Written by Hadi Gholami Nohouji exclusively for SouthFront
These past days the so called political suicide of Masoud Barzani (President of the Iraqi Kurdistan) has been one of the major issues of concern to many countries in the Middle East to which there seems to be no clear answer, at least at the moment.
On September 25th the Iraqi Kurdistan held an independence referendum that, according to preliminary results, shows the support of almost 93 percent of the voters to the establishment of an independent Kurdistan.
The poll, which was declared illegal by the Iraqi government, was held in the face of heavy pressures by the part of Iran, Turkey and Iraq, while the international community —with the exception of Israel— rejected the referendum and advised against it.
Even Baghdad has warned repeatedly that the timing of the referendum, right when Iraq is finally pushing the Islamic State (ISIS) back and is on the verge of taking back the control of all its national soil, couldn’t be worse since it might distract the sides from the battle against ISIS and turn them against each other.
Iran, which also has a sizeable Kurdish population (6.7 million out of a total population of almost 80 million), has pushed for tough sanctions on the Iraqi Kurdistan and has even banned fuel trade with the Iraqi Kurds.
Also the unusual meetings amongst the Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces, Mohammad Bagheri (who was a military commander whose area of responsibility was the Kurdish area during the 1979 Kurdish Rebellion in Iran), and his counterparts from Turkey and Iraq — Hulusi Akar and Othman Al-Ghanimi, respectively— suggests some kind of coordinated military effort to counter the Kurdish threat.
Iran has already sent a big military contingent to its northwest areas, where the Kurds live, and in the past days has participated in joint military drills with the Iraqi Armed Forces, which a sign of the now inevitable conflict to come.
Iran already has gone through the bitter experience of Kurdish uprising and its northwestern borders suffer occasionally from attacks and skirmishes of PJAK (Kurdistan Free Life Party) which leave casualties on the Iranian and the Kurdish sides.
During the Kurdish Rebellion in Iran of 1979 (which lasted until 1981) the Kurds made some territorial gains in the area of Mahabad and ousted the Iranian forces out of there but this didn’t last and the Revolutionary Guards took back the lost territories and then began a house to house campaign to clear the Kurdish zones of any resistance. About 10,000 people were killed during this conflict.
It is mainly because of this painful experience and the Kurdish attacks that continue to this date that many of the Iranian commanders and authorities are inclined towards the use of heavy force to suffocate any kind of Kurdish nationalism.
Also since the end Iran-Iraq war (1980-88) Iranian authorities have been increasingly worried about covert actions by rival governments to empower secessionist movements amongst Iran’s various minorities —and specially the Kurds and the Arabs— to try to break up parts of the country.
The Iranian military, along with its Turkish and Iraqi counterparts, seem eager to go all-in in the Iraqi Kurdistan but they should consider the repercussions of that. Diplomatic solutions and financial pressure alone will most likely suffice considering the geography of that region but a military confrontation with the Kurds could incite a region wide Kurdish rebellion against their home countries, something that wouldn’t benefit absolutely anyone except ISIS and the terrorist groups.
One would hope that Barzani and his colleagues would start, at some point at least, to take into account the fact that the referendum and independence would gain them nothing and could end up with the Iraqi government taking away their actual privileges and, if the worst comes to the worst, it would push Erbil into a multi-sided war against the combined might of Iran, Turkey and Iraq.
illegal referendum for an independent state supported by the worst illegitimate entity on earth is suicidal and grossly wrong
I am not defending the kurds, but they never ever stated this referendum would immediately lead to independence, what they stated is that it would give the greater power to negotiate better terms with Baghdad after the war was finished. They made this statement on numerous occasions.
In my view there is something at play here, which no-one is talking about and I cannot fathom out. What also got the alarm bells ringing with me, is the reaction of the US that seemed to make a huge U-turn in supporting it, when we know the US’s priorities are to Balkanise Iraq and Syria.
Could this all be a diversion ?.
Hey just my view.
KRG sent mixed signals, sometimes they said what you mentioned and sometimes (specially after the referendum) declared that they are now “neighbor” of Iraq, and not part of it and their borders will be wherever they tanks stop.
I agree with you that this is done as a distraction. What for, we’ll find out soon.
Perhaps they hoped such move creates turmoil inside Iran and Turkey and weaken them.
