A fighter with Harakat Hezbollah al-Nujaba’s flag
Harakat Hezbollah al-Nujaba [an Iraqi Shia militia, a part of the Popular Mobilization Units – a coalition of Iraqi militias incorporated into the Iraqi Armed Fores] has created a separate brigade to liberate the Golan Heights from Israel, spokesman for Harakat Hezbollah al-Nujaba, Seyed Hashem Moussavi announced in a press-conference on Wednesday.
“After recent victories (in Syria), we have established the Golan Liberation Brigade,” the Tasnim News Agency quoted Moussavi as saying.
Moussavi said that “if the Syrian government requests, we are ready to take actions to liberate Golan,” adding that the Golan Liberation Brigade is made up of highly-equipped and well trained special forces.
And the Golan Heights have… what exactly to do with Iraqis? Sounds like a fucking crusade! It’s always Islam versus the rest of us, no wonder the West always wants to weaken them with infighting and interventions.
Its shia vs jews, the jews are in occupied syrian land, and the shia happen to be iraqi thats all
Again, what do this have to do with Iraqis? Should Britain invade Iraq because Christians are being persecuted?
The Jews have owned that land for more than twice the amount of time that Syrians had it. If the Syrians didn’t invade Israel, lose the war and lose some land, they’d still have those heights. They deserve what happened, end of story. Since the beginning of time, wars decide borders, that rule doesn’t change because Muslims hate Jews so much.
Calm yourself down, zio apologist. The land was annexed in wartime, still illegally, they gave sinai back no? … you expect syria to be happy with it? Hilarious Lmao …. israel has always been a filthy landthief …. well jews in general will steal anything lulz
Usually, when a country attacks a neighbour and then is ao stupid as to lose, you usually lose some lands. That is not illegal, that is customary.
But let us accept your premises. Arab lands will be given back to arameans, to berbers, to copts. Turkish lands will be given back to greeks, to armeneans, to arameans.
Isreal and Palestine will be given back to the original inhabitants, the jews and samaritans etc.
Or are you selective and only antisemitic?
It’s not the same, this happened in modern times not in ancient barbaric times and it was a total landgrab and steal. Also, not to mention all the palestinian lands they keep encoraching on and annexing year after years, even though the UN keeps admonishing them. That is totally illegal and you cant argue against it. Wartime land winning is one thing, being a habitual landgrabber like israel is another thing. The golan is not recognized as israeli at all, it is considered occupied illegally, like sinai was. So even the international community can see they didnt ‘win it’ as you say – but yet you fail to see this.
I’m totally against the armenian genocide too btw
If you prefer more modern examples :
China grabbed Tibet 1950 and 1960, grabbed indian territories in 1963. Marocco grabbed Sahara in 1974, Russia grabbed Crimea in 2014, India grabbed portuguese Goa in 1974, Indonesia Timor. With a little bit of searching, maybe more examples can be found.
I am not saying I agree with everything Israel does.
On the other hand, it is hypocrasy acting like Israel is the one and only bad guy.
2 wrongs dont make a right. Why you mention other illegal landgrabs as if they justify thisone? Pure retard logic. The subject is israel and golan, so stick to that.
You’re still not getting it; these events all happened, and no-one really complains, they got over it. But because people like you despise Jews, you can’t for this singular case.
i didnt say i only find israel to do illegal landgrabs, but the subject happens to be golan heights so stick to it, because mentioning other things does not justify it. Get it now or are you thicker than expired milkshake and slower than a retarded limping snail on heroin and downers?
Sore losers always lower themselves to insults when they don’t have a valid argument. Once again, if you start a war and lose, prepare to reap what you sow; Syria tried to take land from Israel (a morally and ethically reprehensible act that you’re ignoring, condoning) and instead had land taken from them (which you hypocritically condone!). Which was completely fair. Plus it’s only really one’s land if they can defend it, and the Syrian government can barely control half of Syria!
