Iran To Help Syria With Air Defense To Repel US, Israeli Attacks


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Iran will help to strengthen Syrian air defense capabilities as part of a wider military security agreement between the two countries, Chairman of the Chiefs of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces Major General Mohammad Baqeri said on July 8. The statement was made after the signing of a new military cooperation agreement in Damascus.

The agreement provides for the expansion of military and security cooperation and the continuation of coordination between the Armed Forces of the two countries. Major General Baqeri said that the signed deal “increases our will to work together in the face of US pressure.”

“If the American administrations had been able to subjugate Syria, Iran and the axis of resistance, they would not have hesitated for a moment,” he said.

The major general emphasized that Israel is a “powerful partner” of the US in the war against Syria, claiming that terrorist groups constituted part of the Israeli aggression.

In their turn, the United States and Israel insist that Iran and Hezbollah are responsible for the destabilization of Syria and prepare what they call ‘terrorist attacks’ against the US and Israel. In the framework of this approach, Israel, with direct and indirect help from the US, regularly conducts strikes on various supposedly ‘Iranian targets’ across Syria. Often these strikes concur with large-scale attacks of al-Qaeda-linked groups and ISIS on positions of the Syrian Army and its allies. One of the main points of Israeli concern is the growing military infrastructure of pro-Iranian forces near al-Bukamal, on the Syrian-Iraqi border. Therefore, the announced move by Iran to boost Syrian air defenses, including possible deployment of additional air defense systems, is a logical step for them to take to protect their own interests.

Clashes between the Syrian Army and Turkish-backed militants were ongoing in western Aleppo late on July 8 and early on July 9. According to pro-militant sources, the army destroyed at least one bulldozer and killed 2 members of the National Front for Liberation. Turkish proxies insist that their mortar strikes on army positions also led to casualties.

In southern Idlib, the Syrian Army shelled positions of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham near Ruwaihah after the terrorist group sent additional reinforcements there under the cover of the ceasefire regime. On the morning of July 9th, Hayat Tahrir al-Sham units continued their deployment in the area. Since the signing of the March 5 ceasefire agreement between Turkey and Russia, Hayat Tahrir al-Sham has been openly working to strengthen its positions in southern Idlib. Despite the successes in the conducting of joint Russian-Turkish patrols along the M4 highway, which even reached Jisr al-Shughur, the highway itself and the agreed security zone area along it in fact remain in the hands of Idlib militants.

Pro-ISIS sources claimed that the terrorist group’s cells have ambushed a unit of pro-government forces in the Homs-Deir Ezzor desert destroying at least one vehicle. These claims have yet to be confirmed. However, the situation in central Syria has recently deteriorated due to the increase in ISIS attacks and government forces are now conducting active security operations there.

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All Hail Iran’s Ruling Elite Who Sanctioned and Stamped The Killing of General Soleimani!

rightiswrong rightiswrong

The execution order was signed off by Trump, you drug crazed mule.

But lets blame Iran eh! US tool is what you are, and shite at it.


Are you on drugs?


Well its about time,they need to site some of those missiles in Lebanon,because the Zionist thugs are using Lebanese airspace to attack Syria.i hope they have S-300s in mind.


Bring it on, let’s see Lebanon shoots any IAF jets.


What’s wrong with the porn guy?

Brother Ma

You should not be in Lebanon’s airspace. The sooner you stop the more peace you will have.


Once Hezbollah stop the rocket threat and disarm, we won’t have any business with Lebanon. Till then, we are at war.


Hezbollah are the only ones stopping you bastards from invading again.


Alright then, so we will meet again.

Icarus Tanović

Let’s do it right now!


Go ahead, tell Hezbollah to shoot rockets NOW into Israel. Hero.

Astar Roth

No, you tell Zionists to shoot rocket to Lebanon. Remember what happened ever since and especially the last time you did that.

Ashok Varma

Are you really that stupid, you are just a teenager.


true, they’ve proven overtime to be the biggest single arab deterrent to Israeli unilateral aggression and incursions in all of the middle-east, bar Egypt that has been out of the equation for a few decades. Before Hezbollah, the Israelis pretty much considered Lebanese water ressources in the South all the way to the Litani river pretty much their backyard and property. I’m glad those are things of the past. Good riddance to the long gone SLA and long live Lebanese territorial integrity and sovereignty.

The Objective

Hezbollah isn’t likely to disarm cos Israel won’t stop bullying Lebanon even if Hezbollah dismantles its forces. Israel has invaded Lebanon couple of times in the past even when there was no Hezbollah.


Before Hezbollah, Palestinian terrorists used to cross the border and attack Israelis on our northern border. Then we went in at 1982 to stop the attacks, and few years after Hezbollah was formed. They started the mess by doing Jihadist attacks, not us.

The Objective

We’ll, so if they attacked Israel when they were less powerful then, what makes you think they’ll disarm now that they are more powerful than ever before? I think that’ll be an unrealistic request on the part of Israel. Israel got to dismantle Hezbollah if they want a disarmed Hezbollah. And that isn’t happening without a bloody fight.


That’s right, so we will have the third and final war the only question is the timing.

The Objective

I think Israel no longer has the initiative. Israel is facing a highly motivated, armed, intelligent, unified, and sophisticated adversary. They watch Israel’s every move, and have learnt much of Israel’s tactics. Israel surely will not have the element of surprise.
Look, if Israel can’t use its fighter planes, the games up. Airfields will be Hezbollah’s first target to cripple the Israeli air force. Hezbollah does not have to invade Israel to knock its airfields out of action. They can do that by a swarm of precision missiles on each airfield. Then Israel will have to fight on the ground, with tanks and missiles. With the very large number of sophisticated anti-tank missiles of Hezbollah, this’ll surely be a lot more difficult for Israel than the last war. Netanyahu is being smart by only threatening but not starting a war.


We all know one small incident on the border can light things up, then it’s all miscalculations by both sides that can start the war at any given moment.

The Objective

I don’t think a war between Israel and Hezbollah is imminent. Both deter each other. It is the war between America and Iran that seems more likely. If it happens, both Israel and Hezbollah will be drawn in whether or not they like it. That is when Israel will have to fight Hezbollah.
But I could be wrong.


I agree, it’s actually more probable than a war starting out of the blue.


