A senior leader of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) has warned that a possible political split may lead to a civil war in Kurdistan.
Mala Bakhtiyar, executive head of the PUK politburo office, said “there is a grave danger” of the government splitting into two administrations, due to alleged cooperation of high-ranking members of PUK with the Iraqi military. Among the alleged cooperators are the family members of the late former Iraqi President Jalal Talabani. They denied the accusations.
Bakhtiyar claimed his party is being controlled by one family who are making decisions outside the party’s organs. He said the PUK is also on the brink of a “big split.” He called on the Kurdistan parliament to open an independent investigation into what exactly happened in Kirkuk and other areas abandoned to the Iraqi forces.
On October 16 Iraqi forces moved into Tuz Khurmatu and Kirkuk, as well as its airport and a military base. Kurdish party headquarters inside Kirkuk was abandoned. Baghdad said the Peshmerga, the Kurdish military force, had withdrawn “without fighting”.
Following this development as well as retreats in other areas across northern Iraq, the Kurdistan Democratic Party of the KRG’s president, Masoud Barzani, and the PUK released multiple accusations each against other blaming the opponents for the current situation.
- “Pro-Barzani Media Releases Details Of Alleged Deal Between Iraqi Government And Patriotic Union of Kurdistan“
- “Kurdistan Political Parties Blame Each Other For Losing Kirkuk City To Iraqi Army“
- “KRG Forces Collapse In Kirkuk Because Of Intra-Peshmerga Tensions, Absence Of Long-Awaited Suport From U.S.“
Meanwhile, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) “had no claim” to Kirkuk, adding that there is no “historical connection between the KRG and Kirkuk”.
The Kurdistan region used to be governed by two administrations during and after the civil war of mid 1990s. The PUK controlled Sulaimani and Halabja, otherwise called the Green Zone, and the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) controlled Erbil and Duhok, the Yellow Zone. The two parties pushed for unification after the US-led invasion of Iraq that resulted in one united Kurdistan Regional Government based in Erbil, which proclaimed independence following the September 25 referendum.
You are so butthurt, pasting the same tweets everywhere.
You want different tweets to express your butthurt?
Her bijî Kurd u Kurdistan! ✊️✊️✊️
What is that? Turkish?
No mongoloid here.
I am proper european. Your masters of the Turks are far eastern asians.
You’re so butthurt that Hashid got their asses handed to them! ??
Is this guy your source? Barzani’s senior assistant? A KDP member? While sitting on his bottom in Erbil?
All the trouble in Iraq is because of these guys, I’m sure he is a very real and unbiased source.
I am sure IS and shia sectarianism were also the fault of kurds.
Maybe even Saddam Hussein.
No. You’re wrong about that and you’re wrong again because you think Shi’a sectarianism is something real and not made-up.
Only this stupidity is their fault, and not even all Kurds’ fault. Only a few greedy, sold-out, idiots who don’t want to let the power go.
What happened mothetfucker! You guys war calling for Kurdish genocide? Pussy! ?????
Please be more polite. I also support Kurds but I am not crazy.
I blocked him (her) a while back because of his (her) filthy mouth. I have no idea what (s)he wrote.
Is it that bad?
“What happened mothetfucker! You guys war calling for Kurdish genocide? Pussy!” That’s what he wrote.
O, my!
Does [s]he kisses his (or her) mother with that mouth? My guess is his (her) bark is worse than his (her) bite.
Damn it English language with your personal nouns and pronouns!
Kawa unfortunately is the only and lonely who always start to insult and offend other commentors. He shouldn`t wonder that the answers have the same quality as his disqualifying comments.
Go, turkgay. Stop denying the armenian genocide prick!
I respect that. But these people were calling for Kurdish genocide, now they are all reasonable and want to sit and have a discussion. I don’t mean to be rude, or insolent in my speach, but I am just showing how two faced these people are.
You jew arse licker genocide the armenians on behalf of your old master the Turks. And now you want to steal what is not nailed in the Middle East. Go to Turkey and fight there you gay gypsy with a zio fist in your arse.
Dude, your grandma is telling you to leave here dark stinky basement and get a job.
Hey backyard hobby gay: Serious Dude is your boss. Listen what he is ordering to you, So fall on your knees and beg for mercy (and try to keep your greedy mouth shut).
You seemed to know a lot about gays, and licking things. You are very experienced.
I am experienced with scum, filth and trash on earth and to fight it.
Dude shut the hell up and sit your ass down Mr. Keyboard Warrior.
Disagree on the first. Shia sunni divide is real. Just look at acts from KSA and Iran.
Agree on the second.
You forget that KSA is Wahhabi, not Sunni.
You forget that all jihadi terror groups receive funs and arms and support from KSA.
You conveniently forget that these jihadi terrorists’ goal is killing all Shi’as, not the other way around.