You’re just dumb, dude. It was an illegal landgrab and annexation and your pro Zionist filthy ass can defend it all it wants, idgaf.
1967 Israel attacked the Arab states while they were in Washington negotiating a peace settlement on Palestine….
The 1967 war was a long planned Israeli land grab by Israel to include Jerusalem
Not an apologist because there’s nothing to apologise for when it comes to self defence. There’s nothing illegal about declaring war, twice, so Israel’s response to that isn’t remotely as illegal. Yes, they gave Sinai back because it was too vast to defend, they didn’t give Gaza back though, and the Egyptians don’t whine about it. Same with Jordan over Judea/Samaria.
Ha, take a look at Muslims in every Western country, every area where they cluster, they treat like it’s a mini-state with sharia, no westerners allowed! At least Israel is democratic, advanced and civilised.
Israel is not Democratic, anyone who believes that is an idiot and cant see the wood for the trees.
Israel is democratic and civilised he says LOOOOOL
No, ethnic-British should just stay in Britain and stop invading other peoples lands. (((The Ashkenazi-Jews should stay in their homelands of Northern-Turkey where they came from an stop invading other peoples lands)))
Shia have lived in the land of (Israel) Lebanon, Syria and Iraq before the 1940’s creation of a Zionist-Atheist-regime in the middle east.
Iraq, Iran, Lebanon, and Syria are something that you could consider as a single entity, and according to your logic, to get your lands back deplomacy won’t do you shit, you need to have a decisive force that knocks your enemy off and gets your lands back. And that’s exactly what the Iraqi guys are doing.
Iran, Iraq, Lebanon and Syria are not a single entity. They are differ and each have different interests. Only Iran has an interest that others will fight Israel.
Jews are 0.2% of the World’s Population approximately 14 million .
80% of Jews are Ashkenazi who’s DNA traces them to Eastern Europe.
These Ashkenazi Jews have only a religious Biblical connection to the Middle East & THERE IS NO HISTORICAL connection between Ashkenazi Jews & the Middle East.
This is actually the Iranian regime against Israel. And their attempt to drag Iraq into another war like Iran does in Lebanon .
Iranians are experts in convincing others to die for them.
No….it’s you filthy Jews that do that!
It’s time for you b’astards to be driven into the sea!
I must have hit a nerve. But apparently It is the Iraqis time to die for the regime in Tehran.
You don’t have to be a Jew to understand that.
You do not have a clue. It’s either that, or you are a Troll planted deliberately on behalf of Israel. It may come as a surprise to you, but Iraqis have been dying in the droves since Bush’s ILLEGAL invasion, even before that with the set up in Kuwait, setting them up for genocide.
Prior to that, there were only THREE M.E. nations that could pose a threat to your lovely Israel. They were, IRAQ, IRAN, SYRIA. all three who had a competent military that could pose a threat to your wonderful country.
Thus they had to be destroyed and brought to heel, hopefully broken into smaller states, so they could never again have sufficient military strength to ever pose a threat to Israel again. They, are the FACTS, and the REALITIES.
Remove Israel from the equation, and there would be peace in the M.E. over night.
Eddy to be broad-minded is not a bad thing. As for what you wrote:
1. many Iraqis have been killed because of the stupidity of Saddam and
because of the American lack of understanding of the Middle East. Does
that mean that more Iraqis have to die for a sectarian ideology?
2. Iran was taken over by an extreme sect that threatens all its neighbors.
When you shout “death to America” all the time, expect that the
Americans won’t like it (this is true for Saudi Arabia, Israel and others).
3. The main beneficiary of the US invasion to Iraq is Iran. Iran got a friend
instead of an enemy.
4. The arrogance and aggression of Assad transformed popular protests to an
armed rebellion. Which is a disaster for the entire region.
5. Israel is a lovely country as you wrote. It could be greater if its leadership
was ready to compromise for peace.
So different people see reality in different ways. And your perspective is driven
out of hate and misunderstanding.
1. WRONG ! May Iraqis have been killed because their stupidity of Saddam
in TRUSTING what he thought, were his allies.
