Iraq Has Plans To Launch Cross-Border Military Operation To Combat Terrorists In Syria

Iraq Has Plans To Launch Cross-Border Military Operation To Combat Terrorists In Syria


The Iraqi military has plans to launch a cross-border military operation to combat terrorists in Syria, according to Iraqi Prime Minister Haider Abadi.

“The situation in Syria remains a real challenge and we are focused on finding a solution. We have gone from fighting terrorism in Iraq to fighting terrorism in Syria,” the prime minister told media during his weekly press conference on April 1. “Our project has developed from fighting terror in Iraq to fighting terror in the region…. we do not want to exceed our limits, and we will not transgress those of other countries.”

Abadi noted that the plan had been discussed with military commanders on March 31. He also admitted that ISIS terrorists are still active in some parts of Iraq.

The main area of ISIS activity is the Syrian-Iraqi border. Thus, according to some experts, Syrian and Iraqi forces may indeed launch some coordinated effort to end the terrorist group’s presence in the area.

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Hahaha, another set back for the US.

Joe Dirt

the US already blew up Iraqi. How is this a set back?


Syrians, Iraqi and Iranians fighting side by side? That creates a bond.

Joe Dirt

Iraq invaded Iran on 22 September 1980, triggering a bitter eight-year war which destabilized the region and devastated both countries.

I’m pretty sure they will go back to fight each other with little focus on the West.

Don Machiavelli

Sadam, backed by all of the western world, invaded Iran. Iraqi people didn’t vote on it.

Joe Dirt

Can you please give me a historical example of when a country held an election and the whole nation of people voted weather or not to go to War?

You can call me Al

Whether !!


Aaah… you mean like YOU voted to go bomb them in their homes?

Don Machiavelli

That’s irrelevant and the answer is no.


Iraq, backed by the western world, invaded Iran – the Iraqis didn’t vote to go.

That same western world (US+vassals) invaded Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and now Syria – none of their citizens voted to go.

So … by “irrelevant and answer=no” you mean …. the scales of the enterprises are incomparable?

Rex drabble

Different now the west has been given the boot by Russia.
They have a very strong and no nonsense friend if they choose Russia.
Now these countries have a real chance at peace.

Joe Dirt

Russia and peace do not belong in the same sentence. In recent history more people have died under the Russian flag than under the USA.


22 million during world war two to allow you the privilege of bad-mouthing them.

Joe Dirt



Haha – you an American huh?

Gregory Casey

Would you like to enunciate further on this specific topic please? Casualties in Iraq & Afghanistan -v- ?????????

Joe Dirt

list your facts! if you have any

Joe Dirt

The boot? Maybe you missed today headlines USA is building more bases! :D :D


“I’m pretty sure they will go back to fight each other with little focus on the West.”
I’m pretty sure the US will work hard to ensure that – but they’re likely to fail this time round.

Funny …. everything they do turns to failure these days.


Invaded Iran while under the iron fist of Saddam, whose tribe and allied tribes are now the main suppliers of ISIS, the Shia majority of Iraq and Iran have no bad feelings for each other. They don’t care a hoot about the West other than that it seems to want to help their enemies and they want the West influence gone from the region.

Joe Dirt

Only in your wet dreams would you see an Iraq and Iran alliance.


It’s already pretty much fact.

Joe Dirt

MAYBE allies of opportunity, I will give you that. BUT HISTORICALLY they have never been allies!

Gregory Casey

Since when are Iranians Arabs? Iranians are Persians with a long and sophisticated ancient history. They also regard Arabs over on the Desserts of Riyadh as slightly inferior to them.

Joe Dirt

Don’t try to get all P.C on me. Arabs is a blanket term reflecting the population inhabiting the Arabs world (West Asia, Horn of Africa, North Africa, etc..)

Arab vs Arab you fuk

Gregory Casey

Iran or Persia or whatever term of endearment you wish to use is NOT an Arab Country and it’s People are NOT Arabs. Name-calling me won’t change fundamental facts.


Finally some official statement. Please follow through this.


Lol..! The file image does not looked like Iraqis.. those are the yankees..!


Yes, you can tell by the way they hold their weapons.
The guy in the foreground is a sepo, but the guy behind him?

You can call me Al

Trained by the US maybe ?.


Yes, i noticed the symbol on his chest “the big red one”.

Hard Hawk

Time for the yankis to go home because from the look of things all this people their countries they destroyed are armed war veterans and angry and they never forget what the UK and allies did to them.


Everyone including Macroni’s Froghunters start packin’ your gear…..or get Crushed Boysss….


Green bus already waiting on the background




Only by the Arab countries getting beyond their tribal differences can they defeat the common enemy, the USA.
I hope this kind of cooperation can spread, and peace and prosperity will come to the Middle East, as the colonial powers are forced out.


And there is the Final and Last Pocket….Took a While but there it is…..Way to go Syria & Iraq and Allies….Bye Bye USrahell…..Hey Headchoppers…Hereby you are now Officially “Completely Surrounded” Cuntsss

Joe Dirt

Welcome to the modern day Crusades! :D USA! USA! USA!


Yeah just got a nice visual of modern day U.S.A…thanks very much…Sounded more like a Huge Alcatraz…..and they try to bring “Democracy”?….wtf….Retards

Joe Dirt

USA doesn’t want a caliphate! USA just want to bomb M.E to insure peace of the world. We don’t want democracy in the M.E at ALL! :D


I don’t think anyone is waiting for USA or ZioNazi Peace….those fuckers are sick…Psychopaths….very Dangerous Ones….with too Goddamn much Power
And if they don’t watch out their Arrogance will be presented with total Annihalation of the World….

Joe Dirt

not impressed


Me Neither…

Gregory Casey

The US bombing the Middle East is probably the one surefire way to ensure there is NO peace in this world.

northerntruthseeker .

I hope the Iraqis do come in on the side of the Syrians… The Americans are illegally expanding their bases in Syria and the Iraqis can see that they will be used for dismemberment of Syria and the establishment of the illegal “Kurdistan” that even Iraq does not support and will fight against!

Jim Prendergast

Good to see coordinated action by skilled experienced forces.


Would that be WITH permission from Damascus – or will you be doing an American?


yes after isis army forces syria irakienne will attacked forces kurds fom rakka konabe east deir el zoor! with turky army!!

Basu Deb

There are a couple of red patches on the eastern side. Can someone give me some idea about the present condition of those places?

Roger Snellman

Poor little Syria now Iraq is planning to take a piece of her. So far we have Kurdistan taking the NE. Turkey taking the NW. Israel getting a small piece of Syria and even larger piece of Lebanon. Hezbollah taking whatever is left. Iraq will expend their border into Syria south of the Euphrates river. Looks they are drooling over Syria just before they start picking her bones.