“There’s a reason why in war the US Army and Marines prefer to rely on their own aviation rather then call in the US Air Force for air support. The US Air Force, the most dangerous enemy of US ground troops and friendly forces.”
Barba_Papa, SF reader
The Iraqi Special Forces have suffered heavy losses in the south-east of Mosul city due to attacks of the Islamic State (IS) terrorist group and airstrikes of the US-led coalition.

Destroyed military hardware of an assault team of the Iraqi Army in the area of the Mashfa al-Salam hospital in the south-east of Mosul
Over the past few days, the Iraqi Army took control of several districts in the east and north of Mosul. After a series of airstrikes of the US-led coalition, the Iraqi Special Forces managed to capture the large neighborhood of Intisar, located in the south-eastern outskirts of the city. A highway, leading from Mosul to Kirkuk, allows to reach the city center from the place, and Iraqi military decided to use this chance.
On December 5, the Special Forces of anti-terrorist units and the so-called Golden Division began to move along the road, leading from Mosul to Kirkuk, through the neighborhoods of Mithaq and Wahda in the direction of the city center. On December 6, Iraqi troops made a breakthrough and dislodged terrorists of the Islamic State (IS) group from the Mashfa al-Salam hospital; however, militants did not allow Iraqi soldiers to consolidate their positions there.
In the afternoon, at least five suicide bombers of the IS group attacked positions of the Iraqi Special Forces, using bomb-laden vehicles. According to government sources, one of them did not reach his target, while others blew up very close to the Iraqi positions. According to the IS, all the bomb-laden vehicles reached positions of the Iraqi Army.
Immediately after the first explosion, a hard battle for the hospital erupted. Iraqi military called on the US-led coalition to provide air support, but fighter jets of the coalition mistakenly bombed buildings of the hospital, where Iraqi troops still were stationed. All in all, two series of airstrikes were carried out.
As a result of the attacks of the IS suicide bombers and ‘friendly airstrikes’ of the coalition’s air power, the Iraqi Army suffered heavy losses, which were called ‘catastrophic’ by local accounts in social networks. According to various sources, from 90 to 200 Iraqi servicemen were killed, while more than 100 others were wounded. Several soldiers, who survived after the airstrikes on the hospital, were captured by terrorists. Up to 10 pieces of military hardware, mainly infantry combat vehicles and the Humvee vehicles, were destroyed by explosions. In fact, an assault team of the Iraqi Army, which broke through to the Mashfa al-Salam hospital, was liquidated during several hours. Its remnants were sent to Intisar neighborhood.
The post is based on the info provided by WarsOnline. More photos:

Destroyed military hardware of an assault team of the Iraqi Army in the area of the Mashfa al-Salam hospital in the south-east of Mosul
and …. it will happen again.
Yes, it will. Mosul is far from over.
There’s a reason why in war the US Army and Marines prefer to rely on their own aviation rather then call in the US Air Force for air support. The US Air Force, the most dangerous enemy of US ground troops and friendly forces.
I get the impression that the Iraqis have grown too reliant on U.S. air power and don’t know when to stand and fight it out on their own. In Fallujah, they basically crept forward and called in airstrikes to level the city. How many ISIS fighters would be in a good position to fight it out after 4 or 5 trucks filled with TNT exploded? They are human too. Anytime the Iraqis hear a shot, they call in airstrikes.
Same in Syria.
Except for recently six F16 fighters, the IAF does not have bombers. So they have to rely on the USAF.
As Dutch national writes, the Iraqian have had no reliable airforce. To me bombing is a very big improvement for infantery, where You still loose too many and were invented by nazis and improved by americans.
Its therefore wrong to blame soldiers in the ground more than they has to blamed fore. ISIS and other defenders are very good defenders, and its not fair soldiers die fast, easy and heroic as in the good old days.
2 more things: 1) The iraqians are more well equippede than kurdes, but they are not able to handle the most advanced tasks and 2) You as others make USA the big Satan, but the facts are that many Nato countries as well as others are doing their part of it.
