Iran Vows ‘Harsh Response’ To Assassination Of Hamas Leader

Iran Vows ‘Harsh Response’ To Assassination Of Hamas Leader

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Iran’s supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei vowed “harsh punishment” for the Israeli assassination of Ismail Haniyeh, the political leader of the Palestinian Hamas Movement in Tehran on July 31.

Hamas said that Haniyeh and one of his bodyguards were killed after the building where they were staying in the Iranian capital was struck. Iranian authorities have not provided any details on the assassination as of yet. Israel didn’t claim responsibility on the official level.

“With this action, the criminal and terrorist Zionist regime prepared the ground for harsh punishment for itself, and we consider it our duty to seek revenge for his blood as he was martyred in the territory of the Islamic Republic of Iran,” Khamenei said in a statement carried by Iran’s official Islamic Republic News Agency.

The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) also stressed in a statement that the assassination of Haniyeh in Tehran “will be met with a harsh and painful response.”

“Iran and the resistance front will respond to this crime,” the guards said, using a term Tehran uses to refer to its allies across the Middle East.

The killing of Haniyeh drew condemnations from Palestinian Authority, Yemen’s Houthis, Syria, Iraq, Turkey, Russia, China and several other countries.

The assassination came just a day after Israel targeted Hezbollah senior military commander Fouad Shukr, also known as Hajj Mohsen, in the Lebanese capital, Beirut. The fate of Shukr remains unknown. The group warned Israel against attacking Beirut or any of its top leaders.

It also took place a little over a week after deadly Israeli strikes hit the Houthi-held Yemeni Red Sea port of al-Hodieda. The group vowed to respond.

The recent developments indicate that escalation in the Middle East which began with the October 7 Hamas-led surprise attack on Israel is about to reach a whole new level. The region may be on the brink of a full-on war.

The IRGC remarks in particular indicate that Iran and its allies could carry out a joint response against recent Israeli attacks in the region.


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iran can’t do anything really big because of the fear of starting the real war.


jews lead by unelected global elites are doing anything they want despite the most of civilized world condemn their actions. even russia didn’t criticized jews openly. partly because putin has deals with them and partly because russia is too scared to do so. it is slightly changing because even idiot putin feels domestic pressure and has to start doing something. at least he is not talking about western “partners” anymore.


putin is a jew himself, that’s why he is not critizing them. his mother is a jewess hence he himself is a jew too. peopel obviously still do not realize this simple truth. btw zelensky too is a jew.

Last edited 7 months ago by gurki

it’s just another coincidence, like adolf rothschild. hmmm, similarities where jew run countries slaughter the goy with world war one and two? the slow grind in ukraine despite the abundant technology and man-power… or how about the excess of military force possible to bear against israel but never using it while children are murdered and tortured?


there is a point of no return. fact is if they manage to kill netanyahu it’s over.

Malcolm Z

what?..remember when hamas took village and killed thousands inside israel…they feared a big war?

Cornish Gamehen

most of the people killed if not all were killed by the israelis. get the facts correct then discuss. i do not see a lot of fear on iran, hez, hamas or the gazan people. they are brave. but they should and appear to be managing the effort to maximize results. that’s wise. it may not entail maximum noise or entertainment value.

but if they do netanyahu i’m not going to cry.


iran is a pussy like russia. scared of the zionists.


neither can israel for that matter if iran takes out a high ranking joo in retaliation.

Last edited 7 months ago by Christopher

iran and lebonan, syria etc. are incapable of taking out israeli higher-ups. if they were not such pussies they’d at least order their refugee forces in europe to attack and kill jews whereever they see them, but no, not even that iran is daring to do. maybe because their president was killed and replaced by an israeli agent ?

Last edited 7 months ago by gurki
Analena Bareback

replaced by an israeli agent – my thougts. that must be the leakage.


“iran and lebonan, syria etc. are incapable of taking out israeli higher-ups.” moot and debatable.


misconception that israel believes unfortunately.

