Iraqi Resistance Attacks ‘Vital Targets’ In Israel With Cruise Missiles, Suicide Drones (Videos)

Iraqi Resistance Attacks ‘Vital Targets’ In Israel With Cruise Missiles, Suicide Drones (Videos)

Illustrative image.

The Islamic Resistance in Iraq (IRI), an umbrella group of Iranian-backed armed factions, has launched more attacks against military sites and infrastructure in Israel.

Late on May 15, the IRI announced in a statement that it had launched Arqab cruise missiles at “vital targets” in Jericho valley and Nevatim Air Base. In two other statement released early on May 16, the group said it targeted a vital target in the port city of Eilat and an oil refinery in Haifa city with suicide drones.

Videos released by the group showed the launch of two Arqab missiles at Jericho and Nevatim as well as the launch of a single suicide drone at Haifa refinary.

Arqab is reportedly a copy of the Iranian-made Paveh cruise missile, which is powered by a turbo-jet engine and has a range of 1,650 kilometers. Meanwhile, the drone used in the attack on Haifa appears to be of an Iranian-made type known as Shahed-101.

Hebrew media didn’t report any warnings or interceptions in Israel due to attacks from Iraq. However, this does not mean that the attacks failed as the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) has the power to censor all news related to security incidents in the country.

Earlier in the week, Israeli fighter jets and air defenses intercepted three drones that came from the direction of Iraq. Video footage of the interceptions were released by the IDF on March 15.

The IRI first emerged after the outbreak of the Israeli war on the Gaza Strip. The group began launching attacks against Israel as well as against United States forces in Iraq and neighboring Syria after the October 17 al-Ahli Arab Hospital massacre, around ten days into the war.

The group suspended attacks against U.S. forces last February after the death of three American troops in a drone strike on a base in Jordan, reportedly upon a request from Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. Nevertheless, it escalated attacks against Israel starting from March.


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you fckn clown. every idf soldier and jew is on on social media… you think they can hide deaths?

more like youre the clown that hopiums more idf are dead than are.

muslims are cavemen. noone knows how many are killed. but jews and idf are first world and death cant be hidden. get a grip retard and dont delude yourself


not even 300 dead idf in 8 months. that is never heard of in full battle war.


cavemen that are fucking me rigth in my fat rear, like my beloved jews

Ramses ll

“jews and idf are first world” …where did they dig you up?

no one in the world wants or wanted to have the jews, not even madagascar!

the usa has let the jews die in the ” st. louis affair ” , it was possible to get rid of the jews in palestine with a lot of fuss!

let yourself be examined, you prehistoric man


if they (the neighbouring countries) wish to rid palestine of the squatters this is the way to do it, incessant raining of missiles on illegal settlements inpalestine and the bigger the better! ask putin for a few kinzhals to find out if the iron dome isn’t really the iron doom!


dude. theyre palestinians. basically the most despised people in the world. palestinians cause problems wherever they are. why do you think noone is helping them?

noone want palestinians refugees. they act like animals wherever they go. no muslim nations wants a bar of them. full stop.

Ramses ll

dude. they’re jewish? basically the most despised people in the world. jewish cause problems wherever they are. why do you think noone is helping them?

no one want jewish neighbours. they act like animals wherever they go. no western nations wants a bar of them. full stop.

guys like you are rekindling the spirit of 1939!!!

Philipp Peyman Engel

jens.cum.drop holm holmenko, anyway,

you are a primitive anti-semite! 🥽 🥽 🥽 🇮🇷

South Front Is Pure Joke

@ philipp peyman engel

no, this guy is not an anti-semite, he is an uneducated ukrainian, without a toilet! this is mandatory to pay attention, otherwise you put yourself on a par with such hyper honk

Karl Heinz Kessler

kol hakavod, er ist ein a n t i s e m i t !!!

mit oder ohne toilette???

Last edited 10 months ago by Karl Heinz Kessler