Iranian has threatened to shoot down US military helicopters in the Persian Gulf.
The incident took palce on October 26 when Iranian fast boats were harassing the US Navy’s USS Essex asssault ship and at least one other from the Essex Amphibious Ready Group, NBC News reported.
According to NBC News, six fast inshore attack craft (FIACs)were belonging to the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps Navy. They approached both the USS Rushmore and the Essex while an Iranian sailor issued a threat by radio, warning that if the Essex kept flying fly one of its helicopters around the Iranian boats the Iranians would shoot at it.
Commanding general of U.S. Central Command Joseph Votel was visiting the Essex Amphibious Ready Group when the Iranian FIACs harrased it.
The October 26 encounter is the most recent in a series of incidents between Iranian and US forces in the Persian Gulf. The Trump administration has repeatedly threatened to cut off the Iranian oil sails by economic, diplomatic and even military means. While this would be a significant blow to the Iranian economy, Teheran is not going to surrender its interests. In turn, Iran is threatening to close the Persian Gulf for the US-led bloc.
I think Trump will roll over, if he wants to stay in clover.
I’ll let you work that out.
Well see, but where are these F-35’s to test the S-300 manned by SAA personnel, that’s what we’re waiting for.
It’s not going to happen, as soon as Russia deployed S400’s to Syria, the US withdrew its F22’s.
Just watching F-22 videos now would be hard to hit, but I agree even now there is wave imagining targeting motion not the object causing the motion, I don’t see how Netanyahu can let it go by without watching US military credibility go with it.
Trump will do whatever appeals to his vanity, he’s a narcissist, sociopath.
The perfect leader for America.
John Bolton promised the downfall of Iran before the end of 2018.
He was being over optimistic I think and hope :)
China has a lot at stake in Iran as well as oil from Iran prevents the US creating an oil shortage for China.
I am going to make an attempt to explain what I think is going on. I apologize in advance if I give you a headache.
In the 70’s the Globalists messed up Iran and installed a government that was for their (the Globalists) good, and not for the good of the Iranian people.
It is the Globalist government and interests that I believe is being refereed to. These would be the interests that want to shoot down helicopters etc.
Obama also had a lot to do with Iran before he left his term as President. He shipped the leaders of Iran pallets full of American dollars. It is believed that part of the deal with Iran was Obama’s retirement plan.
Trump killed the deal that Obama made, and has destroyed Obama’s legacy.
There are only two more months left in 2018, and I hope for the best. I am putting a link to an article that has many pictures of Iran in the 70’s. The people look happy in them.
You are just repeating the Mossad psy op (((QAnon))) propaganda lies verbatim. Obama didn’t give Iran any American money. The money given to Iran was Iran’s own money that was frozen in the US ever since the Iranian revolution. Obama simply RETURNED Iran’s money back to it as a sign of goodwill. The people you call “Globalists” (i.e. Jewish bankers) used to completely control Iran before the revolution. They would have zero interests in overthrowing their own puppet government and bringing to power a group that would get rid of all their influence and control in Iran and start countering their agenda in the broader region. American troops have no business being in the “PERSIAN” Gulf and threatening the Persian people and other people of the region without expecting any type of backlash.
Well said! Thumbs up.
First, we agree that the American (globalist) troops should not be in the Persian gulf.
Secondly, the transfer of Obama pallets of cash is a matter that has never been settled. It was given a propaganda spin to the left, and then a propaganda spin to the right but this cannot be confused with the matter being settled. Around that time it seemed that there was an annoying amount of distractions like school shootings.
September 9 – Alpine, Texas
September 28 – Townville, S.C.
October 11 – Mobile, Alabama
October 13 – Columbus, Ohio
October 18 – San Francisco, California
October 25 – Sandy, Utah.
Release of the Podesta Emails – October 7
Also, it was the last leg of the US Presidential campaign mode for 2016 which as a rule hit a fevered pitch.
So, the money transfer got minimal attention by the MSM who was much busier doing a hatchet job on Trump and promoting their candidate Hillary.