I agree; there is something that I cannot fathom (as indicated above) going on.
Since the US sent 1/2 billon dollars of weapons through the back door, their is NO WAY that they did not know about and promote this referendum – and then they come up and say they disagree with it is ludicrous.
The only thing I have now is (as before) is the “negotiation of better terms with Baghdad ” which MUST include a US military base or something.
But then again, tomorrow I will have something different.
PS As mentioned to a few commenters / mate commenters, I still believe that the water issue is the most important – power is second and oil is maybe third. Not much going my way backing that up at the moment, but we shall see.
Have to agree with Garga on this one Barzani never had the full support and was way beyond his mandate as they kept calling for a resumption of government which under Barzani had stopped paying government salaries for quite some time maybe even 2-3 years as Iraq government had to keep paying their wages while Barzani kept pocketing oil revenues. Problem where did the money go and that is what the Kurds should be asking and they aren’t as this was the reason as to hide his and possibly others corruption up in embezzling the funds.
Thanks for the response. Everyday, I learn a little more.
Thinking the more we learn the less we want to know.
Very true.
Kurdistan would be an Israeli/US “Puppet” state.
200’000 Jew Kurds in Israel are waiting to Colonise
this new bogus Kurds State…
It wont happen. keep the faith (and patience).
So I was reading about Arab-Israel war, but I found some things that were kinda odd.
Can someone explain this? (if he/she possesses knowledge about Arab-Israel conflict)
Why did Soviet Union support Arabs?
Why didn’t Iran participate in that war to support Palestinians?
Why were the Lebanese Free army, Southern Lebanon army, etc supporting Israel?
Why was France, US, UK, etc supporting Israel?
I agree with the article, no need to send in troops or anything, just economic isolation. If they can’t import or export anything by land or air, at least in significant quantities, it will be hard for Barzani to remain in power. Don’t repeat the same mistake that Spain did with the Catalan referendum, the use of force to quell this will only serve to strengthen Barzani’s position. I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s actually hoping it would come to that. Never give your opponent what he wants.
To understand the US roadmap,
just read my post below
Political Islam against China
by Thierry Meyssan
You are probably aware that you are incompletely informed about what is brewing in Myanmar, and you probably haven’t heard about the military coalition that is preparing to attack that country. And yet, as Thierry Meyssan reveals here, these current events have been in preparation by Riyadh and Washington since 2013. Don’t take sides before you read this article and digest the information.
According to the US chief of Staff, Thailand is part of the zone to be destroyed (map published by Thomas P. M. Barnett in 2003).
Pursuing its Grand Strategy of extending the theatre of war [1], the Pentagon is at the same time preparing the instrumentation of the Kurds in the Greater Middle East, a civil war in Venezuela and a war of attrition in the Philippines. However, these conflicts will have to wait for the implementation of a fourth theatre of operations – namely Burma, China’s next-door neighbour.
On 28 September at the Security Council, Jeffrey Feltman, the number 2 of the UNO, takes part in the debates, next to Secretary General António Guterres. After having personally supervised the aggression against Syria, he now intends to organiser the attack on Burma. Ex-US civil servant, Feltman was the assistant to Hillary Clinton.
During the meeting of the UN Security Council on 28 September, the US ambassador and several of her allies accused Myanmar’s coalition government of « genocide » [2]. This loaded word – which, in European law, designates the massacre of a great number of people, but in US law applies to a method of killing, even if the criminal kills only one person – is enough for Washington to justify a war, with or without the backing of the Security Council, as we saw in Yugoslavia [3]. The meeting of the Security Council was held at the request of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC).
Since 2013, the Western medias have been taking care to present Buddhism as a sectarian movement. The photo shows the monk Ashin Wirathu, condemned in 2003 to 25 years of imprisonment because of his anti-Muslim preaching. He benefited from the general amnesty in 2012. It is not difficult to find fanatics in any religion.
In order to make the facts correspond to their narrative, the United States, the United Kingdom and France, which had celebrated Aung San Suu Kyi and the Buddhist monks for their non-violent resistance to the dictatorship of the State Law and Order Restoration Council (SLORC) during the « Saffron revolution » in 2007 [4], simply redefined the Burmese army, Nobel Peace Prize-winner Aung San Suu Kyi [5], and all the Buddhists in the country [6] as “the bad guys”.
