Tatyana Moskalkova and Vladimir Putin
At a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin, Russian Ombudsman Tatyana Moskalkova said that the International Committee of the Red Cross has never informed Russia about visits to Russian prisoners, and Russian observers are not allowed to see them.
In its turn, the Russian side, respecting the Geneva Conventions, constantly grants international observers access to Ukrainian captives. Captive AFU (Armes Forces of Ukraine) fighters are interviewed in hospitals, detention centers, and colonies by both official Russian TV channels and smaller news agencies. This is a demonstration of the humane treatment of captive soldiers.
The ombudsman said that as a result of dialogue with Kyiv, it has been possible to return Russians who were in Ukraine after the start of the special operation and who, she said, were prevented from returning to their homeland. To date, as a result of the dialogue with the Ukrainian side, 45 truckers, 36 sailors, crew members of four ships, and employees of the Rosatom enterprise have been returned.
There are no reports from Ukrainian pre-trial detention facilities and camps from which one could conclude the condition for Russian prisoners of war.
International organizations turn a blind eye to this. For example, Human Rights Watch only called on Ukraine to stop publishing videos of Russian prisoners of war and violating their rights.
“We urge the Ukrainian authorities not to publish in social networks and messengers videos about captured Russian soldiers… In particular, those that show them being humiliated or intimidated. Such treatment of military personnel violates the protection of the Geneva Conventions, which are designed to ensure that servicemen are treated with dignity on all sides” – the organization said.
On the Ukrainian side, there is a big number of videos of torture of the POWs with legs shot out, eyes gouged out, and throats slit. In addition, there are stories of Russian soldiers returning from captivity about beatings and psychological abuse, as well as testimonies of civilian residents of the DPR and LPR about the tortures in secret prisons in the Mariupol airport or the Kramatorsk airfield in 2014-2015.
After the start of the military special operation in Ukraine, the Ombudsman started working with 1.4 million refugees, whose arrival on the territory of the Russian Federation generated “a huge volume of new subjects“. The ombudsman has already received over 3,000 complaints in cases related to the special operation.
All of this suggests that in the event of future exchange, Russia may receive its servicemen incapacitated and disabled, as often happened during the eight years of war, when Ukrainian side exchanged prisoners with the DPR and LPR. LINK
I’ll say it again… Why has Russia placed itself in needless jeopardy for so long after the Maidan coup in 2014?… Why didn’t it make an announcement in the Well of the UN Security Council after the overthrow of the Yanukovych government by force from the F-U.K.U.$. brigade… That it was vacating the “charter” because the UN’s host was violating every tenet of it’s obligation(s) to the organization and therefore Russia would be announcing for the protection of it’s own citizens abroad like UN Ambassador Vitaly Churkin, vacating it’s diplomatic mission and intelligence professionals inside the U.$. and U.K. and returning them to Russia, and at the same time expelling the U.$. and U.K. diplomats and intel personnel from Russia “until further notice”!?… Stupid and shameful!
International Relations are guided by diplomacy and racionalism friend. Your comment was neither diplomatic, lawful or has rational. First the UN is not the right place, also you cannot use your own argument to apply a conclussion (we known USA behaves this way, but they are the ONLY HEGEMON WORLDWIDE and also has lots ot support from proxies and satellites countries, so USA can do has it wants until the system’s change)
“we known USA behaves this way, but they are the ONLY HEGEMON WORLDWIDE and also has lots ot support from proxies and satellites countries, so USA can do has it wants until the system’s change”… So if I understand your argument. Russia is $lave to that HEGEMON and cannot extricate itself from the Club without “permission” even if it assassinates it’s own emissaries and jeopardizes the protection of it’s citizens both inside and outside the borders of it’s Country???
With all it’s resources and military sophistication why couldn’t it set up it’s own UN and as the new host invite “others” that it will be bound to the same rules as every other member within the charter?
Well said !
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Well said where u think the word slave comes come it comes from slav. As much as i like russia theyre not as sophisticated as the anglos are thats why they forever being bullied.
Fuck that edgar shill
“As much as i like russia theyre not as sophisticated as the anglos are thats why they forever being bullied. “… I’m assuming your reference has something to do with “unstable” currency management… Which the Anglo-Zioni$ta’s do indeed occupy the top of that food chain…
Here’s to Russian sophistication if it comes to that –
Sophistication in the sense of subduing your enermy without direct contact.
Ukraine right ne is like a bee hive pre occupying russia whilst uk us is sitting comfortably putting their feet up watching russians getting killed. All theyre doing is pumping fiat money into ukraine and pumping it with old skl weapons to bogg dwn the russians and cause maximum damage. Has russia achieved such feat on the west?
Whats sophisticated is getting your kins (brother) to fight u and hate u to some nxt kinda of level with tbh minimal effort. These sophication is more powerfup than certain weapons of u ask me
the reference to the origin of the word “slave” is more or less true. It comes from the Bizantine Empire and their systematic slavery of “slavs”, back then. It referers to all slavs anyway, west-slavs included, independentky of their nationality, happened 1000 years ago and has no relationship with the current Situation. For the comment “sophisticated anglos” i just have no words….