2. Iran was NOT taken over by any such crap, that fairy story exists only in
the minds of U.S. citizens who swallow the MSM and
Government propaganda fed to them on a daily basis. It’s interesting to
note, that you completely avoid even mentioning the take over of a
Democraticly elected Government and a U.S. puppet installed by the CIA in
the first instance, who was a butcher of his own people, to which the U.S
turned a blind eye.
3. YES ! True, however that was most certainly not by design, more like
unanticipated blow back.
4. Total rubbish. I have never seen or heard of any of the above that you
claim, in fact I have seen much of what you claim, emanating directly from
Israel and the U.S. of A. I suppose next you’ll be claiming the events in
Ukraine were also the fault of the deposed elected leader ?
5. My reference to Israel as “lovely” was meant tongue in cheek. But then,
going by your posts, I guess IRONY went right over your head.
6. My perspective ? What would you know of my perspective, other than
what you THINK you know ? And most of that is based on how YOU
would respond, you DONT KNOW me from a bar of soap, thus you are
not in any position to make any such assessment. Furthermore,
everything I’ve pointed out to you, is VERIFIABLE via the history of the
MSM readily available, which speaks volumes, far louder than I ever
could. Are you saying that’s all FAKE ???????
Israel AND America, stand condemned by their own actions, they are not
referred to as the biggest terrorist nations for nothing.
Like it, or lump it, it matters nought to me, some folks refuse to see the
wood for the trees, as blatently displayed in the U.S.’s FARCE of an
election. LOL. Such people still cant work out what happened, LOL,
refusing to see the realities staring them in the face.
Your loss, not mine.
REALLY ???? How many Americans have died for the GREATER ISRAEL ????
How many foreign military personell have died as a direct resultof siding with the U.S. who is being told what to do by the Israelis, recall the statement that “Israel is the dog and America is the tail ” ?
And you compare Iran with the criminal deeds of the two biggest terrorist nations on the planet ???? Clearly, you have a lot to learn.
Unfortunately your perspective is completely distorted. You can’t compare democracies like the United States and Israel to an extreme country like Iran .
“My perspective distorted ?” WOW ! You really have partaken of the Kool Aid dished out to you from the cradle in massive quantities. Incredible.
FACT, the U.S. today, IS NOT A DEMOCRACY, this has been PROVEN by none less than TWO studies by U.S. Universities.
And Israel is an APARTHIED country, how you can equate that with Democracy is beyond my understanding. Incredible.
B.T.W. have you ever visited Iran ???? If not, what exactly are you basing your understanding upon ??? Is it the propaganda you are fed on a daily basis, that has now been PROVEN to be FAKE NEWS ?
And it still, has not occurred to you, you being led up the garden path ???
May I suggest you sign onto you military and do a few tours in these war zones, it will do massive wonders to your understandings of the realities as they really are, in the REAL World.
There’s nothing Jewish about zionism; don’t be misled by zionist hypocrisy.
Understand that Israel has illegally occupied the majority of the Golan Heights since the Six-Day War in 1967. Israel effectively annexed the Golan Heights in 1981, with no state recognizing this illegal move.
I have friends in Israel . and Islamic countries , I would like to see them all live to a ripe old age. We can not undo the past , but we can change our perspective by trying to look at problems from others point of view , and so create a positive future .
The second world war started as a result of German lands being given to Poland at the end of world war one . Germans wanted their land and peoples back . Golan Heights is a similar case , its just the fuel to start a war . Syria has enough problems fighting the Western supported jihadists , be they ISIS or Al Qaeda . It certainly does not need a war with Israel .
From a Muslim point of view , even if they were to accept the State of Israel , they see only constant Israeli expansion . The Golan Heights , all the “settlements” in the West Bank or Gaza , just more fuel for the fire . The situation in Gaza must be remedied . I don’t claim Hamas is innocent , but it is totally unjust as it now is ,with those people unable to even leave . I have read that Hamas is Muslim Brotherhood . Salafist Islam is a problem not just for Israel , but the world . As you are probably aware , Wahhabi Islam is intent on world conquest . The injustice of the Palestinian situation is the very thing that fuels the creation of these “born again” jihadists .