The pallets of cash simply did not get the attention that they should have. The excuse that was given for the pallets of cash was that it was difficult to electronically move money to Iran because of sanctions. What was discovered and then ignored and thrown under the bus was the fact that two separate times in the fourteen months prior to Obama’s stunt, that money was wired to Iran.
From this article…
“The United States made at least two separate payments to the Iranian government via wire transfer within the last 14 months, a Treasury Department spokesman confirmed Saturday, contradicting explanations from President Barack Obama that such payments were impossible.”
“Oh, I don’t have any question that Iran wants the money in cash because they wanted it faster than what a wire transfer would be and it’s fungible,” Lankford said. “They announced pretty quickly afterward that they were expanding their defense and their military budget by $1.7 billion dollars, an exact amount that we had just sent over to them. So I don’t think that was accidental.”
There are still unanswered questions on Obama’s decisions and who exactly ended up with this money.
As I said in my previous post, that was Iran’s OWN money. Obama didn’t give Iran any money that didn’t belong to it in the first place. What part of that is so hard for you to understand? You keep posting Zionist media sources as “proof” that some nefarious thing was taking place. The bullshit Zionist article you posted makes the laughably false claim that Iran’s military budget was increased by 1.7 billion dollars after that transfer. Where is the source for such nonsense? Show me one Iranian source or Iranian official making such a stupid claim? As if Iran’s military budget gets adjusted on a daily basis and Iran is stupid enough or desperate enough to make such a self defeating and pointless claim. Besides even if such a stupid claim were true it would still make no difference what Iran does with its own money, how is that related to you, Obama, or Trump? The Zionists are angry at Obama because they wanted the US to go to war against Iran on their behalf and not make a deal with them. They consider any American deal with Iran as a betrayal of Israel, which is why they BROUGHT to power that Orange clown Trump and sold him to naive people like you as some kind of American nationalist.
You are just a victim to Zionist mind games because you are under the illusion that Trump is some kind of real American nationalist and not just another Zionist whore, never mind that his kids are all married to Jews, never mind that he has had major Jewish connections his entire life, never mind that he got more MSM attention and coverage than any other candidate of any party during the elections (Even more than Clinton), never mind that he’s completely surrounded by Israeli-first Neo-cons, never mind that he’s continuing all their wars in the region and abroad, never mind that he has increased tensions with Russia and China to unprecedented levels, never mind that he’s the most popular US president in Israel in many decades, never mind that he has done more for Israel than most previous US presidents, never mind that there isn’t going to be any “wall” and you’ve just been duped, never mind that Hillary Clinton is not going to be “locked up”, never mind that he hasn’t exposed any of (((their))) crimes against America like 9/11 and others, never mind that he himself pretends those events occured exactly as described by (((them))), never mind that he has done their bidding in his “Tax reforms” and “Wall street deregulation” and I can go on for hours and hours. I’m not going to get into the retarded pointless debate with you about whether Hillary Clinton is worse than Trump or vice versa but you’d have to be very naive and desperate to consider someone like Trump as a real American nationalist fighting against the Jews or as you call them “Globalists”.
Have you wondered why after all these years the US decided to kiss and make up with Iran?
It’s about their oil, the Saudis are running out of oil, and to perpetuate the petrodollar a new source of oil must be found.
Obama thought the proven Iranian oil would be the best option. Obviously Trump thinks that the Yemeni oil fields under Saudi control is a better option.
“Have you wondered why after all these years the US decided to kiss and make up with Iran?”
Yes, I have wondered that and a lot of other things. ;-)
If mankind does not soon get access to new energy technologies, then a meteor hitting the planet still seems like a reasonable final solution.
You have that backwards, the US/UK overthrew the democratic Government of Iran in 1953. The US/UK installed a Shah(King) to rule Iran. The people rose up against the US/UK in 1979, because of the CIA death squads, and the poverty caused by the US/UK pillaging.
When Iran declared its independence from the USA the US seized(stole) money that Iran had in the USA. The money that Obama gave Iran, was some of the money the US had stolen from Iran in the 1970’s and 80’s.