Why do we have to live with that reduced world. Nato starts at Cyprus. Cyprus is member of EU – And we hear again and again, that its none of USA`s buisness many 1000 km away, and the F18`s are from Australia and not an american aircraft carrier as well.
Bork. Compared to umbrella up in Aleppo or the loss of Iraqian soldiers at the hospital i Mosul today. . .
Sorry: The bombing of Aleppo are planned ones and not accidents.
Israel dancing regardless…..
After the war in Iraq and Syria is over, they need all together with Iran, Lebanon and Egypt take a fight and burn Israel to ground. Like what Israel have done with US with this Countries
Israel has not bombed Iraq or Syria for years and still does not, except a few small incidents involving Hezbollah or IS.
However, were they to be attacked, they will be happy to oblige you.
Of course, at the same time islamo fascists will bomb the almost two million Israeli muslims. Muslims bombing muslims does not seem to be a problem for the followers of this religion of peace.
Israel has tonight bomb Syria, lädt week, last month, every month. Golan high is Israel territory…
Qatar/Saudi did not bomb Syria /Iraq also, but they have spend billions of dollars to pay foreign killers. Same for Isreal and Turkey.
The claim was Irael bombing Syria. So, not really.
They claim Hitler killed millions of Jews. No one ever see that HE killed anyone. So, not really.
He killed not enough!?!
Definitely not the number that they say, in revision number ???? Throwing numbers around and statistics is not very smart, specially when you do not have a base to begin with.
You and Bradley going to lead the charge and put your lives on the line? Doubt it.
Keyboard warriors, attack!
It is a conflict of convenience for Israel and Empire.
Israel Golan sees Nada military chaos.
Empire the same..Except for the one day someone blew away a Jordan border crossing..
It’s a party…..slaughter away and dance..
Israel just slaughters the Gaza Strip and the world goes to get another coffee
During WW 2…..Japan sank US 3 Cruisers and 2 destroyers in a single action.
Ya…it’s war….and the Ocean is fairs fair game.
These recent conflicts find Israel and Empire pummeling a victim trapped in a cage.
Last time Empire got the shit kicking it deserved was Vietnam.
Over 5000 aircrafts downed. …50,000 + body bags
War of today is a game…
Lots of victim nations to play with.
English is obviously not your native tongue and blood is your cup of tea, so I will just say this: You are despicable. America and Israel are doing great and you are still a bitter nobody who will do nothing about anything. Period.
Why is telling the truth and defending the victim so upsetting to American warmonger,
Jews and Liberal mind mush?
Iran has invaded how many nations ?
Syria has invaded how many nations?
Israel has how many nukes?….yet Netanyahu uses the UN to imply Iran has nukes and is a threat?
The recent spin is they don’t have Nukes. …but that North Korea gave Iran Nukes.
Who is despicable in this twisted Hollywood movie?
Iran has complied with IAEA inspections…. and no violations,
Yet US House and Senate continue Sanctions 10 more years on Iran
And add Syria to Sanctions bill.
Iran has invaded Yemen, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Northern Sudan and Gaza
Syria has controlled Lebanon for 60 years and killed Harari.
Find me any document that says israel has any nukes – where were they tested?
On what date or what meeting did Netanyahu ever say Iran has Nukes?
That’s some amazing spin on history.
The majority reading here understand Israeli media and Zionist media
We’re pushing Iran will have the bomb in just 3 months!….
For Fucking Years!.
Then Nosferatu ( Netanyahu ) goes to the UN with his Wile E Coyote /
Acme Bomb card.
Great pix. Surprised to see so much keyboard anger on this topic! But is does make for some good reading! The middle east seems to be more of a shia-sunni war.
Try reading some Arab media – they seem to have a very different view of Iran
You antisemitic bigot!
That’s chicken neck weak trash talk!
You don’t like the truth of history to be tabled unless your side – Victor Write
The History, ….has clearance housed the history.
The Internet now reveals the Jaded Banksters since the Venetian bankers were
Run off…with the Pope on board for that.
To the Banksters of Holland. ..then jump to City of London and lately Wallstreet.
The Crimes of Zionist media,….Military Industrial Complex,
Faux war on Terror since False Flag 911.