Indeed, the strategic picture here is in Hezbollah’s favor, as the immediate physical proximity between Lebanon and Israel puts its precision and unguided missile arsenal in range of basically every single piece of valuable military infrastructure including army bases, airfields and logistical hubs. A total war scenario will be a nightmare of epic proportion for everyone involved. It will be messy, long, and deadly. No Israeli or Lebanese decision-make in their right minds will ever make the first move against one another.


No, you settled, and engaged in human trafficking, child labor, and pillaged water ressources in the South. The PLO was just an excuse to move in. Long after it was transported out of Lebanon, Israel settled for an indefinite stay there. That’s when the Lebanese understood they had to take matters into their own hands and it worked in booting the invading occupier out.


gryzor read about it man, I know you’re a smart guy. It all started because of the Palis in Lebanon that were mad after the 1967 loss. We had to go in to restore back order, since they also killed Christians on their way. We actually tried to fix things in Lebanon, but it turned out to be a lost cause.

“The war began on 6 June 1982, when the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) invaded southern Lebanon, after repeated attacks and counter-attacks between the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) operating in southern Lebanon and the IDF that had caused civilian casualties on both sides of the border.[16][17][18] The military operation was launched after gunmen from Abu Nidal’s organization attempted to assassinate Shlomo Argov, Israel’s ambassador to the United Kingdom. Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin blamed Abu Nidal’s enemy, the PLO, for the incident,[19][20] and used the incident as a casus belli for the invasion.[21][22][i]

After attacking the PLO – as well as Syrian, leftist, and Muslim Lebanese forces – the Israeli military, in cooperation with their Maronite allies and the self-styled Free Lebanon State, occupied southern Lebanon, eventually surrounding the PLO and elements of the Syrian Army. Surrounded in West Beirut and subjected to heavy bombardment, the PLO forces and their allies negotiated passage from Lebanon with the aid of United States Special Envoy Philip Habib and the protection of international peacekeepers. The PLO, under the chairmanship of Yasser Arafat, had relocated its headquarters to Tripoli in June 1982. By expelling the PLO, removing Syrian influence over Lebanon, and installing a pro-Israeli Christian government led by President Bachir Gemayel, Israel hoped to sign a treaty which Menachem Begin promised would give Israel “forty years of peace”.[23]”


Well that is exactly what I did, read, IZ , trust me I’m not talking out of hate of pre-conceived ideas of Israel or any other actor here, facts are stubborn. And among many other pieces of documented history, the one that you pasted here, yes. And I stand by my assertion. “Installing a pro-Israeli Christian government” combined with a brutal and fiendish occupation encompassing many, many crimes on the southern lands, the vast majority of the Lebanese society started to gradually view Israeli presence past the PLO context, as a totally hostile bully wishing to shape their future from the outside artificially while also sitting on ressource-rich areas for the foreseeable future. THe saw what happened of the Golan Heights that was annexed long after any conflict occurred there or any credible security requirement justified an IDF presence there. You hammered Syria time and again and they even tried to settle it through peace negotiation that some Netanhyahu guy torpedoed as he could, and knew that the same would happen of their water-rich southern lands and most importantly, the Litani River, the number one prize that Israeli leaders have long contemplated in every of their current of prospective conflicts with Lebanon/Hezbollah. The political plan of regime change and paradigm shift resulted in exactly the opposite of what Begin foolishly thought to achieve : federation of its enemies within Lebanon. And who could blame them, carpet bombing and total ruin of their capital city, grounds set for long-term occupation of its best lands, puppet SLA army of collaborators abusing the regular Lebanese even more than Tsahal itself along with its Phalange genocidal bastards ? the formula was complete for the emergence of a powerful resistance mouvement and everything that happened afterwards.


Both Israel and Lebanon have made mistakes in the past, them having a huge civil war and us staying there for almost 20 years. But what about today? or the future? Hezbollah now calls the shots in Lebanon and have very strong political power. Who can challenge them? maybe only the people themselves. Israel and Lebanon can have a peace deal someday without Hezbollah in the picture, since Iran would never allow it and as I see it Lebanese suffer today more than us from Hezbollah.


Hezbollah can call whatever shots they want in Lebanon, so long as they represent the biggest parliamentary bloc of their own country, and like it or hate it IZ, they’re a part of the Lebanese state fabric. Half the Christian + Muslim populations of the country vote them massively in office in every election, and the only thing that you will achieve by discarding it unilaterally is to federate people more solidly around them. If the people want to topple them and/or the rest of their political class, then so be it, I’ll accept either course, since their popular fate should remain in their hands and theirs only. Just like the Israeli when they’ll finally throw Bibi in a well-deserved cage.

On the other hand, military Aggression is… well, aggression. If you attack, you’re the attackers, and everything changes. Suddenly Hezbollah becomes the defending corps of their livelihoods and its only fair to accept it. Seems basic to me. So long as you refrain from touching Lebanon again, Hezbollah (or any other party for that matter) won’t have ANY excuses nor will it seek to attack first. Why would they ? their mission is to secure their land and borders with you, why would they risk both their legitimacy, popularity and military assets by provoking you ? their job is to secure the southern lands and the all-important Litani. Bibi has been dreaming to provoke them into battle by ordering low-altitude overflights of farmlands and sometimes even as far as Beirut outskirts on a weekly basis, breaching Lebanese airspace as if it was their own, and on the ground moving the border fences routinely to perform illegal incursions on the Lebanese side, and getting stopped every time by a joint UNIFIL and regular Lebanese army effort.

And you know the greatest ? In all these close encounters, Hezbollah has ALWAYS remained on the side, not acting in any way or even producing any official statement. They stayed out of the picture and let Lebanese and UN bodies do their job at stopping you ! That’s an all-out political victory that further cements their standing within their own country. See what I mean ? they will continue to enjoy popularity so long as you IDF are an overt , self-declared threat to them, breaching their border areas and still occupying the Shebaa Farms. You want to deprive the mouvement from its fondamental essence ? quit that land, and stop overflying lands that aren’t yours. instead of constantly provoking them with deployment and pointing tank turret on their border neighborhoods.


I agree with almost anything you wrote, but why do you say we occupy the Shebaa Farms? we are at our border as the U.N accepted between Israel and Lebanon after our wtihdrawl. Hezbollah or Lebanon have no claims, unlike the West Bank in the north we followed the U.N decision. Explain?


