Intelligence Services Ranking From World Of Fairy Tales

Intelligence Services Ranking From World Of Fairy Tales

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Bulgarian journalist Christo Grozev, part of the Bellingcat “investigative website” gave an interview to Ukrainian outlet Liga.

He spoke of the world’s 5 intelligence agencies, and he gave his subjective and quite absurd opinion.

He also mentioned that “WagnerGate” is being investigated by Bellingcat and it would be coming “soon”.

He didn’t give a top 5, but rather a top 7, who knows why.

Grozev’s list looks like this:

  1. Israel
  2. China
  3. Netherlands
  4. United Kingdom
  5. USA
  6. Ukraine
  7. Russia
Intelligence Services Ranking From World Of Fairy Tales

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It should be recalled that Hristo Grozev played one of the main roles in the investigation into the poisoning of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny.

It is interesting that Ukraine didn’t make it into the top 5, but still came up before Russia.

Liga’s report, based on the interview is extremely dramatic, and quite absurd.

According to it, and Grozev’s claims, this is a battle for democracy.

As per the report, in this unequal battle, democracy is trying to defend its right to exist in the new world, where Russia’s intelligence services, under Vladimir Putin’s command, are hunting down his political opponents around the world. Any critic of the Russian president can be killed. Journalists are no exception.

According to Hristo Grozev, special operations of the Ukrainian special services brought them to the TOP of the world. Especially thanks to the operation against the mythical Wagner PMC.

Russia, according to the investigator, is only 7th. What does the front line of the war against Russia’s secret services look like?

All the Kremlin’s special services are involved in the fierce and secret war, from the FSB to the GRU. They probably listed the FSB and GRU, since they’re most frequently in MSM and didn’t know any others.

“The tools of the Russians are extremely wide: killers use military poison (Salisbury), kill political opponents with a pistol (Berlin), shoot journalists on the sidelines (Africa).”

The “former terrorist” shot in Berlin, who is here called a “political opponent” of Russian President Vladimir Putin is noteworthy. As Zelimkhan Khangoshvili is a known terrorist, who has admitted to carrying out various attacks.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has made the secret services a conveyor belt for political assassinations, says Hristo Grozev.

“And the influential Bellingcat has been following in the footsteps of the killers for years. What is the future fate of the discovered killers (some of them are sent to Siberia, says Grozev)? How did the special operation against Wagner’s APC bring the Ukrainian special services to the TOP and who takes other places? And more.”

Here are several quotes from Christo Grozev, which show the delusion in which Bellingcat and Ukraine live in:

“Studying Russian intelligence officers, we feel that we sometimes know them even better than their wives.”

“I don’t think it can happen twice in my life. I am afraid that I will never experience something so incredible and shocking as then …”

Grozev replying to Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova:

“Start by admitting that you killed Khangoshvili to compare yourself and your actions with the United States and the assassination of bin Laden.”

“Recently we looked at the broken mail of one FSB general. He sends a subordinate a link to an article about the new PMC and writes …”

Liga requires payment for any more content, and as such some of the quotes are unfinished, since this is “exclusive content”.

The entire interview, and the list, show pure ignorance.

Intelligence services from Iran and Germany are entirely absent, the Netherlands’s capabilities are misrepresented – there is no doubt that the Dutch intelligence is incredibly capable, but its intelligence is mostly narrowly-tasked with protecting interests of the financial elites. Finally, one shouldn’t even mention that Ukraine’s capability has been misrepresented grossly.


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AM Hants

Do you remember the Belingcat Evidence they used in MH17?

The Mulberry Bush, that never flowers in July, but, featured heavily in the Belingcat video that supported the BUK fairy tale. The bush filmed in July, was in full flower, which was an impossibility.


That’s main problem with all staged videos; tiny details that skip attention….

AM Hants

That is the beauty of arrogance, videos and the alert viewer.