Shia, Sunni divide is real. Wahhabis in KSA just have a extreme ideological perspective of it. You should read Islam’s history. Don’t tread through history blindly.
Yes, the two family/warlords are talabani and barzani. They have a long history of betrayal of the Kurdish cause. I agree 100% on the second.
No man, you forgot the the FUCKING JEWS!!! ????
My first thumb high for you.
You just proved you are mentally retarded. Is this the start of our friendship?
If you want?
Ok, Kawa. Friends now. I always stated a pro-palastine position. I ever was a supporter of Mr. Oczalan who was caught by the turks and betrayed by some kurdish members. Only they could have known where he was situated at the time the turks grabbed him. I have never been pro-turkish. But the PKK and its weaponed arm, the Pershmergas, are betrayed by some dogs meaning to overtake Mr. Ozcalans good rules of kurdish fight against the prior enemy: the Turks/Ottomans.
I am not pro-Palestine nor am I pro-Israel. I am pro-humanity. If there is a solution, it is a two state solution. Don’t much about his capture, but I was told Turkish (Most likely with the help of US) intelligence caught him in Kenya. The Peshmerge is divided because some Kurdish tribal minded “leaders” don’t want Kurds to unite; otherwise, it won’t benefit them. Ocalan’s ideology is not about Kurds, it is about all of Middle East. But Turks want to make it look like a Nationalist Supremacist Kurdish ideology.
They are way more reporting this
He too, is sitting in Amsterdam.
I would reserve my judgment until I hear from a few news outlets, like BBC, RT, DW and Press TV.
Sorry I don’t use fake news like Fox CNN RT press tv plenty of videos pictures on twitter tough.
I’m sure you’ll reach to the right conclusions receiving your info just from one side.
Press TV! ????
Iranian pussy propaganda!
I got more
Meanwhile in Iran https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/afea1a4c3192de8fb33a90e2e47372919b2cc6bd946f32e9cbd6bd22a432d462.jpg ?
I agree there with you, FUCK THE KDP AND PUK. For the last 26 years they havent accomplished shit for Kurds. But the news is true. This KDP member is trying to steal the spotlight from the people.
One thing is for sure: If as KRG claimed, Kirkuk voted %90 in KRG’s referendum, Iraqi army could never liberate the city so fast and without bloodshed.
Kak Masoud with all his greed and mistakes, gave Iraqis the best of gifts unintentionally: A ground to set the differences aside and a reason to unite against the danger of disintegration of their country. All Iraqis, Shi’a, Sunni and Christian would come closer together. Thank you.
KDP tries hard to sell Iraqi federal government’s efforts as a declaration of war by Iran. They repeat all kinds of lie about the ongoing genocide and pillage and rape and whatnot by PMU and IRGC-QF against Kurdistan, even in areas that PMU didn’t enter.
That’s a good development. People outside ME by the magic of MSM thought they are some kind of freedom fighter super heroes. They needed to know the true face of Barzani mafia and KDP is showing it generously.
voted only kurds
It seems they are having issues
Yes it seems. Let’s hope Iraqi Federal forces don’t react accordingly or the situation becomes really ugly.
There were reports of PKK deploying in Kirkuk. In the next days we shall see what will happen.
It was HPG. They killed pussy Hashid. The Kurdish civilian rose up and fought the Hashid and Iraqi army. You lost bitch! Your mad!!! ????
Israel and Russia are having talks on Kurdish Independence!
Up your cuckold ass! loser!
Long live Kurds and Kurdistan!
I told you motherfuckers not to try it with Kurds! ??
Time will tell.
What is that strange person above is talking about? Some mix of politics and sexual fantasies…
I don’t have a problem with government in baghdad, I have a problem with the mentality of revenge. Where innocent people get hurt because they want their freedom. They get killed because the protect themselves. They get dishonoured because they stand against tyranny. A lot of dickheads on this channel think I am pro-Barzani or pro-talabani. I am not pro-anything just want the safety of people, and their rights preserved. I respect how Mr. Abadi dealt with the situation, he did a wise thing. He recognised the rights of his people (regardless of ethnicity) and removed the fear out of the people’s heart, and prevented sectarian tensions.
When they put
Kurdish as the banner it stop being secular. Add that with west support for them in particular it become something ominous to the majority of the arab.
They should instead cooperating with the government and enter the political movement in parallel and legal way.
When they proclaimed the territories they gained as theirs they were nothing more than ISIS rebranded.