Burma has not known civil peace since the days of foreign domination, first British and then Japanese [7]. It has become easier to destabilise since the SLORC junta agreed to share power with the National League for Democracy (NLD), and together are trying to resolve the country’s many conflicts in a peaceful way.
Indispensable to the Chinese economy, the Yunnan pipe-lines reach the Pacific coast in the Arakan/Rakhine province.
By a geographical coincidence, Burma allows the passage across its territory of the pipe-line linking Chinese Yunnan to the Bay of Bengal, and houses the Chinese electronic surveillance posts for the naval routes which near its coasts. Making war in Burma is therefore more important for the Pentagon than blocking the two « Silk Roads » in the Middle East and Ukraine. An inheritance of British colonisation, there are also, among the distinct Burmese population, 1.1 million descendants of the workers that London had displaced from Bengal to Burma – the Rohingyas [8]. It happens that this national – not ethnic – minority is Muslim, although the great majority of Burmese people is Buddhist. Finally, during the Second World War, the Rohingyas collaborated with India against Burmese nationalists.
Perfectly equipped, the Faith Movement, or Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army, is trained by the British in Saudi Arabia and Bangladesh. Before the beginning of current events, it numbered at least 5,000 soldiers.
In 2013, when the Pentagon and the CIA had deployed the jihadist hordes in Syria and maintained a war of position, Saudi Arabia created yet another terrorist organisation in Mecca, the Faith Movement (Harakah al-Yaqin). This group, which declared that it was an assembly for the Rohingyas, is in reality commanded by the Pakistani Ata Ullah, who fought the Soviets in Afghanistan [9]. The Saudi regime housed the largest community of male Rohingyas, after Burma and before Bangladesh, with 300,000 male workers without their families.
According to a report by the Benagli intelligence services, before the current crisis, the Faith Movement had been working for a year with a spin-off group of the Bengali Jamat-ul-Mujahideen around the slogan « Bengali Jihad in Baghdad ». This tiny group pays allegiance to the Caliph of Daesh, Abou Bakr al-Baghdadi, and has gathered in the same coalition the Indian Mujahideen, Al-Jihad, Al-Ouma, the Students’ Islamic Movement of India (SIMI), the Lashkar-e-Toiba (LeT) and the Pakistani Harkat-ul Jihad-al Islami (HuJI). The group is financed by the foundation Revival of Islamic Heritage Society (RIHS) in Kuwait. When, less than a year and a half ago, in March 2016, the SLORC accepted to share power with Aung San Suu Kyi’s party, the United States attempted to use the Nobel Peace Prize-winner against Chinese interests. Knowing that it would be difficult to manipulate the daughter of the father of Burmese independence, the communist Aung San, they encouraged the Faith Movement – « …you never know … ».
In September 2016, Aung San Suu Kyi came to explain her efforts in favour of the Rohingyas before the General Assembly of the United Nations. Like her father Aung San, who believed for a moment that he might receive Japanese aid to free his country from British colonisation, the Nobel Peace Prize-winner naïvely imagined that she had the sympathy of the Anglo-Saxons to solve Myanmar’s internal problems.
In September 2016, Aung San Suu Kyi represented her country at the UN General Assembly [10]. Naïvely, she explained the problems faced by her people and the means she was setting up to resolve these difficulties progressively, beginning with the question of the Rohingyas. Once back home, she realised that her former US supporters were in reality the enemies of her country. The Faith Movement launched a series of terrorist attacks, including the attack on the Maungdaw border police station, where 400 terrorists plundered the arsenal, killing 13 customs officers and soldiers.
Resolute, Aung San Suu Kyi pursued the implementation of an advisory committee tasked with analysing the Rohingya question, and ending the discrimination under which they suffered. This committee was composed of six Burmans and three foreigners – Dutch ambassador Laetitia van den Assum, Lebanese ex-Minister Ghassan Salame (in reality representing France), and ex-UN Secretary General Kofi Annan, acting as President of the committee.
The nine committee members began work of a rare quality, despite the Burmese obstacles. Political parties failed to have the committee dissolved by the National Assembly, but managed to force the adoption of a motion of no confidence against the committee by the local Assembly of Arakan (the state inhabited by the Rohingyas). Nevertheless, the committee members handed in their report on 25 August – it contained genuine recommendations which could actually be implemented with the true goal of improving the living conditions of all concerned [11].