The UN’s position is ambiguous as it refuses to preciselu qualify that land’s ownership,they don’t consider it either Syrian or Lebanese ,but never once did they consider it Israeli in any case.
So, it remains contentious from their perspective,they basically say “we have no opinion here but let’s settle this somehow”. So they called for its inclusion in the post-67 war disengagement zone as some sort of compromise for the parties. The Lebanese position emanating from all political parties alike, Hezbollah included, on the Shebaa Farms is that it belongs to the state of Lebanon, as part of the territories occupied by the Israeli army along with the rest of the southern lands they initially took back in 82 The UN indeed acknowledged and confirmed the rest of the withdrawal effectuated in 2000 and there are no asslciations with that issue on a declarative leven (i.e. no specific written resolution). We’re actually almost nearing a full territorial settlement once this one stumbling bloc is removed,but as you can guess we’re still far away from that since the IDF clails monopoly on the lands to this day. That is why you do not see the UN condemning Hezbollah’s latest retaliatory attacks on IDF troops an “aggression on foreign lands” and at the same time they don’t explicitly call on Israel to withdraw either.


It doesn’t matter gryzor, fact is the U.N has agreed for us staying there, so that means by international law it belongs to us. If Hezbollah starts a war for that..I don’t think anyone outside Lebanon will support any claim they have.


Nor does anyone support Israeli claims on the area. That’s where you got it wrong IZ, it does matter. And that’s why :

The UN states that it should be, at best, a neutral zone with interposition forces deployed, a full DMZ without any Hezbollah, Lebanese Army, IDF of SAA present there, as it has been unable to certify with certainty who the patch of territory exactly belongs to. It absolutely does not says it “agrees to unilateral Israeli military presence”. Indeed, neutrality of abstention is not by any means tantamount to tacit approval, by law and legal wording. And again, that is the reason why it never triggers any mechanism to condemn Hezbollah attacks on the IDF there. Should it agree to such presence, any action against it would be considered a violation of international law , which it isn’t and therefore not seen as such by any of its chambers.

Interesting nonetheless to see how you suddenly bring up the UN position as the only valid and predominant ruling over everything else, whereas you disqualify it in full on other issues such as your occupation and annexation of the Golan Heights, West Bank, and East Jerusalem, and also illegal overflights of the whole of Lebanese airspace + regular incursions beyond the Separation Line at the south and attempts at moving the border fences there, where the UN systematically and absolutely opposes and condemns every Israeli actions, postures, moves and decisions.

So long as the IDF remains present there, it will have to contend with occasional attacks from the opposing party. And it is actually what it does, even Bibi hasn’t ever tried to complain when patrols get wounded or killed there (and besides such attacks always happen when the IDF has attacked Hezbollah elsewhere in the first place, as the group never attacks first, as I said before, and documented evidence demonstrates that fact).


Indeed,thats why Hezbollah exist,because those IDF bitches invaded and occupied south Lebanon,there WAS no Hezbollah in Syria before that,like there were no Iranians in Syria before the Israelis started supporting head hacking child killers.

The Objective

Gaza is not a country, neither does it have professional army. Having victory over Gaza is nothing to be proud of. In fact, it could be disgraceful. I think if Israel attacked Hezbollah, Israel will lose territory. Israel’s greatest advantage in the past has severely diminished with the advent of precision missiles in large numbers. Just imagine what happens to Israeli air power should Hezbollah carpet-bomb airfields in Israel. Ships too won’t help Israel cos there are more advanced ati-ship middles now in Hezbollah’s arsenal. Hezbollah wrecked havoc on an Israeli ship in 2006 using far less capable missiles compared to the ones Hezbollah has today.


They will still be outnumbered and their main source of power (their shia villages in the south) will all be vaporized. Hezbollah are not stupid they know they can not match us in the open field, so they hide inside the population hoping that will stop Israel. Thing is, next war it won’t stop us, and even Beirut won’t remain standing.

The Objective

Hezbollah doesn’t hid among civilians. Please read the history of the 2006 war where Hezbollah destroyed a large number of Israeli tanks and stoped the advancing Israeli troops, forcing them to retreat. That wasn’t an urban warfare.


That was more of our failure than their success, and I mean the politcal leadership. The IDF really entered the fighting in the last 10 days of the conflict, the top commanders hadn’t decided what to do with all the forces till then. You can not expect the IDF to push them back so fast considering the fact they had many tunnels and shot rockets from inside villages. But if the IDF gets enough time like 2 months and we got all in on day one, you will see the result.

The Objective

We’ll, don’t you think it’s too late for that kind of victory? Recall that Hezbollah had no precision fire then. They do now in large numbers and can hit any target in Israel. On the other hand, Israel’s capabilities haven’t changed much interns of battlefield advantage. In fact it diminished. Israel got latest advance planes, but what good does that bring if th airfields are unoperational? Secondly, we know air defenses just can’t cope with large numbers of modern missiles. Also look at the cost of intercepting even an unguided missile. Hezbollah will fire those dumb missiles to get Israel to waste anti-missile fire, then rain in the precision one to take out sensitive targets.
My friend, I understand the need to promotes your country’s military might, but facts on the ground show Israel is in an increasingly difficult situation with far less room to maneuver than in the olden days.


It doesn’t have to be all about airforce, I remind you that in an all out war we can put up a force of about 700,000 soldiers and I think it is more than enough to confront Hezbollah. But we will see, right now it’s all talkings that lead us to nowhere. Personally? I wanna wipe Nasrallah’s smile off his face with a missile right into him.

The Objective

Okay, now I understand where your confidence comes from. The nearly 1 million Israeli army invading Lebanon.
There will be large numbers of casualties on both sides. Can’t envision either Israel or Hezbollah getting back on its feet anytime soon after that war. Hope it never has to come to war.


They’ll never reach the border. Half will quit, they will leave israel. Hezbollah also is ready for this measure, all has been well thought out and planed.

Ashok Varma

So-called Israel does not have a “million” soldiers of any kind. Its child killer IDF can barely muster 200,000 conscripts and they will not fare well against people who can shoot back.