Hind Abyad

In 2011 i was on twitter Brown Moses spoke to him a couple of times, he gave his twitter account to Elliot Higgins, history changed on Wikipedia Google etc… many accounts denouncing Higgins were banned from Twitter

Bruno Giordano

LOL. The “mulberry” bush that never flowers in July. That’s correct hants, it does not flower in July. Nor does the elderberry bush. But you know what the problem is, hants? There is no flowering bush, mulbery, elderberry, whateverberry, in that video. Just overexposed leaves which your “mh17 inquiry” charlatans mistook for flowers. The other problem, hants, is that the truck was stolen a week earlier, not in June, or whenever your bushes flower. And then there is that detail of the fuel prices at the gas station. Prices of July 17th, hants. Yeah… those tiny details. But keep trying!

AM Hants

Ooooops, silly me, muddling the mulberry bush with the elderberry bush, used in the video on 17 July 2014.

The Elderberry Bush – MH17 -17 July 2014 and why does Belingcat come to mind?

Bruno Giordano

I don’t know why “belingcat” comes to your mind. It doesn’t to mine. But I do know that these “mh17 inquiry” charlatans see flowers in blurry images of bushes when there aren’t any. Just overexposed leaves that these charlatans call “flowers”. The other problem, hants, is that the truck was stolen a week earlier, not in June, or whenever your bushes flower. And the fuel prices at the gas station are from around July 17th, hants. Never heared of these fantasists again, have we.

AM Hants


Sorry, Bell End Cat, always sends me to sleep.

Ralph London

AM, it’s bellendCRAP.

AM Hants

That sounds better and so true.

Ralph London

AM, see this site unNWO . Org

You don’t have to go there, just put it (without the spaces) into duckduckgo & read the summary.

AM Hants

Cheers Ralph, and thanks for the link. Looks interesting.

Ralph London

This is what bupa says: ‘we do not cover for complications arising from vaccinations including
the Covid-19 vaccination. This is because vaccinations are a general
exclusion and we do not pay for any treatment costs related to
complications caused by a disease, illness, injury or treatment that is
excluded from cover.’

AM Hants

Upto speed with it all, it seems?

Ralph London

saga travel now says: ‘all guests must be fully vaccinated’, so, like me, you will be telling them where they can shove that, right AM? Even if they reverse that, I will NEVER be their customer.

AM Hants

Do believe we have entered hysteria mode, owing to the fact so many are waking up to realising all is not what it seems.

Looking forward to the lawyers being kept busy. Thankfully, do not use Saga Travel, although did find myself chuckling with regards Cyprus. Who wanted vaccination for tourists and the thought of Saga taking over the Ayia Napa nightclubs, for the over 80s.

Just read the open letter from the doctors and scientists to the European Medicines Agency. I wonder why so many have no knowledge of the Nuremberg Codes and the fact that the vaccine is still an experiment.

Uregent Open Letter From Doctors and Scientists to the European Medicines Agency Regarding Covid 19

Ralph London

Nice letter, AM. Obviously the ema didn’t reply, because they are possibly too busy sh**ing themselves, as, of course, they were heavily pressurised to approve the satanic experimental poisons.

AM Hants

Must admit, it is seriously doing my head in, owing to mass stupidity and no questions asked. I was chatting to somebody yesterday about it and why I did not wish to have the V and laughingly said I did not wish to turn into a lizard, overnight. Then said, it was basically because they cannot have an open discussion, with both sides of the argument, pros and negatives being discussed and worked on. Now Boris is going to give us our Easter Treat on Monday, when there is no Parliament, owing to yet more holiday time. The start of the vaccination passports. Guess, for somebody so clued up on history, he missed the Nuremberg Lectures.

Ralph London

On the tesco site today, they have 5 persons, ALL non-white. All part of the deliberate K plan, from the likes of blinken, ze, etc, aided and abetted by patel, bojo etc.

AM Hants

This might make you chuckle. Know I found it amusing.