The reason the priests still hold power in Iran, is because they are the only people the US cannot buy/blackmail.
Everything you said is correct except the last sentence. The main reason the priests hold power in Iran is because during the Shah’s time the only force that was untouched by the Shah and the CIA was the religious institutions. Every other political group, movement, or party was heavily suppressed and crushed. Also the vast majority of Iranians were kept illiterate so the only outlets capable of organizing and rallying the masses were the mosques that were still free and legal to operate. The main fear of the CIA during the Cold War was Soviet infiltration through Communist movements and they thought that they could use religious institutions as allies in their fight against Communism. There are many other types of Iranians besides priests who would never sell their soul to anyone. The problem is that those groups have never really been allowed to express themselves in any serious way, not now, not during the Shah’s time, and not even before that.
Thank you for the correction. To me there still seems to be a discrepancy in the money though. There were two wire transfers, and then additional pallets of cash.
I will let the matter rest.
it appears your brainwashing is very deep. Beside been a moron not to be able put the dots together also seems to me, another hasbara joined the ranks of the trolls here.
ah! The Vicious Little Princess. It is always nice to hear from you.
yes addict stop polluting the site with your stupidity and take a walk.
go fuck your self jerk off.
I KNOW NOW WHO YOU ARE CANADIAN IDIOT. A stupid alcoholic bitch that is barking on the wrong tree. Too much booze and drugs, will do this to you.
Seriously, you need some help with your anger issues. You are lashing out at me like an insane person.
I dont have anger issues you stupid bitch. You been stalking me long enough HH told me who you are and what you are. Stupid alcoholic drug addict.
learn not to yawn with your m,outh full bitch.
I am sure he was thinking to say Useless Shitty As*holes downfall when he said Iran. Follow what all officials, not to mention the farting israelis since 1979 who lost their free oil from Iran and you see they been saying that and threaten to attack or destroy Iran since then. Have you ever wonder why they have not done it especially since they consider themselves global power and the policemen of the globe?
I told you many times farting and doing they don’t go hand in hand.
US crazies are building a 1970’s Afghanistan Wahhabi “Jihad” against Iran and Russia using the old tested lapdogs like Emirates, Pakistan and Saudis to use Pakistani occupied Baluchistan to wage a terror war on Iran and Russia. The current Pak PM Imran Khan is a Jew installed patsy and was married into the British Goldsmith family. It is time Russia take US threats seriously and start arming Iran as the US and Zionists are pouring billions into regional terrorism via their headchopper Salafist proxies. Bolton openly stated that a peaceful resolution in Syria is not in US interests and a “regime change in Iran is on the horizon”.
Iran does not need arming from the russians they have their own war industry and the help of China in a very big way as well the know how from the chinese.
As for what the farting morons saying they been at it since 1979. Maybe is time before you have an opinion to get educated as far reality goes. As for Pakistan used against Iranians keep dreaming. By the way what part you missed Pakistan is a member of SCO?
The Pashtun people, the largest tribal society in the world span most of Afghanistan and north-western Pakistan. In fact, they don’t even acknowledge the border. They number 35+ million people. This is from where the Taliban gets its members and recruits.
These folks im referring to don’t like the Wahabbi’s and Salafis/ISIS one bit. In fact they are fighting them now, and will eventually squash them.
You don’t mess around in Afghanistan without comeing out having taken a beating. The Pashtun arte a fierce , rugged, threadbare people, dressed in beach sandals and bedsheets, armed with AK-47’s and RPG’s, maybe a few IED’s are ruthlessly taking down NATO and its propped up Government in Kabul.
Just ask the British , the former Soviets, the U.S./NATO about the brutal realities of fighting in some of the most inhospitable terrain in the world. Just like in Yemen.
Even Alexander The Great had the wise decision in mind when he decided to go around Afghanistan, instead of dealing with its mountains and rough looking people.
hahaha barely 9,000 US and NTO soldiers have been occupying Afghanistan for 18 years now. Perhaps the “brave Pashtuns” should take lessons in bravery and self-respect from Hezbollah and Ansarollah. If over 40 million Afghans were that brave they can literally walk over the US occupation force, even without weapons. Also Pakistan has killed more Pashtuns than even the US. All of FATA looks like a big moonscape as the corrupt Pakistani army and airforce have destroyed poor villages like their Saudi masters are doing in Yemen,.
been a jerk off, already is established. now you showing your true colors, I must apologize to the jerk off`s of this site for associating you with them.