Saubhik Ghosh, frnd of israel

even 2 lakh men r enough to castrate ur balls which u dont have


you’ve made that point before and I recalled most of the 700,000 soldiers are counting reserves that cannot take on an entrenched and massively-supporter guerrilla force in a concentrated urban environment, let alone a sustained, high-intensity, prolonged and protracted conflicts. A partisan war with actually masse destruction capabilities will be a nightmare for the Israeli home-front and its economy. You will only unite the Lebanese under one banner and will have to deal with millions upon millions of their young citizen ready to go up in arms against the invaders. If you can count 700,000 Israelis mobilized for that campaign, they will have 3 million Lebanese, at the very least. Now you can punish their population the way the US did the Vietnamese by blanket bombing their infrastructure and livelihood of course, but look how good it did them on the long run against the NVA + Vietcong. More casualties, and withdrawal, with dozens of soldiers lost on the ground until the very end of their involvement, no control over any territory of importance, and zero morale and willingness to fight from any of their conscripts.And the difference here is that Hezbollah can absolutely shatter Israeli infrastructure and bases as well, a capability they utterly lacked in 2006. It total war now would be a world of difference to anything the Israelis have ever faced since 1973. Anyway let’s stop fantasizing on this one, for the very reasons I mentioned it will NEVER happen. Hezbollahd won’t ever be foolish enough to provide Tel-Aviv with a casus belli by attacking first , nor will any Israeli cabinet make a move first and lose any form of legitimacy by turning into an outright aggressor.


The reason israel poured in troops via air is to create artificial leverage to be used in it’s cease fire negotiations pushed by Israeli allies in the UN…typical yid tactic…you were slaughtered like lamb, and the next will be unimaginable for you.


Then why you care so much? let us and Hezbollah solve it our way.


You mean you and, US and all the other scumbag governments you’ve been blackmailing for a century vs Hezbollah.
So many are waiting, while anticipate past war repetition what will hit you is the likes of something the world has yet to see.


Yes attacking Gaza is like the Nazis attacking the Warsaw ghetto,oh wait.


That’s an outright lie. Hezbollah was founded because that was the only way to keep israhell out of Lebanon. There is nothing else keeping Israhell out of Lebanon.


Hezbollah has never attacked Israel in the absence of Israeli attacks, it’s the other way around, you live in a myth. Hamas is another story.


We all know that Hezbollah is another IRGC division at our border, and they will be activated if Iran will be attacked by the U.S or Israel. The way I see it gryzor, the catalyst will be Iran’s nuclear program which will be stopped one way or another. Then, Israel and Hezbollah will meet 100%, you know I’m right.


Israeli Nukes vs Hezbollah conventional? M-16 vs Bowie knife. Many, many will die.


Don’t go crying to Mummy like you did last time your boys had their arses handed to them.


Okay, I won’t. Don’t cry to the U.N for a ceasefire and I’m good (but you will just like in Gaza).

Icarus Tanović

Yes, as you said pigs can fly in f16, back to where they have came from. Especially in Lebanon.


IRAN has a Right to Protect it`s interest in SYRIA with Air Defense


Iran’s strategic influence is growing daily and it has just inaugurated a railway line to Afghanistan. A first of its kind. The Syrians were left with no choice as they are not allowed to use the Russian S-300 against either Turkish US or Zionist aircraft. Iran is their historic and trusted ally and shares the same faith and culture. Iranians and Shia militias are now integral part of Syria.


I hope Syrians are stupid enough to let Iran shoot at IAF jets, seems like they didn’t learn from the 2018 incident. Well, they will learn big time if any IAF jets gets hit, I would even bet Assad will be targeted.

Ashok Varma

What do you care from your mother’s basement? like must be very lonely as you troll 24/7 with multiple accounts. I see a new one lately.


Any Israeli cabiner would be the most foolish of its modern history if it ever tried to target the heart of the Baathist power right under the nose of Russia, its air-defenses, and air-defense squadrons. Good luck to any pilot to go against that and opening Pandora’s box. Erdogan thought the same, and lost 50 soldiers in one go when RuAF planes got into the mix once it became clear last year that the Turkish army would make a serious move deep into Idlib in the direction of Aleppo while officially stupidly stating that “Assad is the target” before backtracking. And it was far away from the seat of power.

If the IAF does that, their partnership with Moscow will be over in heartbeat, the Tzar will personally feel insulted and played, and all bets will be off. None of the parties want that, and that’s why they will never attempt such folly and stick at the usual meaningless pinprick attacks here and there for late night shows on Israeli tv on supposed “Iranian targets” (which are actually regular civilian Syrian infrastructure or SAA assets that pose a problem to the IDF around the Occupied Golan region, namely Quneitra). This little game is tolerated by Putin simply because it changes nothing of any dynamics in the regional theater and helps Bibi crawl a bit out of the water.

Taking on Assad means taking on Russia’s heavy , long-term investment in the Mediterranean nation. Don’t fuck with the bear, ask the Turks how it went when they tried.


We don’t want to kill Assad at the moment, but if his forces or the IRGC on his soil somehow shoots down any Israeli jet, what do you think will be our response? even more so, if the pilot dies.


Your response will be some more strikes on targets perceived as Iranian or more of the SAA infrastructure that will be generously replaced by Moscow, like they did before. Putin called Bibi in the midst of much wider preparation after the 2018 takedown, and in the end, nothing happened as a result. It won’t be different today. Assad or any other target of importance directly destabilizing the Moscow-aligned Baath is off-limits.


Then, I suspect that in your scenario YOU are prepared to defend a SUSTAINED attack by Hezbollah on Dimona and the Knesset and anything else that spins off from that?
All will be unhappy, VERY UNHAPPY with the result.
It’s time to invest in Russian diplomacy stock…


Some people don’t get it,if Syria had gone down Iran would be next,thats why they try to stop those bastards in Syria.


Syrain soldiers will die along with their Iranian counterparts in those AA batteries. Syria forgets that we can use ground forces too, not just airstrikes and that we are only 60KM from Damescus. It will be wiser for Syrians to stop assisting Iranians against us, or both of them will feel the IDF bombs on their heads.


But you had a choice during syria uprising that culminated into war between band of Terrorist.. With isis as the most notable and syrian people and government. You choose the side of terrorist.. Supported them.. Treat their wounded and promote them. Iran and its people support the syrian people led by Assad. The syrian people are winning with their allies and you are crying… But if you have supported the syrian people against Terrorist.. There wont be any need for iran to come in the first place. As a Christian.. I was shocked that our beloved isreal irrespective of whatever.. Will tactfully support those chooping off christian heads in syria. I thank iran..russia..Hisbollah..china..etcFor helping to save the life of millions of christians that could have perished. May Elohim bless you all!


