Is North Korea Really Sending Troops To Ukrainian Conflict Zone?

Is North Korea Really Sending Troops To Ukrainian Conflict Zone?

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Written by Drago Bosnic, independent geopolitical and military analyst

The recently formalized Russia–North Korea military alliance sent shockwaves across the political West, even more so than Moscow’s previous agreements with Pyongyang. The full text of the agreement includes 23 articles that deal with close economic, diplomatic, scientific and military cooperation between the two neighboring countries.

However, what really caught the attention of the US and its vassals and satellite states were Articles 3 and 4. Namely, these two clauses effectively and legally turn Russia and North Korea into full-blown military allies, an agreement the Kremlin has with nobody else outside of the CSTO (Collective Security Treaty Organization). According to Article 3, in case of “an immediate threat or an act of armed aggression [against either country]”, Moscow and Pyongyang will “coordinate their positions and agree on possible practical measures to assist each other to help eliminate the emerging threat”. But Article 4 of the deal is even more direct:

“If one of the Parties is subjected to an armed attack by any state or several states and thus finds itself in a state of war, the other Party will immediately provide military and other assistance with all means at its disposal [!] in accordance with Article 51 of the UN Charter and in accordance with legislation of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and the Russian Federation.”

This unprecedented development means that, thanks to its patently idiotic (to put it mildly) foreign policy, the US has now managed to create the outlines of a new military alliance of nuclear-armed states. While this includes only two countries at the moment, it could easily be expanded to others in the region, with China being an obvious candidate, as it’s also faced with incessant US aggression. However, this alliance could soon go well beyond East Asia and include numerous other countries around the globe. Apart from military cooperation, the said agreement between Moscow and Pyongyang also includes coordinated diplomatic efforts and geopolitical initiatives. Namely, according to Article 5, the two countries agree not to enter into agreements with third parties directed against the interests of either, which means Russia will block UN initiatives aimed against North Korea. Western “diplomats” are so terrified of this that they’re now resorting to blatant lies in a desperate attempt to slow things down.

Going in lockstep with this, the infamous mainstream propaganda machine is torn between claims that China is “not neutral” and that it has “effectively sided with Russia”, but that there are also supposed “tensions”, as Beijing is allegedly “anxious” because of the new defense pact its two neighbors signed. In its usual schizophrenic manner, the US is making completely diverging statements on China’s stance, with Deputy Secretary of State Kurt Campbell claiming that this is what he’s hearing through the “diplomatic grapevine” and that “the Chinese themselves have indicated so in some of our interactions, and we can see some tension associated with this”. At the same time, US Ambassador to Beijing Nicholas Burns is also accusing China of supposedly “helping Russia”. Either way, Washington DC and its vassals and satellite states are continuing their practice of antagonizing the world and then ludicrously expressing “shock” and “disbelief” when the world responds.

Due to its perpetually aggressive actions, the political West has pushed countries like Russia and North Korea into a full-blown military alliance. And the latest agreement is anything but a piece of paper. Namely, in practical terms, it will allow Moscow to tap into Pyongyang’s massive stockpile of conventional weapons (particularly cheap artillery munitions, rockets and missiles), while North Korea will get access to Russia’s latest military technologies, including electronic warfare (EW), SAM systems, space-based weapons, as well as its world-class fighter jets. All this will significantly expand both countries’ capabilities. It’s critically important for the Kremlin to be able to finish the special military operation (SMO) and get ready for a possible direct confrontation with NATO, while Kim Jong Un aims to ensure the latest and best capabilities for his troops.

And indeed, while North Korea has made tremendous strides in acquiring advanced weapons systems, including hypersonic missiles (an area in which it eclipsed even the US itself), it still needs certain technologies it doesn’t have access to. From a purely logical perspective, this sort of cooperation was expected. However, the political West and its mainstream propaganda machine have been losing their minds since last week, when the Russia-North Korea defense pact was signed. Namely, there’s now speculation that the “evil Norks and orcs” (an ethnic slur used to denote North Koreans and Russian, respectively) will “jointly invade Europe”. According to various Western media outlets, Russian President Vladimir Putin will supposedly “use North Korean troops as cannon fodder”, which is an obvious projection of what the political West has been doing.

