Iranian Guards Commander Confirms Purchase Of Russian Su-35 Fighter Jets

Iranian Guards Commander Confirms Purchase Of Russian Su-35 Fighter Jets

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Iran has purchased Su-35s fighter jets from Russia, Ali Shadmani, a senior commander of the country’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, announced on January 27.

Shadmani, who was quoted by Iran’s official Student News Network, did not clarify how many jets were purchased and whether they had already been delivered to Iran.

“Whenever necessary, we make military purchases to strengthen our air, land, and naval forces… The production of military equipment has also accelerated,” the deputy Coordinator of the Khatam-ol-Anbia Central Headquarters said.

In April of 2023, Iran announced that it had finalized a deal to buy Su-35 fighter jets from Russia. Under the deal, the IRIAF is supposed to receive a total of 24 Su-35s which were originally built for Egypt as a part of a contract that was thwarted by the United States.

The Su-35 was designed to engage all types of aerial targets in long and close ranged air battles as well as to attack ground and sea-surface targets including those covered by air defenses and located far behind the frontline.

One of the main features of the Su-35 is the Irbis-E multi-mode, hybrid passive electronically scanned array radar system, which can detect and track up to 30 airborne targets at one time at ranges of up to 350 kilometers, and attack up to eight of them.

The fighter jet can carry a variety of advanced weapons, including the R-37 air-to-air missile, the Kh-59 land-attack cruise missile, the Kh-58 anti-radiation missile and the Kh-35 anti-ship cruise missile.

These advanced fighter jets would boost the capabilities of the Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force (IRIAF) which operates only a few dozen strike aircraft, including Soviet-era fighter jets as well as aging United States-made models acquired before the 1979 Islamic Revolution.

Earlier this month, Iran and Russia signed a comprehensive strategic partnership which did not mention arms transfers but said the two will develop their “military-technical cooperation.”


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the narrative

iran defending it’s citizens with alliances superior to the west.

Jensen Huang

they couldn’t even defend syria, an ally. an ally next door. syria is like 500-1000 kms near iran, why couldn’t this barbaric regime defend al-assad and his militia? oh, they were to busy struggling against neighboring israel lol.


because assad was a moron who refused negotiations with turkey and refused iranian troops, while loosing the support of his population, so russia, hezbollah and iran didnt send support anymore.
anyway not a plus for zioland, because syria still anti israel and hezbollah, iran, hamas, iraqi shia militias and houthi still undefeated and well armed.


you’ve got 1 vote but lola moderator won’t change your score because your comments politically correct to him


crying now?
this is a proofed fact every serious military analyst on earth will confirm, so in general i dont care about up or downlvotes, cause they dont change anything to facts.

Last edited 1 month ago by TomB.

as “barbaric” regimes go, iran comes a very poor third behind the genocidal zionist terror regime and the genocide-enabling united snakes. russia and iran cannot be expected to defend syria after the syrian army lost interest and jusr went home.


you’ve no idea.


course. but that’s not the nazi attitude they promote here. when i say they i mean him. lola of a dozen names.


neither can you, neither could the optometrist, but at least he saw it coming… 😆


what are you natos biggest. nice try with your fake patriotism

Zionist child killers

iran needs to test a nuke on zionist genocidal criminals.

Jensen Huang

too bad, israel would shoot all those nukes down just like how they shot down those 300 useless drones. let’s not forget how iran failed miserably at intercepting israeli strikes in tehran, let alone other key regions of iran. a pathetic regime destined to fall.


just the same as they “””shot down”””” iranian hypersonic missiles that devastated parts of israel including an air base but was censored by the usa/uk/eu so that no pictures were shown to the public so much for the “”iron dome “” more like chocolate dome and your country is buying it from israel .


one video alone shows 32 incomming iranian missiles and only 5 were intercepted by the shlomodome and shlomosling, so we can imagine that dozents hit shlomo bases each at least with a half ton wartend each.


sily to believe vidoes. actions speak louder than words are israelis rembg in fear? and just on the off chance you might identify as some sort of christian, maybe or a catholic then hear this, the bible tells you in plain language, directly clearly if you don’t support israel expect god’s wrath sooner or later you will not be forgiven he’s very clear about that.


first: yes, we know your atrocities on children. the military and intel part is work of nato, usa, uk and eu pedo gang. you usrael are just a starving bunch of murderouse squatters. and the whole power of western army are holdup murderers.

second: the bible don’t means your bunch of lowlifes, squatting on peaceful civillians homes and making up names for an illegal settlement. your part in bible is that part where hell is mentioned. and you know it.