The ‘west’ did not side with the Kurds. Let’s not get delusional and conspiratorial and stay realistic. Co-operating with the Government has nothing to do with the Kurds, as it was the political parties completely ignoring the populations needs. Nouri Al-Maliki was a sore loser, and it was under his watch that ISIS appeared. The territories gained? The territories were not ‘gained’ they were liberated. Article 140 of the Iraqi constitution was supposed to put all of these disputed areas to rest, but the Baghdad government did not implement it; thus, violating the constitution (I think it was better that it wasn’t implemented then, because the resources would have been stolen by the “leaders”). The referendum, now we know was nothing then a big show, was just the voice of the people. Even if Baghdad does not agree with the results, the results still mean something. The Kurdish people, Talabanis and Barzanis are not one of the same thing, I think Mr. Abadi realised this that is why he prohibited any sectarian strife, and promised to punish anyone who tries to light the fire of sectarianism in Kirkuk. But the PMU was trying really hard to do exactly that, because Iran wants to control Iraq. I also agree that some KRG politicians need to be on trial, but also some politicians in Baghdad if Mr. Abadi is truly a patriot and not just trying to weaken Kurdish influence in the Country.
Look I’m being realistic when i said the west support the Kurds and prefer them than arabs majority. Just go see their coverage of them and how it was narrated and compare it with other like the Syrian Arab Army (it’s a secular army). I don’t even have to mention the generous arms pouring in didn’t i ?
You can blame it to Nourik Al Maliki or whoever about the ISIS gaining grounds but the point is the territories liberated is Iraq’s and should returned to Iraq administration. If they’d rather waving Kurdistan flags and refused to return it even by negotiations even went on to proclaimed secession along with the territories what do that make them as ? Opportunist. They could legally gained administrative authority even the territory is under Iraq jurisdiction if they are as popular as they flaunt it.
The referendum itself is self served and under no cooperation with the government or any other neighboring country not even the US admitted it was legal or supported it. Under whose credibility it was other than the Kurds ? None. They could do another referendum and i doubt it can get the same results.
Lastly for the arabic people majority their government doesn’t have to be Kurds and Kurdistan would certainly lead by Kurdish.
1) First, they were supporting the Kurds and not the leadership, do not equate the two. So don’t get it twisted. I am constantly up to date on what is going on on the ground because I have relatives who live there. The ‘west’ is actually right trying to remove Barzani from power, because they are getting sick of him. And you should remember what Trump said in his campaign. The PUK met with the Asaib Ahli Haq spokesperson to talk about the situation in the disputed areas. The PUK is back in charge in the areas. And the Iraqi Army and PMU are going after Barzani and Barzani alone, I knew Shia arab friends of mine that told me this years ago. They said they don’t have a problem with Kurds, only Barzani.
2) Nobody said it isn’t Iraq’s, but the constitution recognises those territories as disputed between Baghdad and KRG. They are to be settled through article 140 of the Iraqi constitution. Since Mr. Abadi is so adamant on upholding the constitution, then he has to implement it as soon as security is returned to those areas. It was supposed to be implemented back in 2007 (I am happy it wasn’t [due to maliki], but now that barzani’s dictatorship is about to end it should be). Don’t pose a question, make an assumption and answer it based on that assumption. Your claim is baseless, it was never stolen. It was never taken from Iraq, this is what I have been saying to everyone. Peshmerga are under Iraqi Federal Authority as per the constitution. They are not an invading force. Even though Barzanis Peshmerge are extremely treacherous and two-faced. The Kurdish Flag, is the KRG flag and it isn’t illegal to hoist it. So you don’t have a point. The KRG is part of the Iraqi territory, and a recognised semi-autonomous region. It is not a popularity contest. The article is there to remove any problems that could arise from such disputed claims.
3) The referendum is just the materialization of the Iraq’s Kurdish populations views on their future. By the way, even without the referendum the Kurds never hid it to secede from Iraq. Maliki was trying to make things worse. Barzani and Maliki were trying to become the next Saddam Hussein.
I didn’t get your last point, state it clearer please.
1) It’s all Barzanis fault i see. When they heed his call for referendums it was a mistake. But the majority of them supported him because he’s or his clan is the lifelines to their support which is west, Turkey, and Israel. West never did good in the middle east and their credibility is falling beyond rock bottom. I don’t even have to say how Israel views their neighbors.
They would be more legitimate if they don’t depend on them in striving their independence and engage in hard earned win in negotiations.
2) Peshmerga or some of them ends up clashing with ISF and they also didn’t heed the federal government to halt the referendum so your claim that they’re under Iraq command is baseless.
And by flagging i mean they did set it up as Kurdistan or under authority Kurdistan. When they hold on to their referendum results they considered the territories no longer Iraq’s. There’s no Iraq flags at all while the Kurdistan flag hoisted in festivity in the street. They are ready to defend their ‘new’ country. Else there’s no need for Iraq government to use forces and just ask the administrative back. What else PUK leader end up negotiate for. And rightly it works.
KRG is officially Iraq sure but until recently all the oil production, sales, revenue, did not handed back to Iraq government nor its answering their obligations under constitution. That’s fine in chaotic situation under IS occupation but the IS crisis is passed. Like i said an oportunist.