That’s why I recommended a “Three State Solution” . Hamas will not share power with the West Bank people . As it stands , sixty years of “blood sweat and tears” need to be let go of . My suggestion of a three way split of the revenues generated by the development of Gaza’s off-shore gas would give the Palestinians financial resources to rebuild their lives , and would show the Muslim people of the world Israel is serious about creating peace .
The benefits of peace are enormous .
While I understand at least part of your reasoning, you mention several things that clarify why there will be no peace for the time being :
“Even if they were to accept the State of Israel” is saying they do not. End of discussion as far as Israel is concerned. You do not talk with someone saying you do not exist.
Gazans being unable to leave. This is just as much, or more, attributable to Egypt.
I read a proposal of giving Gaza a little bit of Israeli land and some more of Egyptian Sinai. A good idea?
aIn the end, they have to talk And find a solution.
At least you’re somewhat open minded, unlike these brainwashed dhimmis on these sorts of sites. Gaza was a part of Egypt, Gazans will never accept Israel or co-exist with Jews, therefore the only solution in my eyes is to stick them in Egypt, because the current situation is untenable and has no chance of improving. Israel should’ve done this long ago to avoid aggravation, as well as in the West Bank. Just like Gandhi should’ve kicked out all Muslims to Pakistan or Bangladesh rather than only some. It would’ve saved so much violence from happening.
Israel does not have FRIENDS anywhere, only useful tools. YOU, can sit on your high horse and state, ” sixty years of “blood sweat and tears” need to be let go of .” Without batting an eye. But ask the VICTIMS of Israeli aggression, the fatherless children, the mothers who died and the children that appear to be deliberate victims of the Israelis to just, this has been going on for SEVENTY FIVE YEARS NOW, “need to be let go of ” would be the most selfish condescending remark I’ve read all week. When do these INNOCENT people get their FAIR JUSTICE ?????
Or are they not entitled to JUSTICE simply because they were born Palestinian ?
How does that equate with your rational ????
You state the benefits of peace are enormous, but you fail to clarify, for whom.
Russia and China, together with the BRICS nations have plans to bring wealth and stable economies through out East Europe, Asia and even South America via their new silk road and intercontinental railroad.
On the other hand, America and it’s sycophant allies plan on more World hegemony, wars and bombing innocent people, a campaign that Israel shares totally.
So who exactly are the CRIMINALS here, and which nations need to be brought to account ????
You have very good ideas.
But the parties need help / push to implement such beautiful ideas.
Unfortunately there isn’t enough goodwill on both sides.
Die Jews die
gotta tell that wont end well for iraqis
Lol that wont end well for the muzzies
Yes please
If they want to fight, send them to the Deir Ezzor HEIGHTS!
You just need to convince them that ISUS is the actual front line of Isreal.
Give Daesh some Shia justice.
If you wanted to kill a snake you need to aim at its head.
It worked with Hezbollah, they are on the way to Jerusalem through Aleppo, Homs ….
Finally!! Pointing the guns directly towards the root of evil !.
The (((terrorist))) invasion of the Syrian people began when (((Zionist)))-surpremisist-colonialist-bigots invaded and conquered the Heart of Syria, the Golan Heights!
Time for anti-terrorist operations against the (((terrorist))) genocidal regime of Lucifer’s-(((Zionist)))-bigots.
What on earth is this doing here?
What are any of us doing here? That is for philosophers to gossip about for just shy of eternity.
“As for me and my household, we will serve the Lord”
As for what are bits of coding doing inside of bit’s of coding? Well that is circular reasoning sir. lol
Are you a swivel-eyed religious loon?
Israel has illegally occupied the majority of the Golan Heights since the Six-Day War in 1967. Israel effectively annexed the Golan Heights in 1981, with no state recognizing this illegal move.