Or do you still believe Osama bin Laden did 911 from a Cave in Tora Bora with
19 terrorist?
Here he goes again!
The moment you stoop to the level of claiming zionist did that or zionist were here etc. You only look like a bigoted racist fool. In simple terms you look stupid!
I hope today that we all know that there is no such thing as “Jew-Media”, and the “Dolkstoßlegende” and other such nonsens had rolled over and died.
But the startling incompitence and lack of reasoning found online continues to amaze me, claiming that the “Jew” somhow allways ends up on top with all the money is simply wrong. Jewish people happen to be found in all walks of life, unless that is the majority chooses to chase the jews into specific professions.
You rambling on 911 tells me you need proffesional help, please Southfront stop enabling such hate filled conspiracy nutjobs!
Proudly labeled anti semitic, truth I am anti Khazar, but I will gladly wear any t-shirt that says I am a proud anti semite, instead of being deluded or very ignorant.
Labels are not the tool you should be using in this age, they do not have the same power they used to have specially ANTISEMITISM.
No wonder you love censorship, it is your ONLY tool.
Coming off with the age old theory of “juden presse” is the same old antisemitism Adolf Hitler subscribed to. For you to be proud of it proves my point about delusions.
I belive in the open conversation and nutjobs like you makes it incredible hard to have one. You antisemtic conspiracy asshats tarnish everything you touch, and by extention is providing the MSM the ammunition needed to bring back censorship. We see it now with the debate on fake news, and people like you are the reason why.
If you can’t answer some ones question, don’t panic, you can always call it names, all you have to do is bring back Adolf Hitler or label it of “antisemitic”…I bet you are one of those who think that the khazarian mafia running the Israeli government are the biblical Israelites?.
Delusional is that who thinks it has all the facts, I for one, do not. You assume that the propaganda that was fed to you about Hitler is all true, i do not, there is no reason to think that, on the contrary, there is plenty of evidence to believe that you have been lied to about a great many deal of things, and if you are unable to question or take in to consideration that you might be wrong, you are being delusional.
I for one have now a days very little doubt that the Khazars, not jews, since Talmudists are not Jews they do not follow anything that contains a semblance of Judaism.
Regarding Hitler, and your BS, or that same BS of any victor in any war or conflict (History is written by the conqueror), is just imposible to tell now who was he or what was he, but there is plenty of evidence that we still can use to assert that, like those that you defend he was a criminal. Yes you defend criminals, probably because your little SJW mind can not understand that maybe there is something going on other than what you think, because you hold all the answers, you are a rock, no matter what amount of evidence (even if it is confessed by them like it is the case) will be absorbed by you.
There is no excuse to “Bring back” censorship, anyone that needs one is because they want it in the first place, so do not blame anyone else for the will of others.
Regarding constructive discussion, you clearly do not know the meaning of the concept, if you did, you would not start by labelling, insulting or dismissing anyone, much less appropriate every logical fallacy you can muster.
I for one, now are not remotely interested in to entering any form of debate with you, there is no point, YOU ARE DELUSIONAL and idiotic.
As my grandfather spent some years on in some of the Reich’s finest “recreational facilities” i have no need to consult with what you call “victors propaganda” i have livid unpublished firsthand accounts of germans being sadistic murderous assholes during the war. Though the “victors propaganda” is the most comprehensive documentation of any genocide in history. And it all matches all millions of acounts, for some one to pull that off is simply imposdible today let alone in a world without personal security numbers and computers.
As for “the Rotchilds” controlling 80% of the free press, please give me sources to this outlandish claim.
Well you cant because it isnt true, and again it smelks of old fashion antisemitism, mein kampf reek of these allegations. If you dont belive me, the read the bloody book!
So your GF was a “survivor” of something imagined. You accuse of 6 million murders most by gas I want proof of one single gassed individual, ONE. If Simon Weisental couldn’t I doubt you could bring forth a single one.
As per the testimony of someone that never saw GAS or CHAMBERS I can not rely on your GF testimony.
That is the problem, NOTHING MATCHES, millions of actors and supposed culprits, not a single document or evidence from the third reich. Oh they managed to destroy all of them I see, but a lot from a smaller “project”and much more important to the Germans survived, like the V-2. Nothing at all matches.
