Is Political West Bailing Out Due To ‘Real And Increasing Ukraine Fatigue’?

Is Political West Bailing Out Due To 'Real And Increasing Ukraine Fatigue'?

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Written by Drago Bosnic, independent geopolitical and military analyst

The term “Ukraine fatigue” is certainly not new. We’re accustomed to the political West using it, particularly during the fall and winter, when Europe’s dependence on Russian energy is most apparent. However, it seems the latest usage of the term breaks off from the usual pattern and may indicate that the world’s most aggressive power pole is looking for ways to leave the Neo-Nazi junta to fend for itself.

The main issue seems to be how to accomplish this without it looking like yet another pathetic defeat. Obviously, the United States and EU/NATO are directly responsible for this dilemma, as the mainstream propaganda machine spent the last two and a half years claiming that “Ukraine is winning”. Anyone with a modicum of knowledge about the actual situation would laugh at this notion, but the vast majority of regular people simply don’t have access to such information.

However, top-ranking officials in US/EU/NATO often tell us what’s really going on with spelling it out. Namely, in an interview with FT, Finnish Foreign Minister Elina Valtonen talked about the aforementioned “Ukraine fatigue” and stated that “it’s real, and increasingly so”. According to her assessment, wars in the Middle East (specifically Gaza and Lebanon) have further “heightened this fatigue”, as they’re also distracting the political West’s attention and resources away from supporting the Kiev regime.

“These two conflicts are, of course, very much linked. But for us Europeans, it would be important to realize that if we allow Russia to win in Ukraine, then essentially we end the credibility of our deterrence,” Valtonen said, adding: “There is support for Ukraine, but what is sufficient? That is the question. Many [countries] would like to think, since especially with the war waiting in the Middle East, it would be great if we found an answer to this war.”

As per usual, (geo)political schizophrenia is the standard practice in NATO, as it makes no sense to whine about “Ukraine fatigue” and then reiterate the “necessity of defeating Russia”. And yet, that’s exactly what high-ranking officials such as Valtonen continue to do. The need to win the NATO-orchestrated Ukrainian conflict might be a matter of prestige for the political West, but it’s a matter of survival for Russia, which is why the former will never be able to match the latter’s motivation and determination.

For the US/EU/NATO, the matter of “winning” is primarily tied to maintaining a certain reputation. However, they fail to understand that it’s long gone, particularly in the aftermath of a crushing and humiliating defeat in Afghanistan. Thus, there’s simply no reputation to speak of, as even the Taliban seem like heroes in comparison to the political West. As a result, the very idea that prolonging the NATO-orchestrated Ukrainian conflict would ameliorate this is ludicrous.

Not to mention that it’s also causing more “Ukraine fatigue”, both in Europe and North America. In addition, even the Europeans seem to be trying to get on Trump’s good side (something the Neo-Nazi junta is terrible at). Namely, he repeatedly promised to “end the war on the first day”. Given his popularity, many in the EU are likely preparing for his second term, as he might try at the very least.

We don’t really know if Trump will succeed in changing American foreign policy. However, his rhetoric certainly suggests he’ll try. During one of his recent campaign speeches, he pledged to “end the war in Ukraine, stop the chaos in the Middle East and prevent WW3”. Regardless of his true intentions, such statements are certainly welcome, particularly at a time when the Deep State and other war criminals in Washington DC and Brussels keep insisting on escalating the NATO-orchestrated Ukrainian conflict by continuously provoking Russia, including by trying to assassinate Putin. Combined with repeated attempts on Trump’s life, it’s clear what the warmongering oligarchy wants for the world. Thus, the ongoing power shift is leading to expected changes in the official narrative. Even the mainstream propaganda machine seems to be engaged in it.

Namely, headlines in Europe and the US now suggest that the Neo-Nazi junta’s situation is nowhere near the previous chest-thumping about “Russia losing”. This has been replaced by whining about dwindling supplies of weapons and munitions, massive losses, Russian advances and generally gloomy prospects for the Kiev regime. Germany and the US, both top suppliers, are complaining they have no heavy weapons to spare, with the Pentagon warning that “our supplies are not endless”, stressing they have to meet the needs of “both Israel and Ukraine”. Volodymyr Zelensky himself has been complaining about this, although this didn’t prevent him from presenting the laughable “victory plan” that even the infamous CNN isn’t too happy about. The document is essentially more of the same, only “wrapped a bit differently” to make it look “brand new”.

Even the staunchest supporters of the Neo-Nazi junta seem to be highly critical of it, including Julian Roepcke (better known as Jihadi Julian), one of the more prominent “military experts” at the Bild, a German tabloid. NYT is talking about a “not so good situation in Kursk [oblast]”, while the general situation on the battlefield is so bad that the US wants the Kiev regime to forcefully mobilize teenagers. However, in order to achieve this, the latter’s Territorial Recruitment Office (TCC) needs more foreigners. Multiple sources indicate that nearly 50% of its personnel are Poles and that this will swell to at least 70% by December. People simply don’t want to fight, which is why TCC has effectively become a genocidal organization detested by all regular Ukrainians, as it’s directly responsible for the deaths of at least 75 people every single day.