The entire world can see how NATO is using forcibly conscripted Ukrainians to die in their hundreds of thousands just so it could continue controlling the unfortunate country and exploit it for as long as possible. And yet, the US is claiming it has “evidence” and that it will “continue monitoring” the alleged “presence of North Korean troops”. Some sources say that the deployment is expected “within a month”, while others insist it’s “already underway”. Some outlets are a tiny bit more realistic, so they changed their titles to “North Korea to send engineering troops“. However, nothing really indicates there will be any major troop deployments. The main reason is that Pyongyang wouldn’t bring anything that the Russians don’t have already, particularly now with the increase in the number of active duty personnel in the Russian military.

However, more rocket artillery, cheaper SRBMs (short-range ballistic missiles) and advanced MRBMs (medium-range ballistic missiles), which Russia still lacks due to decades of INF Treaty limitations, are all very possible. These could greatly complement “Tornado-S” MLRS (multiple launch rocket systems) and “Iskander-M” SRBMs. Although not as advanced, they could be acquired in large numbers (and likely at a fraction of the cost of advanced Russian equivalents). Having more of such weapons would improve indirect fire support, as well as the targeting of strategic assets, because using a North Korean KN-23 (essentially an enlarged 9М723 “Iskander-M”) for long-range strikes could be a good alternative to wasting a 9-S-7760 “Kinzhal” which would be reserved for higher-priority targets (such as a large concentration of NATO troops trying to occupy parts of Ukraine).

On the other hand, there are North Korean tactical ballistic missiles such as the KN-25, which falls somewhere between advanced guided rockets used by the BM-30 “Smerch/Tornado-S” MLRS and the “Iskander-M”. It can even be considered a type of rocket artillery-SRBM hybrid that the Russian military lacks altogether and could serve as a sort of economy-of-war game-changer that would be much more readily available than the “Iskander-M”. Moscow might have Pyongyang’s advisers aid with the integration, just like it did with cheap Iranian drones, but “assault troops” are nothing more than Western Neo-McCarthyist propaganda.


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jens holm

russia destroyed itself to please the west in 1991, after achieving nothing it will now destroy itself to please china in 2025.

Last edited 3 months ago by jens holm

a tiny group of insiders destroyed russia in 1991 in order to enrich themselves.


russians are obsessed with self destruction. they won ww2, germans lost. look where were germans in 1991 and compare to russians. to be fair, since ussr collapsed, germans got mad and start self destruction too. what merkel did to germans? it looks like a race who will self destruct sooner. in case of ww3 everybody die. i smell rotshild’s behind all of that.he was the first talking about depopupaltion. everybody called it a “conspiracy theory”.

AM Hants

ww2, there was no russia, as it was part of the soviet union, led by the georgian bolshevik stalin. russia is not obsessed with self destruction, they are concerned about the west repeatedly invading, in order to turn the large country into small, controllable states and thieve it’s natural resources.

AM Hants

2) after the fall of the soviet union, you forget germany re-united, promises were made and if broken, where does that leave germany? the same germany, who is allowing their leader to turn them into a 3rd world nation.
of course the banking family is behind it all, and have been for centuries. no wonder russia kicked them out and paid off all debt to them.


russians were always crazy people eager to die for some kremlin fanatic/ lenin, stalin, putin .. this is not a coincidence. but it puzzles me the last 3 or 2 west generations of eu”unicorns” are so eager to destroy every single value europe was build on. they don’t work, they don’t have families, they are wasting time with bread and games like in old roma and they are fine with illegal aliens destructing their own country. and they are destructing it as well, with green nonsense and stupidity.