The same day, the Saudi and US Secret Services gave the signal for the riposte – the Faith Movement, renamed by the British the « Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army » and divided into commandos, attacked army barracks and police stations, causing 71 deaths. For a week, Burmese troops waged an anti-terrorist operation against the jihadists. 400 members of their families fled to Bangladesh.
The President of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, opens the world-wide media campaign to save the Rohingyas (Istanbul, 1 September 2017).
Three days later, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan began to telephone all the heads of state of the Muslim countries to alert them about the « genocide of the Rohingyas ». On 1 September, the day of the most important Muslim holiday, the Aïd al-Adha, acting as serving President of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation, he gave a vibrant speech in Istanbul calling to save the Rohingyas and support their Salvation Army [12].
However, the jihadists have done nothing to defend the Rohingyas, but have systematically intervened to sabotage the attempts to improve their living conditions and end the discriminations under which they suffer.
General Mohsen Rezaei was the commander of the Revolutionary Guard which fought alongside NATO and Saudi Arabia during the war in Bosnia-Herzegovina against Serbia.
On 5 September, the President of the Iranian Expediency Discernment Council, Mohsen Rezaei, proposed joining the forces of all Muslim states to create an Islamic army to save the « Rohingya brothers » [13]. A position which carries all the more weight since General Rezaei is an ex-Commander of the Revolutionary Guard.
While the Burmese army had ceased all activity against the terrorists, Rohingya villages were burned, and the Rakhine population of Arakan lynched Muslims, who in their eyes were all accomplices of the terrorists. According to the Rohingyas, it was the Burmese army who burned the villages, while according to the Burmese army, it was the jihadists. Progressively, all the Rohingyas from the North of Arakan took to the road seeking refuge in Bangladesh – but, curiously enough, not the Rohingyas from the South of the State.
On 6 September, an official Turkish delegation went to Bangladesh to distribute provisions to the refugees. It was led by the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu, and by the wife and the son of President Erdoğan, Bilal and Ermine.
The campaign of communitary mobilisation in the Muslim countries relies on some particularly shocking visuals. This photograph was published by the Turkish government. It is supposed to show the Muslim victims of Buddhist monks in Burma. It is in fact an old photo of a funeral ceremony for the victims of an earthquake in China.
In the Muslim countries, a vast campaign of disinformation claimed, with photo support, that the Buddhists were killing Muslims en masse. Of course, none of these photos had been taken in Burma, and the fake news reports were debunked one after the other. But in countries where the population is poorly educated, the photos were deemed authentic, while the denials were hardly mentioned. Only Bangladesh voiced reservations about the role of the jihadists, and assured Myanmar of its cooperation against the terrorists [14].
On 11 September, the serving President of the Islamic Conference Organisation (ICO), Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, spoke before the Organisation’s scientific committee meeting at Astana (Kazakhstan) – which is not competent in the matter – « to save the Rohingyas ».
For Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the military engagement of his country alongside NATO and Saudi Arabia in Burma would be a catastrophe. Particularly since Iran has a thousand-year history of cooperation with China.
On the following day, 12 September, the Supreme Leader of Iran, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei took position. Very worried about General Rezaei’s proposition, he was careful to delegitimise the religious war which was being prepared – the « clash of civilisations » – even if it meant blaming the presence of a woman at the head of a State. He was therefore careful to close the door on a military engagement by the Revolutionary Guard. He declared – « It is quite possible that religious fanaticism may have played a part in these events, but this is a completely political question, because it’s the government of Myanmar which is responsible. And at the head of this government, there is a cruel woman, a Nobel Peace Prize-winner. In reality, these events have signed the death notice of the Nobel Peace Prize » [15].
In Teheran, President Sheikh Hassan Rohani immediately called on the regular army to participate in the conflict which was being prepared. On 17 September, the Chiefs of Staff of the Iranian and Pakistani armies made contact in order to unite their forces in the crisis [16]. This is the first military initiative, but it concerns the Iranian army (which is already working with its Turkish and Pakistani counterparts to defend Qatar) and not the Revolutionary Guards (who are fighting alongside the Syrians against the jihadists). Iran is also providing massive aid to the refugees.
