Is Orban Right About EU’s Endless Failures?

Is Orban Right About EU's Endless Failures?

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Written by Drago Bosnic, independent geopolitical and military analyst

On April 17, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban spoke at this year’s National Conservatism (NatCon) conference, a gathering of conservative political parties in the European Union, as the name aptly suggests. Dubbed the “gathering of Europe’s far right” by the mainstream propaganda machine, NatCon is indeed opposed to the ultra-liberal ideology and policies of the unelected bureaucrats in Brussels. Thus, it’s hardly surprising that Orban was quite critical of the troubled bloc’s numerous failures, as he openly urged voters to reject mainstream political parties in the upcoming EU elections. Orban even called on the political leadership in Brussels to resign, pointing out that all of their major projects and policies, such as the so-called “green transition”, sustainable development, migration, military and sanctions, etc. failed.

“The sense of this European election is: change the leadership,” he stated, adding: “If the leadership proves to be bad, it must be replaced. That’s so simple.”

For the Associated Press, this was “too much”, as the major mainstream propaganda machine outlet complained about the applause that Orban, a “right-wing populist leader” according to them, got for those words. He also criticized the EU’s suicidal climate policies and agriculture rules that make it impossible for farmers across the EU to stay in business. In addition, Orban warned that the ongoing migration crisis is getting out of hand and that the possible admission of the Kiev regime to the EU or NATO should not be allowed, primarily for economic and security reasons. He also criticized the European Commission, the bloc’s effectively unelected executive body, for using the COVID-19 pandemic as an excuse to attack his country, slamming the EC for an attempt to “suffocate Hungary financially”.

And indeed, the Brussels bureaucrats illegally denied giving Budapest access to billions of euros in funds over alleged “concerns about democratic backsliding in the country”, as well as the “possible mismanagement of EU money”. In Orban’s view, this is nothing more than an attempt to blackmail the country due to his strong stance on all of the aforementioned policies and ideologies that the political West subscribes to nowadays. He also reiterated that the failures extend to the self-defeating sanctions on Russia. The mainstream propaganda machine usually accuses Orban of being a supposed “staunch ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin” for such a stance, particularly when it comes to his opposition to the change of Ukraine’s status as a potential geopolitical buffer zone between the EU/NATO and Russia.

In addition, Orban called the Neo-Nazi junta “just a protectorate relying on Western money and weapons, not a sovereign state anymore”. Expectedly, this wasn’t met with approval in Brussels, which even tried to prevent this year’s NatCon, citing alleged “security concerns” as the excuse for it. The AP called the conference “a gathering of strident nationalists and fundamentalist Christians”, complaining about the fact that it resumed after winning a legal challenge against Brussels city authorities which tried to prevent it under the pretext that it posed “a threat to public order”. Other prominent EU conservative figures, such as Eric Zemmour from France, were to attend the NatCon. However, Zemmour was held by the police, preventing his address about the EU’s immigration rules that can only be described as suicidal.

And while the mainstream propaganda machine is shrieking at the very idea someone would dare criticize and strongly oppose any (let alone all) of the aforementioned policies, the obvious question arises – is the so-called “far right” in the EU right (no pun intended)? Can anyone really refute Orban’s claim that the political leadership in Brussels is incompetent when they say things like “Russia is losing so badly that its military is forced to take chips out of washing machines“? Such ludicrous propaganda myths clearly indicate that the so-called “EU elites” are far more like flea market salesmen, rather than leaders who could ever be taken seriously. What’s more, Orban is certainly not alone in his criticism, as Prime Minister Robert Fico of the neighboring Slovakia expressed similar concerns, particularly about Ukraine.

As for the extremely controversial EU Asylum and Migration Pact recently approved by the European Parliament, which will effectively force member states to accept their “fair share of new immigrants” or pay a fine for every migrant they reject, the conservative parties are furious, and rightfully so, it should be noted. While the EU, a mere geopolitical pendant of NATO at this point, is allocating hundreds of billions to the deeply corrupt Neo-Nazi junta, farmers across the bloc are faced with a plethora of issues that will soon spill over to other industries and sectors of fledgling European economies. The unelected Brussels bureaucrats believe that encouraging their (neo)colonialist policies through immigration might ameliorate some of those issues by essentially importing more cheap labor force.