It is true we helped the Islamists in the first years of the war, but so did many other countries. We’ve stop helpng them and even allowed Syria to retake their positions on the other side of the Golan, as Russia asked us not to step in. Syrian forces are there thanks to our approval, we could also say no and then Daraa would still be under the FSA. And now, they help Iran and Hezbollah to start another front? big mistake.

Brother Ma

You breastfed turco-Headchoppers at Israel’s tit for years and when you supposedly left the Daraa area border, you gave shelter to those headchoppers and settled them in our countries secretly. Why didn’t you give shelter to those Isis Turco Headchoppers in Israel ,given they were your pals and so “moderate”?


Hmm let’s think, maybe becuase they ARE NOT Israeli citizens? why should we let them in?

Brother Ma

Maybe you should have thought of that before you hugged them.

Also ,they are not our citizens either , so why did we take them in?

They were supported by the US and Israel . YOU broke it …you pay for it . Not our problem.

Once we have power , we will be putting them on a ship with a one way ticket to Haifa and Ellis Island. Get the free food and housing ready for them…


You need to take them all in, hell you even need to take the Palestinians in since you love them so much.

Icarus Tanović

Because they are Zio spies full of interesting and useful information.
Seem like you’re panicking about this Itanian AA systems in Syria.

Brother Ma

You nailed it. Israel chose the headchopping Moslem terrorists over the secular Moslem Assad and Syria -just like the Usa. It also could not care less about the Christians who were slaughtered . They were just collateral damage at the best of times or at worst a great benefit for Israel so no Christians can claim the Holy Land.

Then Israel cries for sympathy from the Europeans? Why ? Are they special? I think not!


Have we not learned? How many times has this colonial project dropped the ball over the last 50 yrs? What about Oslo? It couldn’t have been better for the yids, but they make excuses blaming the Palestinians.
They cry while they stomp on little girls heads, screaming, she made me do it!
Pure garbage is what these yids are.

Brother Ma

It would’ve been Wiser not o have entered into the Syrian Adventure after all. I remember Israeli generals and specialists being reluctant to help the USA . The Israelis said that they had a modus vivendi with Syria and could live with them.

I guess your smart-arse toughguy Israeli hawks made a hash of the Syrian war, right? Now more Iranian influence than ever ,and only yourselves to blame and nothing you can do about it.

chris chuba

Add decoys into the mix. A low cost way to cause Israel to waste bombs (at least worth a try). It’s obvious that Israel is using satellites to acquire targets in fixed positions and then dropping glide bombs to GPS based coordinates. The targets are acquired visually via satellite, not via local spotters.


Shut up you fat potato.

Uche Anthony Esealuka

Why do you post this sort of nonsense? I think it would be nice to read your point of view, if you have any, on the topic, rather than racist symbols like a fraudulent pamphleteer.

John Borcox

funny how you can’t actually refute anything he posts though

‘Israel’ is a terrorist entity. It’s impossible to engage in terrorism against these terrorists, and I hope some real damage comes to them soon.


What unbelievably low class BS. Shame!
Fog of War? Maybe you should deactivate your anti-roach diffuser in your mom’s basement dwelling place and just eat those roaches. Seems it’s effecting your judgement…
Paste inbred, cross-eyed KKK white guy champion photo here… X

Daily Beatings

You know you’re over the target when you start getting flack. Adding decoys to the mix is the solution. Thank you JIDF lackey.

Ashok Varma

So called Israel is in panic mode as sugar daddy US is in total meltdown.

Saubhik Ghosh, frnd of israel

Israel gives u fake commies more pain in d ass


And what is “sugar daddy” with no sugar….


Very delusional and angry teenage hasbara troll. What’s the matter your lies are caught so soon every day? makes you angry and then you spam nonsense. 42 of the comments here are your garbage and make no sense or even close of reality. Has khat made its debut in Occupied Palestine?


I reply to comments, like yours. I am the only Israeli here, so I have alot of enemies.

Ashok Varma

You are a teenage troll and stupid and making for enemies for an already hated entity.

Saubhik Ghosh, frnd of israel

wat d hell r u, change ur shitty name and dont try to spoil our relations with Israel


Oh you poor soul. Man, you’re boring, snoring, zzzzzz.


Hello, rate my sexy photos ??? >>>

Ashok Varma

This troll is failing.

Free man

He s an Alawi guy, an Assad supporter, who lives in Syria’s coastal area.
Not an Iranian impersonating an Indian like you.


Interesting wrinkle…

Ashok Varma

Russia is not very reliable so Assad is becoming closer to its time tested and determined ally Iran.

Free man

“Russia is not very reliable so Assad ” – Russia is in Syria to stay. Bashar will have to say goodbye to the bad influence of the religious zealots from the mullahs regime.


And what makes you think that Assad moderate, educated, modern person and atheist would be thrilled with “religious zealots”of any kind, shape or color?
He has to balance between Russia and Iran since their interest differ.
Just like Assad’s, Syrian interests can’t be the same to theirs interests as well.
It is called “compromise” and whole planet is using it (except you?)

Free man

In Syria, the Russian interest cannot coexist with the Iranian interest.


But they do coexist for quite some time already.
Alliance between Russia-China and Iran is strategic alliance and goes above and beyond regional interests in Syria.
U.S. and their “allays” are that “glue” that sticks them together.

Free man

They did coexist in Syria for quite some time .
But their interests regarding the future of Syria are very different.


Even Syria has “very different” vision of her own future comparing to Iran or Russia.
So what? That is all normal.

As I have already said, Syria is just smaller part of the “cake” specially for Russia and China.
The bottom line is that interests that unite them are much bigger than those that divide them.
Their alliance( Russia – China – Iran) is strategic on global (Euro-Asian) level.
It is vs. U.S. and their “allays”.
So situation in Syria can’t possibly create insurmountably big problems for them.

Pat Dunne

Glide Bombs?

johnny rotten

When the going gets tough the tough guys start playing, while the Israelis start crying and run to their mom, the industrial military mafia that rules the U $ A.