Last edited 3 months ago by zzz

germany was supposed to be deindustrialised after ww2 but then the us needed them as a base of operation and economy for the cold war. thats why the deindustialisation was delayed. after 1990 the german polititions hesitated and delayed as much as possible until the current one who is going through with it.


is the fucking jews causing all the troubles.


who did it in close cooperation with the west just like the bolshevics before and the ukrainian oligarchs destorying ukraine since 2014. it seems to be a pattern that repeats itself regulary.


russian could be playing korean for fools this move could put at risk the north korean citizens, just to pleased the
jews in the kremlin


rusia recovered since 2002, and now they are just reaching their zenit, economically, politically and military,while we are on our botom 😁

AM Hants

president putin, took back control of the natural resources. taxes and laws were provided by the us, written on the back of 3rd world friendship negotiation loans. the us would get 80 cents of all the russian energy sold, with russia getting just 20 cents, and also having to pay contract fees to mine. by 2006, russia had repaid the $45 billion soviet union debt, without any help and also the rf debt. what a difference taking back control of your own natural resources does for the economy.

The Iceman Cometh

those insiders were working with western banks to pull the loans for shares scam, like khodorkovsky et. al.. because they failed, they turned their sights on ukraine with the same scam, and the ukrainians will end up as sharecroppers in whatever’s left of their country.


ukrainians are known as criminals, druglords and scammers.

AM Hants

so true. you look at ukraine, who is behind it all and it is all so obvious. not forgetting the exiles, that flocked to the uk, when boris was mayor of london. he handed over south kensington, to the russian oligarchs, that were exiled, owing to the fact they refused to be good russian citizens. how much does boris owe them?


russian zenith looks like shooting their own legs bro. you don’t want to live in such country. or you want a president killing his own people and kissing north korean leader ? it is disgusting. how many russians were already killed in so called “special operation” ? 1 million = 1000 per day ? why russia needs north korean soldiers and how they will pay them ? with nukes and hypersonic technology ? is it a good idea ?

Last edited 3 months ago by zzz
AM Hants

personally, i would like a leader who can take a bankrupt nation, turn it around. pay off all western banking loans. provide free healthcare and education. have minimal debt, low flat level taxation, for all, including oligarchs. keep their currency and gold reserves healthy and be in complete control of their vast wealth of natural resources.

AM Hants

2) whilst also having the most powerful military in the world. instead i have got sunak. us have got biden. france have got maccron. ukraine have got, without authorisation zelinsky, germany have got scholz and the list goes on. no wonder the global majority, which russia is a dominant member of, have turned their backs on the west.

The Enigma Machine

that was certainly pretty impressive. something like pulling victory from the jaws of defeat. western shysters got very upset over that.

AM Hants

before i woke from my media induced, zombie coma, back in 2014, i had no interest in russia or the soviet union. then owing to events in ukraine, i started looking into it all, in order to make up my own independent mind. wow, what a learning curve.

AM Hants

2) especially when you look at where president putin came from, his family history and also how him and his team rescued russia. i am in complete awe of russian politicians and the people of russia and just wish we had a leader like him, along with his team. over here in the uk.

AM Hants

you appear to be mistaking russia for ukraine.


sadly it’s the other way around. soviet union faked its decline. it did this trick on full purpose to getthe west to let its guard down, so hordes of hidden infiltrators and agents could infest everything int the west from usa, to germany, whole eu everything. and that the situation we have now – the war is set up by jews, that shifted their main assets and base from zionist west to boshevic / communist east – and is now in support of it. that’s all.

Last edited 3 months ago by Teresa999
The Iceman Cometh

aren’t you the dingbat that thinks the ukrainians are scoring 5 times the kia/wia against the russians?


ussr lost cold war from many reasons, especially because of being stupid under maniacal leadership. nothing changed since that time, they are still stupid with maniacal leadership, they just borrowed 30 years of extra time giving nato all the former eastern block countries for free. now nato is on their border so the timeout is over and they are under pressure again, doing the same stupid things like ussr did.

AM Hants

the soviet union/ussr was led by bolsheviks. remember, when they overthrew the russian empire, back in 1917? 15 members emerged from the bolshevik soviet union, back in 1991. it was the soviet union that dismantled the warsaw pact and allowed nato to continue as a uni-polar, offensive union, not russia.

AM Hants

2) how many of the soviet union/warsaw pact members, complete with begging bowls and professional victim status, ran to the bolshevik led eu? which ironically is run on the same ideology as the old soviet union? russia, free of the shackles of her ungrateful neighbours moved on. guess that is why they are a dominant partner in the global majority, in control of their vast wealth of natural resources and a lot of money in the bank for a rainy day. unlike any eu member.

