Iran’s Safir Low Earth Orbit Launch Vehicle (Infographics)

Iran's Safir Low Earth Orbit Launch Vehicle (Infographics)

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The Safir is the first Iranian expendable launch vehicle that is able to place a satellite in orbit. The first successful orbital launch using the Safir launch system took place on February 2, 2009.


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Tiresia Branding

certainly with the arrival of Chinese technicians, there will be fewer accidents :-D

Jens Holm

Fine, Romani often bark as Laika.

Toronto Tonto

OH well still a better record than Muscovy wasteland , and that’s the ones we know about .

You can call me Al

Just block him. Go right against your name and press the little down-arrow button, there you can both block the twat and report (flag) him yourself.


Ignore the mentally ill rants. That’s what we do to mentally ill people.


Just wondering, what does it feel like to be such a complete Airhead?

You have absolutely nothing to say, ever, but you insist on saying it.

Almost sounds like the definition of a mental illness.


Not almost – it is unambiguously a sign of mental illness.


Why always cry for banning? Why the same scensoring BS like in MSM?
Just ignore Tonto, laugh about him or block him.

No need to go as low as MSM. Its his right to be stupid. Just let him make a fool of himself without copying the methods of the enemy.

Jim Prendergast

This will be a successful and beneficial launch.