Even NATO-funded think tanks, such as the ISW (Institute for the Study of War), are reporting that around 20% of forcefully conscripted Ukrainians are beaten to death by TCC personnel. If such an organization is reporting these numbers, the actual situation is almost certainly orders of magnitude worse. However, even 20% is simply horrifying. Still, this begs the question, why would anyone in the political West reveal such information after years of trying to build the image of the Neo-Nazi junta as the “beacon of democracy”, particularly when nobody really asked for it.

It seems that Zelensky, whose lionization was the primary task of the mainstream propaganda machine, is now being thrown under the bus, as it can only be expected that he’s responsible for the policies of the TCC and other institutions of the Kiev regime. So, are we seeing the political West bailing out?


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“the daughter of alexei navalny, the late russian opposition leader, has joined the kamala harris election campaign team in the crucial swing state of pennsylvania.”

two whores are better than one…lol

AM Hants

didn’t the cia/ned train her father?


he has stated on the public record that she, his daughter is a, lying pos.paraphrasing.

Last edited 4 months ago by Anonymous
AM Hants

takes after her late father.

Pin the Tail on the Donkey

the yale intern in training program, same thing.


kamala harris s lies are falling like a slur at diddys freak offs undies the truth s out her grandma s total white.

AM Hants

weren’t her jamaican/irish, paternal family running plantations heavily reliant on slave labour? i wonder if hilary (who also loved those diddy parties) taught her to cackle, the clinton way.


ukraine was a successful racket. the establishment made hundreds of millions, now they’re bondholders of ukrainian debt and own the country with exception of donbass and crimea.

Joseph Day

those bonds look fragile in a couple of other oblasts as well.and im guessing a few more. they want odessa at least


backstopping ukraine will be passed to the e.u. like a hot potato. ukraine will probably be the final nail in the coffin of the e.u.


in a way yes but in a way no eu will wind up incorporared under the one world government. it won’t be soverign. it might seem to be for a while but the real action goes on in the legislative bodies. while everyone’s looking at smoke and mirrors.


wakey wakey joey they want all of russia they want the whole world once they have russia only china stands in their way they dont care how long it takes they will not stop.

Last edited 4 months ago by Anonymous

they’re creditors they entrapped ukrsinr into the debts by setting them up running pedovrackets and drug labs underground. with intention. imo same old same old. they gave them enough rope.

Drago Kurton

i like in the ass, do you?

Last edited 4 months ago by Drago Kurton
Massa John

stinking no-life vermin


why are, you asking?

Lindsay Grahamcracker

so many ukrainians dying, it’s stessing me out. i need a break. maybe a trip to the bahamas or something for rest and recuperation.

The Court Jester

stessing? is that part of your gay lisp vernacular, lindsay honey?


never trust a man with a woman’s name. we can only imagine what poor childhood abuse that woman endured


such a narcissistic comment.

Pin the Tail on the Donkey

fitting for such a narcissistic fellow as lindsay the carpetbagger. thanks for noticing.


not at all tinkerbell. they’re playing the game

V for Victory

and seeing how the other people reacts while tcc arrest the unlucky guys, it seems like an horde of chickens or sheeps while wolves enter the cage. no one seems interested to other’s fate when united they could chase out those criminals that try to adbuct men and boys.


no you’ve been deceived the fact is pedos have been running the world for a long time now secretly. imo allegedly. of course.

Pin the Tail on the Donkey

you left out the catholic part. starting to feel overly self-conscious?

hmmm, allow me to put my psychiatrist’s hat on. were you ever diddled by a priest?


i’m not answering that.

Dr Phil

you just did.

AM Hants

they are only walking back because with russia winning, how long before they lose odessa and all that ‘black market’ trading?


no they’re cooling off because the november elections coming. they’re playing their cards.

AM Hants

they have got no cards to play. also, how important is odessa to nato? how long will it be before odessa is back in russia?

Joseph Day

tough choices for the us/nato piss. ukraine or israel. we dont have the industrial base to support both. then theres that pesky nkpr and taiwan. lol. the empires panicking

Last edited 4 months ago by Joseph Day

nothings what it seems qe2 always the same always the opposite.


the mental midgets in the west thought they could bring down russia with a few tweets and sanctions. those were the 2022 days, i remember plenty of headlines being vomited out by the western press that did not age well. ah well, i guess they had too much faith in their own bullshit more than reality. its what happens when we are dealing with mentally ill patients. now they are staring at yet another big mistake, and have no functioning diplomats to contain the fallout.

Last edited 4 months ago by hasbarats
Edgar Zetar

nothing new, just russian propaganda from mr. bosnic… we all knew since 2023 that usa when it fails they throw their lackeys under the bus. to me i wanted to see if russia will finally accept that usa and europeans were attacking directly to defeat, slave and conquer russia, and be aware of the new realities or they will continue to accept western empire hegemony and throw under the bus just to have a weak peace deal and save face until a new aggression starts.

Edgar Zetar

nothing will change with trump, you can only expect that israel will wipe out arabs from palestine and then westerners will use israel to deter, defeat and conquer middle east before going out to asia. its all or nothing in usa empire and their lackeys, accept defeat or die by the sword is their ultimate policy, all others policies are a disguise of the machiavellic breed.


noone is bailing out. it is obvious the eu, us and uk will continue to provide financial, moral and military support to zellie the dictator.

Pin the Tail on the Donkey

unfortunately, zelleboy has no morals, so that’ll never work out.


the ukraine army is pretty much defeated. zelensky is a crook and belongs in prison.


an asylum for the criminally insane would do just as well. maybe in saakashvili’s ward.