Ireland’s Protests And Colour Revolutions – A Contrast In Reactions

Ireland’s Protests And Colour Revolutions – A Contrast In Reactions

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Written by Gavin O’Reilly

On Thursday night, footage would quickly go viral throughout Ireland of police brutality in Newtownmountkennedy, a small rural town in County Wicklow.

Following several weeks of peaceful protests by local residents in opposition to plans to house male migrants in a former hospital in the locality, matters would come to a head with a heavy handed response from Irish police, resulting in the brutalisation of local residents, the pepper spraying of a female journalist, and martial law effectively being imposed on the town.

Such protests have become a mainstay throughout Ireland since 2022, when – using the war in Ukraine as a pretext – Leinster House began to move large amounts of male migrants into wildly unsuitable locations such as an inner city office block and a children’s primary school.

Tensions over the immigration policy of the southern Irish state previously spilled over in November, when following a knife attack on three schoolchildren and their teacher in Dublin by a migrant previously subjected to a deportation order, riots would sweep the capital, garnering worldwide media attention and resulting in the introduction of Facial Recognition Technology laws. A national demonstration against government policy held in early February, would also be subjected to a heavy-handed police response similar to what occurred in Newtownmountkennedy.

The heavy-handed state response to these grassroots protests bears a stark similarity to the 2022 Freedom Convoy in Canada, when in response to Ottawa’s decision to mandate ‘Covid’ jabs for truckers returning from the US, a nationwide protest would begin against the government of Justin Trudeau – who, like recently departed Taoiseach Leo Varadkar, is also another ‘Young Global Leader’ of the World Economic Forum.

Like the current protests in Ireland, the Freedom Convoy would also be decried as being ‘organised by the far-right’ by the mainstream media, and protesters would also be subjected to brutality by Canadian police, including the use of teargas, being trampled by mounted Horses, and having their bank accounts frozen using emergency legislation enacted for the first time since World War Two.

The response of the Irish political and media establishment to the current protests however, lies in contrast to their support for Euromaidan, the Western-backed regime change operation launched in Ukraine more than a decade ago. A political movement that involved the use of actual foreign-backed extremists, and which led to wide-ranging geopolitical ramifications that are still felt to this day.

In November 2013, following the decision by then-Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych to suspend an association agreement with the EU, in order to pursue a more favourable deal with neighbouring Russia, a CIA-engineered colour revolution would be launched in order to install a pro-Western government in Ukraine.

Ireland’s Protests And Colour Revolutions – A Contrast In Reactions

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Carried out under the auspices of Victoria Nuland, the US State Department’s highest ranking official on European affairs at the time, alongside US Senator John McCain (who would infamously address demonstrators in Kiev’s Maidan Square) and the National Endowment for Democracy and George Soros’ Open Society Foundations NGOs, Euromaidan would see violence quickly sweep the former Soviet state.

Key to this would be the involvement of anti-Russian neo-Nazi elements, such as the Svoboda party, who would go on to form a key component of the post-coup government of Petro Poroshenko.

The strong anti-Russian sentiment of this new Ukrainian leadership would lead the ethnic Russian inhabitants of the eastern Donbass region to break away to form the Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics in April 2014.The residents of both oblasts having little choice lest they be subject to ethnic cleansing and genocide at the hands of the new regime. A concern that would prove to not be unfounded when in May of that year, Maidan supporters torched the Trade Unions House in the southern Ukrainian city of Odesa, leading to the deaths of 48 people, the majority of whom were anti-Maidan demonstrators of Russian origin.

Ireland’s Protests And Colour Revolutions – A Contrast In Reactions

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The establishment of the eastern People’s Republics would lead to a war on the Donbass region by the new Western-backed regime, culminating in the deaths of over 14,000 people over the space of eight years. Despite the federalisation solution offered by the Minsk Accords, which would have seen the region granted a degree of autonomy whilst still remaining under Ukrainian rule, the continued shelling of the Donbass by Ukrainian forces, and the distinct likelihood that Kiev would go on to host US missiles capable of striking Moscow had Ukraine gone on to join NATO, would ultimately force Russia’s hand.

On the 24th of February 2022, Moscow would launch a military intervention into its eastern neighbour, intended to protect ethnic Russians and to destroy any military infrastructure intended to be used against Russia. The ramifications were felt worldwide. Numerous sanctions were imposed against the Russian Federation and Russian Diplomats were expelled from the West in numbers not seen since the Cold War, creating a geopolitical situation where nuclear war between East and West remains a distinct possibility. All because of the 2013-14 Maidan colour revolution.

The Irish political establishment however, took a contrasting view on Maidan and its aftermath. In December 2013, the southern Irish government issued a statement condemning Yanukovych’s response to the violence, which would later transpire had the involvement of foreign-backed actors, and following the launch of the Russian special military operation in 2022, a number of Russian diplomats would be expelled from Ireland. Simon Harris, who recently assumed the position of Taoiseach, would also hold one of his first international phone calls with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

A far different response to what Leinster House is currently taking against the ongoing grassroots protests throughout Ireland.


