Iran’s Quds Force Commander Visits Quake-Hit Aleppo In Syria (Video)

Iran’s Quds Force Commander Visits Quake-Hit Aleppo In Syria (Video)

Iran’s Quds Force commander, Brigade General Esmail Qaani, in Syria’s Aleppo. Via Twitter.

On February 8, Iran’s Quds Force commander, Brigade General Esmail Qaani, paid a surprise visit to the northern Syrian city of Aleppo, which was badly hit by the recent earthquake.

Footage from the disaster-struck city showed the Iranian commander inspecting aid work at one of the shelters which were set up for people who were displaced by the earthquake.

Qaani succeeded former Quds Force commander Brigade General Qassam Soleimani, who was killed in a U.S. drone strike on the Baghdad Airport in January 2020. The force is the foreign operations wing of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps.

More than 3,100 were killed as a result of the magnitude 7.8 earthquake in Syria, including at least 390 in Aleppo city alone. The earthquake originated in southern Turkey, where more than 9,000 people were killed.

Iran was among the first countries to send humanitarian aid to Syria, along with Russia, Iraq, Algeria, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt and Tunisia.

The shelter visited by Qaani was reportedly opened with direct help from Iran. The commander met with aid workers and some of the displaced families staying there during his visit.

The devastating earthquake added to the problems of Syria, which is already exhausted by more than a decade of war and Western sanctions.

Qaani’s visit to Aleppo reflects Iran’s commencement to its alliance with Syria. Tehran has been providing Damascus with military, economic and humanitarian support since the outbreak of the war. The visit will likely provoke Israel who considers Quds Force to be the top threat in the Middle East to its security.


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Edgar Zetar

If Iran Commander went to Aleppo should expect retaliation from Israel… Syria is ín very sad shape, at the south is Israel and the North Turkey… how they Ministry of Defence and Intelligence Agencies would not prevented the Syrian collapse and Civil War… now we have earthquakes too… Big Issues will be in Syria for a long time.


He is Who liberate Halep. He is Who fight and win against Isis there. Respect . He is the owner not visitor.


He is 💨🤡gay mollahs terrorist. Israel should take action now…


Gay? ? You can Look at mirror. The son of evils. With USA weapons. But without sprit. Cheap holleywood warriors.


You means gay oğlu…..hehhe atttillla

Last edited 2 years ago by Dimitrov99
Florian Geyer

The loyalty and courage shown by the Syrians who have suffered 11 years of defencive war alongside their President. President Assad has united all true Syrians with his indomitable personal bravery.
President Assad and loyal citizens will again prevail in the struggle to repair the earthquake damage.

Israel and US/UK, France, plus their Terrorist proxies, have looted and murdered Syrians, and of course most of the globe for too long.


Qaani .. He is Who liberate Halep. He is Who fight and win against Isis there. Respect . He is the owner not visitor. Open your eyes and Read more.


Yeah, we all feals with the people, in Turkien and Syria, the rotten west, whom is condoling the Turks whom died, is denying Syria help, because of not wanting to lift the sactions, due to the decade long war on Syria and in particular, Assad, whom by messure is an statesman, the western AmeriTard bitches are nowhere near. But then again, the empire of evil strickes again, and how on earth can anyone want to have anything to do with UssA.

Isser Harel

Speech april 4 1967 tells us who the purveyors of evil really are and where they originate. Strike while the time is good. As time passes they will be better prepared. Force them out. Godspeed to Russia.

nantony blinken

I visit lgbt brothel in tel aviv with crazy Canuck

Edgar Zetar

If Iran Commander went to Aleppo should expect retaliation from Israel… Syria is ín very sad shape, at the south is Israel and the North Turkey… how they Ministry of Defence and Intelligence Agencies would not prevented the Syrian collapse and Civil War… now we have earthquakes too… Big Issues will be in Syria for a long time.

Gece ansizin

Qaani is the owner. Not vist. Its his own home. He liberated there. He win against Isis and Usa dogs there. Do silence mood and Respect him. Or …