AM Hants

the soviet union was created by the west. remember, who created the bolsheviks in the first place. they did not let their guard down, as the main reason has always been to dominate, control and dismantle russia and then pillage all her natural resources. the bolsheviks transferred to the eu and the us and still trying to raid russia.

AM Hants

do believe you mean the soviet union. or did you miss out of the bolsheviks overthrowing the russian empire, back in 1917 and then creating the soviet union. in 1991 it was dismantled and 15 independent members emerged, including ukraine. russia moved on, and so many joined the bolshevik led soviet european union, taking their begging bowls and professional victim status with them.


general alexeev and foreign agents of kerenskiy, i.e. liberals did the coup in february 1917 before lenin. so called february revolution. the rus.soc-dem labor party of lenin took power in october from kerenskiy who left to the us where he died few decades after. in february 1917 lenin was in switzerland and didn’t affected internal policy inside russia. after the coup he moved through germany to finland (region of russia with high autonomy level) to come to petrograd (capital) from helsinki.

AM Hants

it is just like the same crowd today, with different faces and names, trying to run exactly the same script. there again, they have been running the ‘regime change revolutions’ since at least 1913. same with the ira, who were launched the same year that the bolsheviks overthrew the russian empire, back in 1917.

AM Hants

2) they claimed to be fighting for ireland, yet, they were created by the city of london. the average british citizen, back in victorian times lived in the workhouse and the majority were illiterate and poor. ireland had the famine, courtesy of the city of london gangs of british aristocrats. the same crowd who ran the east india trading company. they created the ira and all the others that followed. i wonder when they will change the script?

The Iceman Cometh

i say bye bye to the ussr, bye bye to the ussa and an especial bye bye to the ss in ukraine.

wise man

stop taking narcotics cuck


this why n.korea must be careful and not go in ukraine territory.

Sureal Senario

prnk troops in ukraine could be russia’s answer to the growing number of nato troops already there and might delay the inevitable ultimate escalation planned by nato allowing more time for the globalists to come to their senses and send biden to the nursing home.

AM Hants

will also give the north korean military some valuable training, and also intelligence on nato toys. especially seeing how ineffective they are.


the white house is already a nursing home for the aged.

AM Hants

lol. elderly abuse, at its finest. dr jill must be so proud.

The Enigma Machine

what do you think she’d have ended up doing had she not hooked up with ol’ joe?

i think i’d bet on her running a whorehouse like heidi fleiss

AM Hants

so agree with you, but, would she be working for heidi fleiss or running it into the ground?

The Enigma Machine

where the staff pick the elderly’s pockets and fool them into including them in their wills.

AM Hants

do you remember when the clintons lived there? they were renting out the bedrooms by the hour. then when they left, they took as much as they could with them. stating that with bill no longer president they would be brassic. is there nothing hilary would not whore out, for a price?


we are ruled by psycotic 50 y.o. children who know nothing about real world. we.could never win against rusia. it was obvious 3 years ago and is paynfuly humilliating now, and it will be even worse. we just don’t have the numbers or the attitude. our only capability consists in generating memes in internet 🤦🏻

AM Hants

how many western leaders have very dubious lifestyle choices? not known for their intelligence, just over inflated egos. whether being satisfied, courtesy of a pigs head (cameron), playing a piano with their dick (zelinsky) and god knows what boris did, for his bullingdon club initiation. then you have obama and michael, or boy maccron marrying his elderly teacher. wasn’t radislav sikorski, just like cameron, gove, osborne and boris, also a bullingdon club member?


of course not , won’t happen except maybe as observers to study how a nazi-regime is defeated!

former Airbus Engineer

i hope they come. not that russia needs them. but it will be a sign that russia is not alone and much less isolated. north koreans are excellent fighetrs. they even managed to kick out the yankees back in the 50ies, despite of being outnumbered and outgunned.

The Enigma Machine

a steady diet of kimchi can make anyone into a lethal killing machine. after eating a potful one day, i went out into the woods and strangled 3 bobcats with my bare hands.

former Airbus Engineer

it’s the ukras who take drugs to stand on the battlefield, not the north koreans. they won the battles against yanks with courage, discipline and determination.


american-supplied mgm-140 atacms tactical ballistic missiles bombing belgorod everyday in russia

The Iceman Cometh

sure, it’s the only way they think they can win – terrorism against the civilian population.

if mccain were still alive, he’d say “we are all terrorists now.”

