋
Actually, the latest thinking is that the exodus through Palestine ultimately died out and all non-Africans are descended from the exodus through Yemen. Fun fact; there can be more genetic diversity in a single African village than the entire non-African world.
antiscumitic: an·ti-Scu·mit·ic | [an-tē-skum-ˈmə-tik], adjective; generally, a person who does not like chosen parasites, feeling or showing hostility toward international bankers, holy chosen nation robbers, or discrimination against pederasts, pornographers, or other hook-nosed rat like creatures from East of the Sinai Peninsula.
Semites are from Arabia and the horn of Africa, not Mesopotamia.
Arabs are semites, Jews are scumites.
I didn’t know Porochenko was jewish. Arabs are certainly Semites; jews all over are scumbags, no matter if their phenotype. Since jews practice eugenics, there are jews that are almost indistinguishable from fairer European ethnic groups.
Petro Walzman
The Zionist fear the truth getting out.
Do you think against Putin? because Putin clearly thinks Jewish=Semites
You forgot to mention Russia.
That was before National Socialists came to power, the provisional government in Russia that rose to power in the February revolution had swastikas on their paper currency that are identical to the type of Swastika adopted by the NSDAP.
Символ левосторонней (соборной) свастики рассматривался в высших кругах российского общества как благоприятный и защитный знак, он особо почитался царской семьёй. Знак свастики в круге находился на капоте автомобиля «Делонэ-Бельвиль 45 CV» императора Николая II.
Thanks for the info.
“The symbol of the left-sided (cathedral) swastika was considered in the highest circles of Russian society as a favorable and protective sign, it was especially revered by the royal family. The swastika sign in a circle was on the hood of the Delaunay-Belleville 45 CV car of Emperor Nicholas II.”
That’s because it is an ancient tribal symbol of love and family.
I think his mother was Jewish, Berel Lazar says Putin told him that jewish neighbours came over to his parents apartment when they were gone and had him read jewish religious texts at a time when such a thing was illegal in Russia in the early 1960s.
Putin’s mother had him baptized orthodox secretly since his father was atheist
Depends on their ethnic group; Mizrahi jews are Semitic, I don’t know about the Sephardi. While Ashkenazi jews form a large segment of Israel’s racial demographic, they are not the majority. Although Ashkenazi jews from the former Soviet Union are the second largest population in Israel.
Same for the Russian people.
We all need to work together to spread this truth.
It s like the 1910s and 1930s all over again.
Germany is the most powerful country in Europe like in the 1910s.
The west has an insane hubris and sees everyone who desagrees with their ideology as a sub human like nazi germany in the 1930s.
Nato vs Russia China Iran like the Triple Alliance vs the Triple Entente in the 1910s.
Contested aereas (Ukraine / Syria / Taiwan / Belarus) like Serbia in the 1910s and Poland in the 1930s.
Today we can see more or less the same mechanism which led to ww1 and ww2. Of course a few actors changed but the similarities are striking.
The question is will these same mechanisms lead to ww3?
Putin want Iran and Hezbollah out of Syria,so your analysis is not correct,
Sure. That is why Iran is involved in the Astana peace project and russian and Iranian navies train together. I
ranian F14s jets were escorting russian TU-95s during bombing missions in Syria in 2015-2016.
He is just another anti-Putin freak.
The little ones had many guns, still they prefered to listen the orders of the few and kill their brothers and sisters.
crack is deleterious—seek rehab
Putin letting Israel bomb Syria 200 times a year since 2015 defending ISIS, killing thousands of SAA, Iranian funded advisors and Russian generals and senior servicemen. Why?
Because Putin hate competition. He wants to be like an American an equal partner and no one must stand in the way for the goal to be an equal partner! Thats why!!
It’s quite the same situation as it was in 1913. But 1913 stopped the globalization project, while new Cold War can start it. Hot war is impossible because of nukes and MAD.