Israel doesn’t want the Golan heights because “they could rain down missiles on us”, they want it because it has OIL
yeah well they obviously want it
Your racist remarks are extremely embarrassing. The Middle East needs peace not haters like you.
The haters are those who believe that Talmud teaches the genocide of Goyim like me and my tribe.
Israel needs tolerance taught to their children.
Only then can we move forward in Peace. The peace I work for each and every day.
You don’t fool anybody and you don’t have one gram of peace in you.
You preach to genocide.
Am Yisrael Chai !!!
Where’s Brad Isherwood.
He loves this kind of discussion!
It seems as though every antisemitic ignoramus in town is posting here. Jews are not zionists and should not be blamed for zionist crimes against peace, war crimes and crimes against humanity. Zionism is a secular, fascist and antisemitic ideology, Judaism is a mere fig leaf they hide behind.
I am pro Hebrews and pro followers of God.
Hebrews should unite with me as we fight Zionist-Khazar-crimes! Hip-hip-hurrah!
90% plus of jews are zionists
No, 100% of zionists are antisemites.
LOOOOOL nonsense
Are you so ignorant that you can’t tell a Jew from an antisemite?
zionists are jews and pro jewish state, and are not antisemites. You are dumb as a pile of rocks
You’re an American Idiot aren’t you?
I’m not American, thanks for being prejudiced moron though.
Zionism (Hebrew: צִיּוֹנוּת Tsiyyonut IPA: [t͡sijo̞ˈnut] after Zion) is the national movement of the Jewish people that supports the re-establishment of a Jewish homeland in the territory defined as the historic Land of Israel (roughly corresponding to Palestine, Canaan or the Holy Land).
That included the Jews themselves and any government or individual (US etc) that supports it.
a person who is hostile to or prejudiced against Jews.
How can a zionist be antisemite, you inbred mong?
You are an American, you’re just too cowardly to admit it. Zionism is a secular fascist and antisemitic ideology. Peasant.
Insults are not valid arguments, You lost. Zionism cannot be antisemitic LOL thats the dumbest thing I heard
If you can’t take it, don’t dish it. Clearly your ignorance is exceeded only by your inability to open your eyes. Pity that.
I didnt dish anything lol you started the convo. I havent yet heard a valid argument from you. I gave you examples, but you haven’t countered except with schoolyard insults like a little kid LOL.
How is Zionism antisemitic? Go ahead …. because that really makes no sense. ‘Of Zion’ … ‘of or pertaining to Jewish interest’ …. how on Earth can that be antisemitic?
Zionism is a secular, fascist and antisemitic ideology, look at your Herzl.
ok man. i guess you just like being a broken tape recorder, enjoy.
Herzl wasnt even the first zionist btw.
I didn’t write that he was. Enjoy your cop out. I will grant you the last word.
I didnt cop out, you did. I explained my stance with quotes, examples and explanations. You just said and kept repeating zionism is secular and fascist. It is. But you also added it is antisemitic…. I don’t agree with this last part and you have not been able to explain why yet.
You’re squirming so i withdraw the grant of the last word.
Dude you’re weird. And I’m not going anywhere. You have not been able to explain yet with a single word, let alone seeing a proper sentence or paragraph form explanation from you, to this question:
How can the singular biggest jewish political movement behind which nearly 99% of all jews rally (Zionism) be antisemitic?
Instead you hurt insults and racist remarks and try to squeeze yourself out of the argument.
If you’re a man, answer the damn question.
How is Zionism antisemitic?
Look at the difference between Judaism and zionism. Conflating them is like pretending that Americans are christian.
PS I’m not going to do your thinking for you, work it out yourself, lazybones.
It’s not about America or christians, or judaism and zionism. Yes, judaism is or started as the religion and zionism is the political philosophy that emerged from it. Or metamorphosed from it. Bravo. Not all jews are zionists, only about 95%. And not all zionists are jews – wow, thanks for letting me know the obvious. There are lots of non-jews that are at the top of the Zionist pantheon all around the world. Derp.