Aung San Suu Kyi calls on international public opinion to take into account the efforts of Myanmar to resolve the question of the Rohingyas and denounce jihadist terrorism. She will be no more understood than was Mouamar Kadhafi when he denounced the attack on his country by Al-Qaïda (Naypyidaw, 19 September 2017).
On 19 September, ignoring the explanations of Aung San Suu Kyi [17], and profiting from the UN General Assembly, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan gathered the ICO contact group in order to request that all member States suspend all commerce with Myanmar, and to ask the UN Security Council to rule on the matter [18].
Saudi Arabia has been protecting and supervising the Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army since 2013. King Salman has given 15 million dollars to Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh, where the training camps of the jihadist group are situated.
Finally appearing from the shadows, Saudi Arabia affirmed that they had been discreetly helping the Rohingyas for 70 years, and had already offered them 50 million dollars’ worth of aid during that time. King Salman also added a gift of 15 million dollars [19]. The Saudi ambassador to the UN in Geneva, Abdulaziz ben Mohammed Al-Wassil, mobilised the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC).
Forgetting the wars they have been waging against one another – in Iraq, Syria and Yemen – Turkey, Iran and Saudi Arabia, in other words the three main Muslim military powers, joined together by simple communitarian reflex [20] and took position alongside the Rohingyas. All three of them named their common enemy – the coalition government of the Burmese army and Aung San Suu Kyi.
This total about-face in the Middle East has already seen a precedent – namely the wars in Yugoslavia. In Bosnia-Herzegovina (1992-95) and in Kosovo (1998-99), the Muslim countries and NATO fought side by side against the Orthodox Christians linked with Russia.
In 1995, in Zenica, Oussama Ben Laden paraded the Arab League before President Alija Izetbegović. These combatants are ex-Mujahideens who fought the Soviets in Afghanistan. They later adopted the name of Al-Qaïda. During the war, the Russian Secret Services penetrated the barracks of the Arab Legion and found that all their documents were written in English, and not Arabic.
In Bosnia-Herzegovina, President Alija Izetbegović worked with US representative Richard Perle, who advised him on the diplomatic level and directed the Bosnian delegation during the Dayton Agreements. He also benefited, on the media level, from the advice of French representative Bernard-Henri Levy, according to Levy himself – and this has never been denied. Finally, on the military level, he relied on the advice of Saudi representative Oussama Ben Laden, who organised the Arab League on his behalf and received a Bosnian diplomatic passport. During the conflict, supported in secret by NATO, Izetbegović publicly received the support of Turkey, Iran and Saudi Arabia [21].
Western public opinion accepted without question the violation of the United Nations Charter in Kosovo after having watched, powerless, the exodus of thousands of civilians.
The Kosovar conflict began with a terrorist campaign against Belgrade by the Kosovo Liberation Army (UÇK). The combatants were trained by German Special Forces on a NATO base in Turkey [22]. The current head of Turkish Secret Services, Hakan Fidan, was the liaison officer for the terrorists within the NATO military staff. He is today the head of MIT, the Turkish Secret Services, and the number 2 of the régime. At the beginning of the war, in the space of three days, 290,000 Kosovars fled Serbia to seek refuge in Macedonia. Western TV channels showed numerous clips of the long lines of refugees walking along railway tracks. However, according to several million Macedonians who welcomed them, there was no objective reason for this migration, which was carefully supervised by NATO. Nonetheless, this displacement of the population was used to accuse President Slobodan Milošević of disproportionally repressing the terrorist campaign affecting his country, and NATO declared war on him without the authorisation of the Security Council.
The dirty work currently in preparation will extend the theatre of operations towards the East. The Pentagon is unable to impose an alliance between Turkey, Iran and Saudi Arabia, but in fact, does not need one. In Yugoslavia, these three states were coordinated by NATO when they were not in direct contact.
However, the fact of fighting side by side in Burma will force them to find arrangements in Iraq, Syria and Yemen – perhaps even in Libya. Considering the devastation of the Middle East, and the tenacious resistance of the populations there, the Pentagon can leave the region to lick its wounds for a decade without fear of seeing the emergence of the slightest opposition to its policies.