Steinar army

i agree . :( iran is very weak .


moshloms can’t even clean their butts after relieving themselves.
but they can die. and they are …




high past time to disinfect the whole planet of the zio infestation.


the west continually talks about not escalating, yet everything they and israel does is an escalation. how many assassinations…on iranian and lebanese land…constitutes an escalation? 2? 10? 200? before long, there will be no resistance leaders. they cannot afford to lose such experienced leaders and certainly israel and the us is not going to stop. it’s time to inflict real pain.


any restraint or moderation is just seen as weakness.
time to inflict real pain they will never forget on the zios and their amerikunt stooges.


hamas, hezbollah etc. should return to the famous bus-bombings. these were very effective and can be done in israel, saudi-arabia, uk, spain, germany, netherlands and else where. but mainly of course in israel.simply in all the countries fighting against yemen and iran.iran needs to make israeli feel the pain, which their jewish government applies to the muslim population of middle east. moreover turkey too needs to step up and go all in against the zionist snake, for gods sake !

Last edited 7 months ago by gurki

i fully agree, but please understand jewtin is a jew. in middle east in percentage, apart from israel the majority of jews live where ? yes, in iran ! these maniacs still allow these scum to live among them, but wonder why their leaders, commanders etc. are constantly subject to assassinations. hitler kicked the jews out, rooted them out nearly completely from europe, but iran allows them to stay and breed. that’s pure stupidity or even treason to islam and mankind !!!

Last edited 7 months ago by gurki

wow… so after 10 months this is hezbollahs and iran 150th harsh response threat????

pull the other fucken.

muslims are simply too scared and gutless to attack israel

i mean, look at a map of the world. israel coud fit in to irans land mass 1000 times and still iran too pathetic to do anything.

its why muslims never have and never will evolve. they lack creative thinking ability

Real Saxon

they never pull through. same old. rinse and repeat. israel would be toast if turkey and egypt got together. they never do. their leaders are too greedy like all of the middle east.


what? you dreaming? when all arab nations attacked israel, they were like little ponies in the field against a small but formidable israeli army.

The Hebrew Hammer

we just killed another one of your leaders, and nowhere near over.

zionism is satanism

yet you achieved nothing close to peace. you jews are dumb as a box of rocks, revelling in treachery and killings. dirty animals you are. everybody hates you. you will never see peace

Mehmet G

one thing i learnt about zionists and jews……they have no morals, no boundaries and no shame. there is simply no bottom boundary they are not willing to cross. move on with your life and do not deal with them. israel will never see peace because they do not even understand what that means


yes, the innocent people in their dungeons being tortured to death need to be removed from the joo-fag animals. people who revel in torturing innocent people are less than animals, far far less than animals.


you can never negotiate with zio cockroaches.


sultan mehmet would have done the right thing. killing them all by putting them on pikes the old muslim way. same way that dracula did vice versa later on. that’s the deserved fate, the fate all the zionist commanders, politicians and puppets deserve. and exactly this way they should die. that’d be true justice. nothing else !

Last edited 7 months ago by gurki

the very moment the masses around the world free themselves from the jewish lies that germany national socialism was bad, and masses realize that it was a liberation movement against satanic jewish oppression, same as todays hezbollah or houthis..that moment the international jewry is fucked big time !!! but sadly most here are not wake that much yet !

Last edited 7 months ago by gurki
CIA ways

the zionists / globalists have infiltrated and factionalized arab resistance in the past but now it is more united by the gaza genocide. until an effective air defense is brought into use the zionist killers of women and children will have the upper hand. the usa/israel wants to intimidate iran until they can use their ngo-s to install a compromising puppet .


that has already happened. the zio-fag bankers have had these plans literally for centuries now.

Icarus Tanović

very true. especially after ’79 islamic revolution. they invested so much into wahhabis and destroying ussr. this is gonna be big ass war.


how is it possibel to locate someone ??? start whit that problem !!! stop using smartfones, they all are directed to tel aviv !!! and who was responcibel for the air space security ?? radars ???

zionism is satanism

the zionists are now a global threat. they need to be wiped off the earth


for mankinds sake, indeed ! i fully agree ! even more i’d say judaism is satanism !!