But I am concerned with this particular part of your statement: ”Zionism is antisemitic”. And dude, you still have to answer the question: How can Zionism be antisemitic when it is the singular movement behind which nearly all of the world’s jews identify with and rally behind? Even chinese and black jews rally behind Bibi and his Zionist regime.
You pretend you’re way too smart and I’m way too simple and lazy but the truth is you are avoiding me. I’ve explained myself and challenged you ‘the chosen one’ to counter my arguments a million times, but I have yet to see one. Inb4 more insults to avoid the question.
Look up non sequitur.
That’s exactly what you just did. A total logical fallacy. Zionism cannot be antisemitic and you don’t have the guts or balls to explain and back up your statement.
”Chosen One” can’t answer a simple question. Some chosen one ….
Who made you the judge?
Keep talking in riddles and short phrases. As you yourself said: ‘Enjoy your copout’
”Chosen One” LOL
What’s a chosen one?
That which you are definitely not, Zio pig.
I’m an English atheist you fatuous American popinjay.
I’m not American. You’re a Zionist piece of shit.
You must be an American, you’re an ignorant, fascist, zionist apologist and you have a fat arse.
Oh Chosen one is mad and is throwing schoolboy insults, how typical. LOL me zionist? Nah you are the zionist apologist, pretending zionist crimes are separate from jewish ones and backing down when your bluff is called. Rage more, it’s cute to see. Bet your hands are all bloody from smashing the keyboard so hard LOL
Aah, you really do want the last word don’t you. There aren’t any Jewish crimes you nincompoop. I’m bored now so I will read your posts and answer the ones which don’t send me to sleep. You still have a fat arse.
Your mum’s the one with a fat arse, shlomo :)
Winners take all, including the last word :)
Cry me a river.
What is a chosen one??? Watch these videos and read about this Rabbi who is like the pope for Jews and how racist Supremacist Jews believe and say they are the master, chosen superior, race and we (you and I and all non Jews are referred to as Goyim or gentiles) and we are lower then animals .We have no place in this world other then to be slaves of the master, chosen, racist, supremacist, Jewish race.
Sephardi leader Yosef: Non-Jews exist to serve Jews
By Marcy OsterOctober 18, 2010 10:40pm
JERUSALEM (JTA) — Israeli Sephardic leader Rabbi
Ovadia Yosef in his weekly Saturday night sermon said that non-Jews
exist to serve Jews.
“Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place
in the world; only to serve the People of Israel,” he said during a
public discussion of what kind of work non-Jews are allowed to perform
on Shabbat.
“Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will
reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat,” he said to some laughter.
Yosef, the spiritual leader of the Shas Party and the former chief
Sephardi rabbi of Israel, also said that the lives of non-Jews are
protected in order to prevent financial loss to Jews.
“With gentiles, it will be like any person: They need to die, but God
will give them longevity. Why? Imagine that one’s donkey would die,
they’d lose their money. This is his servant. That’s why he gets a long
life, to work well for this Jew,” said the rabbi, who recently turned
See very
good s videos of how Jews treat Goyim.
For some proof
These links below on Jewish racism were on RT, if they could show it
hopefully you will allow it on this site.
Video links, Racism in Israel against all Goyim / humanity not an isolated incident. They are
from “SOS Racism” so again I hope you will allow it on this site for all to see.
The Persecution of African Migrants in the Holy Land by Israeli
government and people it’s not just a few it’s the majority of Israel and the
Israeli government
If you want to learn about chosen a very good website is by Gilad Atzmon. This guy has many books and articles by Jews on Choseness and Jewish racial supremacy and how Jews say they are the superior master race.
and http://www.gilad.co.uk/archive/
Choseness is Jewish racial supremacy.
The Goy According To Hoenlein
March 02, 2017 / Gilad Atzmon
By Gilad Atzmon
You’d think that Malcolm Hoenlein, who heads the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, would choose his words carefully. In an interview with the Zionist The Times of Israel Hoenlein spoke aboutantisemitism as a global “pandemic in formation.”
