Iranian Axis Of Resistance Falls Victim To US-Israeli Covert Campaign


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A large explosion rocked the Arab Gas Pipeline in Syria on August 24 causing a blackout in the country’s capital Damascus and multiple other cities and towns.

The explosion occurred between the towns of Ad Dumayr and Adra the a result of a ‘terrorist attack’, according to Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources Ali Ghanem. The incident led to a pressure drop and cascading shutdowns of the country’s power stations. Authorities almost immediately extinguished the fire, but as of August 25 morning blackouts were still seen in many towns and even in the capital, with some power restored to hospitals and government buildings.

This is the sixth time that stretch of the gas pipeline has been hit by an explosion over the course of the Syrian conflict, Kharboutli added, refusing to speculate about possible causes of the latest blast. The US envoy for Syrian affairs James Jeffrey insisted that the explosion was likely an attack by ISIS.

Earlier, ISIS claimed responsibility for several drone and rocket attacks on Syria’s oil and gas infrastructure in the Homs desert. In April, a mysterious explosion also erupted on a natural gas pipeline near al-Shadadi in the province of al-Hasakah. This area is in the hands of the Kurdish-dominated Syrian Democratic Forces and the US-led coalition. Then, some sources also accused ISIS cells operating in the area. However, there are many more than just one suspect.

In January, Damascus said divers had planted explosives on offshore pipelines belonging to the Banias refinery on the Mediterranean coast, but the damage had not halted operations. This attack was likely conducted by Israeli forces.

The terrorist attack in Syria took place two days after a top Iranian nuclear official has for the first time described the July 2nd fire at the Natanz nuclear facility as sabotage.

“The explosion at the Natanz nuclear facility was a result of sabotage operations,” Behrouz Kamalvandi, a spokesman for Iran’s Atomic Energy Organization said adding that “Security authorities will reveal in due time the reason behind the blast.”

The fire at Natanz caused severe damage, setting back the development of advanced uranium enrichment centrifuges. On top of this, Iran was targeted by a series of strange explosions and fires at various military and industrial sites across the country.

These developments together with the attacks in Syria and the blast in the Lebanese capital, Beirut, raise more and more concerns that Iran and countries from the Iranian-led Axis of Resistance became a target of a major Israeli-led or even US covert destabilization campaign.

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rightiswrong rightiswrong

Fire off a hundred missiles all at once, at Israeli nuclear sites.

That will stop the colonists from trying to blow up sites in other nations.


General Ripper pretended to be a general …

What’s your sorry excuse?

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Just because your parents mutilated your dick is no reason to be an asshole tzatz the twats..


FU … lots of circumcisions happening goy … all across the Globe

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Your parents should protect you, not cut you.
No wonder you Jewhadis are always hacking off body parts, fucking perverts.


You used to be a ‘mall cop’ ? pmsl

rightiswrong rightiswrong

That was your Dad, he just never owned up seeing that he was part of a regiment who were fucking your slag mom.


you sounds like a dicksukers ..pedofile pretending to became rabbys..are you one those ..


and what is yours ??


We haven’t even used our bigger guns yet. Iran needs to know they will never have nuclear weapons, whatever the cost may be.

Traiano Welcome

They already have nuclear weapons …


Okay spy.



Raptar Driver

Bigger guns? You mean your pee pee shooters?


No I mean our bigger guns. The mullahs know we are not playing around.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Iran couldn’t give a toss what you beggars get from the US ffs, you shit yourselves at the thought of a war with Iran, which is why you never attack them openly, despite all your threats.

Zionism = EVIL

The Zionist cunts have failed everywhere and more or less accepted defeat.

Emad Irani

I heard yesterday you fought against ghosts again khkhkh

Raptar Driver

You do realize that they have missiles that can carry nuclear warheads? The differences is Iran can survive a nuclear attack You can’t

Raptar Driver

I’m only sure That I will die and will be taxed along the way.a
Your secret nuclear program is no secret. Most likely you just got it from us. The thing is guy it’ll take only a couple of nukes to wipe Israel off the map.Where you would have to probably use all 200 Against Iran. Either way you lose. Better to make peace?