In fact, what we see now is that part of USA elites think they are so exceptional that they can monopolize top of future elite in the new globalized world, while many other countries are not agree with it. The great reset is topped not because of Russia or China, but because of narcissism and lust of degraded Washington elites. Don’t think it will be war, but it will be a 1-2 years rush of a part of Washington elites to make globalization their way. After they will lose their resources and power, the other part of Washington elite which is truly globalist will sacrifice USA. It just my human opinion, but I can’t detect any other way to start the GR than USA scarification.
“it will be a 1-2 years rush of a part of Washington elites to make globalization their way.”
You are way too optimistic…
U.S. doesn’t have even 1 year…….we will see their collapse before this year ends
Agree with you on that. The American banksters are very sure that the rest of the rich will colude with their plans and share the same vision about a global society where large amounts of money can flw freely while small amounts will be harshly taxed.
if they were certain they would not be so desperate
Who, the Rotenbergs? :)
Small and medium business must disappear in accordance with their views. Must disappear globally.
Indeed, Black Lives Matter is the armed wing of Anti Defamation League.
We didn’t discussed BLM. Where did you get this?
BLM is asking small businesses to support them or else!
“nazi, nazi, nazi” they were nothing compared to the JEWISH-Bolsheviks.
“All of the Communist Parties, upon attaining power, have become completely merciless. But at the stage before they achieve power, it is necessary to use disguises.” – Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
“The goal of Socialism is Communism.” – Vladimir Ilich Lenin
USSR = Union of Soviet SOCIALIST Republics
Every American should be studying the HOLODOMOR and STALIN’S terror.
Learn what the Bolshevik-Jews did to Christian Ukrainians and Russians.
Because you may well be RELIVING it.
One resource
YES, so-called Capitalists will betray you: Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution: The Remarkable True Story of the American Capitalists Who Financed the Russian Communists Illustrated Edition by Antony C. Sutton
“All you freedom-loving “left wing” thinkers in the West! You left-laborites! You progressive American, German, and French students! As far as you are concerned, this whole book of mine is a waste of effort. You may suddenly understand it all someday – but only when you yourselves hear ‘hands behind your backs there!’ and step ashore on our Archipelago.”Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
THIS is what they would visit on YOU: ““We must turn Russia into a desert populated by white Negroes upon whom we shall impose a tyranny such as the most terrible Eastern despots never dreamt of. The only difference is that this will be a left-wing tyranny, not a right-wing tyranny. It will be a red tyranny and not a white one. We mean the word ‘red’ literally, because we shall shed such floods of blood as will make all the human losses suffered in the capitalist wars pale by comparison.” – Leon Trotsky
“The classes and the races(note: RACES) too weak to master the new conditions of life must give way…. They must perish in the revolutionary holocaust.” -Jewish Karl Marx, Marx People’s Paper, April 16, 1856, Journal of the History of Idea, 1981 …… (A Jew advocating “RACIAL HOLOCAUST” in 1856 … years before Hitler was even born)
The Bolsheviks were notorious for their SNITCHING. W-rong Bush hired the former head of the East German STASI, Marcus Wolf, and Yevgeny Primakov, former head of the KGB, to design Homeland Security ( both Jews, Followed by more “dual”citizen creeps.). Why? To bring oppression and the STASI SNITCH SYSTEM here…………….. and here it IS.
England which already had global conquest and was head of the UK-global-Empire was the most powerful Empire in Europe.
The UK-Empire cut off oil and food imports to the indigenous Suebian tribal peoples of central Europe. Before WW1 “Germany” decided to build an oil pipe from Iraq all the way to Germany. Once the construction the UK-global-Empire had to act to prevent independence apart from the British/Zionist-Empire.