Must have hit a sore butt LOL. What are you a Paki?
ask your mother she knows
Those fantastic US and NTO (assume you mean NATO) soldiers have accomplished ….. absolutely nothing in 17 years (not 18 yet).
‘Occupying’ is a relative term – just as in South Vietnam, in Afghanistan, the insurgents own the night and huge tracts of territory. NATO forces occupy fortified bases and a green zone – the rest is up for grabs. The US is trapped in Afghanistan – they cannot politically admit failure after over a decade and half of military efforts – but US leadership wants out and are increasingly looking towards negotiating a face-saving exit with the Taliban.
Occupation is 9/10th of the law. The only successful end to a brutal occupation has the the Hezbollah defeat of Zionist scum in South Lebanon after inflicting unbearable losses. If the Pashtuns who are the majority of Afghanistan resist properly they can inflict unacceptable losses on the US and NATO occupation forces, but their attacks are pin pricks. The sprawling Bagram airbase used to be rocketed daily when Russians were in Afghanistan, but not a single attack on US forces?
Basic Taliban strategy from very outset since 2001 has been to out-wait the US forces – anything other that very limited attacks would incur colossal losses against the superior armed US opponent. This is long term asymmetrical warfare, again analogous to Vietnamese insurgents, who were prepared to maintain guerilla war for decades, with intent to politically exhaust initially the French in 1950’s, and subsequently the US in 1960/70’s.
U.S./NATO occupy Kabul, and that’s it. The rest of Afghanistan the Taliban are running amok. Attacking at their time and place. The U.S./NATO and puppet government soldiers are clearly on the defensive, since early on.
The Pashtun are on the good side, the axis of resistance.
Not really, the CIA created the Pashtun “resistance” to fight the USSR in the 1980’s. The Taliban were recruited in Pakistani Wahhabi madrassas with Saudi and Emirati money. Read Directorate S by Stephan Coll to get a current perspective. The whole Salafist movement is a patsy for US, UK and Zionists. The headchoppers serve US and Zionist agenda from Syria to Afghanistan.
Yes, this I know. But the Pashtun flipped on the CIA/Mossad/Saudi’s. The Taliban, whom are the Pashtun are fighting against worldwide hegemony and belligerence of the U.S./Israel/Britain/France/Saudia et al.
Under the table, the Taliban are secretly working with Iran, Russia and China. China covets a stable Afghanistan for its minerals and ores, also Afghanistan is to play a vital part of China’s OBR Silk Roads. Russia is backing the Taliban so they stop th spread of Salafisam/Wahabism, a la CIA/Mossad/Saudi’s who want problems for southern Russia as they did with the Chechnya in the 90’s. Iran want to eliminate drug/narcotics flows, extremists on or through their border. Thus, Iran is secretly helping the Taliban/Pashtun resistance.
Did you know that there are about 30-35 thousand Afghan volunteers in Syria now, as part of an ‘Islamic Army’ to annihilate Israel and crush the headchoppers the west/Israel/Saudi/UAE have sent into Syria, as well as Iraq. They saw some action in the Battle for Mosul. They are under command of Iranian IRGC Lt. Gen. Solemenei, who answers directly to Ayatollah Khamenei, leader of the Islamic Revolution of Iran. There are also a large contingent of Chechens fighting alongside the Syrian Arab Army and auxiliaries.
Once Idlib gets sorted out, and Putin becomes convinced that the Turks have no good will, or power to stop the terrorists, Idlib will be cleared.