Are you a Syrian or Iranian? if not, you have no right to talk about ME countries. I am an Israeli, and I tell you here that we will hunt down any Hezbollah / Syrian / Iranian bastard we can find if we get a greenlight, and wipe out every village on our way. I personally want to war to start already, we have been too patient with them.


You sound like you are in panic mode.


I’m not paniced at all, I’m just mad we let them get stronger day by day without us taking a real toll from Syria, like Turkey does.


You know why you don’t eat pigs and neither do Muslims?

Because pigs are reincarnated yids. You won’t be taught a lesson, thats for sure. You are not more than a scapegoat entity, the last colonial project, cannon fodder for the western elite. Hitler agrend with your elite puppeteers, remember Ha’avara? Lol wake up man, wake up.

Potato Man

LMFAO just block that ape btw :) he die before get to a war. Nazi Zion can’t talk for shi^ btw.
Ignore and block him.


ape is your father, and you are a fucking coward like the rest of the big keyboard warriors here.

Fog of War
Bobby Twoshoes

Lol, says the guy with 24 belligerent posts in this thread alone.

Icarus Tanović

Yeah, hahahahaha. Keyboard hero.

Potato Man

Did I name him? No, and here he is claiming he is ape.
Hey “plastic Zion” jokes on you I don’t have father LMFAO.


Unlike you coward, I am in the army, not was i I talk on present time. Just waiting for my call of duty, I’m all packed.

Bobby Twoshoes

As if you had a choice living under a brutal fascist regime, you child rapists are all press ganged into service, you’re a coward not to resist. Your cowardice is irrelevant anyway, every childish comeback simply exacerbates your hypocrisy in criticising “keyboard warriors”.


Despite trying to invade the entirety of Palestine, the Rothschild neocolony is still a small territory to take care of. ISISraeli nukes are a threat to mankind in general and to Iranian civilisation in particular, Syria won’t ever have peace with such a neighbor either, despite Putin’s best efforts to assuage the Ziocorporate terrorists letting them bomb Syria at will; Iranian and Syrian regional interests coincide perfectly in the need for actual peace in the region, and not so-called “only democracies” dictating globalist policy for everyone.


Push us too much and risk our national security, and we will show you and the rest of the world what happens when you fuck with us. I hope Gantz as the DM will order the IDF to enter into the Syrian Golan and destroy every Syrian base if they provoke us, not even the U.N will save them. So calm down and always remember who is in control here.


Fuck off, Zioterrorist scum, the little Rothschild neocolony in Palestine is nothing without its “Samson option” and the US jets US taxpayers give them for free. Syria, Iraq and Iran understand the root of so much conflict in the Middle East and the least they can do is ensure its destruction in case it tries to repeat somewhere else what they’ve done to Palestine. You can’t pick Syria’s allies, so don’t go trying to start war.


If we are nothing then why are you crying on every post about us? little bitch. You wanna see war? you will see a true war not like 2006 or a small operation. When we got to a real war, we wipe out cities from the face of this earth.


Why you whining like little bitches about a few Iranian missiles in Syria? Don’t you have the most superduper ultrahigh-tech military forces that scare everyone in the world that you stole from US/UK/France taxpayers with help of their elites of Zicorporate fuckers?

Iran’s missiles in Syria are completely defensive, unlike US F16s in the Rothschild neocolony so stop whining.


It doesn’t matter, you kill the cancer when it is small and don’t let it get bigger and stronger. Like I wrote, you and the rest of the SF fuckers here will cry big time when the IDF decides to actually start bombing Syrian and Iranian targets, and I mean from the ground. Now fuck off.


Just stop bitching over a few Iranian missiles in Syria, your little gated neocolony in occupied Palestine could live longer if it stays calm and quiet.


We are far from being calm and quiet, and so does Syria. If they wanna turn into a battleground between us and Iran, they are welcomed. One thing is for sure, Syrians and Iranians will always die in bigger numbers than us. Now let’s start the show, I have a first seat ticket.


Isn’t that against international law?


Fuck intl laws, in an all out war no one is safe, not even their government which will be bombed.


Your government is scrambling to introduce the neo-liberal agenda…claim it is apartheid and introduce some sort of reconciliation commission like South Africa. You yids got away with it in SA, not here baby doll. You’re a criminal, you’ll pay.
I guarantee you will cry unless you’re dead.


You can’t guarantee shit to a person you have never even met, so I wouldn’t write it if I were you.


Yid interpretation…We kill civilians from 50,000 ft up. We destroy civilian infrastructure because we believe this teaches a generational lesson.
Yet, the yids have learned nothing, all ego and bluster. You Polish eastern block yids never lasted past 2 weeks without US interference, let’s see how 2 days works out.


So be there too Porky, we will show you how we last more than 2 days on our own without international laws.


It is a well known fact israel can’t survive past 2 weeks in an all out war, without outside help. I suggest you read. Even your own generals know this.’s why you black-mailers state officials, infiltrate ores and corps and blackmail there CEOs, etc…the west would have long ago let you be destroyed if otherwise. You are heathens, the lowest of man, feeding off what you think is bravery and intelligence. are criminals, thieves, from your gangs that robbed and killed in the US to your Bibi, who uses a fake name because he is embarrassed and his real Pollack name…dirty little fakers. You did same in US, you all change your names, all of Hollywood, same. Dirty yids have obsolete lyrics no morals or backbone.
By way of deception…you will end.

Icarus Tanović

Wipe tour ass first, Ziopig.

Brother Ma

That is why Israel’s nukes must be taken out somehow. Blackmail their scientists etc

Rodney Loder

Iran is always preparing and planning for the worst outcome, Iran is hemmed in by Religious external dogma in 2013 the Ayatollah was saying that Islam should be prepared to lose some of its gains and achievements, meaning some Islamic Countries were we’re sure to fall to Jew forces, this never happened but old habbits die hard.

Syria should give up on the Sid Loder Jew fiction and embrace reality, so should Iran.

M.A. Lamett

Good for Iran. One of the few truly independent countries in the world. Iran also declared that they supports Turkey in Libya. Turkey and Iran should be good partners to fight zionism (greater Israel) and western expansionist colonialism in the Mideast. Since the coup d’etat attempt in Turkey in 2016, Turkey is also acting much more independently in foreign policy, protecting own national interests.