The UK was over taxing to death anyone who imported oil into central European tribal lands.
many similarities, some differences
before WWI/II USA was more vestigial and had not descended into a den of LGBT identity politics rats, indebted, impoverished, with 2.3 million in prisons, 1 million in jails, 1 million homeless, 30% diagnosed w mental illness, ranked #1 in violent/non-violent crime/rape per capita, etc
now so puritanical and sexually repressed they protest for sexual repression—100 prominent French females described their “me-too movement” in a letter to Le Monde as “puritanism”
The Puritans learned from the Jews, who regard all human beings outside of them as talking animals, that God created to serve the Jews, as the Chosen People, they also forged a term for these sub-humans, and it is from this presumption that all the forms that we group under the term racism derive.
If you want to talk seriously about the Semites you must know that technically the term refers to a multitude of ethnic groups that speak precisely the group of languages called Semitic, to which historically the Eastern Europeans who gave birth to the colonial fascist enterprise do not belong known as the Occupation State of Palestine, most famous as the ultimate Apartheid Regime.
They have spread too many lies on these issues, to the point of accusing a genuinely Semitic population such as the original inhabitants of Palestine of anti-Semitism.
Fortunately, these lies are exploding in these days in Yankeestan, where the matter is becoming more and more insane and unsustainable, where it is known that the only real distinction is between the rich and the poor, and where the Jews are the masters and all others who do not bend are banned, beyond the color of the skin or other ethnic disquisitions.
Yankeestan is the country where the Jews have realized their supremacist dream, even better than in Palestine itself and this should make anyone think.
Putin is against anti-semitism,why you avoid the fact?
Putin like most leaders are part of the globalist agenda. Putin is just less pro-global-imperialism. So Putin is like 40% nationalist and 60% globalist. Where as Bush, Obama, Trump, Biden are all like 95% globalist-bigots.
As long as it is love who cares?
of course he is—r u a CIA racist that is anti-semitic?
For 3,500 years antiGENTILISM has been the glue binding Judaism
For 2,000 years antiCHRISTianity has been the Super Glue of Jewish HATE.
Jews have-to-have “antisemitism” to maintain their identity and cohesiveness.
antiGENTILISM is the problem. Cavemen did not sit around their caves:
GROK: “HEY, me hate Jews.”
HORG: “What a Jew?”
GROK: “Me not know …. but me hate”
HORG: ” We wait for Jew to come so we be mean to him”
Then non-Jews sat for tens of thousands of years waiting, waiting, waiting, for a Jew to come along, so we could all be mean for no reason. Sorry, what happened was Jews created a social system of Xenophobic Tribalism (look it up) wherein THEY hate all NON-Jews, and this hate of all non-Tribe members has, naturally, caused People to not like them.
anti-semitic … that’s what they called Jesus of Nazareth in the Galilee …
JUDAS ISCARIOT was a JEW beloved by the Temple Priests.
Judaism is neither a race or a religion, it is Xenophobic Tribalism.
A person unduly fearful or contemptuous of that which is foreign, especially of strangers or foreign peoples.
1. The organization, culture, or beliefs of a tribe.
2. A strong feeling of identity with and loyalty to one’s tribe or group.
So right off the get-go you hate all NON-Jews, NON-members of YOUR group(TRIBE).
You “bundle together” for support and safety, the very definition of Fascism
THAT means, that if I am not one of the TRIBE, you do not like me.
Jews have been practicing eugenics for 3,500 years. Jewish mother “makes” you a Jew. Jewish father decides your tribe.( A get-less woman cannot remarry within the faith, and any children she might have —- will not be considered Jewish.—-)
Quick summation? They are the enemy of anyone who is not a TRIBAL MEMBER …… and only “tolerate” Gentiles. They hate all NON-Jews so fundamentally, that they have to specifically name “RIGHTEOUS GENTILES”.
Those are NON-Jewish HUMANS that went so far out of their way to help/save Jews that the Jews were forced to acknowledge the humanity of that specific ‘gentile”. You see, PROsemites do not acknowledge the EQUALITY of spirituality and humanity of “gentiles”
They have practiced eugenics for 3,500 years …. both Mother and Father are supposed to be Jews for true membership.