Then its on to the U.S./SDF(Kurds) controlled north-eastern part of the Euphrates river all the way to the Iraqi border, where the Iraqi Hashd Al-Shabbi (Iraqi Popular Mobilization Forces) are waiting for their turn for battle. The U.S., Britain, France, whom have Special Forces and small bases in this area will be effectively surrounded in one big envelopment maneuver, a big pincer if you will. The Golan will be liberated sure enough, as the head General of the Iranian IRGC stated that their is a massive ‘ Islamic Army’ ready for action. Its just a matter of logistics and some small moves here and there.
China will make sure the forces of the Axis of Resistance, get all the equipment and arms, technology they need, and the cheap or for free too, because their OBR is to go through Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Syria and Lebanon, where they are building a massive naval port. The Chinese see Israel as an obstacle to their plans for a new , peaceful and prosperous Middle East.
What we are essentially witnessing is the U.S., Britain, France et al getting slowly but surely kicked out of the wider Middle East with Russia, Iran and China moving in to fill the void. And to that I say, heck ya!!
Salafist version of KKK bedsheets and instead of burning crosses, they chop heads.
Poetic license. Don’t quibble.
Yes, the first thing Ayatollah Khomeini and his Islamic revolution did was shut off the oil pipeline that was pumping free crude to Israel’s port Haifa. It was a bitter, miserable day for Israel when the last few drops came out of the pipe.
The draft dodging coward John Bolton also barked in Brussels last week that ” US and NATO are in Syria to bleed Russia and Iran” and that “Russian Jews in Israel can act as a 5th column in destroying Russia from the inside as US pressure builds”. The AmeriKKKans are becoming crazier by the day in uniting the world against them. Most of Trump’s base does not like Jews even in America as attacks on Jews are increasing as they are perceived as evil warmongers. Nutter Yahoo and CIA are again using Pakistan as a terror central to wage a terror war on Russia and Iran. Reports emerged on social media on Friday evening regarding the presence of a suspected Israeli PM’s VIP aircraft at Islamabad airport. The aircraft
reportedly spent 10 hours at the airport. The information was obtained by flight tracking website Flight Radar.
Israeli PM visits Oman via Pakistan to coordinate polices against Iran
Israeli VIP bizjet flew from TLV to Islamabad, #Pakistan , on the ground 10 hours, and back to TLV.
Cleared flight-plan with usual 5min groundtime trick in Amman
M-ULTI glex
— avi scharf (@avischarf) October 25, 2018
Also Bolton was in the fake artificial “state” of “Azerbaijan” this week for the same purpose. In fact this is not new, the Zionists have been using these fake artificial pseudo-states as battering rams against Iran for decades and this plan goes back as far as the 1800s. Their original master plan also included Turkey in this anti-Iran anti-Russia alliance but thankfully Erdogan seems to have wisened up to their plans for now. The Zio attempt at overthrowing him through a coup and bringing in the CIA puppet Gulenists also failed.
US is foolish to think that Iran is another Iraq. The Persians like Russians don’t cotton to threats very easily. US has created an enemy of the strongest and most resource rich power in the region. Provoking Iran and Russia will only strengthen their alliance. Azerbaijani cowards and stooges of Zionism could not deal with 3 million Armenians who still control 40% of Azeri fake territory, let alone Iran. The idiot Bolton also “warned” Armenia against sending troops to Syria to support Dr. Assad, but even Armenia gave him the finger.
I call BS on this. China is feeding Pakistan, a SCO country and importing a lot of oil from Iran.
China and Pakistan are about to complete the CPEC – China -Pakistan Economic Corridor, a 60 billion dollar economic link up between the two very friendly nations.
China has a 80% stake in Iran’s South Pars natural gas fields, which are the largest in the world.
Iran is an integral, and crucial part of China’s monumental OBR Silk Roads, according to multiple statements by Chinese Premier Xi. There is a nonstop rail link linking the two now. It takes cargo 14 days now, instead of 5 weeks by ship.
Iran is China’s gateway to the MENA region, and Central Asia. Iran is also China’s link to the vast majority of the Islamic world, who see Iran as the sole protector of honor, dignity and justice, against U.S./Israeli hegemony and belligerence.
I am doubtful that China is taking 80% stake in Iran’s South Pars natural gas fields, I think you may find that they are taking over Total’s stake in South Pars 11.