3) The referendums has no credibility. It’s served by Kurds and for Kurds. Forget all the arabs, yazidis, turks, and assyrians voice in the territories they gained and they originally have. They’d have more chances if the referendum only cover territories where they are the majority and unfortunately Kirkuk isn’t one of them.
My last point is the Kurds is an ethnic. Kurdistan would surely based on this ethnicity and unfortunately the majority arabs population think that their government did not have to be a Kurds.
Read about Barzani Family and they have always put their personal interest before Kurdish interests. Kurds will always boost Kurdish flag. If you want to know why we donMt hoist Iraqi flags, just look at our history in the country. They did defend their land, civilians died protecting themselves. And the Iraqi flag was never removed from Kirkuk. The PUK never totally agreed with the KDP. And your being one sided with the oil revenue. Central government never gave the Kurds their full 17% share of the national budget. Some Peshmerge did not fight ISF they fought PMU. All revenues must be shared, there are many corrupt people in KRI and Baghdad. Please do not call them Yezidi (it is disrespectful) it is Ezidi and they are Kurds of a different religion. Kirkuk was arabised and many Kurds uprooted. We don’t have to take all of Kirkuk province, compromise can be made. Barzani is talking for himself. What do you mean Arab population think their government did not have to be Kurds? If you mean the Presidnet in Iraq that is the constitution, if you mean Kirkuk then that is a different story. So many of those Arabs don’t belong there.
Oh, Kawa Arsehole Jew Singer is dreaming. When will you butthead will get it? You can’ t create a state because you are to stupid to lead it: no education, only tribal tensions, no engineers, no assets, no oil, no air craft, shortly: all of nothing except jewish shit in your brains. All borders are surrounded with nations which know the real kurdish face. A face of thieves, liars and backyard criminals strolling around and waiting at the corner to raid an old woman.
When you make a proper argument bitch, I will respond reasonably. Until then you shouldn’t speak about your mum like that. ??
YOU ARE THE ONE cqalling every commentor here as a bitch. In every single comment YOU USE the word “bitch” first.
What happened to the prophesied Shitmerga blitzkrieg to capture Baghdad?
Except for political infighting, it might have happened. It seems both Talebani and Barzani families unable to rise above warlordism.
Might have is as good as never.
I agree on that.Goes too for the way many here comment.
Fuck talabani and Barzani, they’ve always been against the Kurdish people. They are tribal minded, uneducated, pieces of shit. nobody cares about them.
They are like our butthead Kaka Atrashy.
What happened to PMU running faster then Pesh https://twitter.com/peshmerga_46/status/920789430050414594
“What happened to PMU running faster then Pesh”
A phrase that makes no sense, due to you being too hasty in trying to make a comeback. Did the Kurds take control of the Moon yet?
It does make sense.
nuh uh
haha I got a notification that you upvoted me and see that you just came to downvote like a coward german cuck
The kurds need to migrate to Europe and get their independence referendum with ‘friendly’ nation territories there. They are nothing more than opportunistic thieves in the middle east. If they are some sort of hero to Europe then they should be welcomed to have their own state over there.
Pesh Merga, having now fled Shingal for the second time, will not be let in as even the Yezidis that sided with Barzani now know he will abandone them just like that.
YBS stands to gain and has taken over controls and areas deserted again by KDP forces and are now taking over, if they did indeed leave, control posts left by PMU.
HPE, after having switched already two times (from independent to KDP to PMU) will now switch again to….?
KDP will not be happy with them if and when KDP tries to return. Likely, they will try to reform the Shingal Aliance, the alliance of all independent Yezidi militia’s, otherwise, they will be all alone and all hostile towards them as they are traitorous.
The PMU was asked to leave by the government. They are on standby if needed.
Here a message to you from kirkuk PMU office
Hewals too poor for shoes, it’s amazing they don’t have blisters on their feet after running so far and fast.
Probably threw the shoes at PMU you know that is iraq custom of an insult. I would wipe my feet off that flag as well.
Who needs shoes anyway when you live like monkeys. Except the mountains are their trees.
You are confused replace mountains and tree with sands and cave and will be perfect for Arabs.
Then Kurds need to return to their mountains and fuckin’ stay there.
You are upset because kurds are not welcoming you with arms and have uprisings against PMU/iraq. And they are SHIA kurds to boot.
You would not stop until you had all lands north of the Euphrates and Israel all lands south. Goys like you can keep your welcome, but deserve contempt.
It is getting and worse and worse for PMU/iraq forces in the occupied regions just letting you know.
I wish them best of luck in putting down terrorists like PKK and any Israeli operatives fomenting unrest (which is par for the course).
PKK just killed 18 pieces of shits of an excuse of soldiers of turkgay!! Long live the PKK!! ????
Come and force us out! Your Hashid ran like pussies! Qassim suleymani is make science headlines for running faster than the speed of light! So fast his ass is on fire ?!! ???????