The day after the Security Council meeting which laid the foundations for the future war against Burma, the State Secretariat informed President Barzani that the United States would not support the independence of an Iraqi Kurdistan. Of course, the Pentagon can not mobilise Turkey and Iran in South-East Asia while betraying them at their frontier. Consequently Massoud Barzani, who had engaged himself unequivocally for the referendum on independence, will soon have to retire from political life. Particularly since the display of Israëli flags at Erbil, massively relayed by the Arab, Persian and Turkish TV channels, has alienated every one of his neighbours.
If the Pentagon’s scenario continues to play out as we may anticipate, the war against Syria should soon end due to the lack of combatants, who will have gone overseas to serve the « American Empire » in a new theatre of operations.
Thierry Meyssan
Pete Kimberley
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[1] Source : The Pentagon’s New Map, Thomas P. M. Barnett, Putnam Publishing Group, 2004. Analysis : “The US military project for the world”, by Thierry Meyssan, Translation Pete Kimberley, Voltaire Network, 22 August 2017.
[2] « Myanmar : le Secrétaire général demande “une action rapide” pour mettre fin au “cauchemar” des Rohingya dans l’État de Rakhine », Compte-rendu du Conseil de sécurité, Onu, 28 septembre 2017. Référence : CS/13012.
[3] The United Kingdom and the United States have already drawn up the act of accusation against Myanmar, even before the current events: Countdown to Annihilation : Genocide in Myanmar, Penny Green, Thomas MacManus & Alicia de La Cour Venning, Queen Mary University of London, 2016. Persecution of the Rohingya Muslims ; Is Genocide Occurring in Myanmar’s Rakhine State ; a Legal Analysis, Allard Lowenstein, Yale University, 2016.
[4] « Birmanie : la sollicitude intéressée des États-Unis », par Thierry Meyssan, Abiad & Aswad (Syrie), Réseau Voltaire, 5 novembre 2007.
[5] The Burma Spring: Aung San Suu Kyi and the New Struggle for the Soul of a Nation, Rena Pederson, Foreword by Laura Bush, Pegasus, 2015.
[6] Neither Saffron Nor Revolution: A Commentated and Documented Chronology of the Monks’ Demonstrations in Myanmar in 2007 and Their Background, Hans-Bernd Zöllner, Humboldt-University, 2009.
[7] Burma/Myanmar: What Everyone Needs to Know, David Steinberg, Oxford University Press, 2013.
[8] To be specific, there were Bengali immigrants in Burma before British domination, but the vast majority of Rohingyas are descendants of the workers displaced by the colonising power. (Author’s note).
[9] “Myanmar’s Rohingya insurgency has links to Saudi, Pakistan”, Simon Lewis, Reuters, December 16, 2016.
[10] “Speech by Aung San Suu Kyi at 71st UN General Assembly”, by Aung San Suu Kyi, Voltaire Network, 21 September 2016.
[11] Towards a peaceful, fair and prosperous future for the people of Rakhine, Advisory Commission on Rakhine State, August 2017.
[12] “We won’t Leave Rohingya Muslims Alone”, Presidency of the Republic of Turkey, September 1, 2017.
[13] “Rezaei urges Muslim states to defend Rohingya Muslims”, Mehr Agency, September 6, 2017.
[14] “Bangladesh offers Myanmar army aid against Rohingya rebels”, AFP, August 29, 2017.
[15] « Myanmar : le Guide critique les défenseurs des droits de l’homme », Leader.ir, 12 septembre 2017.
[16] “Iranian, Pakistani Top Military Commanders Stress Need for Ending Myanmar Muslims’ Plights”, Fars News, September 17, 2017.
[17] “Aung San Suu Kyi speech on National Reconciliation and Peace”, by Aung San Suu Kyi, Voltaire Network, 19 September 2017.
[18] «OIC Contact Group on Rohingya calls for UN Resolution on Myanmar», Organisation of Islamic Cooperation, September 19, 2017.
[19] « Le Serviteur des Deux Saintes Mosquées accorde un don de 15 millions de dollars aux réfugiés Rohingyas », Saudi Press Agency, September 19, 2017.
[20] The Rohingyas : Inside Myanmar’s Hidden Genocide, Azeem Ibrahim, Hurst, 2016.
[21] Comment le Djihad est arrivé en Europe, Jürgen Elsässer, préface de Jean-Pierre Chevènement, éditions Xenia, 2006.