But OK, the principle is there.
That is true that Pakistan is a beggar state and China is giving it loans, but the Saudi headchoppers just gave the begging bowl failed state $6 billion just to stay afloat for a year. Pakistan has no self-respect as India is choking off its water supply. Imagine the future of over 200 million starving people. Everyone should build walls around Pakistan like India has wisely done.
“…. like India has wisely done.”
You got you knickers in a twist: the walls should have been built around India.
You are wrong about Pakistan. It is immensely benefitting, and this benefits will continue to grow, with China. China and Pakistan are very, very close. It is the belligerent, cash-strapped India that is the big loser. Trying to appease the west and Israel(international Jews). Bollywood is in love with Hollywood. Indians have no self pride nor identity, and try to be as western as possible, but they cant even fake it. A nation of 1.2 billion with nothing to show for except lousy doctors, who have inundated western hospitals systems with sub-par quality of care, and a nation of call centers, many of whom are scam call centers.
A small top tier caste, a middle class of around 300 million and 900 million living in entrenched poverty, with India having the highest suicide rate in the world.
Since 1980, China has lifted 850 million people out of poverty, built mega metropolises, and an infrastructure that’s the envy of the world. India stands to gain nothing from China’s monumental OBR Silk Roads, instead it acts like Zionist Israel. Both nations are racist societies, both India and Israel occupy other peoples land by force and violence, and both bluster and act tough, both nations act belligerently with their neighbors, but in fact are paper tigers.
China and / or Pakistan could thrash India in a future confrontation.
In a China vs India only conflict then absolutely yes; China can whip India’s butt. I’m not sure if Pakistan can beat India.
Pakistan would never betray or backstab Iran. Actually, relations between the two are at an all time high. They have high level meeting between MoD’s all the time.
Plus Pakistan knows full well Israel’s support to India’s defense industry.
The Persian Gulf has been a Persian lake for over 3,000 years and Iranians are now in a position to dominate it with a 2,200 kms of heavily fortified coast with fast attack missile boats, SAM umbrella and SSM and coastal artillery. The northern coast of Persian Gulf is ideal defensive territory with literally thousands of coves, caves, tunnels, mountains and inlets. The Iranians have used the coastal terrain for their advantage by building a formidable SSM network. I was vacationing at Kish island last year and saw these fast Zolfighar missile attack boats in full fury as six of them armed with short range indigenously produced Iranian 35 kms range Nasr cruise missiles fitted on the FACs capable
of speeds up to 70 knots armed with twin tubes for Nasr-1 cruise
missiles, as well as forward and rear mounted DShKMs put on a awesome show of power projection and hit 70 knots or more in a few minutes. They escorted and inspected oil tankers at will. The USN has sitting duck big ships operating from puppet bases in Bahrain and Dubai all withing easy Iranian range and have no chance against a determined “swarming” missile attack.US should not provoke the Iranian lion.
I was vacationing at Kish island ….. for someone to do that, is enough to make you a hero of the day.
agree million procentage, very nice comment :)))
China has a 80% stake in the Iranian South Pars natural gas fields, the largest in the world. Its going to protect that.
Chinese Premier Xi has said over and over again how Iran is a crucial and integral part of the OBR Silk Roads. Iran is essentially China’s gate to the MENA region.
It would be devastating for the U.S. if China put her economy on a war footing, but the zealots , the Zionists and Talmudic Jews who have essentially taken over the U.S. are trying to force China’s hand all over the world. The U.S. will try to subvert the OBR at every opportunity they can, and sooner or later China will have to step up to the plate.
Iran is non-attackable, because by doing so, these said Talmudic Jews would destroy their global financial monetary scheme they have cultivated for centuries. It would be the end of the Petro-dollar, and cause widespread turmoil in the MENA and Central Asia and the whole world.
This is the US method used all over the globe to plunder the world
The segment about US courts being utilised as part of their World Plunder operations is towards the end of the documentary.
All that fighting over oil, no one fights for renewable energies.
Because renewable energies still have problems. However, there’s much more to the ME than just oil.