Atrocities were committed, but I require EVIDENCE that can hold up to scrutiny.
Rotshcilds??? Who mentioned them? Would you like a list of Ashkenazi crap that owns the media??? Maybe not, since you already know the answer to that.
my my my – you are a dick head.
Ok, so many arguments that I do not know how to respond, you definitely won!!!!
Are you a Talmudic scholar? do tell us more.
Sure, but I doubt you either have the capacity or the ability to understand anything at all, including pretty straight forward text which does not need your obscurity.
Please tell us what text?
Well with your insult, one liners, and stupidity I would not waste my time, but thanks for playing.
Peter Magnus ; you may have heard of Mr. Robert Murdock and Mr. J.L.Rothschild , these two gentlemen own well over 80% of the “free press” . This is not a “conspiracy” but rather business factual . The idea that the owners of these publications influence their editorial positions , is not new , nor really surprising . To equate this with being anti-semantic is to ignore the facts, and is not reasonable .
To use it as an excuse to impose censorship , is to show your fear of not being able to reasonably refute any position . Fake news is just a different point of view . That’s the reason for a free press , to be able hear and judge on an individual level what is truth and what is not .
And what publications does J.L.Rothschild own, he died in 1921.?
I may have the wrong Rothschild , but A.P. and Reuters are owned by one of the family . And Jacob Lord Rothschild is in his 80’s , but is still alive today .
As long as you keep believing in myths and dark shadows, you will loose – that’s fine by me.
You don’t even know what that word means.
As the Gulf States have shown us, Israel has nothing to do with the wars in Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Libya… Its the Arabs and in particular its Salafists and Shia killing each other.
barry go lookup stuxnet :P you can do more damage with a keyboard then matches these days
Ha-ha. As long as a small dot in the whole arabic world can make You that traumatizeided, You are hardly more than fx The 67 tribe flags of the French Protecterat of Syria.
You all tried that before 6 day war didn’t work out to well.
Thought Muhammed was the last prophet…
More like Allah punish people dupplicating more than 10 times within only 100 Years.
Our punish for helping with food and medical care making it possible, are to send millions of them here.
You referring to the dancing Israelis on 9/11 in New York ????
Maybe not : )
There’s allways the Israelis who bring couches out to high ground and watch IAF bomb Gaza .
getting their shardenfrued on :P
The US has turned Iraq into a living hell.
No, Assads and his father has.
You need to take history lessons. Go to the library. Assad father was never the president of Iraq. Sadam Hussein was the president of Iraq. He was on the CIA payroll and was installed in Iraq by the U.S. just like Al qaeda was on CIA payroll. I saw this on a documentary on PBS 20 years ago.
Everything on TV must be true
You’ve seen the CIA payroll
you’ve seen Sadams paycheck
Its well documented – where – wikipedia?
Al Queda works for the CIA
One of the reason why the Arab world is so screwed up is that for some strange reason – the CIA and the Mossad are the reason for everything bad.
Iraq was a disaster in 1956 when the Baathts took over and has never recovered. The Arab Spring exposed the world to the unstable Arab public that is tired of the abuse – and you continue to propagate bizarre conspiracy theories based on thin air.
Jens is a Pentagon troll :
Im kind of honores and will put it on my CV. How much and when will I get my money.
You present a level of stupidity that is quite amusing please keep posting and coming back, I specially like the amount of ignorance you display.
Whats wrong telling whos throws the first stone ?
Nothing wrong, except when you threw it and hid your hand behind your back and then accuse others of doing it.
Behind somebodies back ? Public articles and pictures for many Years incl. deportering kurds, confiscating their proporty and make the with no state – comming fx here as refugees to try to get a new passport and nationality – is behind someones back.
Assads also have artilleristriked towns to rubble. Invisible – No.
Many 1000 dead, tortured and jailed ….Invisble incl. all opposition to Baaths.
Seems like those many rocks and stones are invible in Your argumentation,
No they are not, but to take everything out of context and INVENT shit up, does not do your argument any good. Example: “Behind somebodies back ?”