It’s always better.

cechas vodobenikov

z is an insecure primitive—Israel may have weapons paid for by USA, irrelevant….hizbollah defeated them in 2006….USA murdered 3 million in SE Asia and lost the war in Vietnam


they use it to shoot at children and pregnant woman that is how mighty Jewish army are but when Hezbollah and Russia have talks they all have an sudden acute diarrhea in tel Aviv

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Ironical Zionist spouting bravado again, what a twat.

Jim Allen

You’re a joke.

Icarus Tanović

He’s just little sissy coward.


Come meet me in Israel and see for yourself, stop barking here in SF.

Icarus Tanović

If you’re that tough, and hero choose some neutral ground. I’ll give you first punch if you want.


Meet you? Lmao…if you’re as important as you make yourself to be, you will meet us, for sure. All is seen, all is watched…time doesn’t play well on your side and that just means time is on…not yours. Lol


I will meet you on the battlefield, then we can see what you’ve got. Gooudluck.


Let me know which village, I’ll send an Uber. But coffee first, then I’ll do you like many Israeli women that come to us for real pleasure, but I wont be gentle, I know how you Israeli boys are creamy like girls.


Less talking man, just come here if you dare.


We’re already there.

cechas vodobenikov

partly but worse–an immoral under socialized child that admires torture and racism

Zionism = EVIL

Hush stupid shameless CUNT!

Emad Irani

haha too late Hasbara

Traiano Welcome

This comes from not using the weapons at hand. What is there to fear? Time to cause as much mischief as possible – keep the enemy on the back foot!


Make up stuff … knock yerself out … lol


rightiswrong rightiswrong

I have a spare skin in a drawer you can stick on to your mutilated knob, you freak, lol.



rightiswrong rightiswrong

Your brother, like father, like son.

Ingrained inbreds who are all wrong in the head after their Mom cut off their balls.


Keep it up … slug

Your southfront brothers are watching … eh?

You’ve got to show them … pmsl

rightiswrong rightiswrong

I’m not sensitive like you are to who’s watching, I have a full set of genitalia, unlike you, a poor deformed freak.


YOU must be the real character from Blackkklansman … the ‘smart’ kkk dolt who could never get the right word for circum…. pmsl

Too funny …. great film

rightiswrong rightiswrong

That’s rich coming from an apartheid loving racist cunt with only 3 skins.

You remind me of the greedy Jew bastard who loves money and sells his Mother as a whore on a regular basis.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

How many shoes did you shine today Boy.

Servet Köseoğlu

translation:iran has to invent teleportation device otherwise there will be countlees victims..

Zionism = EVIL

İran ve Türkiye’nin iyi gerçekleri var, bu yüzden İranlılara hakaret etmeye gerek yok. Bu Siyonist oyun.


Google translate from TURK (of Zionism=EVIL comment)

Iran and Turkey have good relations, so no need to insult the Iranians. This is the Zionist game.
More of licking Turk arse by Iranian bot
It is never “Zionist game” or NATO game to insult Russians.
That us something even desirable.




so that is your true name?
why would I care how people call you?

Servet Köseoğlu

iran’ı çok severim,komşum,kardeşim ama idlipten çekilin…

Emad Irani

Idlib is useless, but soon or later SAA and RUAF will go for Idlib operation, bunch of FSA takfiri terrorists there

Servet Köseoğlu

useless…absoulutely.. we dont need idlip..feed apes,supply electricity and water…but we want to make assad scream scream we are selling ice-cream…


In Libya the Turks are whining and their mercenaries refuse to fight they are scared from the wagner pilots and their bombs now Turks wanna peace deal also in Syria over 300 Turkish terrorists and tafkiri dogs were killed and their logistics destroyed in retaliation for terrorist attacks in a few months Turkey will; be just as big as my toe after they will lose on two fronts

Servet Köseoğlu

ı can say usa vaporized 400 wagner at deyzror…and that wagner fleed from tripoli like chickens…keep barking its free..

