Ireland’s Protests – Will Varadkar Go Full Trudeau?

Ireland’s Protests – Will Varadkar Go Full Trudeau?

Illustrative Image

Written by Gavin O’Reilly

Since Russia began its special military operation in Ukraine almost a year ago, one of the key features of the collective West’s response, alongside sanctions and the expulsion of Russian diplomats, has been the accommodation of refugees fleeing the conflict, with millions of Ukrainians being housed across Europe since last February, including 70,000+ in the 26-County Irish State.

The first question that springs to mind regarding this approach however, is that if it is being done out of genuine concern for those fleeing conflict in Ukraine, then why was it not implemented in 2014 when that war first began?

In April of that year, following five months of Western-instigated violence in response to then-President Viktor Yanukovych’s decision to suspend an EU-trade deal in order to pursue closer ties with neighbouring Russia, the ethnic Russian Donbass region in the east of the country would break away to form the Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics, their residents having little choice lest they face genocide and ethnic cleansing at the hands of the anti-Russian neo-Nazi elements which composed the new Western-backed Kiev government.

A war on both Republics would follow, involving neo-Nazi paramilitaries such as Azov Battalion and Right Sector, which despite efforts to resolve the conflict peacefully via the federalisation solution offered by the Minsk Accords, would ultimately result in 14,000 deaths over the space of 8 years.

Despite this slaughter, no mainstream campaign existed in Ireland during the same period intended to expel Ukrainian diplomats or to welcome those fleeing conflict in the Donbass.

Likewise, no similar campaign has existed for those fleeing other conflicts such as that in Yemen, classed as the world’s worst humanitarian crisis by the United Nations, with a paltry 70 Yemenis being granted access to social services in the 26 Counties in the past year, in comparison to 72,609 Ukrainians in the same period following Russia’s intervention.

It must also me asked that if Leinster House genuinely cared about the plight of refugees fleeing conflict, then why contribute to the conflicts that created those refugees in the first place by allowing US warplanes to land in Shannon Airport over the past 20 years?

Since the Russian operation began in Ukraine last February, talks of the 26 County State joining an EU army have increased amongst establishment voices also, with the stated aim of such an alliance being to ‘act in complementarity’ with NATO, the coalition having been a key contributor to the refugee crisis over the past two decades by laying waste to Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria.

With these facts established, it can safely be concluded that Leinster House’s ‘concern’ for refugees has little to do with helping those fleeing war, and much like the wider West’s support of Ukrainian ‘freedom fighters’ being a cover to use Ukraine as a proxy to tie Russia down in an Afghan-style military quagmire, the Fine Gael-Fianna Fáil coalition is using emotive media coverage of the Ukrainian conflict as a means to swell the labour market and to keep wages stagnant on behalf of the corporate class.

Indeed, protests related to the effects of such a move would arise in late November, when upwards of 300 migrants were suddenly moved into a disused office block in East Wall, a working-class area of inner-city Dublin. Residents would begin what would go on to become weekly demonstrations over the move, citing the lack of consultation with community officials beforehand, the suitability of the office block for accommodation, and the lack of transparency on whether those who had been moved into the office block had been vetted.

Despite these protests receiving support from residents of the office block themselves, the Irish mainstream media would, in lockstep, decry them as being ‘anti-refugee protests’ and ‘organised by the far-right’, a label that would also be applied to similar protests that emerged around Dublin and other locations in response to other wildly unsuitable locations chosen by Leinster House to accommodate adult migrants, including a school in Drimnagh, like East Wall, another working-class area of Dublin.

This dismissal of ordinary working class people’s concerns as ‘far-right’ bears a stark similarity to mainstream media descriptions of last year’s Freedom Convoy in Canada, when in response to a government mandate requiring all truck drivers re-entering from the US having to be vaccinated, a nationwide protest would begin in the second-largest country in the world.