‘Pandemic’ is an infectious disease spread through human populations across a large region. So, according to Hoenlein, opposition to Jewish power and Israeli politicsis a disease, both infectious and hateful, that is
globally prevalent in Goyish populations.
In Hoenlein’s universe, the ‘chosen’ are always innocent while the ‘unchosen’ are eternally sick. For Hoenlein, antisemitism “is
not our (Jewish) problem. It’s society’s problem. It’s Christianity’s
problem. It’s everybody’s problem, when there’s hatred against Jews.
We’re the victims, we’re not the cause of it. It’s not because we did
something wrong. It’s because of who we are and our values.”
But what are these values Hoenlein attributes to the Jews? Are they simply choseness and racial supremacy? Are they those ethical standards
practiced by the Jewish state? Is it a distinctly Jewish value to
believe that the Jews are always innocent victims and the Goyim are
barbarian hate-monger as contended openly by Honlein?
Anyone with a
minimum understanding of Jewish culture and Judaism knows that the
Jewish universe is dominated by Torah and Mitzvoth (rules and
commandments) that, as opposed to universal ethics and values, are
tribally based. Because both Judaism and Jewish culture are inherently
tribal, there is no such a thing as Jewish universal values.
fact, Haskalah , the Jewish enlightenment, was merely an attempt to
mimic European secular universal values. Similarly, Zionism’s promise to
make Jews ‘people like all other peoplel implicitly accepting that all
other people were actually culturally and ethically superior.
points to “widespread concerns over the Israeli government’s total
alignment with US President Donald Trump, which some fear could turn
Israel into a partisan issue in the United States.” But if you think
Hoenlein is advising Israel to stay away fromAmerican politics, you are
wrong. This Jewish American leader actually calls on Prime Minister
Benjamin Netanyahu to “invite to Israel the newly elected head of the
Democratic party, Tom Perez, in a bid to cement bipartisan support for
the Jewish state.” Hoenlein wants the Jewish state to dominate the
entire American political spectrum; Trump as well as the Democrats.
Surely such an approach can only make American Jews even more loved by
their neighbours.
Zionism in its early days agreed with the
so-called ‘antisemites’ that Jewish identity was unhealthy and
parasitic. Early Zionists promised to take the Jews away and to
‘civilise’ them by means of homecoming. But Hoenlein intends the
opposite. He insists that Israel dominates both poles of the American
political exchange – obviously Hoenlein is the very personification of
those Jewish symptoms the early Zionists promised to treat.
Hoenlein is genuinely concerned with antisemitism maybe, accusing
gentiles of being infected in an hateful disease is not exactly going to
make Jews loved. If Hoenlein and the Jews really, once and for all,
want to defeat antisemitism, all they need do is to look in the mirror
and ask themselves, what is it about them that invokes such hatred in
Something Is Wrong With Chosen-ness
PS Calling people cowards and peasants from the safety of a computer screen is so Jew/Zio-like. I am a gentile peasant to your Chosen One lineage, I guess.
Eurgh! You antisemitic tosser. Yet again, you don’t distinguish between a Jew and a zionist (from behind a laptop screen). Now you’re lashing out like a brat.
Then tell me the difference. Because I obviously don’t know it and you are way too smart for me, what’s the problem to enlighten it for us all then?
Anyway, maybe not all Jews are Zionists, fair enough. Maybe only 90% rally behind Zionism. But you said Zionism is antisemitic. It can’t be.
You refuse to answer my question ….. how is Zionism antisemitic?
Work it out, I’m not going to breast-feed you.
LOL man answer the question …. how is Zionism antisemitic? You can’t even back up your own words?
In my mind, there is nothing to work out because for me, it isn’t. But I thought since you are so confident, you wouldn’t mind explaining. Guess not and you’re another dumb troll who wants to whitewash Israelis and Jews’ crimes from history so pretends Zionism and Jews are separate things, and Zionism itself is antisemitic which is just LOL.