Servet Köseoğlu

its your wishful thinking jackass..

johnny rotten

Kurds, Yankees, Jews, NATO, Isis, Al Qaeda, Turks, Muslim brotherhood, Wahhabis, Uyghurs, maybe I have forgotten a few but these are the terrorist associations that have been trying for years to destroy Syria, and the beauty is that there are no really successful, wasted years, wasted money, dead people, they could have done something better for themselves and for their nations, they could have if they hadn’t had a brain bitten by the worm of terrorism.

Icarus Tanović

Yes, that’s right.


Yon can’t say that Turds didn’t take advantage of the situation and that it was completely useless or”wasted” effort, because they had some of their objectives (from their perspective of course).

Thy have stolen factories and oil in huge quantities from Syria during the conflict

They are present in Syria and Iraq militarily (US as well and Israel also have achieved some of their objectives).
Turk destructive logic is insane because they create war environment in the region and hurt their own economy in the longer run(but that is another story)

cechas vodobenikov

no—on balance US/turkeys spend more money on their militaries and their ISIS proxies than they gain in oil thievery…not only does Syria have little oil, many caravans that attempt to smuggle it into turkey are bombed by Syrian and Russian aerospace


Do not go off topic please, to make your argument.
My point was comment on his, that they didn’t achieve their objectives in Syria.
I am sure that Turks from their perspective don’t consider this situation completely missing its objectives.
Americans and Israel also.

And now you bring that it was hardly worth it for Turks?!?
The problem is that is not the topic.
And on top of it I don’t think that anybody can speak in Turk name if it was worth it or not.
But only for the sake of the conversation I’ll answer it;

From the start of the war Turkey was robbing from Syria everything they possibly could load on the trucks. That goes for the oil. Some of it was stolen, other was bought from ISIS and Kurd’s far below the market price.
Was it really worth it? Yes! For erdogan’s son and those involved in smuggling stolen oil (in those days when oil had still decent price) it was worth it !
Was it worth it for Turkey as country and the people?
This Turk war was always about Sultan Erdogan Ottoman ambitions and resolving of the “Kurd problem” not about immediate profit for Turkey ..
So he is not bothered by some possible losses now and than on the altar of his precious Ottoman Imperial ambitions.

Icarus Tanović

Kurds are ther just as pretext to attack Syria.


Didn’t I say that alredy?

I have said that INVASION is Erdogans 1st priority.

Kurds are part of the “problem” for Turkey not just excuse for invasion.
Didn’t I say :

1st ) Sultan Erdogan Ottoman ambitions
2nd ) Kurd problem

Ottoman ambitions = invasion of all territories that were part of Ottoman Emire

Icarus Tanović

Obviously you haven’t. Kurds are not the problem, because they’re American puppets, and that is pretext to attack Syria.


“Obviously you haven’t” WHAT?!
You don’t know what Ottoman Imperial ambitions are or…?
Ottoman ambitions = invasion of all territories that were part of Ottoman Empire
How come is PKK not problem for the Turks and since when?!
So because they are “American puppets” they didn’t kill Turk soldiers or they do not represent threat?
Is that what are you saying?
Why can’t they be an additional reason (not only excuse) to invade Syria?
Say it clearly or don’t say anything. I am not interested pulling words out of you at all . So speak up if you have something to say.

Icarus Tanović

Understand that Turks uses Kurds as a pretext to invade Syria.
And yes, I have something to say, fuck you fucking tchetnik.


Of course that they had to use some excuse but Kurds were not only just excuse !
They were also supplementary real reason for doing invasion!

I keep repeating you that they had motive in their ambitions already and Kurds were wanted target and excuse in the same time. How else could they get inside Syria?

And you keep telling me the SAME FUCKING THING and on top you are pissed??

You are person with mental problem.