Jews HATE Christianity even more then they hate most Gentiles — The Jewish Rabbis hold ISLAM in esteem while spitting on Jesus “As for Christianity, there is a dispute among Halachic authorities, but the vast majority consider it idolatry as well. Islam, on the other hand, is not considered idolatry.”
Read that last bit again:very very slowly so the “christianzionists:” can keep up … “Islam, on the other hand, is not considered idolatry.” The Rabbis despise Christianity.
The World should insist Israel live by the standards Israel demands of others. Be judged as Ye judge others. If Israel wants to be recognized, Israel must recognize the EQUALITY and HUMANITY of ALL People. Quit calling NON-Jews SHISKA, GOYIM, GENTILE. If Israel wants Hamas to ‘repudiate’ their charter, Israel must REPUDIATE their manual of hate, the TORAH, which openly proclaims that all ‘gentiles’ should be ‘Hewers of wood, and bearers of water’ …….. for Israel.
Israel must recognize the Native People’s RIGHT to a Palestinian state.
Israel REFUSES to sign the Non Proliferation Treaty or open It’s NUKES to inspection, Israel should have the exact same sanctions that were put on Iran.
looks like he just got off an alter boy
He should be taking a PISS.
He actually did, but not while they were filming.
Most Russian billionaires are Jews too.
bacon blyat schyluha confused
Its because Jews generally have a much higher intelligence than non-Jews. Thats why!
All scientific research says that.
The proportion of IQ/Jew in Russia is the highest of all. Russian workers should be proud of their elite.
The sheeple are wagging the best they can.
That would be the pinnacle of Putin’s “business and partnership” with the terrorist Ziocorporate globalists, imagine Russophobia being equated to the sham, fraud, true crime against humanity, not to mention against semantics, called “antisemitism”, the most misused and abused term of postmordernism along with “democracy, freedom and prosperity”.
If Putin thinks Russia is just like the Rothschild neocolony in Palestine, that is a state founded by foreign terrorist invaders, funded and armed by a foreign neocolonial bankster and investor overclass, then yes, let’s see Russophobia in terms of (and what a postmodern wonder) “equality” to “antisemitism”.
Putin could choose to support 2 billions Muslims and compare Russophobia to Islamophobia but he compares Russian to Jewish,
Russians are not Jews or Muslims in majority… even though there are far more Muslims.
By helping Muslims in Syria he compares Russians to Jews to show Jews that Russian presence in Syria is not against them…
Russia wants PEACE in Syria not war with Israel !
there is no difference at all, between you and that Zionist idiot “tzatz”.
No point talking to people like you.
25+ million Muslims in Russia….your trailerpark psychoanalytic training occurred while you were smoking crack w boyfriend
Putin is 100% against anti-semitism,it means Putin is 100% pro Jewish people,it means pro Jewish-state
Than why did he block the Greater Israel Project…?
Being against anti semitism doesnt equal being pro zionist.
He hasn’t, syria is now divided and Putin 100% want Iran and Hezbollah out of syria,
80% of Syria is under SAA control.
Mainly thanks to the Russian Air Force, and the weapons and instructors they sent to Syria.
Why wouldnt he?
Iran is carving up the middle east, dont get me wrong, they didn’t start it, they only respond to U.S., Israeli, Saudi agression.
And I would rather have them than cia/mossadisis.
But SAA and Russia doesnt need them really at this point in Syria.
And they dont want to start a major war only to protect Iranian assets, its politics.
Russia has a defense agreement with Syria, not with Iran
You misunderstand, with Iran backing the anti-ISIS fight in both Iraq and Syria, it wouldn’t have been possible to connect the govt.-held parts of Syria and Iraq to neutralise the Ziowahhabi caliphate.
You’d rather like them to cut deals with the CIA/Mossad-backed jihadis/SDF only.
Russia isnt cutting any deal with them.
Iraq is practically run by Iran, right now.
Better than isis, but if Syria doesnt want that its their right to chose so.
Same with Russian support.