so you really belive in fairytale book written 3000 years ago from goatfckers with a stone age knowledge and education?


it’s not a fairy tale, it’s a work of history that’s mostly true. the destruction of sodom, the flood, etc. have been proven by excavations. the fact that people interpret events as divine and have made historical writings into divine events is a different matter.


oh dear, the ironic doom and david’s jockstrap don’t seem to be doing terribly well.


like the votes hahaha as if. grow up they don’t go to war without having already planned the outcome. simple as that there’s no surprise endings the way they operate. imo


just stupid people who don’t understand plain english nothing is what it seems.


there is no need for plain english.


a littled*ck yelloface sliteye a new hasbara clown here?
or just a shlomo under hopsingh cammo?
anyway, look the videos from the iranian attack on shlomoland and these proof dozents of hits.
while the shlomo attac on iran was mostly intercepted without serious damages in iran.


racist pig and what are pale face, white man with foked tongues white supremacist neo nazi troll with a giant hole?


says a hasbarist who supports the most racists on earth for whom except themself “exceptionals” all others are only gojim?
stfu you shlomo moron.


talmudistan tried to attack iran but chickened out when they found out they were being tracked at long range and were on a one way suicide mission. talmudistan is completely defenceless against iranian missile strikes. its whole air defence system is supplied and controlled by the united snakes and defending against the first iranian drone attack cost $4 billion. hezbollah put a missile through nutteryahoo’s bedroom window. poor old shlomo.

grab 'em on the pussy

four attempts at a response but aaah no ! that idiot bot though can get every dump through. dodgy at the best.


moderator lola who gave you 11 down votes won’t accept an up. vote on your comment. imo fact they won’t change the votes unless they feel like it. over and over i’ve seen them.

Last edited 1 month ago by Allegedly

you know it’s not true. even several hundred combined fighterjets of usa, europe and israel couldn’t stop the missiles.

and those missiles were just a well placed message. all dummy missiles and drones were designed and calculated to confuse the defense. and it worked, almost every target were hit. even so while iran telegraphed beforehand.

this is information for serious readers, this guy is just a bot or a zion-agent

Last edited 1 month ago by Kriptonite

that was great victory to iran. one interceptor missile costs 7 million dollars and two are launched to intercept. 300 x 7,000,000 x 2 = 4,200,000,000 dollars. iran’s costs were a few thousand for drones and tens of tons for rockets.

Ghost of Kiev

so, nukes are real now? let me guess.. we also went to the moon and played golf?


you’re uneducated.

Shlomo's little weenie

oh get real ! wakey wakey. yes, wake up ! ! if you tug it more than 3x a day, serious health consequences 👀. in my opinion.💩💩💩 = 🇮🇱

Jensen Huang

will break in 5 minutes clash against an israeli/american f-16 lol, let alone an f-35.

US is becoming a shithole

like those wonder weapon f16s in ukraine which failed to do anything lol

Jensen Huang

“as of now, ukraine has reported the loss of one f-16 fighter jet.” so it’s only one loss, okay. how many su-35s and 34s were lost in ukraine? “in total, combining the losses of both aircraft types, russia has lost at least 41 su-34 and su-35 jets in ukraine.”


says the ukro clowns?
what about the iskander visits to the f16 bases last year?
all misses, nah?
even ukro independent military sources talk about at least a half dozent damaged and destroyed on the ground.
apart from that, 150 ukro planes are destroyed or damaged with no repair option, thats 90% of the pre war ukro active airforce.
more to come.


says who dr do little? never believe anything “never trust anybody” queen mum. “the first casualty of war is the truth”. they all lie.


do you really believe what ukraine says after all the daily lies? which have been proven. nordstream, the dam, the butska staging, the bombing of hospitals which are shown in videos as being done by ukraine’s own anti-aircraft missiles, etc… it’s called war propaganda.


former supreme allied commander europe of nato, from 1997 to 2000, wesley clark claims that in 2001, a general in the pentagon showed him a piece of paper and said:
“i just got this memo today from the office of the secretary of defence- it’s a five-year plan. we’re going to take down seven countries in five years. we’re going to start with iraq, then syria, lebanon, then libya, somalia, sudan, we’re going to come back and get iran in five years.” and then ukraine.

Shlomo's little weenie

the star spangled banner is about to be played champ. please arise at attention and salute.


f16 against a su35?
pls stfu and morons like you with zero military tech education should not comment anything here cause youre totally embarrassing.

