Fast boats of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) harassed the US Navy’s Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln during the transit out of the Persian Gulf through the Strait of Hormuz on December 4, 2019.
In an email to the War Zone, US Navy Commander Joshua Frey, a public affairs officer for U.S. Naval Forces Central Command confirmed the incident claiming that this “activity was within normal behavior patterns for Iran and did not threaten the Abe [Abraham Lincoln] strike group”.
TOO CLOSE FOR COMFORT: Satellite imagery released by the #Iranian news agency shows the USS "Abraham Lincoln" aircraft…
Posted by T-Intelligence on Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Despite the formal claims by the US Navy, the Iranian behaviour demonstrates that Tehran feels itself confident in its military cpabilities in the region and regularly demonstrates this to its US counterparts.
What is US doing there, claiming US don’t need to buy oil from the gulf countries.
They don’t need to, but they are paid to protect the interest of their partners and police the oil routes just like all civilized countries from pirates and hooligans from iran on boats and they will continue to do so.
Its time you got a new narrative, Will.
Perhaps you could call Iranians ‘anti-semitic’ ? :)
Why would he change his narrative ? are you going to pay him better?
US bandits are currently doing a great job ‘protecting’ Syrian oil from the Syrian people. They do the same for the Iraqi’s and Libyan’s. It’s a thankless job being a bandit.
Protect the interests of their partners: thanks for clearing that up, they’re running a protection racket, so even the Mafia has infiltrated the highest levels.
Persian Gulf is an Iranian lake and it has really beefed up its defenses in the area as I witnessed in the summer. Iran will turn it into a missile and firestorm inferno if the US overestimates its Hollywood navy capabilities by sheer hubris.
You sure like talkin out of ur ass. Iran is starving it took Trump one year to crash it to the ground without firing a single shot. They also got their asses wiped in Iraq, should they try anything other than cowardly scare tactics they will meet the full force of the entire world not just the US because the Strait is a strategic route for the international states. It will take US a few hours to cripple Irans entire military infrastructure they wont even bother to invade because they have no interest to, the iranian people will do that for them.
Like Libya’s supposed 4 week overthrow which took them almost 7 months? Or the “We are going to take out 7 countries in 5 years”? Whatever you say pal. When the real world rises up supposed super powers like U.S and delusional Israel will fall.
I think it was mostly the French and the Brits that took 7 months in Libya.
The US also had a relevannt role. They called it “leading from behind”. So much were they in charge that Hillary Clinton saw the necessity of saying “We came, we saw, he died.” She should have said, “…he was murdered.”
Poor simpleton
In one year? Trump did nothing more than that which Iran already endured for over 40 years. World did not start with Trump or in the last decade you know… Its a bit older than that…
And Iran is certainly a bit older than that.
Sorry Will, the world is not with you. Other countries will likely ignore US calls for more war in order to save the US from its well earned disaster.
The last excursion into Iran by US forces didn’t exactly go according to plan.
What entire world? Most of the world is against the US, a rogue state. Funny that all your chest thumping reminded me the Iranian taking American prisoners who had to kneel and yes the ENTIRE world saw that humiliation. Do you want me to remind you more humiliations?
yes, i remember a while ago you said it is the strongest missile power in the region with many SSM dotted along its 2000km coastline
In 1988 US Navy used Bell AH-1T Cobras against Iranian fast boats, have they brought anything similar now? In the meantime Iran acquired new weapons, including Russian subs and anti ship rockets (plenty of them).
If it ever hit the fan, Iran will surely surprise the world.
by vanishing so quickly
Just like you ,Will.
I mean that is not even a come back, It’s lame dude very lame. Its like a 12 year old going “I got you!” boom! Just like you, get it. Bravo.
Meh your position is shaky ay best, idiotic in reality.
Iran is not to be triffled with. Leave them alone and they will leave you alone. that.
Iran has not.invaded anyone in hundreds of years. USA.hasent invaded anyone in a couple months.
You simplistic explanations of the situation are only for the sound byte generation of brainwashed sheep. For history nuts like myself, its easy to see USA as the agressor in this situation.
End of story.
As the agressor you shut the fuck up and go home. Stop.wasting money intimidating people thousands of.miles away, and fix the slums in your own goddamned country.
Ive been to Florida i have seen it, dont deny it!
Hey Mike, you are not the only one who can claim history nut and try to give legitimacy to your deduction, I have lived in the ME for over 40 years, that includes Syria and Lebanon. More than I can say for many posting here. Not until you go through wars and feel it on your skin will you ever appreciate the west.
Iran HAS invaded other countries to this day! Why do you think the region hates them and there is conflict? There are more ways to invade countries than full scale military intervention, there is something called cancerous behavior, Proxies and establishments. Why invade when you can setup states within states, fund them and use them to attack your foes and suppress local populace. In Lebanon we have Hizbullah and look where that got the country, wars and economic collapse. In Iraq you have Hizbullah of Iraq = Protests and Iranian embassies torched, Iraq is now fully owned by Iran. Yemen Hezbollah again and local trained militias 100% Iranian funded keep shooting random missiles refusing to make peace under any condition. disputed islands in strait and arab gulf with the UAE, Seeking a nuclear arsenal which will cause a nuclear arms race to happen in the ME which in itself will cause an everlasting status quo of constant conflict think North korea and south. Syria under Iranian rule fully oppressed Lebanese for 3 decades and used as proxy itself until its own destruction today. Most Syrians prefer Russians over Iranians its that bad.
Don’t forget Venezuela now infested by Iranians on government level. and countless African countries. although they are being challenged there by china.