Good luck with explaining to those guys..
new Putin psychoanalyst at SF trained in Langley VA by CIA
Putin have supported terrorism in last 5 years directly helping IsraHell in destruction of Syria!
Just ask “daniel” he will explain it all (I am sure) !
they don’t teach false equivalence in your trailer park
I despise people that discriminate against unicorns but I do not admire them
Its the same, by the same people.
Except Russia has experience how to beat them :)
You don’t want to see the fact, with his own words Putin is against anti-semitism,the most misused/manipulative word in human history,
Do you know that not all Jews are zionists?
More than 90% of Israeli Jewish are Zionists, don’t try to hide the facts,
I am hiding no facts, but you just confirmed my word saying that only 90% of Jews in Israel are Zionist.
BTW, Jewish instead of Jews is quite interesting mistake. Are you some kind Pole?
“Bi-Pole” predicated on his utterances.
false—more than 1.5 million in Israel are Russian—none I have met zionist
Anti semitism exists.
But you can be anti anything and anybody.
Antifa and BLM, DNC, Soros are hating white people for example…
Russia’s saving its own kingdom, it isn’t beating anything as of right now; they’ve got an ISIS/al-Qaeda mini caliphate in Idlib and northern Syria, and SDF/ISIS/US in the oil-rich and al Tanf areas. Not to mention the Golan that the USSR pressured Syria to give up.
So it’s far more complex than “beating” them.
You should skip Clown News Network and Faux News…
Can’t even bother to bring up those Ziocorporate hacks and rags.
Russia wants Iran and Hezbollah out of Syria,
Russia and China could put Iran under a joint nuclear umbrella as veto-enabled UNSC members, but still haven’t. With a nukeful “Samson option” threatening Eurasia, the least Iran can do is developing its missiles, drones and submarines however they see fit, especially after the China/Russia-backed UNSC anti-Iran sanctions in 2007.
Totally agree but I think they won’t help Iran in that matters,
Russia also probably wants the U.S. in Syria… Russia can leave anytime it wants. The U.S. (with it’s Middle East foreign policy) can’t.
“Russia also probably wants the U.S. in Syria”
No !
Russia also has “Middle East foreign policy” and has as much influence there as U.S.
Problem for both Israel and Russia is Iranian influence in Iraq, Syria and Lebanon, so rent-a-gendarme U.S. serves both interests quite well.
Israel and Russia certainly don’t have same objectives and Russia is not anti-Iran like Israel.
Unlike Russia, the US and Iran doesn’t want peace in the region.
You are victim of the Western media.
I’d fully agree that all have different reasons for involvement within the Syrian conflict.
I think you will find these are primarily economic and geostrategic in nature and religion plays second fiddle to them. (simply a motivation for the fighters)
Iran is an economic competitor to Russia, just like any of the other participants in the conflict. Iran wants it’s empire back. (as does Turkey)
Hezbollah has nothing to do in Syria (if not fighting)
Syria was also helping Lebanon against IsraHell so they can go home now
doubt it since it’s not a matter that concern russia very much!
Russophobia is geared more towards the fear by the West of a powerful state actor capable of making policy independently from them, (i.e Russian Federation) unlike Anti-Semitism which is the dislike of a money temple people of faith.
Iranophobia is worse and is leading towards actual genocide. Iran is more toxic than Germany 1943, to the point where any country (or people) aligned with them must be wiped out.
Commentary on Yemen, ‘the Houthis are part of Iran’s terrorist empire, they came out of the desert to takeover the capital and most of Yemen …’
Note how they are compared to locusts, they are not Yemenis, just terrorist proxies who emerged from the desert. BTW the author approved of Pompeo’s terrorist declaration which would speedup their starvation as if to say, ‘good, we must do everything we can to stop those vermin’
This is a great article, however there are a couple points in it that I vehemently disagree with. The term-antisemitism is an overused term, usually used for profit, to put the challenger on the defensive in order to devastate him/her financially and psychologically.