The government of Justin Trudeau – like Leo Varadkar, another ‘Young Global leader’ of the World Economic Forum – would respond in an authoritarian fashion, freezing the bank accounts of protest organisers and attacking demonstrators with mounted Horses and teargas. An approach, that with the head of the 26-County police force condemning the current protests and secretive police units monitoring organisers, may soon become a reality on the other side of the Atlantic.


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Most Irish ppl I know have nothing against Russia or Russians. The Brit is the one with an evil mind.

Florian Geyer

This is what happens when greedy deviants are controlled by the dark forces in Satanic death cults.
The ordinary sheeple are just ‘cannon fodder’ for bigger profits.


The above photo ,all of the people in the above photo are members of sinn fein / they are in government with the British political elite


Sinn Fein is IRA, which was always a British psy-op. The single most hilarious image I have seen in my life is one in which Gerry Adams is belly-laughing with the now HRH King Charles. Adams was basically the top of the IRA when they blew up Charles’ hyper-fascist uncle, Lord Mount Batten. The whole “Troubles” was a psy-op from top-to-bottom. Gladio.


Yes most of the top players in sinn fein/IRA where working for British intelligence and I mean the provos top people!


The one with the pink top end of photo is Mary Ellen Campbell a former sinn fein deputy lord mayor the others in the photo are all sinn fein members. Mary Ellen Campbell is a convicted bomber who was caught planting incendiary bombs in a department store


America took the survivors of the British genocide of the Irish following the potato famine and now the Irish accept the Ukros following the British genocide in Ukraine there should be a lesson in there somewhere.


The sooner Leo is gone from our government the better which will not be long we all know he is a WEF puppet but because of our elections laws we have to wait for another year before we can kick him out and the rest of there NATO sh@t heads including Mehole and the rest of the so call FF We want good relations with our brothers the Russians.


If there is somethink wrong about let me know

Gerry Bell

Excellent summary of the situation in Ireland.


Why can’t I post


I got my answer. I mentioned the people who you cannot criticize for what they are orchestrating against the Irish people.


Just type 1111111111 or any other 10 symbols, then edit your message and write anything you want.

Captain Hohol

We all know that Ukraine is a cause de celebre for leftists and the brainwashed masses. It has nothing at all to do with Ukrainians at all, if Ukrainians were perceived as being opposed to leftist politics they’d be dropped fast and vilified just as quickly as anyone else.

I do feel that among a lot of the actual dogmatic leftists that there are a lot of uninformed and unintelligent people who have been motivated by fearmongering and propaganda to support whatsoever these agents and proxies of WEF politics insist on pushing.

It’s disgusting to watch, it’s why while I am not a Russian, support the defense and autonomy of a civilization that has a god given right to resist what is being done to the rest of the world. I can cheer for them while I watch my home country disappoint me to no end, somebody has to escape this horror and Russians are fighting righteously to do so.


Typical of SF posters and pretty much everybody else, you don’t have the foggiest notion of what a “leftist” is. Identitarianism is not a leftist program, it is entirely rooted in capitalism. When the Five Eyes are pumping out relentless Russophobic propaganda in literally every realm of mass communication, it they are not trying to eliminate the dominance of capitalist elites in the society. Is Larry Fink trying to give the resources of the Ukrainian territory over to autonomous collectives? Give your head a shake.


Poor 26-county has got Stockholm syndrome. Good analysis. Thanks a bunch.


Why so unhappy faces, if refuges are welcomed? Thought they are hohols paid for another stupid street action, but the knowing people tells they are locals. Have they invited some hohols to their homes?


800 years fighting the island monkeys from Pirate Rock and then 50 years plus battling the occupation of the Irish 6 counties, Ulster and then after the EUSSR and the WEF got their rotten teeth into the “island of saints and scholars” today the country is full of covaid$ death squirted idiots only too happy to support their replacement with the detritus of the angloZionaZi destruction of rump Ukrapland and all the other Judaic wars of expansion of the disgUSting USSA. Ireland is second only to brain dead USSA with fluoridated drinking water which has reduced the masses to the level of monkeys or Somalians with an ever diminishing IQ, obvious to anyone who visits the once proud nation that long stood up for Palestinian human rights and against the genocide in apartheid, occupied Palestine.