Last edited 7 months ago by gurki
Juden Swine

israel assassinates leaders, yet ask the question. how closer are they to peace? they are not getting any closer. israelis are farm animals. judaism is a vindictive cult, bloodthirsty supremacist scum religion


the version of judaism they practice now is a bunch of inbreds commenting on the bible and making stuff up to feel better about themselves. they have added many of their own rituals after being violently removed by god from jerusalem twice… just like they did before with solomon. let’s be real, how good are they when the best one they admire killed one of his followers to steal his wife?

Pretzel Logic

their temple of moloch destroyed twice. their god was on annual leave between 1930-1945. they have been kicked out of over 100 polities. when you have been despised for thousands of years by so many, chances are, you are the problem!

Icarus Tanović

when was that?


king david and bathsheba


hahahahahahaha dead man walking lol


coldest definition of operation “fk around and find out”

dead man walking. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha


those mossad mean business. hahahahahahahahahahahahhaha. iran is only good at molesting children and women in their premises.


but cannot defend a very important terrorist mastermind hahahahahahahahahahahaha

Ziological disease

how closer is israel to peace? you fool. the israelis are pigs. their religion is a pig. their country is swine. they are not doing things that are helping their own security. they are digging their graves but too dumb to admit it

Last edited 7 months ago by Ziological disease
Ziological disease

talking about molesting children. the idf gang raped palestinians in their prisons. hamas treats israelis prisoners better


what comes out about stuff like that is only the tip of the ice berg. they are probably being tortured in fauci-type ‘experiments’.

Pretzel Logic

snatching palestinian kids off the streets in the west bank is regular hostage taking. holding them without any charges. israel is basically an extremist wicked satanic settler colony. failure is baked in. nobody looks to israel and says “gee what a great example to live by”

Last edited 7 months ago by Pretzel Logic

frankly, i imagine that many of them aren’t even alive anymore or in israel. torturing some palestinian kids to death instead of some random hollywood type kids sounds like something they would do to feel better, for sure. wherever the rothschilds and their ill-gotten ilk go, children get tortured to death, and israel is a stronghold.

Last edited 7 months ago by BunkerDwellers

@ziological disease. look at what martillo wrote and you will understand the real problem. martillo is pro israel, same as some stupid ukrainians are pro-israel aka pro-jewish. but people not understand that if you are pro-jewish, this automatically means you are against all other nations (christian&muslim). so these pro-jewish idiots are supporting the devil who will then destroy them and laugh about them big time. but sadly they are too stupid to grasp it.

Last edited 7 months ago by gurki

the zio terror scum is running whining to uncle sugar again.


what will iran respond? over 500+ rockets that almost half of them failed midflight? hahahahahahahahahahahhahahaha

Huckelberry finn

you guys were not laughing so much in april, soiling your pants in your bunkers, while americans, british, french, saudi and jordanians saved your bagels. and certainly not laughing on the lebanese border, which you claim you will invade for over 6 months. all talk, no action.


“fack it’s the mossad!”

-ismael haniyeh, 31 july 2024


you think people are scared of dying after losing their family? maybe jews are, but most people aren’t.

Pretzel Logic

israel kills 40k people, guaranteeing hamas recruitment for decades. this is what gods “chosen” calls “winning”. pissing off all their neighbors is another sign of success. just watch. zionism will fail. smart jews have already left the wasteland


no more avocado and mia khalifa for haniyeh. hahahahahaha


nicht nur juden. welcher mensch würde denn so gerne in israel leben? ein land, dass seine nachbar-länder den krieg erklärt hat? die juden werden niemals frieden in israel finden. die juden werden eher in deutschland viel mehr frieden finden. grüß


why you want to bring these satanists to europe ? judaism is satanism, no peace will come from them or to them, as long as they are jews resp. satanists. how wicked are you – please read judentum ist verbrechertum and der giftpilz and all the perfect wake-up literature the germans launched back in the times they were free and independent. and wake up ! juden are the enemies of god and mankind !!