Brother Ma

Iran better watch itself. It will lose all moderate European support if it hugs Turkey too much in Libya.

M.A. Lamett

Fuck European support. Iran doesn’t need their pathetic support. How much European support your eastern chickenshit pathetic country gets when you kiss Western European arse?

Brother Ma

True. I agree with you. Iran does not need Euro support in any way , apart from the people’s good will.

The Objective

Europe is a prostitute. Iran knows this. It seems you didn’t read the latest Iranian rebuke of Europe at the UN. Iran classified Europe and America as having the same policy towards Iran and the middle East.
No, Turkey is a true friend of Iran even before erdogan came to power.

Brother Ma

I do know about it and I agree with it. What I am saying is Europe is still ruled by the US and Israel and the people can’t do or say otherwise …yet.

In any case , I have never heard an Eastern/Southern European say a bad word about Iran ever . It is the Central and Northern Europeans who are ” in lockstep ” with Zioyankeeland about Iran AND Russia .

The Objective

Okay, I understand you now. If course you are right about that

Brother Ma


AM Hants

It will also be a good advert for Iranian defence systems. No doubt aimed at making the US notice.

With talk of the White Helmets preparing another CW false flag, it seems weird the OPCW is demanding Syria show them their chemical weapons. Forgetting that Syria handed them over to the US. No doubt to be stored in one of the 400 US bio-weapon labs, with full diplomatic immunity.

Will Pompeo, during the Presidential vote, be sitting in the UN, immigrating Colin Powell with a fake CW vial?

OPCW threatens Syria with a full vote amongst the 193 members? How many have to agree with the US/UK/Israel version, for the vote to pass?

I remember back in 2014 when they voted on Crimea. 100 agreed with US/Ukraine/Soros, 11 with Russia, 59 abstained and 23 refused to vote. The vote failed as they could not get the 55% the US demanded.

The Objective

Iran should have made this move long ago, but it thought Russia will defend Syria’s airspace when it deployed S300, S400 and other systems. But Russia never allowed Syria use those systems to defend its airspace. Russia’s deployment was a political move not aimed at Israeli attacks. Russia only protects select targets including their bases. It is clear that Russia had an understanding with the Israelis regarding which targets not to hit. This obviously didn’t include Iranian targets which Russia agrees to Israel bombing. Russia always knows when Israel is about to attack, 1 hour in advance.
Iran couldn’t let this continue. To me, it shows the Iranians and Russians are farther apart than most believe. Russia certainly isn’t happy about this move, or rather suspicious. Because if Iran manages to dissuade Israeli attacks on Syria, Iran’s influence in that country may erode Russia’s with time.
A deal between Turkey, Iran, and even Assad is necessary in Syria. Russia is not a trusted partner.

El Mashi

Russia does not want to antagonize Israel. Israel is important to Russia. One million of its citizens live in Israel.

The Objective

Yeah, the more reason Iran should step in with the air defense part. Russia has dragged its feat too long. Plus this could be a further calculation by Iran to get Turkey to make compromises. The general did complain about Turkey’s failure to implement agreement of the Astana process. But Turkey and Iran should hammer this issue out. They should trust only themselves to watch each other’s back, as they are both Muslim countries despite having ideological differences. Erdogan doesn’t strike me as an ati-shiite president. There are plenty of Shiites in Turkey. What Iran and Turkey must be watchful of should be the enemies if Islam attempting to stir up a sectarian war to disunite them – most likely in Turkey. Shiites and Sunnis are watching each other’s backs in Yemen, Palestine, Lebanon, and other places. It’s time countries do the same instead of just groups.

There are credible reports that Russia controls the road by which Iran arms Hezbollah through Syria from Iraq. It seems the Russians are interfering on behalf of Israel or compromising on Intel. My prayer is for Iran’s air defenses to be effective against Israeli Planes. Some years ago, an Israeli F35 was shot down in Syria using S-200 Soviet-era air defenses. Iran says it reverse-engineered and upgraded the more powerful S-300. If this is true, Israel is going to find it more difficult attacking Syria from the air. These would be manned by Iranian soldiers and heavily guarded against ground attacks.

Finally, Russia, Russia might lose in both Syria and Libya. I haven’t read any Russian comment on the issue but I guess they don’t like the recent development. Let no one think that Iran cannot defend itself without Russia’s help. I agree with one guy who commented here that he trusts China moreby far than Russia. Somehow, Russia is protecting Israel from Iran, or at least attempting to do so. If Iran and Turkey work together in Syria, one thing I am certain of is that Turkey will not protect Israel as Russia does. Turkey can even help facilitate the creation of another Hezbollah in Syria like the ones in Iraq and Lebanon. These can be a parallel force to the Syrian official military. These will also be armed by Iran or both Turkey and Iran. I do really pray for this Iran/Turkey alliance to emerge.


Turkey as a country (not Erdogan as a leader) has never been hostile to Israel and we have never fought each other because we are smarter than the Arabs. Turkey isn’t going to risk losing Israel, especially when hundreds of thousands of Israelis visit Turkey each year. You comment is just a wishful thinking, I don’t see it happening. Also, it would be the end of Turkey in NATO.

The Objective

Israel and Turkey nearly went to war when Israel killed several Turkish men on a ship delivering aid to Palestine. Israel warned Turkey not to deliver the aid, thinking it was weapons. Turkey vowed to proceed with the delivery. Then Israel attempted to impound the ships. There was a firefight with the Turkish security forces on board. As it was a civilian ship against several naval Israeli ships, the Turks lost that firefight. That wound still hasn’t healed.

Secondly, whoever succeeds Erdogan will likely continue in the current trajectory Turkey has taken. We are talking of the Turkish society becoming increasingly Islamic as Erdogan and his party pump money into Islamic schools and organisations in ways that educates the Turkish Muslims deeper on their religion.
So my friend this is not wishful thinking. Israel can NEVER be friends with an Islamic government because Israel is too troublesome. Israel and Jews have been mentioned uncountable times in the Quran. Their disobedience to Allah, and their harm to non-jews have been extensively documented by Muslim scholars since over 1000 years ago. Learned Muslim leaders like Erdogan know this. This is why Israel doesn’t want to see a learned Muslim population. They know we know them better than they know themselves, and we are quite aware of the harm they are willing to inflict on Muslims. The Quran describes them as being “strongest in enmity against the believers”. Every Muslim government knows this. Some choose not to deal with it. Others are willing to.