Try to mess with Q. Suleymani and you will forget if you are a gay or a gay pussy.
Take Q. Suleymani’s dick out your mouth you seem to have problems speaking. ???????
Q. Suleymani fled like pussies. The HPG are in Kirkuk, we will never lose Kirkuk, never bitch!
You gay whore for free:
Are you the KRG twitter news feed?
PMU may have orders to withdraw from some areas from the Iraqi govt (to reduce sectarian disputes). I take this to be a positive thing. If Barzani wants to media spin this as a victory, that’s his business.
Not may have orders. As I heard they have to withdraw to lower tensions.
See the Barzani try to cover up his blunder in acting too obvious, too ambitious. He was fed by lies from Israel and the US and act based on the believe that they definitely will be supported by them. Now his supporters turn on him because they don’t get the help they are promised and nothing move according to his plan.
In the meantime the US Congress try to conjure some sort of reason to send in their support to KRG as soon as possible.
They are supported. And who cares about Barzani it was the Kurdish people who voted! Read the news mothefuckers. Kurds took back Kirkuk and all disputed areas! ????
Russia and Israel are in talks on Kurdish independence bitch!! Barzani is not the point. The mistake was made on the Iraqi government, when they mistook the Kurdish nation for Barzani! ✊️✊️
Time will tell. For now Iran and Turkey is just watching.
I am sorry for the last post, how rude of me. but you really trust Turkey?
Changed it, I was at fault for swearing at you. But, like I said. Barzani is not the point. The Kurdish people don’t care about barzani and talabani.
Don’ t cry baby. You made a lost of useless comments here. Argue with your brain and not in anger.
Argue with my brain? Dude, I wasn’t the one who couldn’t read between the line and differentiate a people from their corrupt leaders. And you shouldn’t be one to talk about useless comments. I have the decency to know when I am wrong, and out of line. Unlike you.
If everybody in the Middle East woke up tomorrow morning to find that every single Kurd had simply vanished from the face of the planet… Nobody would miss them. (Well, except Israel.)
I’m afraid you may be right, if they ALL act like the troublemakers of Barzani and co + PKK.
The Yanks now think they will be their ME Gurkas….
Only one problem. The westerners love Kurds and hate ugly big noses Semitic Arabs! ???
We took back Kirkuk bitch! ??
We shat on your pride! ??
Are you a grammophone record crying like a nut girls always the same and the same and the same. Shut up now, drink your milk and go to bed. You bad little pussy.
Was that. Can’t hear with the dick in you.
We love kurds??? We don’ t like gypsies strolling around. You are crying like a grammophone record always the same. Shut up now, kiss your boy friend and go to bed you male pussy.
So speaks the fucking arab disguised as a european. You will never be one faggot. Now go watch your girl get fucked cuckold.
You kurdish racist. Arabs are not the problem of kurds. The main region of kurds is held by turks. And once again, I am europoean.
HAHA, racist? I have arab friends brain dead. You brought ethnicity into it genius. And I only believe in one race, the human race. You make alot of assumptions about some one you have never met. Back to you, ” Argue with your brain and not in anger.”
While there is hadly any doubt that PUK military command and political leadership betrayed the kurds of the disputed lands, KDP did the same in their part of the disputed lands.
While the parties are squabbling based upon old hatreds, only PKK+YBS and the people remained steadfast.
At this moment, there are reports incoming of the kurds in Kirkuk and Khanakin rising against PMU and PMU fleeing Khanakin.
Will pesh mergas be allowed to support their brother and sisters?
Have not heard to much from you last couple of days.
Were you suffering from PKD (POST KIRKUK DEPRESSION) ?
I think PMU will suffer that soon
We won bitch! Kurds took back all disputed areas! ???
Are you a grammophone record crying like a nut girls always the same and
the same and the same. Shut up now, drink your milk and go to bed. You
bad little dirty pussy.
Keep getting mad!!!
The only mad guy here is you.
In the process of becoming grandfather so I am having PGT’s : Pre Grandfather Tasks.
Will be gone most likely a few times in the next month.
Did your hollandandse-daughter get married to an invading kurd?
Yeah, probably. Because she realised a Kurd is superior to a turkgay.
A Barzani kurd or a Talabani kurd? Or both?
See, you know nothing about Kurds. You are so closed minded. You equate Kurd with Barzani or Talabani. Again back at you, ” Argue with your brain and not in anger.”
“Have not heard to much from you last couple of days”. What are you, his time keeper?
The government of Iraq gave the disputed areas back to the PUK administration as it was before, and the PMU and Iraqi army were ordered out of the disputed areas. There was no civil war. There was an agreement between the PUK, Iraq and US. Simple.
The retreat of the Kurds was the best move they have made in recent days. And it seems they have some house cleaning to do to get rid of the dumbos that called for the earlier moves. If you check their bank accounts I’ll bet there are loads of US dollars and quite a few shekels on them.