It is true that most (those capable of psychoanalyzing things) westerners do not hate Russia or the Russian people, or Putin. I personally do not hate Putin, although I am often here bad mouthing him. My occasional rants against him are not because I hate him, but because I think some of his actions/inactions came across as being cowardly, hypocritical and untrustworthy, and that usually pissed me off. He came across as lacking imagination on how to tackle western aggression against him and his country; he has the patience of a statue (that’s never a good thing), he engages in a perpetual defensive, subaltern stance when the aggressors continue to act against him and the interest of his country.
According to my family tradition and upbringing I used to be 100% Russophile. Today I’m anything but. It was a very long process of mental transformation based strictly on my observations in the last 30 years about the Russian attitude in general and towards my own people in particular. My people are Orthodox and Slavic. I did look in to the history, not very deeply though, and I found there nothing to discourage my drifting feelings. So I’m offering my own definition of the Russian nation the way I see it today. Obviously, I’m not the author of the first part of it but I’m using it because it is full of meaning.
So the definition is:
Russia is a big gas station parading as a country, while the Russians are a semi-Asiatic
culture imbued with Asiatic morality parading as Europeans!
You’re not Orthodox you russophobe pig !
You are using wrong avatar picture.. Here, let me help you:
good one :)
another CIA racist alias at SF—in your trailer park Asians have blond hair and blue eyes? LOL
The Russia hate is another manifestation of Jewish control of America. The Jews HATE Putin & Russia because Putin stopped their looting of Russian assets under the drunk Yeltsin.
Just as they did during the Wiemar hyper inflation in Germany the Jews had money shipped in from overseas and were buying up assets at pennies on the dollar.
That led to huge resentment of Jews in Germany and again in Russia.
From Netanyahu’s infamous “Fink’s Bar diatribe” of 1990
“If we get caught they will just replace us with persons of the same cloth. So it does not matter what you do, America is a golden calf and we will suck it dry, chop it up, and sell it off piece by piece until there is nothing left but the world’s biggest welfare state that we will create and control. Why? Because it is the will of God and America is big enough to take the hit so we can do it again and again and again. This is what we do to countries that we hate. We destroy them very slowly and make them suffer for refusing to be our slaves.”
If there is an “antisemitism” you must ask: “What is PROsemitism?”
PROsemitism must be a supporter of “semitism”, which really means Judaism (though most Moslems are SEMITIC and most JEWS are NOT). So what are you supporting if you are a PROsemite? Well first of all we must define Judaism:
Judaism is neither a race or a religion, it is Xenophobic Tribalism.
A person unduly fearful or contemptuous of that which is foreign, especially of strangers or foreign peoples.
1. The organization, culture, or beliefs of a tribe.
2. A strong feeling of identity with and loyalty to one’s tribe or group.
So right off the get-go you hate all NON-Jews, NON-members of YOUR group(TRIBE).
You “bundle together” for support and safety, the very definition of Fascism
THAT means, that if I am not one of the TRIBE, you do not like me.
Jews have been practicing eugenics for 3,500 years.
Jewish mother “makes” you a Jew. Jewish father decides your tribe.( A get-less woman cannot remarry within the faith, and any children she might have will not be considered Jewish.)
Since Jews BRAND all NON-Jews “gentile” automatically denigrating them, to be PROsemitic one must by definition be ANTI-GENTILE.
They hate all NON-Jews so fundamentally, that they have to specifically name “RIGHTEOUS GENTILES”.
Those are NON-Jewish HUMANS that went so far out of their way to help/save Jews that the Jews were forced to acknowledge the humanity of that specific ‘gentile”. You see, PROsemites do not acknowledge the EQUALITY of spirituality and humanity of “gentiles”
Research their “Right of Return” rules …. Jews are more bigoted than Nazis dreamt of being.
What the Jewish Rabbis think of JESUS “As for Christianity, there is a dispute among Halachic authorities, but the vast majority consider it idolatry as well. Islam, on the other hand, is not considered idolatry.” Read that last bit again VERY SLOWLY so the “christianzionists” can follow: “ISLAM, on the other hand, is NOT considered idolatry.” ………..