However, the conservatives are (rightfully) concerned about the demographic and security consequences of such policies. The extremist ultra-liberal ideology that the political West increasingly subscribes to is incompatible with the more traditional values of both the immigrants and indigenous Europeans. This is already causing a plethora of societal and safety problems across the continent, so encouraging immigration will only exacerbate the situation. The ongoing deindustrialization of the EU’s most powerful economies is certainly not making things better, as the largely unskilled labor force that most immigrants belong to will not be able to contribute economically, which opens a lot of questions about potential security risks in the foreseeable future. However, asking about it is usually deemed too “far right”.


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Systemic Destruction

eu countries will replace their own people with migrants as is done all over the western world where the politicians and those who voted for them have a take my scalp last mentality.


it’s an age old jewish vendetta v. the gentile. the jews literally want to wipe the white genotype off the face of the earth

jens holm

very much as you already is a wiped out type yourself.

jens holm

i dont see that.

we only want them we need and will integrate.those are the educated ones and those, which are motivated to it – with families of course.

but we many more then them.

it needed. fx most men here die almost 15 years leter then the russia dittos do.

and its true people come to here, because its a good choise even to be poor.

Last edited 5 months ago by jens holm

“and its true people come to here, because its a good choise even to be poor”

what good is it to be rich or poor if you are a controlled slave, blinded by your own ignorance?

of course u have no answer, fool…

Last edited 5 months ago by Dstroj
Loving Russian Gulag

talk one russian slave.

jens holm

i worship money fear death and lie—russian male now expectancy 76 years—senile dane 79


“eu elites” are far more like flea market salesmen, rather than leaders who could ever be taken seriously.”

absolutely correct. a priveledged, sheltered class of imbeciles, speaking to each other…

jens holm

there is no eu elite.

its correct we freely speak with others in all levels. thats a keystone in all constitutions here. without them we would much more like you.

thats a no go.

and as usual none of your morons offer something better.


“its correct we freely speak with others in all levels.”
where does it happen? the majority can’t really articulate what they mean. the others could maybe speak but only in small private levels. the higher the level , the strikter the censorship. on the top , where governments act , there is no free speech at all, because of a total obedience or damaged retarded brain, or both.

jens holm

we have no elite —we are all stupid

jens holm

the rest of eu dont see that. nato is same thing.

jens holm

i am blind transgender—close my eye when lick amerikaunt peniz


eu is about protecting the rights of the unelected leadership, like von der lugen or mrs genocide as she was called, michel borrell etc and the number of initiatives floated by this elite is mindboggling but they mostly disappear unnoticed after a suitabletime, having been floated so as to make it seem the elites are efficient etc. what they know about is spending eu’s taxpayers money on futile ideas of little value! eu should be discontinued forthwith!

Kibosh Warrior

viktor put out the shortest of the short short list of eu failures. the nazi created project eu has been a total and utter failure on all counts, at all levels, since it’s inception. the fact the eu meps sniff cocaine openly in their debat hall, is indicative of the level of apathy members have for the failed state that the eu is.


if anything, the eu is just blindly following the us, which has a track record of making painful mistakes


the eu is a failed enterprise! few would if people were given the option vote to remain within it. most see it for what it is a corrupt bureaucracy of liberal elites who make laws without the consent of the people

Dave Simmons

while russia has the resources to maintain its war in the short-term, its leaders face increasingly painful tradeoffs that will sacrifice long-term prospects — as underinvestment, slow productivity growth, and labor shortages will only deepen.

Degeneration Of Russia

the far right across europe – whether pro- or anti-putin – agrees on one thing, and that is the need to consolidate its position to hollow out the eu from within. yet seeking closer relations with russia, as some parties are keen to do, brings with it all kinds of security risks. the recent allegations against austrian intelligence officials expose the extensive spy network the russian state has built up in europe to further its own imperialist agenda.

Charles Hirschman

time to evict viktor orban, putin’s eu puppet.

jens holm

worship money or fail—my god is money