They fled, yes indeed. The government gave back all the disputed posts to the PUK. PUK just put a new mayor on Kirkuk, and Najmedin Karim is not to ever return. He is to be arrested. PKK was not there, that was a Barzani/KDP lie to get Turkey involved in the “war”. The KDP is actually fleeing. The Kurds are not betrayed, that was my initial thought as well, but as things unfold everything is becoming clearer. But we’ll see in the next week or two.
If the Kurds start fighting amongst themselves, it will make it that much easier for Iraq and the Syrian government to reconquer the Kurdish areas. Eventually Turkey, Iran, the Syrian government and Iraq are bound to gang up on the Kurds. And by then the Americans will have withdrawn their support. The only way for the Kurds to delay this outcome is to stick together, but it looks like that won’t happen.
There was never any doubt that they would start fighting among themselves. At least this way they keep the autonomous region.
I’m not so sure they’ll get to keep the autonomous region, but time will tell.
Keep reading. Peshmerge took back disputed areas from Iraq and Hashid! ??
Are you a grammophone record crying like a nut girls always the same and
the same and the same. Shut up now, drink your milk and go to bed. You
male pussy.
I know you have speech impediment, and suffer from mental retardation. So you are incapable of forming anything other than a couple of simple sentences, It’s okay, I can tutor you free of charge. I heard aiding disabled Kids in Islam is charity and a very good deed next God. ????
Do you understand more than simple sentences. Did you visited an Arab or Turkish school?
HAHA, that one flew over your head. I didn’t mean grammatically, genius. Again quoting yourself: ” Argue with your brain and not in anger.”
My Money’s on the PUK!
We won! All disputed areas are under Kurdish rule!! ✊️✊️
In that case it’s RIP Kurds. Sad.
10 million ununited people vs 300 million and the armies of 4 countries? That’s not a winnable scenario.
Yeah, your a bit delusional about 300 million united. and Kurds are ~50 million. You are telling me Shia and Sunni Arabs are united? …Ehh no. The disputed areas were given back by the government itself. Dude , read more than just what is on SouthFront.
Barzani once teams up with Saddam to put down Talbani in their boot.
Ironically now it’s PUK did.
Peshmerge are still there. They regrouped and came back bitch!! Don’t you keep up. Kurds took back all disputed areas. ??????????
We love kurds??? We don’ t like gypsies strolling around.
Unless you have an argument, go hang yourself. Oh wait! You are already dying of the fact you couldn’t take Kirkuk, and PMU got their ass kicked. ????
Wait and see. The game is not over.
The game is over, are you living under a rock? Dude, read between the lines! You sound like a wahhabi taking every action, every media outlet, every “news” literally. Seriously, do you think, or are you just racist towards Kurds? The PMU were ordered out of the city, Mr. Abadi does not want a civil war. He made it clear that he was not fighting Kurds but treacherous elements among Kurdish ranks. Stopping equating the Kurdish population with the corrupt leaders. The PUK is back in control of the city and the disputed areas. Only federal Police and PUK Pesh are in the city and disputed area, as all other elements have been ordered to leave. Barzanis media owned outlets are trying to fan the flames of war.
US and Israel defeated again!
Read again bitch!!! Kurds retook Kirkuk and all disputed areas.
And Israel is in talks with Russia on Kurdish independence. Iran failed miserably. Now US and Israel and Russia will fuck Iran in the ass! ????
Turkey i watching you very closely. Start talking about independence and lets see whose ass will be kicked……us puppets
Turkey will not do a thing. Iraq is not stupid to allow Turkey into its territories. The US isn’t defeated. The US was in on it, they are trying to remove Barzani from power, because he is a scum and he is starting to get in the way. Something must be going on with Iran and US in the shadows because Trump stop short of labeling IRGC as Terrorists, and de-certifying the Iran nuclear deal. Russia has made Syria to deal with the Kurds, and Turkey just invaded Syria by entering Idlib with help from HTS. Neither is Russia nor US is going to let Turkey invade KRI. Turkey is probably told to sit back and chill, as they won’t be in danger. Because Israel and Russia are speaking about Kurdish Independence.