Indeed there is, there are many more issues.
The EV1 was a notable example of a perfect good electric vehicle that should have gone into full scale production but ended up in the crusher.
john bolton is going to fail and crash and burn miserably :)))
He surely deserves to burn at the stake for Sorcery if nothing else :)
You ever notice the joo media never ever says. The US troops in Syria are there illegally. No wonder I stopped watching TV news.
I dont really watch it either. Although I do love watching trump rallies. Hes not perfect but he can be really funny.
Yea he is funny like the clown he is…
Was that a F35 in the video or was I seeing things, thought they were invisible. This BS has become a regular soap opera.
If you turn up thousands of miles away from your own coast acting all macho, then you have no right to whinge when the locals ‘harass’ you..
British media spill the beans on Zionist PM trip to Oman via Pakistan and Saudi Arabia
In a further series of tweets, Pakistani and foreign journalist reported that the Israeli PM’s VIP plane, after taking off from Tel Aviv and making a
stopover in Amman, switched over to a different air traffic control
(ATC) frequency and overflew the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The aircraft’s
track was lost over the Gulf of Oman. It later reappeared on Flight
Radar and was descending towards Islamabad using the same ATC frequency.
After descending to 20,000 feet from an altitude of 40,000 feet, the
plane disappeared from the flight tracking website again. It later
reappeared 10 hours later heading south-west from Islamabad on the same
track back to Amman and then to Tel Aviv.
M-ULTI tracked dep TLV (23Oct, 2000 UTC) , hopped Amman, got new sqwk
0757, then over Saudi arabia, and lost track Gulf of Oman (23:00)
Sqwk 0757 type: Glex XRS
— avi scharf (@avischarf) October 27, 2018
The aircraft in question was a Canadian manufactured Bombardier Global Express with the serial number 9394, reported BBC Urdu.
It was registered on February 22. 2017, in the self-governing British
territory of Isle of Man. It is registered to a company called Multibird
Overseas Ltd and used by MOSSAD and Israeli airforce for clandestine operations including murder of opponents overseas.
The jewNited $tate$ is not invited to be in Persian Gulf. Its constant threats and belligerence towards Iran and her neighbors have resulted in so much tension and undue stress, there could emanate an all out war there.
Iran has nukes also and will annihilate the US ships there if forced to do so. North Korea and Iran have a very close relationship.
Iran has no nukes never did. What do you think the nuclear agreement was all about? preventing them from getting them.
Why is SF using the MSM used word “harassing” for Iranian speed boats? This is the Persian Gulf not the Gulf of Mexico!
trying to stay in fashion? On a serious note maybe because they copy paste their articles and dont have the man power to either read them or edit them.
Iran is already hurting economically. Just wait until oil sanctions go into effect 11/5. Iran is stupid enough to start a shooting war with the US? Then they deserve what they will receive. Iran is going to launch nukes at US forces? The US nuclear response will destroy Iran. Even little spec of a country Israel can turn Iran into a cinder. The future of Iran is not bright, it looks very bad. I fear for the Iranian people and pray for them.
You Americans are just too good and unappreciated!
The Iranians kindly appreciate your “sincere” concerns but please don’t worry about us and take care of your own country, would you?
We promise we won’t mess Iran up.
He is just a recent troll on this site.
Probably does not understand the Hormuz straight.
Iran’s Ace card. :0
Sunny skies in cloud cuckoo land today huh!
Yeah, just what the Iranians need.. a Jewbot praying for them..
The Syrian government has never granted the US permission for establishing a military base on its soil.
If anything it ought to be considered another in a long series of warcrimes.
When a fully armed foreign warship sails uninvited through the waters near another nation [which it isn’t exactly on friendly terms with] I would call that nothing less than harassment, nothing less than fully intending to provoke a response.
Ok when we will see the first helicopter down?
Sales not sails !
Economic sanctions are pointless, it will only drive the up the cost of fuel for the consumer while the Iranians are likely to simply sell their oil to the Chinese or anyone else willing to pay…in a different currency.
I hate it when my oil sails get cut off! :D