According to the SPLC & ADL an organization is a “HATE GROUP” if it has
“beliefs or practices that attack or malign an entire class of people”.
Jews have HATED Egypt for 3,500 years.
Jews have HATED Babylon for 2,500 years.
Jews have HATED CHRIST and his followers for 2,000 years.
For 3,500 years antiGENTILISM has been the glue binding Judaism
Israel’s entire being is predicated on their hatred of non-jews binding “The Tribe” together.
David Ben-Gurion, one of the father founders of Israel, described Zionist aims in 1948: “A Christian state should be established [in Lebanon], with its southern border on the Litani river. We will make an alliance with it. When we smash the Arab Legion’s strength and bomb Amman, we will eliminate Transjordan too, and then Syria will fall. If Egypt still dares to fight on, we shall bomb Port Said, Alexandria and Cairo… And in this fashion, we will end the war and settle our forefathers’ account with Egypt, Assyria, and Aram “………….. read that again
“and settle our forefathers’ account with Egypt, Assyria, and Aram”
They are still HATING and planning deadly attacks after 3,500+ YEARS .
Research Israel’s current plans for “Greater” Israel.
How do you think they feel about JESUS CHRIST whom they have HATED for 2,000 years.
Israel’s MOTTOES:
(1) NEVER forgive & NEVER forget.
(2) By Way of Deception you will Do War.
Their ONLY(monotheistic) “god” is a WAR god
PROsemitism is antiGENTILEism and Gentiles are ALL NON-jews.
All White people/Caucasians are Semites.
The term anti Semite is a mind fuck.
It actually means Anti White/Caucasian.
Yo Russia, it is called anti-Japethism. Indigenous Russians are descendants from Noah’s eldest son, Japeth.
And if someone does not like Somalians, then that is called anti-Hamitism. Because blacks are descended from Noah’s youngest son Ham. And if someone does not like Palestinians or Arabs, that is called anti-Shemitism. Because they are descended from Noah’s middle son Shem.
That is only possible if Noah was white and had wives from three different races, though polygamy has been in practice by high status individuals throughout Asia since ancient times. There is archaeological evidence of a white man who lived in Russia 30,000 years ago. The Epic of Gilgamesh is strikingly similar to the Story of Noah’s Ark in Genesis, and many similar myths around the world.
What if these wives fokked with other men? You know women yes?
White people are the least likely to race mix, especially white women.
Albert Schweitzer’s Warning to White People in Africa
“Albert Schweitzer (1875 – 1965) was an Alsatian who dedicated his life to alleviating the suffering of Blacks in Africa, likely due to his Christian convictions. He was extremely intelligent and excelled in many fields (music, theology, philosophy and medicine), which means he could have easily led a very comfortable life anywhere in Europe, but instead he chose to become a medical missionary in Africa.”
Unless it isn’t supposed to be interpreted literally.
no…Russians are larger descended from Scythians and then mixed with others
of course not – anti-semitism is a consequence of a group of people’s repeatedly flaunting the laws and rules and common decency in relation to other people and thus the response is (retaliation in kind) what the flaunters have managed to get prohibited despite the fact that the retaliatory responses are fair and just in light of the continuous disregard by the jews of laws and rules and common decency
russophobia is not a consequence of russia flaunting rules or regulations or common decency between people and countries but rather the envy of lesser countries vis a vis russia, countries that has wasted its resources for nothing and demand that other countries must kow tow to the demanding country, e.g. the disunited states of insufferable idiots demands that russia bends to the will of the white house and if not consequences will follow. unfortunately for the insufferable idiots (and their appendage, the jews) there is no such intention on behalf of russia so please be so advised, numbnuts!!