Icarus Tanović

Why don’t you understand that Erdogan is an cowardly pig, that will use any pretext to create CHAOS in the region in the name of anything?
If you don’t understand that Erdogan is American puppet, from the day one, and especially when he openly attacked Russia, downin that plane, then you have mental problem. Now, every single monarchies that had been destroyed in WWI want some of theirs territories? Hungaria, for example. Or Italy, that is the other one.
This one Erdopig wants to destroy Turkey, he just a puppet, mere CIA guy for the sake of more chaos. Gülen is by far better. Who killed Koshagi and where? He’s a bum, he’s MBS from the north.
Have a good day.


Find me one word pro Turkey or pro Erdogan and I will take everything back!
Since when Russians are pro-Turkey?!
They are traditional enemies.
Yes at the moment they are in arrangement of mutual interest .
So what?!
They are still not close or friends.

That was just Russian maneuver to attempt to destroy the NATO and find some peace compromise for Syria. Nothing else!
You think that Russia has forgot all the planes and choppers they have lost because of Turkey giving AA ( manpads )weapons to their proxies?
Including that F-16 attack on Russian bomber?
Killing 40 Turk soldiers was NO COINCIDENCE but warning !
You obviously don’t know and don’t understand much about Erdogan.

Erdogan is NOT a US and CIA puppet any longer!

Because failed coup against Erdogan was CIA and he doesn’t trust US any more !
It was Russia that has sent the warning before CIA coup even started to Erdogan (despite the fact that Russian bomber was downed by Turks and pilot killed)
Russia knew that it was Pentagon-NATO behind that coup, attack and Turk F-16 was just used in that ploy to execute the order.
It was US -AWACS that gave coordinates to Turk F-16 !

And now when he knows that CIA is against him, that is exactly reason why Erdogan buys S-400, to SHOOT NATO JETS despite the sanctions threat!!!
S-400 can’t shoot down Russian jets (friend or foe system inside Russian missiles) only Western NATO jets!
That is major reason why US are so much against buying S-400.
Also Erdogan has S-400 to shoot down his own F-16 if next time attacks Presidential palace (like it happened last time during a coup)

Icarus Tanović

Who said that you are pro Erdogan?
Personally I hate that guy. And that coup was staged one exactly by himself, to get some more power.
They have historic conections with Russia, but as soon as this bum visited Ukraine he nailed him self.
So you get the idea, I guess. I said all that I was about to say, have a good day.



You of course have ZERO proof for your claim..

I don’t think it was staged at all !

So even that F-16 bombing was “staged”?!
And people having life long sentences in prison are “staged”?!

All the news were reporting MASS arrests not only among the Turk army but police and civilians. Thousands of people ended up with heavy punishments.
Nobody could “stage” something as big as that under attentive eyes of the NATO, secret services of the West and East without being discovered!

You just have very strong imagination and like to ignore facts

Icarus Tanović

Get off my back, I really don’t care what you gonna say next and what is your opinion. And I’m out of here.


The same thing on my side

Icarus Tanović

Yeah eat some shit and fuck of.


I have no need to answer your very stupid comments so fuck off !


The Jew world order has lost the ability to pursue their forever war hegemony project by carrying out regime change invasions. Due to Russian weapons and military, and Chinese economic superiority. Illustrated by the progressing military victory in Syria. And The higher Chinese economic growth rate that is exceeding that of the US and EU zio block.

Which is why they’ve resorted to terror wars, including bioterror. We’re watching the designed order out of chaos Hegelian theater Sampson plan take down of the global economy and political system by the Jew world order in an effort regain the control that they’re losing.

The Chinese are acting like they’ve been attacked with a bio weapon. The jury is out on whether the virus leaked from a lab, or was released by a foreign attack.

What is becoming increasingly clear is that a Jew world order omnicide plan exists and is being implemented to kill off our species and replace it with a manufactured caste system slave species. And to use humanity to create our replacement prior to killing us off once our slave species replacement is viable. Which is probably a lot further along in sequestered technology projects than 99.9% of humanity is aware. It wouldn’t surprise me if there’s some negative off planet involvement in this.

chris chuba

But James Jeffrey supports the ISIS attack by sanctioning any country or company that helps Syria rebuild the pipeline, correct?