No Mike, they never invaded they don’t have to, they are smarter than that. Why Invade when you can infiltrate and grow from within. This is why US fought the wrong war against stupid Saddam, Iran was the smart one they had to take them out first.
Lastly It is to the benefit of sooo many counties in the ME if Iran is weakened, I know my homeland will be much safer and better place without them around.
As for these clowns below they can all kiss my ass, bunch of bias propagandists, they shout death to America but they will all sell their mothers to live in the west if you offer them $$$ and a visa. Bunch of hypocrites they are these crybabies.
Quite stupid to make generalizations “…they shout death to America but they will all sell their mothers to live in the west if you offer them $$$ and a visa.” Do you know what a fallacy is? Basic reasoning to contruct arguments you learn in high school and undergraduate school, but the “history nut” seems to have learned nothing about this. Lots of people who have visited the US for long periods wouldn’t live there even if they are given a visa. Americans think that material things are all that counts. That is the philosophy of the vulgar and ignorant. Lately, the US dream is not even a dream anymore. It is rather a nightmare. I have seen Detroit. It is at the level of some African countries. Since you discount other people’s opinions for not having lived in the ME, I will also tell you to STFU in regards to Venezuela. I have lived in the region all my life -I am South American, and I have also spent time in Venezuela a few times, and that “Iranians are in Venezuela in full force” argument is just a figment of your imagination. There are Russians no doubt. I saw them. But no Iranians. So you can also kiss my ass, bias propagandist.
You lived in the ME? LOL, must have been in the middle of the desert with a few scorpions, because in those so-called 40 years you did not manage to understand 1 iota of the region, never mind about Latin America that might as well be on another planet as far as your perception is concerned. Poor old Will.
Occupied Palestine, that stinking racist ziofascist dump, would vanish before that. Think the the OUTLAW, psychopath-run, blackmailing, sanctioning, belligerent, rogue empire-in-decline would be willing to take that risk and try to explain that its own ziofascists?
They sure surprised a few US drone operators, who lost their toys.
They can acquire all they want and spend money on weapons instead of feeding their people and cutting oil from them. Bottom line is this. Should any US personnel or ship come to harm, then Iran would’ve done US a big favor of green lighting politically and morally to counter-strike and they will with gloves off, and should that happen, no amount of second grade weapons or little boats will stop the relentless bombardments on them. They may not go down as fast as Iraq but they will in the end and no one will come to their rescue not even Russia. They will turn to ash. And should push comes to shove and US feels it needs to use micro strategic nukes or mother bombs, they will do so I have no doubt to get the job done in the end no matter what.
Oil will suffer for a month but they can afford it and will recover quicker and safer when its all over.
Meanwhile Iran will never recover militarily and there will be a pro western backed government given the people of Iran hate the Mullahs. Then Hizbullah will fall in lebanon and in Iraq, Yemen will be forced to make peace with its neighbors and food flow in to their starving people and economy, Syria is already mostly under Russian policy but they will have full monopoly over assad regime, and the strait will no longer be harassed, the Middle east can see some peace then.
You are in some kind of delusion. Who told you they are starving: CNN, Fox, Trump, Killary Clinton??!! That is what they were telling about North Korea, that became in the meanwhile Nuclear Korea. And what is USA doing there? It is not Iran in Mexican Gulf, but USA in Persian Gulf…
Tell your government to go and feed the milllions that go hungry every day in the US. When they do that, you can start criticizing other countries.
The US carrier could easily destroy each and every single one of those little rusty scrap boats
Yes of course it could .. but what then.. A bit like you walking up to a Policeman and smacking him in the head and dropping him like a stone.. You won …. now what happens … Hows your collection of bars of soap going.. pretty boy.. Not to worry I will come and visit you with copies of all the antisemite comments , which using your basis , is ALL of them so you don’t feel left out.. You don’t have to sit down and read them if that will be a problem .. Yes I know already , this old man needs to go back to sleep..
Its a 2 way street idiot. The can easily sink the carrier.
A 400,000$ boats sinks a 40 billion.
Whos being smarter with their money here?
I am not too much interested in policy. I respect every people and especially the small nations.But each time I read your comments, I am feeling disgust to see so much self-importance and contempt for the others.Always to glorify massacres made by the military potency of your country. You want slaves’ world? The second world war did not teach anything to you? And it is identical for your friend rabbi. Here is the elected people? Excuse me, but humanly, you have not much of value.
But they don’t dare do it. Americans are full of it. They hit weak countries -Iraq, Syria- like the cowards they are, but they shit their pants to go after a regional power like Iran. Dare do it! Why don’t you?
Except it did not because those U.S. sailors are a bunch a cowardly bog rats. LOL.
Look at those tiny speed boats they drive around. The USS Abraham Lincoln could have swiftly destroyed those pesky boats if it wanted.
Oh look it is gutter mouth again. Full of shit as usual. Nothing but drivel. What happened to your theory on the Washington Post or have you realised your mistake or how is Jacob the scam artist / conman innocent . Full of shit but no answers.. Hows your tactical retreat working.. Dribble arse.
Really? Are you sure of that?
Look up Marine Corps Lieutenant General Paul K. Van Riper and the Millennium Challenge 2002 war game.
I’ll even leave you a link:
So, why didn’t it? Would have been nice retaliation for that $220 million drone. The U.S., like its ziofascist master in the ME, is too scared to take on a real opponent, preferring to take on defenceless ones.
Could Iran actually capture the carrier with special forces?
No need for Special Forces , Just lob a couple of Netanbooboo’s petards onto the deck. That would blow them away.. Worked for Netanbooboo didn’t.