On April 28, Iranian state television aired video footage documenting the seizure of the Marshall Islands-flagged oil tanker Advantage Sweet.
The footage showed masked Iranian navy commandos boarding the United States-bound tanker from a helicopter on April 27 as it was sailing in the Gulf of Oman. The seizure was first announced by the U.S. Naval Forces Central Command, which demanded Iran to immediately free the tanker.
Tehran said that the tanker was seized after colliding with an Iranian fishing boat. However, reports that appeared later revealed that the tanker was captured in retaliation to the recent seizure of an Iranian oil shipment by the U.S.
Maritime security company Ambrey said that the U.S. seizure took place at least five days before Iran’s action in the Gulf of Oman. “Ambrey has assessed the seizure by the Iranian Navy to be in response to the U.S. action,” it said in an advisory to clients.
“Both tankers were Suezmax-sized. Iran has previously responded tit-for-tat following seizures of Iranian oil cargo,” the company concluded.
The sources familiar with the matter told the Reuters news agency that Washington took control of the oil shipment aboard the China-bound Marshall Islands tanker Suez Rajan after securing an earlier court order. The tanker’s last reported position was near southern Africa on April 22, ship tracking data showed.
Iran seized tankers in retaliation for western countries targeting its oil shipments on several occasions in the past. In 2019, Iran seized two British-flagged tankers shortly after the UK impounded an Iranian vessel that had stopped at Gibraltar en route to Syria. Later in 2022, Iran also took two Greek-flagged vessels in the Strait of Hormuz after Greece had allowed the U.S. to seize an oil shipment from an Iranian tanker in Greek waters.
The new seizures will further escalate tensions between the U.S. and Iran. The Persian Gulf remains one of the focal points of the years-long standoff between the two sides.
Some chimp below has gone ape. Why does Southfront tolerate this nonsense from obviously deranged clowns?
It is Ahson probably.
it’s just a lazy troll, sitting on its lazy arse, earning its nato crust by tapping a keyboard rather than doing any fighting. That’s the nature of trolls.
USA always obsessed with oil. First manipulates the media, promotes color revolutions, change of government, invasions of countries. this is in Syria “coincidentally” where the oil fields are.Now he steals oil ships without shame, he steals Russian reserves. And a pirate without scruples. Down with the dollar.
If some country could put a embargo on the blood dollar, the world terrorist yankees will starving. All there zio-yankee wars will stop. What is the free world waighting for?
US navy carriers have been chased away from the Persian Gulf, it appears that Iran can seize oil tankers in the Strait of Hormuz at will, without fear of any kind of retaliation.
Iran by international law CONTROL the straights and has the right to CLOSE the straight or seize ANY vessel whether civilian or military if they choose JUST LIKE TURKEY has CONTROL to the access of the straights bordering their country , they are the RECOGNIAZED CUSTODIANS in those areas. =Z=
Citujem: “Teherán uviedol, že tanker zadržali po zrážke s iránskou rybárskou loďou. Správy, ktoré sa objavili neskôr, však odhalili, že tanker bol zajatý ako odveta za nedávne zabavenie iránskej dodávky ropy USA.” Koniec citátu!!! Správne a mali to povedať hneď bez okolkov!!! Aký požičaj taký vráť!!! Už si darebácky štát USA nebude robiť čo sa mu zachce. Už je čas, aby aj darebácky štát USA musel tak isto dodržiavať zákon!!! Inak nech počíta z tým, že odplata príde za každým, keď darebácky štát USA urobí dáke svinstvo. Doba beztrestnosti sa končila. Svet sa mení!!!
Beautiful sighting. Free world from american terror.
“The tanker’s last reported position was near southern Africa on April 22, ship tracking data showed.”?!
Was this before or after the ship was seized?
If before, why would a “China-bound” ship, presumably sailing from Iran, be “near southern Africa”.
Also, what court issued the order mentioned? Did it actually have jurisdiction over the high seas? Or was it a US court operating on the principle that might makes right?
Very well done Iran.
“The new seizures will further escalate tensions between the U.S. and Iran.” Wrong, the seizure of Iranian ship by American terrorists is what escalated the tensions, Iran just matched them.
Iran is quite a heroic nation and their reaction is a natural response to American piracy!
But how can they do this did the us rules based order not state that only they are permitted to do this?
Iran must double down on this course of action. It is necessary to show strength in response to US/UK actions. The Atlanticist’s are fully under the foreign policy control of the US based Straussian Jew faction (disciples of Leo Strauss, who are rebranded for public cover as ‘Neo-Conservatives’) who are fixated on probing and pushing for war with Iran. Straussian’s are aggressively pursuing this course of action through provocations from following theaters: Gulf of Oman, Iraqi-Kurdistan and Azerbaijan.
Remember this…every Iranian leader to date has been installed by the U.S. bet you all still believe in the tooth fairy? Look over there it’s Elvis!
Lol… you’re so funny… Iran’s government is a 3200 year old government, don’t need me to remind you how many years is it the US exists?…. besides, the Iranians held a revolution and kicked the Americans and Brits out of their country… no one can dictate or mess up with them anymore…
Somewhere out there is a tree working hard to replace the oxygen you wasted, now go apologize to it. Wakeup idiot.
I think you are suffering from Optorecktomy.
Bravo Iran. Iran should seize all US bound tankers in surrounding waters to satisfy their demand for US compensation for damage done by sanctioned
Seems to us-Socially adept peRsons of US: hegemon, that iRan is not subteR-fuge, as the Rogue-EmpiRe, hegemon is, whose foRces in syRia, pRotected by Irans militaRy, does not diRectly confRont the new-Rome foR ‘stealing Oil from SuRia’s Oiel-wells in easteRn SyRia. May be coRRect distRibution of Oiel-funds from sales will yet occuR, oR somehow help to suppoRt the socialists of TuRkey and Iran?
If someone steals another’s Property they are entitled to Compensation it’s called Justice and Fairness.