Gym Declines Vaxxed Clients Due To Insurance Liability! Life Insurance Not Paying Out For Anyone Taking The Experimental Covid 19 Lethal Injection That Has Not Yet Been Approved By The FDA! Quarantime Time Reduced For NHL Players But Not For Serfs! Must See!…

Ralph London

bojo said: ‘…the VIRUS has to be stored at -70C…’ at 39 secs in the video.

AM Hants

Wish they would store Bojo under the same conditions.

Ralph London

& hancock.

AM Hants

Gove as well and remember the other ‘Tim but Dim’, who was Defence Secretary, but, now dealing with Education. Politicians and kiddies and that is before you get to the Catholic Priests. Do believe it was Gavin Williamson. Personally, I would put the lot of them in the gallows and sit back watching the show, with my knitting needles out.

Have you seen old ‘Heir to Blair’ Cameron, is having a bad time? What is it with politicians lobbying for their oligarch mates and expecting the dimwitted tax payer to pay for it all, without complaint?

ironic that once upon a time, I always used to vote Conservative and then along came 2014 and I woke up. Would never vote for Labour, Lib Dem or the Greens. Think I might go for the Reclaim Party next time.

Ralph London

caMORON? What did you expect from him, AM? gove could be Noddy without the innocence. You could always try the Spoilt Paper Party.

AM Hants

What is lost in translation and media gossip, is the fact that Boris, Gove, Cameron and Osborne were all in the same club at Oxford. Those Bullingdon Boys, could never behave themselves. So is there good mate Nat Rothschild, also one of the gang and his mates pulling their strings or something or somebody far worse?

Why is Gove so happy to keep $oro$ sweet?

Boris – Telegraph Journalist
Gove – Times Journalist
Osborne – Editor of the Evening Standard, owned by a Russian in exile. Was the owner of the Independent and The Standard one of the oligarchs that President Putin kindly asked to leave?
Cameron – Heir To Blair.

David Bell, brother of Timothy Bell, who founded Bell Pottinger and was paid over $500 million to spin the Iraq War, is head of the UK Media Standards and also founded Common Purpose, as well as running Cambridge University Media. Now why would he have so much power over his Common Purpose political members, which includes Boris, Cameron, Blair, May, Brown, Gove and Osborne? Why are their so many Big Tech elite, acting as special advisers to UK politicians? what is in it for them, besides being given all data, including DNA and medical history of every single UK resident? Now what could they do with all that?

By the way, have you been over to Stalker Zone lately? Just read an article saying that the 77th Squadron and friends have lost interest in Russian Media Disinformation. Cannot say I have noticed.

Ralph London

rothschild – & the prince of darkness meddlesome, all linked to Israel too, not to mention PNAC in the usa, with the other jew perle, also called POD, who was on the board of Hollinger International which owned The Telegraph and The Spectator. BTW, the Express is owned by Mirror Group.

AM Hants

I am so out of it with UK Media, and had no idea the Express had been sold to The Mirror Group. However, laughing. Piers Morgan, was the Editor of the Mirror and then you had Alistair Campbell, Blair’s spin doctor, who worked closely with the Prince of Darkness. Not forgetting old Maxwell, who taught Campbell to pass on to his good mate Gordon, how to pilfer a private pension.

Just flicking through the Daily Demon and have you seen that MI5 is happily raising the transgender flag on the building. The Pentagon is recruiting amongst the gender neutrals, offering free alignment, to gender of choice, prior to graduating. There again, who do MI5 work for and it is not the people of the UK.

Cambridge Spy Circle seemed to have recruited well, on behalf of the Bolsheviks.

Ralph London

Small corrections: they said mi6. Mirror Group now called (daft) Reach plc. Express bought in Feb 2018.

AM Hants

I always get my 5s and 6s muddled, oooops.

Ralph London

Wait till you get to sixes and sevens, AM.

AM Hants

Already having problems with the 7s. Aren’t they some arrogant brigade of trolls, that don’t like Russia?