[22] « L’UÇK, une armée kosovare sous encadrement allemand », par Thierry Meyssan, Notes d’information du Réseau Voltaire, 15 avril 1999.
great insight indeed … these satanists sure plan well as not to fail … it is amazing how they sell their souls to the devil and oppress the world for so long – however, the facts that God is the best of all planners and God’s justice will always win and prevail – proof that these scumbags will be eternal losers in the hell fire
This one is a good insight too,
America is full of madness,
instead to care their own poor peoples,
all their money is going to destroy the rest of the World !
The anti-imperialist camp: splintered in thought
The $ billionaires against the rest of us…..and as usual we are too busy with infights and cant agree about anything other than receiving the shekels……LOL.
France has 6 Billionaires owning 90% of the Medias !
Ha ha… excuse me, its a very serious matter but with some tragicomic angles.
The Kurdish snitches told 50 times during a couple of years, DONT go with US backstabbers, you will be betrayed and slaughtered……and what happen?
Barzani and Kurds shining all over their faces helding referendum, giving hosts and neighbours the middle finger, bragging about their new shekels, fine new uniforms and “friendships” ha ha ha ha.
Erdogan back in his previous demon role, betraying everybody everywhere everytime.
Kadyrov has thrown some weight into the matter. Whats his role?
Why continue these jerks to jump on the West´s hypocrisy, honoured by artificial medals just to be hanged and thrown out after use?
Lesson learned?
You cant trust nobody, only God and his King.
Ahurah Mazda , God of Truth , is shining on Thierry Meyssan , great write up .
The devious Saudi Wahhabi’s , have even conned Iran into believing in this atrocity propaganda campaign . Ironically the whole intent is to block the Iranian – Chinese oil and gas pipelines , from the west coast of Myanmar to China . If Iran can be weakened economically , they become an easy target .
httpp://www.gearoidocolmain.org/rohingya/psyops/us/covert/war/myanmar/ also good
Godspeed to the people of Iran and Myanmar .
Privileges that can be taken away, that is contrary to the constitution, which makes Iraq a federal state.
When Baghdad claims KRG cannot leave the federation, then Baghdad cannot abolish the federation too.
It is either or.
If Baghdad acts or says in any way it will take away the federal status of KRG, they disband the federation and KRG can legally go its own way.
A repeat of the situation in 79-81 period highly improbable for the following reasons
1- to view the events of 79-81 from purely an ethnic perspective is highly reductionist, the rebellion did not even start with the Kurds but rather with hardcore communist groups such as “Cherik fadayis” migrating to the region to start a communist rebellion against the new Islamic government,
2-Initially when the rebellion began the kurds (and other leftist allies) were not only backed by iraqi intelligence and training (specially to Ghasemlou’s party) but also faced next to no resistance as the Iranian military was all but disbanded, In fact it was the failure of the Pasdaran (what turned into IRGC later) to take back Mahabad that finally convinced Khomeini not to fully disband the military. When the Iranian military decided to take back Mahabad even in the abysmal situation that it was the rebels couldn’t even resist for a few hours, the situation on the ground is much different now.
3-The whole Kurdish issue in Iran is not really ethnic, Its rather religious and political, somewhere between 40-50% of the Kurds in Iran are Shia and not only they have historically and currently fully participated in the politics of the country and have not shown any separatist tendencies but also they actively participated in facing the rebellion in 79,
4-The economic situation in Kurdistan province is not half bad compared to the rest of the country, this as well as the reason above means rebellious tendencies are limited to the fringes of the sunni areas,
5 and last but not least, The rebel groups fighting Iran seem to be operating at capacity as it is and they are minor nuisance, currently Iran could fully suppress their operational capability rather easily if it decided to penetrate deeply into KRG, What worries Iran is KRG turning into launching-training- weapons supply hub for these groups, Iran would use all its capacity to stop this hopefully through negotiation and political means but if push comes to shove military means as well,
Lastly while considering the threats facing Iran post referendum we should also consider the opportunities that it provides Tehran,
This issue can be used as wedge for Tehran to push Washington and Baghdad further and further away and perhaps even to a breaking point, this also applies to a lesser extent to Washington Ankara relations, this could put the US in a position that it would have no option but strategic retreat from northern Iraq and eastern Syria as resupplying forces would be impossible,