Today the land, like the rest of the so-called “West” is full of remote controlled simian like creatures jabbing their prosthetic blinking hand held thingies as they wait to slurp their poisonous Starschmucx cappuccino piss, avoiding all direct contact with their fellow jabbing naked apes.
As in the rest of the debauched and diseased “West” Ireland is run by transgendermutant retards, Klaus Pigshead, Kill Bill gates of hell bought hoes and a handful of ignorant, thuggish oligarchs who pump swill into the nation’s “living” rooms a la Coudenhove Kalergi brain wash that would have made even the purposely starved peasants during the Brit food removal “famine” of 1847, blush with shame, embarrassment and disgust.

Romanian whore

Very good point for whom is knowing what’s all about. And that means 1% of the all planet population. The west became a shithole and is slowly going to its drowning in own piss. When peoples will start to understand will be too late…..the dices will be long ago thrown. Bible is 1000% TRUE.

Last edited 1 year ago by Romanian whore
Stephan Williams

The “Christian bible” used throughout most of the Western World was compiled by a small group of British scholars beholden to King James I. Our “BIBLE” was the dramatically edited version of the many texts used by Christians before the “new and improved version” was either compiled or invented by these whores to power who were complicit in the .

The trouble is that they ignored 80 or more scholarly works studied by Christian scholars at the time because they promoted independence and freedom of thought among other things.

They replaced those texts with bastardized versions of )ewish religious myths that promoted the worship of a vengeful, psychotic and murderous god who killed you without conscience for disobeying his commandments.

(to be cont’d…)

Stephan Williams


Hmmmm…I wonder what message they were attempting to convey with their remaking of the Christian faith from one of independent and moral thinking to one of obedience and compliance…

The King James version of the bible has led us to this point in history where the lies of our enemies are taken as truths by so-called “Christians” who continue to ignore the elephant in the room – that elephant being the fact that the god they worship is EVIL – the product of the poisoned minds who originally appropriated other people’s myths and stories when it suited their selfishly psychotic pursuits.

Some )ews freely admit their god is Baphomet – (Satan, to the Rubes). Why they take pride in that fact has always puzzled me, but then again…I’m sane.

Romanian whore

Ireland is almost full of romanian and bulgarian gipsies who settled there because the high social help Ireland give. Having many childrens they live there well and good without working anywhere. And pour there yet more childrens. I know a family which have 6 childrens, all enrolled on social assistance and get 2.000 Euros, very sufficient to live a decent life there. And they collect (or steal) regularly scrapped but in good condition all sorts of things from Dublin and once a month they return to Romania and sell them for another 3000 euros. All the west world is a 100% shithole ‘grace’ to its Kalergy idiotic doctrine.

Last edited 1 year ago by Romanian whore
WT Baker

good article


Is the Worsening Migration Crisis in the Coalition’s Interests?

“As far back as 2015, polling has consistently shown that Sinn Féin voters were the most anti-migrant voter base in the country. Recent polling has affirmed this. Last month, Sinn Féin voters ranked as the most sceptical of the Government’s refugee policy out of all the major parties. At 61% opposed to the Government’s migration policy, this is notably above the national average and significantly above Fianna Fáil (56%) and Fine Gael (47%). This generally affirms the perception of the Sinn Féin vote, not as an ideological vote but as a protest vote against the Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael.”
The Irish populous are the real enemy for the ruling pedovore EUSSR beholden scum. The migrant livestock is just another weapon (Coudenhove Kalergi genocide) like the covaid$ death squirt, to destroy the native rabble that imagine they are still a nation with rights.

Last edited 1 year ago by Martillo

The icing on the cake is they complain about migrants and refugees but they forget its those very people doing the tens of thousands of 10 euro/hour jobs thats keping the economy half decent. They also dont care to know that its the United Nations Refugee Council paying the bills, not the Irish taxpayer footing the bills.