AM Hants

I used to adore Noddy, when he was singing in Slade. The friend of Big Ears, was also quite cute, will they took Enid to the Dark Side.

Gove actually reminds me of Chuckie, for some reason.

Chuckie Boy Gove

Ralph London

Ugh!!! Do you have to spoil my Sunday AM?

AM Hants

Well it is Easter and if I can not ruin Easter Sunday, then what is the point of positivity?

Ralph London

Positivity, or diversity, or perversity? That’s satan’s job, with his dumbs**t helpers.

AM Hants

Not giving up positivity. Satan or no Satan – seriously needed in the 21st Century.

Bruno Giordano

“Bell And Cat”? One of Hantzzzzzzzzzzzzzz’ many obsessionzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Hind Abyad

Brown Moses gave him his twitter account… loosing time trolling again

Bruno Giordano

What’s your point?

Hind Abyad
Bruno Giordano

So your point is that he correctly identified this as a fake image? Indeed an amateuristic fabrication, also debunked numerous times by others. Any other point?

Bruno Giordano

Yes what? Yes he was right, that is a fake image? Yes you wanted to protest against accounts being banned from Twitter? Yes you have other points?

Hind Abyad

Look again
‘Brown Moses 1,43 k abonnés’

Hind Abyad

Dure de comprenure?

Bruno Giordano

Sure, très dur de comprenure, lol. First it took a while before I understood that you posted an example from twitter, in which the point was that Bellingcat correctly debunked a fake satellite image and got a very offensive and rude response from someone, who was later banned from twitter. Now you posted some other stuff for which I have again no idea what your point is.

Hind Abyad

Higgins propaganda

‘The Syria Solidarity Movement was established in 2013 to facilitate a North American speaking tour for Mother Agnes, as per its website Mother Agnes is a pro-Assad nun who argued that the hundreds of victims of a 2013 Ghouta Sarin attack were planted by anti-government insurgents, not killed by the state.’

She was vilified dragged in the mud by Israeli regime American fascists AIPAC.

In 2013 Mother Agnes was in her Convent in Cara (Homs), while Higgins was unemployed in 2012 watching TV movies. She
witnessed first atrocities attacks by (Moslem brotherhood) on Christians, Hideous cat supported.
The Convent gardener’s son, a child was kidnapped, and desperate civilians found refuge in the Convent. She got a call from Lebanon Patriarch advising her to flee terrorists will attempt on her life.

Bruno Giordano

Hey! That’s funny, this discussion has been altered. I see one of your comments has been deleted and in others have been edited; from one the image has disappeared. ???

Hind Abyad

Couldn’t upload, couldn’t send.

Bruno Giordano

What has that got to do with deleted and edited comments?

Hind Abyad

What do you want??

Bruno Giordano

An explanation

Hind Abyad

Tech problems

Hind Abyad

You call this a discussion?

Bruno Giordano

What is it according to you?

Bruno Giordano

Btw, he is not banned, so no idea what you mean.

Hind Abyad

You have reading problems? Brown Moses not banned his critics banned.

Bruno Giordano

I see. “Their” refers to “FromuBizness”. So that are more persons? Confusing, hind. Maybe you can cite what “they” said in “their” comment?

Hind Abyad

Stay confused.

Bruno Giordano


Hind Abyad

‘Brown Moses 1,43 k abonnés’ title – عدرا احد الصواريخ الكيماوية التي تم استهداف عدرا بتاريخ5 8 2013

Original publishing date – August 22th 2013
Original description – عدرا: احد الصواريخ الكيماوية التيم استهداف عدرا بها من قبل

Hind Abyad

Interview with Seymour Hersh.
We see White Helmets… Ghouta gassed pr-school children, kidnapped Aug. 6-2013, from Latakia Assad families.No mourning parents Aug. 24 2013.