Last edited 3 months ago by The Iceman Cometh
Conan M

you are leaving out that this is a tradition in both the u.$. and british military(s)…
think of the bombing of dresden during wwii… tokyo bombings at the end of 1945 that were worse than the atomic bombs in their incineration(s) and loss of life.

Conan M

the american military has trained that way ever since -because they actually believe that it breaks the will of the enemy to fight -when we have examples of what happened to the british military in india, and to the u.$. military in korea and vietnam as the ultimate lesson of why it never works!…

Last edited 3 months ago by Conan M
Conan M

if you want to win the “hearts and minds” of your enemy you stick only to military tactics on military sites of your enemy!…

Last edited 3 months ago by Conan M
Edgar Zetar

guess king yong un from nk, definitely would send hundreds observators and military attaches to learn from russian military if they allow them obviously… also to deploy and shoot military hardware. the best site to learn it is the battlefield.


serfs should give an example and commit complite suicide by going to fight against fukraine, but just to be used as mine clearing expendable pigs.

jens holm

yuri is stupid fuckwit and he’s getting my dick up hes ahs. eate my shit on daily basis. i pain in his assholes. i know.

Last edited 3 months ago by jens holm
Christian J Chuba

no. n.korean troops will not appear in ukraine. it is too difficult to coordinate and overcome language barriers. this will not happen until russia and n.korea do several military exercise drills together.


north koreans are already contract workers in their neighbouring country.


if as they say this can include others in the world then mexico is welcome under russian military umbrella to be defended against the gringo threats of military aggression after mexico recently expressed interest in joining brics. imagine awesomness of aztec warriors armed with powerful modern weapons and satellite itelligence to kick the anglo-zionist rats all the way to canada. reconquista!

The Jewish problem

mexico is currently rule by jew president and drug cartels, they ain’t going to do $hit


thats a good thing for mexico since they do not share a border with a us hostile country they are not needed for a proxi war. so having a jew as president takes them of the us list of regime change.

Conan M

certainly an unpleasant development if you are an american or nato “regular” drooling for a wider war with the me falling apart in all direction(s). one thing is certain… joe biden got a problem in the “department of death” when he said not a single american has died on his watch around the globe since he took office as president… lt general cloutier “come on down” and endorse your president’s statement???

Last edited 3 months ago by Conan M

in 2014, i foresaw that there would be an alliance between russia, china, iran and north-korea, as they were then already the targets of the western alliance, with sanctions and trade embargoes. this was also the “world continent” from the nazi-era.
it is obvious that the western alliance just continued with nazi policy after ww2.
since ww2 the usa waged constantly war, where they wanted natural resources and never for real democracy.


i dont think north korean troops will apear in major numbers in ukraine. they would open themselves to a south korean/ us attack on them. but this alliance might very well cause south korea to join nato or an asia version of nato together with philipines and japan. the bank allways has plans to win no matter what happens.

Last edited 3 months ago by kotromanic
wise man

the first nk military engineers already arrived on the territory of the rf, now they are preparing the linguists of both countires

Germanistan 1p00

i am arab refugee in germany. my name is celal ar-yasuf. i have 10 kids. for every child germany pays me 300 euro and next year it will be 550 €. i so happy in germany. i get 3000€ every month. i am rich here in frankfurt. angela merkel, ursula fon der lynn are mother of arabs. my country syria pays 0€ nothing pays for kids. germany number 1.
soon my brother will come to germany too. he is in turkey now. erdogan opens border  they come

Germanistan 1p00

in germany legalization approved long time ago. marriage with arabs and german girls under 16 years old are legal in germany, germany is heaven of arabs people


before reading the article, i’d think have they sent is a better question and the answer is 100% they have.
in the west, they euphemistically call them ‘advisors’.


n.korea needs to very careful and not be to quick on sending troops to ukraine territory, russian has betray ally’s before i know like iran general, “soleimani”