The bet taken about Kurds cooling down in Turkey, because of a SYrian or iraqi independent Kurdistan, has so little odds…..imagine that….the Kurds that have given tons of blood in Turkey for their freedom settling for a Syrian Kurdistan??????no way i think..they will try to unite their lands with syria. on the other hand a Syrian kurdistan will have a huge impact on the PKK supplies. They will transport whatever they want to Turkey…..bad news for Turkey.we will see…..Turkey is a rogue player right now….plays its own game…doesnt care about Us, nato,Russia…complicates things and makes them more interesting simultaneously
Bet?? what bet?? It was an idea, I didn’t say Turkey is in for a Independent Southern Kurdistan, or semi-autonomous Western Kurdistan. And no, The Kurds in western Kurdistan won’t transport everything, they’re not that stupid to immediately cause trouble and bring all their success to an abrupt end. I said, it might be like the KRI-Iran deal to settle things in Eastern Kurdistan (ending armed conflict, and resuming a political struggle), likewise it might be the same with Kurds in the west and north. But it all depends, and it’s suggest an idea nothing in reality. In reality Russia would want a partner on the doors of Nato, like Nato has one on its doors. A partner that is staunchly anti-turkish authoritarianism. Syria is not like the Kurds. The Kurds hate the Turkish government, but the Syrian Government doesn’t. They are just doing politics. For Example look at how Iran allied itself with Turkey against Kurdish Independence, I see that as a liability for the Russians in the future, it only makes sense since Russia has always aided the Kurds against the Turks.
in foreign policy everything is a big gamble ,a bet thats what i say. you roll the dice and see how it goes….thats what we are witnessing in SYria….a casino royal in political level between super powers and regional powers
Naaahh, only super powers. Regional powers can’t do shit. Trust me, Russia and US will always make backdoor deals to crush anyone that goes rogue. Just look at their history. Sorry to wake you up from your sleep, but Russia is also the west.
in the difficult equatiion of SYria you have to put the Turkey parameter. which is a big player there. i cant figure out its plans yet but to me it plays its own game…..i dont think the ‘west’ can do anything to stop Turkey. …even the ‘wide west’ as you suggest
You kurds will be fucked hard and deep. Exactly what you want. Anal phabets like it anal. And you are the first of all lollypop lickers. You like it unpaid in the backyard you trashy mobile toilet.
Kurds did not retake kirkuk, u got the wrong city!
Russia making deals with kurds it kurds are making deals with russia?
Kurds are surrounded! Thry di bot have the upper hand!
Afin lays besieged by aasham and turkey and russia is their ont saviour!
Sdf will need tk make deals to save afrin! If they dont, kurdish population will see they sold out their own people for oul and statehood!
Assad still in power!
Border almost sealed and iran had transit to lebanon and hezbollah!
Sdf has arabs within it that can quickly turn on them! Turkey, iraq, iran and syria surround them and could EASILY invade whilst arab forces inside the sdf can cause many problems!
Kurds are begging for russia’s help!
Russia wont fuck syria!
But russia MIGHT fuck turkey IF the kurds do as they are told!
If they dont, goodbye kurds jn afrin and aleppo!
Goodbye manbij because aasham will take it with support of turkey.
Turkey will STORM sdf regions and the USA wint do shit because turkey is the MOST important nato ally! They control access to the black sea and the med!
Kurds are in a tough situation! Very tough indeed
U will see!
First of all, The PUK is administering the Disputed areas. Go read the news again. Russia is making deals with the Kurds. Turkey has said that unless all of KRI’s people’s needs are fulfilled by Iraq, Turkey won’t close the border. Russia won’t fuck Syria you are right, but they don’t give a fuck about Assad that is for sure, Putin himself has said it. The Syrian FM has already told the SDF they will hold talks with Kurds post-ISIS for autonomy within Syria. Russia has already fucked Turkey, Turkey will not dare step out of line and derail Russian interests in KRI’s gas and oil industry. Turkey cannot storm shit, remember those AAG/M given to the PKK when Turkey shot down Russian Jet Fighter and killed its pilot, then erdogan cried like a bitch to Putin. And if HTS attacks Kurds, SDF will help. If Turkey helps out then US will not help that is a given, but good luck to Syria or Russia ever retaking those areas from Turkey. Turkey is very well known for stealing lands, and couple that with ErDOGan neo-ottomanism Syria is going to lose half of its territory.
It seems us humans are just hot wired to destroy each other… really baffling
There is no civil war! Fuck your mum southfront! Kirkuk is liberated! We kicked the Hashid and Iraqi army’s ass! Just like we said! ????????????
Are you a grammophone record crying like a nut girls always the same and
the same and the same. Shut up now, drink your milk and go to bed. You fucktard.
Damn, mongoloid invaded SouthFront too. First turkey, then Cyprus, now SouthFront.
You have the turkish dick in your kurdish arse pussy. Not others.
See, I though we were going past useless comments. ” Argue with your brain and not in anger.” But I guess not. Keep showing your IQ.
While reports are very unclear and confusing, likely much BS and fake news, the trend is clear. Provoked by PMU actions like flag burning, putting people out of houses, the general population of the formerly PUK held territories rose, more or less at the same time as Abadi seems to have ordered PMU’s out.
Role of PUK and KDP unclear.
YBS took part of Singal and HPE switched sides again from independent to KDP to PMU to ….?
Not clear whether KDP deserted lands have also risen.