Last edited 1 month ago by TomB.

down votes turn into up votes for anti american sympathies here at hitlers south front headquarters.


in india this has been tested many times and it worked the other way around. even with the previous generation fighters. india brought the truth to light when the us tried to keep quiet. us fighters lost to the russians in five minutes in a large military exercise. the real reason why the f22 was discontinued.


a good start for iran but only two squadrons are not enough, 4-6 more squadrons should be ordered, also adittionally some su34, because all actual iranian fighter jets will be obsolet in the next 10 years.

Jensen Huang

they already are obsolete, couldn’t defend themselves against israeli fighter jets. su-34 is as useful as an old and rusty iranian f-5s, they don’t last in the air much in ukraine.


vc é realmente um tolo inocente ! resumindo ! não sabe nada.


who are you kidding jensen ??? israel purchased f35,s from the usa they have been proved to be vastly inferior to russian jets and the usa admits it . they are classed as “standoff jets ” when up against a rival country which is powerful . the usa is now in the process of designing a jet that can compete with russian maneuverability . every couple of missions they need new “anti radar paint ” and need constant expensive overhauls.

Jensen Huang

who am i kidding? the f-35 doesn’t need to dogfight when it can see russian jets coming miles away and swat them like flies before they even blink. maneuverability is cute and all, but it’s not 1985 anymore. keep dreaming.


so you have just admitted they are bombers in reality then russia has many of those liki the tu-22m-tu-95–tu-142-tu-160 all can carry long range nukes and fire them at a much greater distance than any f-35 so russia can easily shoot down f-35,s long before they get within launching range.


that piece of junk is even more of a flying coffin than the old starfighter.


if the tu-95 is “junk ” then how come the uk sends its jets out to watch it ?? it doesn’t need to fly fast its nukes can reach the usa no problem its also been upgraded and can pick up uk transmissions as well as fire missiles .starfighters ?? ask germany how many pilots lost their lives in that piece of american junk ??


who said anything about the tu95? it’s the f35 that’s a flying coffin. engines and oxygen system cut out without warning. can’t fly in the rain. very low serviceability. no good as a fighter or bomber. wing area too small. complete garbage.


just drop it with your fake conversation to fill the page. it’s boring.


americans have 1 nano second attention spans so i understand your complaint you cant watch anything without loud background noise to hold your attention .


lol you idiot.
miles away?
the su35 radar has a range up to 200+ miles.


wars a racket you simple minded individual. it’s business they’re all corporations by law they must maximise profits they’ve nothing to do with loyalties to flags or bits of paper that’s not what corporations do that’s individuals, collectively as assets, resources. tax deductible. imo


to you as an american that’s true you run on profit by far right policies that cause millions of your own citizens to die early as they cant afford big pharma prices or big medical prices . unlike the usa russia provides free health care .


comparing a su35 with a f5 proofs that your brain must consist of 100% dogshit
pls read the su35 tech datas before showing up here as a total moron and idiot


who gives a toss about some jets? they’re just turnover on balance sheets to them they’re a sky show, propagandas, knights in shining armour flying about like warrior heroes its just theatre for little school boys


and again another down vote becomes an up. vote. so don’t go trusting deceivers. or you will be deceived.

muslims are idiots

a few 4th generation planes won’t make a difference against american-israeli combined strikes on nuclear, military, oil/gas, energy infrastructure targets all over iran. specially now that syria & iraqi airspace are under full control of the us & israel. the b-2s & their 30,000 lb massive ordnance penetrator can take out any target in iran no matter how deep is buried. if stupid iranians hadn’t tied up their own hands they’d already have nukes as insurance


lol you clown.
irak under israel control???
and lets see how close a b2 can fly to iran when theyr s300 and buk will aim them?
negotiations for s400 are also underway


the bomb you refer to can only penetrate 200 feet irainian nuke capacities are –600 meters down and the rest are buried under mountains read my post to jensen as to russian bomber capabilities .


shlomo will just get bitchslapped again if he doesn’t mind his manners. any attack on iran will be the final nail in the coffin of the united snakes.

Ghost of Kiev

these airplanes are fake.


these comments are too all from one troll with a hole.


dobrá správa, pre rusko a irán!!! špatná pre izrael a usa!!! svetu mier!!!


a great way for russia and iran to giver the rothschilds slaver nations the big no thank you…keep your parasite bank, your degenerate kikenhausen kulture…


imagine having to buy russian worthless crap 😆😆😆