Go read the short message again and try to get a new brain before that, since clearly yours is not working very well.
Im not taking anything about out any context. For me its just an extra pice to a big puzzle.
But you did, and a re read of your posts and mine is proof of that.
Yes, I read almost all, when I read and kind of classify it.
Join moderate opposition in Aleppo and you’ll get it there including the interest. And on top of it you’ll be honored with 72 virgins too.
banzai :P
I cant handle 72 upstairs. Have tried to manege 2 woman at the same time down here. It was very hard and Im not new anymore. Strange enough only my arms felt hurt after it.
You Moron manage to embarrass yourself everywhere… don’t you..
Thought it was obvios, I dont eat shit, whatever flag You censur it with.
You are shit, that only means that you are not a cannibal “.”
Im not writing anything for You but the many other readers.
jen may you have a boquette of peni for your work :P
Dont know what peni is. If its penis – its a no. I have my own.
As a Nilling Nobody I work hard for, we shoulnt be in The Midlle wast at all. We only change who is being killed and can make it faster or slow it down.
Cant see we have any friends there either. After some years of fokus its my conclusion only Kurds derserve their own country, more autonomy or something like that.
The rest does not.
Kind of hope You will all kill each other and the normal ones – the refigees – can take over.
NATO doesn’t want the Iraqis to capture Mosul. It’s as simple as that. They simply prefer ISIS to any Russian, Iranian or Chinese influence in the region.
Nato is not like that at all. You are far out.
lol jens go look at the americas middle east eastern europe and africa and you can make a long long list, but the worm is turning
They and we have a list…true
That’s a good point. NATO thrives in broken weak countries which it can control
And which countries is that. May we have a list please…
all about creating a arc of instability to stop china building its one belt project down to Africa and over to Europe, rewriting the worlds trade routes
Why are the BMPs parked together in this tight spot ? BMP in urban combat used to operate behind a screen of infantry.Dominating large roads with their fire and supporting assault groups with suppressing fire.These iraqis need some training.If these BMP have been positioned in the right way no Bomb truck could have passed because they are heavy and need good roads too.The 73mm low pressure gun can easily taking them out up to around 500 meters.
Yuo are right but we dont know where this pictures are taken or its covered by others all way round – No defend for the Iraqian defence – also mentioned above.
But we also have to remember, the army only a couple of years ran away and left good stuff to ISIS.
I’m not too sure the US air strikes on Iraqi military were “mistakes”
Repetition of Vietnam.
Not at all.
Were you their?
Friendly fire occurs in every war in history. Tragic, but unpreventable in close quarters combat.
When was the last time Russian Air Force bombed their own or their allies?
IN Afghanistan, there were several accidental hits. Usually hit their allies in heat of battle.
When a Russian chopper went down this yr, Russians said it was IS with manpads. But video showed it was actually another helicopter with which it was training. The latter was a trainer and a fullcolonel went down w it.
Tragic, but it happened.
I can only recall that one. There are fewer bc up until now, they were not offering close combat support but bombarding their perceived enemies.
I work w a lot of ex Russian military. They are human and honest about their military’s shortcomings. You venerate them.
I was talking about Russian Air Force bombing their own or their allies and you had to go back 27 years ago (the end of the afghan war).
Thanks for your help, you poor little man.
You’re welcome!
PS I know many more Russian military than you, I guarantee it. They do not like you, no matter how much you kiss up and pretend they are infallible.
All those casualties. +300 servicemen were members of a special forces group?
If that’s the case this is a big blow. An extremelly big blow and the USAF is deffinitively to blame for most of this casualties. Good jorb.
Dont know, what You are refeering to – at all.
Jens, you ain’t fooling anyone.
I doubt Iraq has more than 5,000 special forces operatives in total. They just lost more than 5% in a single blow. People that in theory nead years to be trained, at a very expensive price and with combat expirience. It’s a big blow, plain and simple.
Iraqi should kick out US troops now.
why ?
They (the US) have always “accidentally bombed” their “allies whom they’ve crushed for oil and gold”
And Saddam ???