Roots of Russophobia are much older then the actual existence of the USA. West (meaning the old Europe) have been demonizing Russians for hundreds of years. From the time of Peter I – The great, it became very apparent.. Russia is a different civilization than the west (emphasis on “civilization”) – and therefore is on constant collision course (from the western point of view) with the west.. Dehumanization and demonizing of Russians, is just a one weapon west is using for hundreds of years – when trying to beat Russia to submission or out of existence..
Hitler and Goebbels were building Russophobia in nazi Germany on the old fundations..
Semites are people from the eastern Mediterranean. Palestinians are Semites, Jews are antisemites. Accusing others of the crimes and antisocial behavior that they commit is a standard Jew psyop to distract attention from the Jew’s crimes.
– Semitic languages –
The US military needs to prepare, possibly in conjunction with others, to disarm and disband the IDF and replace Israel with a unified, dejudified Palestine as part of getting America’s Jew infestation corrected. Which is America’s biggest problem and will create a much better future for the American people and humanity.
There’s a reason that the world votes everybody to one or two at the UN against Israel and Jewmerica. Because they recognise that Israel and Jews are a big problem. Judaism needs to be outlawed and the synagogues and yeshivas closed so that America and the planet become Jew free.
– Jewish population by country –
The Jews ritually rape 1,000 children worldwide every week. Israel is the pedophile rape capitol of the planet.
Blood sucking Jew pedophile rapist
Jew pedophile mass rape cultists×876.jpg
“as with any right, the freedom of religion can be abridged if its exercise would infringe on the rights of others.
As a result, several groups have been made into recognized criminal organizations. This is not a common designation, but it has occurred on occasion, typically after a cult group has been involved with a criminal enterprise. These cults have generally been involved with activities like murder, abduction, statutory rape, or other serious crimes. Often, they hold an illegal activity to be a primary focus of their religious teachings, making adherence to the group’s beliefs a virtual guarantee of grossly illegal activity directly harming others.”
– Are cults legal? –
“the crime of oral copulation with a minor (under 18 years of age). This is the act of copulating the mouth of one person with the penis, vagina or anus of another person. …
The offense is a felony and can be punished by up to 8 years in state prison. …
Oral copulation is defined as any contact—no matter how slight—between the mouth of one person, and the sexual organ or anus of another. Neither penetration nor ejaculation/orgasm is required.”
– Oral Copulation with a Minor –
“The ancient practice — known as metzitzah b’peh — requires a mohel, the person performing the circumcision, to suck blood from the incision on an infant’s penis. …
According to the Health Department, 24 cases of herpes have been linked to circumcision since 2000. Two of the infants died and two others suffered brain damage.”
– New case of neonatal herpes caused by Jewish circumcision –
Why is it so close to 6 million? Im tired of this 6 million bs.
probably not even a million but the jews have a way of embellishing facts to their advantage. and it died more than 20 million russians but you never her about that, just the exaggerated number of jews.
“a true Christian can never hate a Jew; this is one of the advantages of Christianity”. Nicolai Berdaeyev
Many including Spengler, Alexandr Block and Berdayeav wrote that Russians were unintelligible to westerners….Berdayaev found that especially Germans were confused about Russians—so did Bakunin
amerikans have always been racist and puritanical, blaming their defefeciencis and failures on others….
“busy busy numb: amerikans cannot feel themselves alive unless they feel themselves busy: amerika is a vast goo of meaningless stimulation”. Thomas de Zengotita (2016)
“Idleness is the devil’s handmaiden” as the Puritans wrote….it was previously a misdemeanor to be idle in amerika (Perry Miller)…today they do not require such laws
Zygmunt Bauman, Anthony Giddens, Giroux, Joseph Pieper etc have all written that speed obliterates the capacity to think
Adorno conducted anti-semitism studies during WWII–he found that amerikans were far more more antisemitic than were ordinary Germans of this era
Is Julian Macfarlane an artificial intelligence creation:
“Anti-semitism” is a natural human reaction given the unending perfidy of the Jew against the Gentile.
Russophobia is just plain old racism driven by Western cultural chauvinism and geopolitical hatreds.