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i hope the irish people live up to the fearsome reputation of their ancestors and fiercely resist this tyranny that’s been hosted upon them by these traitors who sold ireland out to the globalist cabal! i love ireland. i love the irish people. i invoke the holy names of saint patrick, saint brigid, saint columba and saint dyphna daily. may they and the blessed virgin mother protect the irish nation and her people.

jens holm

its not to that at all.

have you use newspapers and history book for making pipe tobacco 🦽🦽🦽

jens holm

i use newspaper to insert in my rectum when no $$ for diapers

Give socials to refugess

why did erdogan loosed the last elections? because he made a big mistake by accepting arab muslim refugees and turkey now accepting %70 of the arab refugees. after 9 pm at the nights women can not go out in turkey anymore and turkey economy collapsing with %70 inflacion. same mistakes maded by england too and they realized the situation but it was so late , england tried to send these muslim refugees to ireland and it has success.

Last edited 5 months ago by Give socials to refugess
jens holm

not at all.

those are only a part of the turkish problems.

the main problems – compared fx my denmark – is they dont educate the people, which alrealy lives there and upgrade from lower uneducated to educates middle class.

but that too many cant support themselves and otheres.

jens holm

its a upperclass system for too few running the country. they has to invest in better schools and free education. its insane owner has been allow to importing people instead of this.

i do compare to here. we do create more jobs and many more well educated women are good taxpayers. its no perfect much better. we reduce the lower class. even the stubbern ones can change by carrots

jens holm

as an indoctrinated moron retired potato farmer unable to enter university except to scrub toilet and lick lgbt diek i am expert on mental illness–cuz 35% require astrologer therapists in dumbmark

hyper nuke weapons

send all ukraine refugees to live in nyc and london. one way ticket pls

Give socials to refugess

and europe paid 3 milliard $ to erdogan to close turkeys borders for refugees who wants to pass europe and erdogan said ok just send me more money, but ireland does not want money, it started to catching and sending these refugees back to the england . england economy already collapsed same as turkeys ekonomy and other countries will be collapsed same i mean germany and france will follow this.

Give socials to refugess

but these refuges are not guilty, the guilties are presidents which accept them and their administrations which pays socials for the refugees.. so far germany paid 300 euro for a child and this year it will be 600 euro +for every other child 500 euro more. muslim refugees in germany makes more children and gets more money from germany

Last edited 5 months ago by Give socials to refugess
jens holm

muslims dont do that after first generation. typical wing up with right a version.

jens holm

thats right. hardly anyones asked them in. they just make things more difficult and are minus in the budgets.

eu need time for reforms with many new members as well.

in the old days we said the bus was full.

jens holm

0 id—in dumbmark bus full of shit idiot danes inferior species

Ireland is next sweden

i just watched the video and really “shocking scenes” , polices beating the womens . i am sure ireland will be the next sweden .totally fucked up by muslim refugees

Ireland is next sweden

“ireland of police brutality in newtownmountkennedy” write this at google and watch from youtube

Last edited 5 months ago by Ireland is next sweden

follow x for more updates ✅

Muslims words

import africa, you’ll become africa… 😂
import araps, you’ll become arabistan… 😂

jens holm

iiii was born on a dublin street 🚗💥

jens holm

o id wrote that too. he is forbidden to have a service dog.


i heard u born in a dumpster in eastern pakistan…


you bring in third world population, you become a third world country. in today’s world, invaders are paid to invade the western world. the jews plan is working perfectly. what’s the plan? kill the catholic religion and destroy/replace white people. you need to be blind not to see this happening.


irish vertical pork is among the most corrupt collection of thugs in the entire e.u.s.s.r. the day is coming when heroes of the old ira will have to take back the country from the globo filth and brussels mobsters and the local treacherous gombeen rats that sold out to their anglozionazi masters. ireland for the irish and no more migrant b.s.

Ireland is not england

ireland is not england. the guilty is england .. why england sends these african muslim invaders to ireland?

cosmic dwarf

the midwits with oversized egos currently in charge of the west will one day find out that nobody’s willing to put his life on the line for their sake. won’t be pretty when that happens.

Damien C

just an interesting statistic

germany refuse 99.9% of georgian and nigerian refugees

ireland accepts 99.9% of georgian and nigerian refugees

Napolyons son

you can educate an (animal) but you can not educate a ( muslim) never. putin is the biggest strategist just using the trash muslim countries like turkey lol . say bye to moldova and odessa soon stupids

Ireland is not england

irelandfullwithnigerians turkeyfullwitharabs swedenismuslimcountry greeceevery1of5ismusliminvader

Ireland is not england

#irelandfullwithnigerians #turkeyfullwitharabs #swedenismuslimcountry #greeceevery1of5ismusliminvader

Ireland is not england

lol lo lol lol

I have a nuke

i hope all will be hungry these muslims bastards

jens holm

denmark has been full of shit for 200 years