More nice to kill 1000`s of own kurds as well as deporting Turkmens.
Perhaps they should ask for russian air support, next time.
It’s just not possible to be that incompetent. If IS is vanquished in Iraq the US lose their biggest base of operations in the M.E. This was not an accident any more than bombing the SAA outside Deir Ezzor was an accident.
Thought Incirlik was and are there biggest base – Well it could be Bahrain as well…
Where are the US bases in Iraq?
Iraqis MUST UNDERSTAND that US will do whatever- to help ISIS including by bombing Iraq armies. Do not be a FOOL FOREVER. US wanted ISIS to survive and WIN against Iraq and Syrian governments.
Iraq must ask Iran and Russian airforce for help….NOT from US. Please wake up- Iraqis leaders can not BE A FOOL FOREVER
Far out.
It might be an error this time, but let us be honest. Without US air support, Iraqi Army would be hundred of Km away from Mosul now, let alone fighting in there.
This is why at one stage the Iraqi ,s wanted Russian air support because it has seen to be more accurate and works effectively with ground troops as seen in Syria .
And your only reply is stupid 2 or 3 words? The Iraq special forces may have lost many men in fluid ops. Hit by car bombs and friendly fire?! They deserve better than this bullshit talk. They get up in the morning to fight ISUS. Where is the respect?
How on earth would you expect respect from a person like him?
“Immediately after the first explosion, a hard battle for the hospital erupted. Iraqi military called on the US-led coalition to provide air support, but fighter jets of the coalition mistakenly bombed buildings of the hospital, where Iraqi troops still were stationed. All in all, two series of airstrikes were carried out”…When the Iraq government and military are going to learn that the United States is PROTECTING I.S.I.S, ONLY the most naive, gullible, fool, brainwashed or brain dead will believe the attack on the Iraqi army was a “MISTAKE”, wow, the United States is very consistent with their mistake, ALWAYS ATTACK THE WRONG ARMY…It’s time for the Iraq government to EVICT THE UNITED STATES MILITARY FORCES FROM IRAQ… TO PREVENT MORE “MISTAKES”.
This was another mistake? Deir Ezzor air attack was planed by centcom to derail any US/RU deal in syria. Next year there will be may forced retirements at the pentagon.
U S and NATO have their special forces embedded within Iraqi army as well as ISIS. It’s obvious that in this case they provided ISIS with precise details of the Iraqi troupes’ positions as well as their state of readiness in order to maximize on the effect of surprise. Calling on their air support has made things only worse. Beside US craftiness a big part of responsibility rest on shoulders of corrupt Iraqi leadership who where bribed into cooperation with US and allies. Russia was prepared to play a bigger role in liberation of Iraq from ISIS however their assistance was rejected. They bought only few TOS-1As and some choppers from them. Apparently Iraq had some F-16 delivered from US which most likely were not operational at the time of the call because they depend for parts and services on US suppliers. US wants to use this event to sow a discord between Iranian backed Shia militia and regular Iraqi army forces.
Wahabism is the way to terrorism.
World’s largest terrorism are funded by Saudi Kuwait and all wahabi dominated countries.
Wahabis are the worst human on earth. They are spreading wahabism in other countries through the preaching of wahabism in their madresa and wahabi mosque; so that both in future can transform into terror camp.
The world should stop this wahabi movement.
Wahabism means to spread terror, to kill innocent through bombing, and to rape women.
Wahabis are the main enemy of Islam.
Their is no democracy in wahabi dominated countries.
And most human violating country is Saudi.
But unfortunately America supports this wahabi dominated countries by supporting them.
Isis and all the terror group are Wahabis most evil humans.
Save humanity by the ban of wahabism.
Another good discussion ruined by an especially virulent troll.
So many ‘accidental bombings by the US’–hospitals, the Syrian army with 100+ deaths, and now 200+ of their Iraqi allies! With friends like that, who needs enemies? On the other hand–US might be just helping Daesh militants get to Aleppo to shore up terrorist numbers there?
Iraqis should talk to Russians about helping them out as part of the larger operation in Syria. Fuck the US air force.
Those guys who are prisoners of the Islamic State are as good as dead.