The mistake on Abadi’s part was sending in the PMU. They are a sectarian group and do not have the national interest of the people in mind, just their Iranian sectarian master’s interest. The other mistake is the revenge mentality that came from PMU elements burning the Kurdish flag, and disrespecting it. This is why the Kurdish population rose up. And yes in Xurmatu they burned and looted houses. In some instances maybe even rape, or sexual assault. Not so sure about the last statement, but some Kurds explained in terms that were hinted at such acts. Among Kurds rape and sexual assault is a big no, no. And must be paid by blood. The PMU was big mistake. And the Kurds chased them out, yes chased out. The Kurds rose up then Abadi ordered their retreat.
This is, acc to many tweets, the moment tensions,already high, got out of hand.
Be careful of Rudaw, it is a Barzani owned propaganda machine. They are trying really hard to start civil war. They even claimed the PKK was in Kirkuk to involve Turkey as well. So take their news with a fistful of salt.
Maybe a Civil War of sorts is needed. Not bloodshed; but politically.
Iraqi Kurds would be best served by exiling the ruling Talibani & Barzani Families that run the PUK & KDP like private fiefdoms.
But in Syria some cliques were established too without regarding the real needs of the kurds there.
The main problem I see with some Kurdish movements is that they focus more on their implementation of their ideologies then tending to Kurdish needs. I guarantee you PYD is not one of those cliques. But PDK-S is, this people are on the side of ISIS and HTS and JN and some other terrorists. Barzani’s son had dealings with ISIS. They steal and loot the people of their wealth. The Barzanis are known throughout Kurdish History for betrayal, maybe today the US has decided to end that dark chapter in Kurdish History who knows.
I agree with there 100%. These two family have hijacked the Kurdish cause. They have killed the Kurdish dreams at every turn for their own power play. Kurds are so sick and tired of them. Their history is filled with betrayals and more.
There were protests today in Sulimayah in PUK heartland about losing Kirkuk.
Also have you seen the clip on @conflicts News where PMU shot 25 plus Kurdish Protestors?
UN Security Council has expressed concerns.
The shot protestors were in Khanaqin or Xurmatu, I can’t remember. But yes, the people of Silemani are angry. The people in Kirkuk are also angry, but the PUK is still there. Some Peshmerge have moved back in. Others joined the Guerillas, also the Xobaxish (civilian fighters) are joining the Guerilla (PKK and its affiliates).
Armed Conflict isn’t needed yet, especially since UN, US & Russia are monitoring the situation now.
Kurds should have unarmed peaceful protests/marches all over Greater Kurdistan (iraq, Turkey, Syria & Iran) this weekend.
And also have protests/marches at Iraq Embassies across EU & US this weekend.
That is what I have been telling fellow Kurds, like for fucks sake we have been in armed conflict for a long time (over 100 years). I believe armed conflict is only needed in self-defense. But having said that, the Iraqi government needs to take steps to help solve the situation; it isn’t easy to gain the Kurdish people’s trust quick. You have to remember that the Kurds have suffered for decades, so any military threat will result in the Kurdish “leaders” emotionally blackmailing the Kurds into taking up arms against the central governments. AGAIN, I think Mr. Abadi did a wise move by withdrawing the military and PMU. Oh yeah, I forgot. Syria is looking to solve it’s Kurdish problem, hope it is serious and not the government just being Machiavellian in its actions. The Russians now how important it is to solve the Kurdish problem. They know this will help in stability in Syria and Iraq, but Iran and Turkey don’t want that because they have no one to blame for “Israel’s plot” to keep the population dumb down and scared. Pretty much the Kurds are used as scapegoats. The moment referendum talk were going on, Turkey and Iran started their anti-Semitic rhetoric. Iran is not an ally of Iraq, Ali Sistani and Muqtada Sadr don’t like the Ayatollah’s of Iran because they won’t kneel before them.
All bets are off after Iraqis shot over 25 Kurdish Protesters.
Fighting at Pirde between Kurds & Iraqis today.
Abadi order to Iraqis to stand down most have been ignored.
Iraqis now threatening Erbil.
The Peshmerge are told to move back to pre-2014 lines. If they go to Erbil I think it is because to arrest Barzani or remove him from power. It was Xaneqin. Because if you look at it, now the PUK is back in power in Kirkuk, and there have been meetings between the PUK and Asaib Ahli Haqq. The PUK elected a new mayor from their ranks in Kirkuk. Remember PUK believes in dialogue, while KDP in treachery, just read their history. If the Kurdish population is in danger I guarantee the US will engage. But I believe the PUK entered a backdoor deal with the US, Iran, Turkey, and Iraq. We have to wait and see. Abadi has not said to stand down, where did you get this from?
The lesson is, never take sides with an opportunist; if they pick you up as & when it suits them, they will be just as quick to throw you under a bus as & when it suits them.
Unfortunately, some Kurds do not understand that.