That shouldn’t be surprising considering that Isis is a zio created and managed terror entity.

Zionism = EVIL

Realistically speaking, these desperate Americunt and Zionist terrorist acts show their utter desperation and failure. They have lost globally as the second UNSC vote in Iran’s favor showed today, and Indonesia a close friend of Iran and presiding over the UNSC shut the whole illegal arms sanctions circus down for good. Now the pathetic Americunts have resorted to targeting civilian infrastructure. That will backfire too.

Tommy Jensen

Then you cant have any money and you cant get any US funding to your UN “resistance” activities against freedom.
Anyone who refuse America’s freedom will be left on a train station without food and water.

cechas vodobenikov

nobody wants amerikan unfreedom
for u idiots in durakistan freedom is the choice between meth and heroin

Icarus Tanović




Icarus Tanović

They’ve tried this and that and still have no result. Syria is where it is.


Shut up loser.

Icarus Tanović

Try me out. Let’s exchange names and addresses so you get the chance to prove that.


I told you I can’t do that, I don’t need the military police after me.


Negav desert (nuclear testing ground for IsraHell nukes – the cheapest land in IsraHell) first and only shack you bump into is his house….


you stfu useless idiot Zio twat


Iranians are not fighting in Idlib any longer but Iranian (now useless) presence and ambitions are crating tensions and bring additional problems to Assad Syria.

Deir Azzor and Eastern Euphratesare are “cleared” thanks Iran (according to Zionism-EVIL Iranian bot), while ISIS was running all over the place despite all that!
But luckily SAA and Russia have killed 300+ terrorists in the last action against terrorists.
So what Iran obviously couldn’t do they did themselves.

So for the moment Iranians are useless and in good relations with Turkey only.


nice try pathetic troll

cechas vodobenikov

Iran is merely increasing its presence in Syria and Iraq—their military installations are underground . when Israel claims they bomb them it is sand dunes


yep, slow and steady aimed at the jews’ jugular and there is no way the 10 million jews can survive and will be made dust in the desert. they should have fled long ago but their days in palestine are numbered. embedded/entrenched 5th columns/quisling jews in different countries will be next on the plate for extinction.


but when turkey and iran are good and ready, the criminal jews illegally occupying palestine will be toast big big way and then a bad memory of about 100 years of terror caused be the jews and they can have as many nukes as they like but they still will be wiped out, permanently.


And why exactly is not Iran “ready” to help SAA in Idlib any more in fighting terrorists?
Everything indicates that Turkey have asked Iran not to help Assad any more.
So Iran is literally doing ZERO help to Assad now.

Tiger forces are not big enough and the rest of SAA is not good enough for building offensive on their own in Idlib.

Without Hezbollah and Iran help, it is impossible for Tigers to do something.
I never question Iranian commitment against Israel and i can only salute that.
I hope that somebody will destroy Israel because that country never deserved to exist.

I do question Turk commitment against Israel and i believe that Turkey has their drones today only thanks to Israel. And I think that they have SECRET weapons tech cooperation.
Turkey needs Israeli know how in building their domestically made choppers or any other advanced tech for missiles of any kind and similar.
They just pretend to be enemies in public, yet they work against Assad also together, according to their plans!


just go out and jump in front of the next lorry barreling down the road.


ISIS is USA and Israel funded they are desperate because of Iran and the UNSC HAVING HUMILIATED the US and Israel they are now scared as hell
it will be good when Arab nations and all shia proxies unite and start kicking the US barbarians out of Syria and ME I WILL CHEER WHEN Iran gets his S400 and Mig 34 35 and some CY 57 that will change the cards in Middle East


There is no such thing as “Mig 34” you i d i o t !

And what the hell is CY 57?!
You mean SU-57?
Iran doesn’t have that kind of money, to but SU-57.


Plus, there’s no need! Why waste resources.


Axis of resistance = losers who think they are smart and tough