Raptar Driver

Of course not you are the same people.

Sylvain Jeuland

No need to fight. Just need to protect the land route to the Med-see.


All israel air attack in Syria are failed….Iran will have a powerful army in Syria very near to Israel…

Willing Conscience (The Truths

That will take care of the defencive aspect of the problem but what about reciprocal actions, Iran still needs its own aircraft for that [or ballistics].
You can shoot down the incoming missiles but that still leaves the antagonist the ability/option to keep doing it over and over again, so unless Iran can target and destroy the enemy aircraft/bases as a responsive action, it just leaves Iran in exactly the same position that it’s already in now.
So will Iran use the existing Syrian radar systems, the really long range ones at the airports, the mobile and fixed military radars, and the top range mobile units that China gave to Syria, and what about the Russians, will they allow their radars to be used too, I doubt the Russians will be willing to do that.
So if Iran intends on using Syrian radars what will happen if the Russian don’t agree to Iran using their systems, all the civilian and military radars are already linked under one control centre that the Russians administer, and without Russian approval the links will have to be removed and the Russian systems isolated, leaving just the Syrian and Iranian systems effective.
If Iran on the other hand just deploys AA systems and radars without them being incorporated into the existing control system the Russians and Syrians use, they’ll be way less effective than the existing system already are, you need a good coverage of radar systems to see what the enemies doing if you want a good defense system, otherwise the independent systems won’t see the missile coming until it’s too late to be completely effective.
One unlinked Iranian radar and missile unit can only see the incoming missile when they get into range, and it can’t cross reference data with other radars [to be even more accurate], so even if the Iranian’s do deploy multiple units and link them all together they’ll still be less effective than the existing Russian/Syrian linked command system is now, they’d need 50 to 100 radar systems to be as effective as the existing system is, and Iran would have to deploy them all over Syria to get good coverage, which will mean deploying them close to the Israeli border.
The Iranian supporters had better be praying that the Russian allow Iran to incorporate their new systems into the existing network, because if they don’t incorporate them into the existing system they actually be less effective at stopping the Israeli missiles, not better, and Israel will end up having a field day at Iran’s expense.
This is a bad move by Iran, Russia’s choices are being removed and they won’t appreciate this one little bit, so I don’t think the Russians will let the Iranians incorporate their systems into the existing control system, I think the Iranian’s will have to go it alone if they deploy their systems to Syria, and the thought of this development will be making the Israelis a lot happier than most if us would believe.
I’d say if Russia refuses to allow Iran to join the existing radar network system, it’ll more or less be a green light for even more Israeli airstrikes against Iranian targets in Syria, and Iran will lose even more infrastructure than they have been, lets see what happens, will Syria have one or two independent radar defense systems operating in Syria.


One of the smartest persons on this site, you analyze the geo-political situation in Syria very well, I like reading your comments.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Thanks but I’m not so sure if that entirely correct, perhaps open minded and unbiased opinion are my strongest traits, but still I appreciate your sentiment, thankyou.

The Objective

And you think the Iranians haven’t figured this out.
Those AA systems need not protect the whole of Syria, but just select targets where Iranian activity takes place. These systems will be there to protect isolated Iranian assets that have no protection from the Russian radar network. Russia’s AA system only protect Russians and Syrian forces. Iranian AA systems are meant to protect Iranians. Russi can leave Syria if it likes. Turkey and Iran alone are enough to thwart any Zionist plans for Syria.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I’m not sure what the Iranians have figured out yet but we’ll all find out what they’ve concluded after the new systems are deployed.
One radar unit and missile system is never as good at protecting themselves or the assets they’re guarding as a system with multiple radars that are linked and coordinated by a central command system is, NEVER, that’s why Russia and Syria have already done exactly that, linked all their radars to one central control system, and so does everyone else when they can.
And if the Iranians do go it alone and do deploy their own independent control system that operates alongside the existing Russian and Syrian system, the Russians and Syrians will still continue to try and protect Iranian assets where and when they can, they just won’t be quite as effective as they were before. Because even if they are cooperating with the Iranians to stop the Israelis, they actually have to be linked into existing Russian/Syrian system to make them all more effective, you can’t have the Russian/Syrian systems just trying to stop the missiles getting to the Iranian targets on their flight paths, and then leave the Iranian systems to concentrate on defending the actual targets, it would actually be better off leaving things the way they are, this approach will actually make the Iranian targets more vulnerable than they already are now.
But if the Iranians were to incorporate their new radars into the existing Russian controlled system it would be an entirely different matter, that would actually make them all much more effective and give the Israelis some major concerns, but I doubt very much that there’s any possibility of that happening, but I could be wrong, we’ll both find out when they arrive in Syria what does happen.

The Objective

The Quran says “take not the Jews and the Christians for friends or helpers. For they are friends and helpers one of another”.
Russia will never help any Muslim country over Israel. Only China or other non-christian nations can help a Muslim country over the Jews. Iran and Turkey must take note. NATO and Russia will never help you regarding Israel. Ignore this warning at your peril.

Tommy Jensen

Americans have the rights to have our opinon, because WE live in a free country and you dont.

Swift Laggard II

Way past time for this move. Iran needs to gain real combat experience with it’s air defence units. It needs to test it’s SAM systems against real world adversaries if it hopes to stand up to the threat from the West

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

going to make a point in sharing more southfront videos. took a break from newsfeeds for a couple of weeks. Feels like i have been on holiday

Pat Dunne

This is encouraging news although I don’t believe Iran has a system more capable than the S-300 currently in use in Syria. Perhaps increased numbers of batteries is the objective essentially the “Iron Dome” concept Israel employees.
China has offered support as well and they have capable systems the HQ-9 for example.


Really? Iran that can’t shoot straight is going to help another jack ass. The US can destroy Iran and Syria combined in one day. All bark and no bite.


Israel IAF was always able to pin point bomb every Iran’s concealed bases in Syria within hours, whenever its new weapons like rockets or missiles arrived. Syria (Russia) Air defense will also not defend against such IAF open attack.

Only Russia is capable of providing such precise location and air defense coordination. Iran needs to setup own air defense in Syria, but IAF will take it out before its established.

Iran increasing Syria influence is a threat to Russia’s interest and its best ally, Israel.