AM Hants

Nice one. I like Seymour Hersh and must refresh myself, with regards going back and checking out ‘Redline to Ratline – Benghazi’. Nice to catch up with archived articles/books.

Black Waters

If that list was true, the coup of Nalvany would have been successful… but it didn’t, basically showing us that the list is completely invalidated. We have seen how a “successful” coup for the U.S looks like, clearly Ukraine wasn’t perfect, actually to this day the U.S faces constant resistance in Ukraine, but clearly in many aspects not militarily like in donbass, simply people in ukraine are pretty aware (but living under hostage), that’s why the U.S it’s targetting the youngster and the ignorants with fascistic methods.

Like i said, Russia showed that the modern U.S coup card can’t be played in Russia like they used to do globally with minor countries, showing that psychologically russians are pretty aware of the U.S cabal intentions.

Grozev’s looks like a bad actor… and a very bad one, poor performance narrative and bad use of misinformation.


“Russia showed that the modern U.S coup card can’t be played in Russia like they used to do globally”
Unlike in Ukraine, Russia has played relatively well their cards in US “color revolution” game in Russia.
Russia had plenty of time to prepare, since the 1st. “color revolution” 20 years ago.
Lessons have been learned and since US scenario was always very predictable the response was effective.


Same ol’ same ol’ !
Peddling tirelessly always the same propaganda, as long as anybody is willing to listen or read.
Assad is total opposite of everything their “moderate rebels” are.
Their ploy to use Al-Qaeda and ISIS for their objectives, is by now, known to every human being. At least to those who care to know the truth .

johnny rotten

Another one of the SOHR scum, they sit in the office getting fat, posting the bullshit of the reports, they invented the circular truth, the services rely on them while it is the services that give them the material to publish, the media cite both as proofs of truth and they cite the media as proofs of their truths, at the end of the tour it’s just bullshit with three fake stamps, and the material is rubbish invented without even great inventiveness.

AM Hants

SOHR – who did a Google software course and then the Syrian, who has not been in Syria since the previous century, sets up an intelligence disinformation agency. However, Atlantic Council and friends love him.

Belingcat – Lingerie salesman, ex-housing association officer for refugee families, takes a Google Software Course and all of a sudden he is investigative journalist of the year, using zero fact based, substantiative evidence. However, Atlantic Council and friends love him.

Ashok Varma

Quite a subjective ranking by a website known to push NATO disinformation. The Zionist Mossad for example is only known for killing unarmed Palestinians, Ukraine is a corrupt drug trafficking and weapons peddling centre, the CIA can without doubt be classified as a terrorist organisation. The Dutch secret service is an obscure NATO bureaucracy, the German BND would rank much higher. Interestingly, Indian RAW, Pakistani ISI or Iranian VEVAK are nowhere on the list.


Frankly, Bellingcat lacks intelligence.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Have to hand it to him, he has put two agencies he would like to take payment from top… LinkedIn.

Paperback writer.

AM Hants

Who funds Belingcat?
Who funds Integrity Initiative?
Who funds Statecraft?
Who funds Open Information Partnership?
Who funds The White Helmets?
Who funds 77th Squadron?

What were they all set up for?
Why are they linked to NATO’s Admin. ‘Think Tank’ the Atlantic Council?
Why ware they so obsessed with demonising Russia?

Why has over 80% of US intelligence been handed over to the private sector?
Who makes serious money, once they get on the MIC/Defence/Intelligence Gravy Trains?

Three Corporations Rule The World.

The City of London – controls economy
Washington DC – District of Columbia. – controls military
The Vatican. – controls spiritual needs

So many questions and they all link into the same answers.

chris chuba

If the main criteria is ranking Intel agencies on their ability to lie to their own public to make them feel better, to produce misinfotainment then the list is actually quite accurate. But then you should remove China and Russia from that list altogether.

The ability to stir up trouble in other countries … the U.S. would definitely merit a higher ranking, China scrubbled.

The ability to collect useful information from other countries, China, Russia, and remove everyone else.