Lack of sophistication is the reason. Jus seeing hw much ukraine hates russia is a complete loss for the russians already. Close as brothet and sistet yet a complete outsider thousands of miles away can cause such a divide. Absolutely pathetic on the russians behalf. Also waiting 8 whole years untill all your supporters has been killed then decide to invade and say take up arms against the government. Has no one told putin all them has been purged years ago
Since around 2000 Russia had been developing its economy and middle class through the good business climate it had with Europe and much of the rest of the world. When hostile action from the west started ramping up around 2010-12, Russia, in order to preserve its development plans, grit its teeth and tried to humor its western “partners” at first, but as the treachery mounted, the hardliners in the Kremlin overcame the influence of the business oriented Medvedev faction and they have ascended in the Kremlin these past 5 years or so until it became crystal clear as Uke forces numbering over 100,000 assembled in the Donbass to mount a final assault on separatist forces, clearing the way for a massacre and hostile placement of force on Russia’s border in Ukraine.
It will be a generation or more before Russia ever trusts the west again or refers to them as “partners”.
Maybe there will be an anti-US revolution in Europe sooner rather than later that could speed up the reconciliation process, but I have come to doubt the intelligence of the Euros, so…
Im sorry i have to keep using the word pathetic coz theyre really pathetic. Till this day lavrov and shoigu both use the term partners. Second com on nw putin is old skl kgb they knew the us blueprint from day one, they knew what they ultimately wanted to do. Enjoying himself too much and neglecting his duties till its super late seems to be the real reason for a lack of developement
“good business climate it had with Europe and much of the rest of the world. When hostile action from the west started ramping up around 2010-12,”…???
Need this even bear repeating –
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beslan_school_siege (courtesy of Camp Bondsteel)
generally aware of the state in which Putin received the country? he prepared and raised the country, the army, the people from their knees !! should satanists?
Well, now his army is ready, although he was preparing for the 24th year. He would have another year! He understands that it will be necessary to liberate not only Ukraine, but humanity! And what have you done for mankind from Satanists? You only know how to scratch your tongue, and condemn with your brainy head?
All pro russians has given putin a blank cheaque like he can do no wrong at all, these pathetic shills are worse than enermys. Fact of the matter is putin has made numerious serious errors, and he needs to take responsibility for letting the enermy prepare for 8 whole years.
Lack of fore sight is a crime for someone leading a country. Fuck putin and his mum hes the reason why russia is still weak till this day
Putin was hardly a chess master letting West loot 300 bln € Russian assets. Lame duck.
Pro russians think hes some 5d grand chess master that can foresee the future it seems qnd can make no wrong moves. Lame duck is being polite if you ask me. This fool allowed his oligarch is make so much money that they spend more on yachts than the russian army does on naval ships. Oh guess wheres most these yacts are at yup impounded smh
I agree. Deals were made (https://theduran.com/putin-911-not-inside-job/)
in 2014 still Putin and Russia were weak at 3 st. war.and blockade from the west, not now! It is true that in 2014 it would be an easy fight to defend the Ukrainian Constitution against the coup, but a difficult fight against sanctions that Russia would not have managed then.
and you don’t know why Churkin was killed?
Back in 2014 it just wasn’t the right time to retaliate.
The 8 years were spent on carefully preparations and planning.
And I suspect if not for imminent threat of ufa planned offensive on Donbas, ukraine’s inclusion to NATO, etc, good old Putin would’ve waited a couple more years just to be 100% positive it can take down the hegemon that enslaves us all.
Turns out they were prepared already, who would think the tiger was on the wallpaper all this time.
They cut their chains and ball and enjoy a good fresh gasp of free air, many more nations are doing the same.
It will be hard times for a while but the child has the naked king pointed at and the world seen it already.
And by world I mean outside NATO or the anglosphere.
you’re right, that’s my opinion
The headline is that the ICRC has had no access which would be a serious violation but there is no right of access to them by the Russian side and the ICRC is not allowed by treaty to report back any violations by the captors so which is it?
No ICRC access? or no info from ICRC? They should at least report a list of who is a POW.
Red Cross Nazis should persecute all the western lgbts terrorists who destroyed and kill milions in Iraque, Syria, Lybia, Yemem and so on……SO F THEM !!!! bunch of lgbt NAZIS !!!
Wasn’t the Red Cross bought by Rothschild? Most donations don’t even go to the country, it does Zionist pockets
Please Russia, set up non corrupt alternatives.
President Putin stated the other day that he would agree to the CIS members becoming Peace Keepers in the Ukraine.
A replacement for the UN in much of the world is now in the making.
Slave Rossiya.
Pathetic russian leadership. Wtf is gna pay for the guy who got his eyes gauged out or those shot in the head and legs. Whilst ukraine prisoners be fed and clothed.
Poor russian soldiers being treated way worst than the enermy.
Pathetic leadership. Fuck armchair warrior shoigu too hes unworthy
The heinous crimes that NATO regimes have committed globally would be returned back to them with a greater surprise.
Headline incorrect,misleading. The actual translation is that red cross has NOT made applications to check uaf prisoners,russians are pointing this fact out.Red cross is still pissed that they arent allowed to do their money drug laundry child trafficking offices in russia so they refuse to ask to see prisoners.
Why are you spreading conspiracy theories?
why is nazi idiot like you at SF
Stalin saw Red Army POWs pure traitors. Putin is compared to Stalin almost a whining pussy.
Oregon nazi hillbilly lives in worst shithole on earth
ON a good day NAZIS are racists. On a bad day they are death squads. Never forget.
The Red Cross is just another organisation controlled by the west.
HRW=CIA….uncivilized amerikans same as their okie vassals