Iranian MP: We Will Pay $3 Million To ‘Whoever Kills Trump’

Iranian MP: We Will Pay $3 Million To 'Whoever Kills Trump'

Ahmad Hamzeh

Ahmad Hamzeh, an Iranian Member of Parliament, stated that “whoever kills Trump” will receive a 3 million dollar reward.

Hamzeh is the MP for the city of Kahnuj in Kerman province. Commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps’ Qods Force, Qassem Soleimani, who was assassinated by a US strike in Iraq on January 3, born in the province of Kerman.

“I declare on behalf of the people of Kerman that all Kermanis are soldiers of Haj Qassem (Soleimani) and we all have no fear of being martyred. We give $3 million in cash to anyone who kills Trump” Hamzeh said during his speech in the Parliament on January 21, Iran’s parliament news agency Icana reported.

“You’ll taste this reality that Martyr Qassem Soleimani is more dangerous than Haj Qassim Soleimani,” he added threatening the US and its allies in the region.

This was the second time when a call to set up a bounty for Trump appeared in Inranian media sphere. On January 5, the call for a 80 million dollar bounty by an unidentified Islamic eulogist was broadcasted during the funeral Soleimani procession in Mashhad.

“We are 80 million Iranians. If each one of us puts aside one American dollar, we will have 80 million American dollars, and we will reward anyone who brings us (Trump)’s head with that amount,” the eulogist said to acrowd in Mashhad.

“And we would give this $80 million, on our own behalf, as a gift to anyone who brings the head of the person who ordered the murder of the grand figure of our revolution. Anyone who brings us the head of this yellow-haired lunatic, we would give him $80 million on behalf of the great Iranian nation. Chant if you agree.”


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How about 50 $ for John Bolton?


Trump is a figurehead. Killing him would accomplish nothing in the long run.


An explosion of Trump’s Ego on his assassination would totally obliterate a city the size of New York. :)


Totally agree. Assassinations are wrong in principle. Fight a political fight, and focus on Pompeo more than Trump. Mr President T. is just a hand doll to distract attention.


They just have to ask Hillary




$3 million to kill a president is a bit cheap maybe 30m would attract interest.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

Killary will do it for a tenner

she’s in

Assad must stay

There is now 83 million bounty on his head hahahahaha I would hate to be trump I would turn myself over to iranian govt if I were him

Xoli Xoli

Opportunity for double tong backstabber Erdogan to kill Trump. Or crushing all the wishes of Israel and Trump the dotart is gone.

Pave Way IV

If Trump were gone, the world would see a President Mike “Apocalypse” Pence holding the nuclear football, giddy over the thought of bringing on the biblical rapture and end times. He wouldn’t even wait until he was sworn in. Trump is kind of nuts, but Pence absolutely terrifies me.


I believe that you are correct.

Xoli Xoli

You are absolutely right.But the plan to remove Trump if he refuses his Generals and Pompeo is already at hand.Soon if all attempts of impeachment fails their going to forcefully removed him.

Ivan Freely

Agree on Pence. Iran should have aimed for Pence instead.


that’s an idea – turkey in a payback for the coup in 2016 set about by cia, takes out trump when he leaves davos.

Mustafa Mehmet

OK we all know you r in love with Erdoğan

Xoli Xoli

You are very clever.How did you find out.Because I want to sodomizing Erdogan.

Pave Way IV

OK, I understand Iran’s anger and certainly can’t advocate assassination of the U.S. president, but Hamzeh is just embarrassing the Iranian people now…


the idea is right as in tit for tat – but 3m bucks is too little and won’t garner any interest anywhere. increase it to say 50m bucks and you will see donald, jared and ivanka on lit de parade before the month of Jauary is over.

Pave Way IV

You may not have to wait that long, verner. The Trump impeachment clown show with al its weirdness and secrecy is just about over. Most people here figure Trump won’t really be removed from office – that’s what our senate’s ‘trial’ is about right now.

What few people realize is that the Khazars have already thrown Trump under the bus and want to get rid of him (failing to start the war with Iran, etc.). The Republican-majority Senate is not necessarily on Trump’s side just because he is a Republican. The Khazar Mafia has been furiously pressuring anti-Trump Republicans (probably using the leaked 900 Epstein child-rape videos) to vote with the Senate Democrats to remove Trump.

The secrecy and weirdness being employed isn’t really benefiting Trump. The conspiracy-minded among us think that it is really being used in advance for the Senate not having to justify WHY they will vote to remove Trump. “Orange man bad, because [redacted]” You peon goyim don’t have elite special privileges to hear the secret reasons why. “Now go kill the Iranians… for the chosen people!”

Yeah, it’s really that bad here in Clown World.

good american

Yeah, my feeling, too. Trump has been quite the let-down for the anti-war crowd, but who in their right mind would want dark eyes Pence, who eyes only glow when they envision Armageddon?

Pave Way IV

Um… every last true-believer evangelical christian in the U.S.? I think the Mormons might be big on this, too. Not sure about the Amish.

Mehmet Aslanak

Pelosi & Schumer will kill him softly, then burn his wig on senate floor.

Bobo Voxar

Democrats will pay even more… this US swamp is too dangerous even without Trump … selfdestruction is eminent

Free man

Why do the Iranians continue to embarrass themselves?
How did the proud Iranian people deteriorate to the point that these people are running their country?


If you get obsessed with the enemy… indeed, they now start to stoop to American levels of lowliness.

good american

When the deep state knocks off Trump, guess which nationality is going to be the fall guy? And everyone would believe it ’cause everyone knows how the Iranians hate Israeli Agent Orange since he killed Solenami. Wouldn’t that be a circle of irony?

King Cliff

I don’t think no one want 3 million to kill a men that’s worth a billion or more .


Ι think you ll find there’s probably more than a billion humans out there that would do the deed for free !


30 to 50m bucks would work better and we could reasonably expect to see trump on lit de parade.

kpevt12 .

Those who approve killing by the drone, should just maybe die by the drone … along with a few others who are proficient at Lying, cheating, and stealing.




idiot who – the one offering 3m bucks as a bounty on trump or someone else – 3m bucks is far too little and should be upped to a minimum of 30m bucks, preferably 50m bucks and the world might see a result and melania can walk into the sunset counting the dosh since she is exceedingly well suited to rid the world of the trump family menace, i.e. donald, son in law and step daughter.

similarly, the iranians ought to offer a hefty bounty for the odious sheldon adelson who is paying trump to harass Iran on behalf of the squatters on palestinian land (they got to be kicked to kingdom come post-haste)