When does Islam get blamed for crimes against peace, war crimes, and crimes against humanity?
When “it” is guilty. When will you Septics put Obama, bUShA, Clinton et al. on trial for their crimes?
If you really want to get your ass kicked… Try
Oh wow lol you really think israel is that good. Hzb was annihilating them in the 2006 war and thats why they cried for a ceasefire. And their wars against their arab neighbours they were heavily helped by us and uk, though whay they did was still impressive. But they are not that good…. and the experience the SAA and these shia militias have in modern warfare is priceless. Israel can be destroyed in a week by the resistance axis its so fkn puny lol, the problem is the aftermath they will face aka ww3
LOL. Okay bro, STORY TIME! Let’s throw back to 1967 where 6 Arab armies got their ass beat by the “puny IDF”. And you want to talk bull shit about US & UK helping them? Gtfo of here: the fights are SIX ON ONE. The Zionist State is HERE TO STAY.
Zionist state here to stay …. lol angry jew detected. They had massive massive help from advanced us and uk tech, cant ignore that. @dutch: umm, idf had heavy losses too, wiki estimates are pure bs. Hzb was ready to erase israhell off the map but the jews cried desperate for UN ceasefire resolution. Israel will never lose is only your opinion. The samson option is there precisely because they know they can lose, and you act as if only bibi has nukes LOL stupido!!!
Go suck a circumcised dick. First off, your name is “Mark”. You’re probably not even Arab. Secondly, the UN’s SOLE EXISTENCE is to piss on Israel. There have been more resolutions against Israel than NORTH KOREA. The entire UN is made up of a bunch of shitty Arab totalitarian dictatorships whose main mission in life is to fuck over Jews… So don’t even START with that bull shit
Lol at how mad you got. Yeah the UN is arab not zionist lol ok. My name is better than yours gay bartgis, wtf is a bartgis ROFL
Do you like deep throating on Arab dick bro?
did you get tired of jewish shrivelled cocks ganbanging your gimp ass yet faggot? LOL
Go jerk off to bibi somewhere else, weirdo. Here to stay, until they piss off hzb one more time and there will be no more ceasefire this time, just iranian MRBM pew pew LOLZ
Well, a little history and common sense :
Hzb though putting up a good fight, was being licked. Losses of Hzb were way beyond those of IDF. IDF heart’s was not in the fight.
SAA and Shia militias only have experience in fighting an underequipped militia, be it IS or SDFand still need the Russia or the US to win.
Once they fight a real army with an airforce, they will melt.
Israel will never lose against their neighbours. The day their defences crumble, several hundred nuclear bombs will be dropped upon all the MENA countries reachable for Israel, destroying Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Egypt, Jordan and large parts of Turkey, Iran and KSA.
Hezbollah’s lost at least 4 men to every 1 Israeli, and that’s the lowest estimate. The highest bring that figure up to 7 or 8:1. Which is better than Hamas/Palestinians manage, but still terrible.
The SAA is useless save their special forces. The Shia militias were the first to flee in Palmyra, at the mere sight of an equal sized enemy, before putting up a fight! And these militants aren’t even a real army, they’re a joke. They have no air support whatsoever. Israel is highly trained, well equipped and have jets, bombers and helis. A conflict with them would be known thereafter as The Fuckening.
wikipedia and UN estimates are all BS, why you think israel cried for a ceasefire if that were true? Use your head, dumbo
just finish syria first then think the riot of evil, let them bankrupt with their fund in syria and iraq. i agree when they go to the Deir Ezzor for this time.
This would be an interesting battle. Can we keep our hands out of it? Remember when the israeli’s invaded lebanon again, we were right there pouring on ammunition. They were stopped anyway, which gave me new hope for peace in the middle east. As long as the Israelis have their sugar daddy they don’t need to negotiate with anybody, and therefore peace can never be.
They negotiated a number of times.