Last edited 7 months ago by gurki

tehran’s sky also became black


Ziological disease

israel’s soul is black


jew york rabbis love sukking baby penis, the praxctice is called metzitzah b’peh


calm down everybody. lets remember, 9 months on and the world’s “most moral army” “best army” blal blah blahberg, and hamas is nowhere near to being destroyed. hamas will never be destroyed. mwahahahaha

John Doe

iran has no balls, just talk like a bunch of cowards they are and fire missiles into empty ground and by also giving the israelis a heads up. bunch of cowards hiding under their mommy’s skirts.


yes indeed that’s the difference between saddamhussein and iran. saddam sent several dozens of scuds to israel without pre-warnings and gave these brute a beating that really hurt them. but iran is weak, infiltrated and broke. they act like ducks and little schoolgirls. really embarrassing.

Last edited 7 months ago by gurki

the rabid jews need to meet their end – nothing ever will excuse their disregard for human values, they must be obliterated to such an extent that not even history books will carry a chapter about their time on this earth. and their stolen fortunes used to de-debt the row! to what better end can their stolen fortunes be used.

Jewy Lewy

the best part is, the jews are digging their own graves with the help of the amerikunts. the often celebrated “alliance” between braindead christian zionists and jewish zionists is just a temporary fuckfest. in the end, the christian zionists will want one third of jews to be converted to christianity and the rest obliterated. the jews are destined for a nasty end either way. their own religion is satanic also.

Last edited 7 months ago by Jewy Lewy

@jewylewy if you try to convert plutonium to water, by forcing plutonium into drinking water this will not result in plutonium becoming drinking water but the mere opposite! so forcing jews to convert to whatever religion is the most stupid thing to do ever and fatal to the bone ! no, the only way to get rid of jews is to kill them. sounds harsh but its the truth. it’s same as with cockroaches in the kitchen, if you have mercy with them – you will regret it very soon.

Last edited 7 months ago by gurki

“the building was struck”? does iran have air defences? if not, it has better stop issuing empty threats to israel. you don’t threaten somebody if you cannot win a war. i do not support israel’s criminal policies and actions but we have to be realistic. facing the possibility that zionist trump wins the election in november, no wonder that iran does not want to escalate this conflict. trump has already made anti-iranian comments during his current campaign.

Jewy Lewy

on the amerikunt national balance sheet, on the liability side there is a big fat entry called “israel”


how was copper wire made? 2 jews fighting over a penny lol

Last edited 7 months ago by Hussain

think about this. a nuclear armed israel, with unlimited american resources at its disposal, cannot defeat hamas after almost 1 year, no air force, no tanks, no army. and they think they can defeat iran….hahahahaha. keep dreaming mordechai. israel like captain america thinks it can air strike its way out of this. meanwhile, the resistance keeps growing. and commands millions of foot soldiers. bless haniyeh. he will be avenged and many will compete to take his place

Last edited 7 months ago by Hussain
Icarus Tanović

everybody is saying so.

Damien C

yeah yeah yeah … they will do fuck all

better to just shut to fuck up and pretend it never happened and hope people forget about it

Ismael Haniyeh

yesterday i met with the current president of iran. today i met with the past president of iran. thank you allah for sending me in an instant! :)

Benjamin Netanyahoo

yesterday i leech from usa, today i demand to leech more from usa. this is the jewish way

Analena Bareback

first sink roosevelt

second use really heavy calibers, strike heart of israel – let no doubt you mean it. don’t telegraph steps, speak is over.

third assassinate every known israel officials in the world – no matter if policans or office staff. all are israelis so terrorists. you can begin in turkey, they fled there.

they use roosevelt as gun, pointing at opponent to paralize the military and try to rape them.

look at the mighty, big russian bear which they are about to rape.
