Iran is preparing to release British oil tanker Stena Impero, which was seized by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) two months ago, the country’s Foreign Minister confirmed on September 8.
“We are preparing for the release of the detained British tanker and legal proceedings are nearing completion,” the Sun quoted Javad Zarif as saying.
The IRGC captured Stena Impero on July 19 in response to the seizure of Iranian supertanker Grace 1, now renamed into Adrian Darya 1, by Gibraltar authorities.
Adrian Darya 1 was released in mid-August and continued its trip to Syria. The supertanker arrived at Tartus port earlier this month. Iranian sources didn’t acknowledge the vessel’s destination. However, they confirmed that it had delivered its shipment to a “customer.”
The upcoming release of the Stena Impero will likely mark the end of the tension between Iran and the UK. Unlike the U.S, London is still committed to the nuclear deal with Tehran.
Give to the crew a letter for USA/UK/zionists………….don´t mess with Iran!!!!!
Never ever trust a moslim, certainly not Turks and Persians , but also no Saoedi. They all cheat, lie and betray. Take this story now, Iran lied about the costummer, they claim not to want a nuclear bomb but the first thing they do is enriching more and solider uranium, they claim to stand for democracy but enforce their own people ( children) to spy on their parents and force women to wear disrespectful cloths, they claim to be against terrorisme but no longer then last year, Germany, Austria, Swiss and Belgium caught terrorist with explosives bare handed and proved the received the explosives by their embassys.
You seem to know a lot about Iranians. How many have you met till now, from this nation of 75 millions to take such a conclusion? And where are your information coming from?
I know some Iranians, entire families – not just an individual, and all live in Iran. All have children. Some small, some older, but nobody was spying their parents. And women wear respectful and fancy clothes (in my opinion, someone who puts his ass out of his pants is disrespectful, not someone who covers his body). They do not mind about clothing and have plenty to choose from.
I don’t know anything about a nuclear bomb, but I’m pretty sure if they wanted it, they would have it. They are smart and educated people.
Also, I can see their government wants really bad rather to stay in the Nuclear deal than escape from it. Which tells me something.
What do you know for sure?
And they continues lie andcheat like they did with the Adrian Darya 1 and the terrorists they did send to Europe and with the App they suplied to their childeren and by enforcing women to wear degenerating veils see “ mystealthyfreedom “ . But this is off course one more tayiqqa for a brainwashed religious zombie.
“degenerative” is political correctness cult, lgbt cult, unborn baby killing cult (also called “abortion”), pedophile cult, assisted suicide cult, etc – all of these devilish cults born in the dying western civilization in the last 100 years
wearing a veil – which by the way in Iran it barely covers the hair (let’s say half of it) and never the face – is NOT degenerative
I’m not aware of any special app for children to spy their parents in Iran but I can tell you countless apps in Google Play and Apple (basically all) and devices (basically all the laptops, phones and gadgets) who can spay and indeed spy on you 24/24.
Don’t you dare to mention pedophily, in the west this is a crime and you get jailed, you muslims legalised it by marriage so old men can marry very unfullgrown, immature children, that is forced pedophily by religion In your country a+ 12% of the population is handicapt ( 9% more then in the west) because of incest, sexual abuse of children and in-family marriage= incest. But thanks to accept all the other claims i mentioned about your untrustworthy governement and nature.
I’m Orthodox Christian.
And pedophilia in west is a state business. In case you didn’t read the news.
Children are not abused in Iranian families and marriages with children, although accepted by islam, are not happening at all.
Iran has it’s own problems, is true, but others than your propaganda. Marriages between first blood cousins are considered holly, from there many degenerative problems come.
But people started already to avoid them.
Article 1041 of Iran’s Civil Code sets the marriage age at 13 for girls and 15 for boys – if they have their parents’ consent. But if families want to marry off a daughter who is 12 or younger – or a boy 14 or younger – they can ask a judge to declare them “intellectually mature” enough for marriage. According to official statistics, in 5.5 percent of Iranian marriages, the brides are under 15.
Video filmed August 26, 2019 in Iran’s Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad province shows an 11-year-old girl marrying her cousin, who is 22.
Iran is an islamic country so articles sets Sharia law. It doesn’t matter! People are not doing it! I can show you a video you getting married with your cousin too. Is that real?
No children are getting married. In fact, marriage age is too high in my opinion, somewhere on 27-28.
This discussion makes no sense I mention facts, even officiale statics , and you deny everything, not based on proof but only on your personal subjective idea and experians. Think you are no Christian just claiming to be one.
Indeed it doesn’t make sense. You just come with some MSM BS news and pretend you know what is happening in Iran. And even if your own article stated that the “wedding” was dissolved next day being considered illegal, you still claim you know what you are talking about.
If you like this topic so much, focus on Saudi Arabia or even Turkey. For good reasons, both suck and your arguments might be closer to the truth.
And please don’t question my faith. I am what I am.
Iran is not enriching anywhere near the 90% level needed for a nuke they are increasing the level just to put pressure on the Europeans to comply with their obligations under the JCPOA.
Well MISSION really ACCOMPLISHED as Iran achieved its goal of delivering 2 million barrels of oil to the rightful people. The sulking limey faggot gits can have their rusted tanker now :)
Iran is actually supposed to whip those British on the buttock before sending them back to Boris.