Indonesia Seizes Iranian, Panamanian Oil Tankers Allegedly Involved In Fuel Trade With Venezuela (Videos)

Indonesia Seizes Iranian, Panamanian Oil Tankers Allegedly Involved In Fuel Trade With Venezuela (Videos)

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Indonesia announced that its forces have seized two oil tankers, one Iranian and one Panamanian, which were allegedly involved in an illegal transferring of oil in its waters.

On January 24, the Indonesian Maritime Security Agency said that the Iranian-flagged MT Horse and the Panamanian-flagged MT Frea were seized in waters off Indonesia’s West Kalimantan Province. The tankers were detained for committing a variety of violations, including not displaying national flags, shutting off their identification systems, anchoring illegally as well as the illegal transfer of fuel between ships, and spilling oil.

The tankers were escorted by Indonesian officials to Batam island in Riau Islands province for further investigation.

According to local media, the Iranian-flagged MT Horse was earlier involved in the Iranian-Venezuelan fuel trade in violation of the US-imposed sanactions.


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Laurent Parodi

US Sanctions are not international law.

Jens Holm

Who says


The law says,these are not UN sanctions

Jens Holm

UN sanctions are for
North Korea.
South Sudan.
Central African Republic.

A start could be to do told in those matters. A random example for what it is about by “Iran watch”:

Over 200 firms and individuals linked to Iran’s military and missile programs, including entities connected to the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corp (IRGC), are listed by the EU and subject to financial restrictions and travel prohibitions (in the case of individuals). A smaller number – less than 100 – remain designated by the United Nations.

You write 100% unverified lies about it and yes USA has some extras.

I have been for them since Iran threw ballistic on danes invited by Bagdad as Nato to learn Iraqies to fight better and assist against ISIS too.

He we even here, there is no ISIS ledt as well as USA support ISIS.

You support a horrible and are like grass, we have to cut now and then.


It’s in the words, if you read carefully. “International” law means law that is agreed between all nations.

The USA is not all nations. It is just one very greedy, arrogant nation.

Jens Holm

I hope You soon will have not censured internet.

UN sanctions

North Korea.
South Sudan.
Central African Republic.

So I easy find 100 sanctions by Iran and USA is just “more” with a few others. Fx by “Iram watch”.

Over 200 firms and individuals linked to Iran’s military and missile programs, including entities connected to the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corp (IRGC), are listed by the EU and subject to financial restrictions and travel prohibitions (in the case of individuals). A smaller number – less than 100 – remain designated by the United Nations.

This is not a childcarecenter or seniles. If You are born yesterday, You are excused too. A start could be Iran changed to the better.

I would prefare this was not needed and we instead fx made a lot of windpower to help the devastating for Iranians in Iran. By that we also might get less refugees.


your daddy says.

Jens Holm

Over 200 firms and individuals linked to Iran’s military and missile programs, including entities connected to the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corp (IRGC), are listed by the EU and subject to financial restrictions and travel prohibitions (in the case of individuals). A smaller number – less than 100 – remain designated by the United Nations.

So thats what could be changed by behaving as no threat by others. We in EU are the nice ones. USA is not so nice.

Iran throwing ballistics at OUR Nato soldiers and instructers asked in by the Bagdad Goverment and hurt them for the rest of life made me into USA fan in sanction.

Our citicens are not spendables as we see they are for Iran.


In case you haven’t noticed, Iran is largely insular to sanctions. Slowly Iran is tightening the noose. Western forces will be expelled. You though as a shyster, will be disappointed.

Jens Holm

I dont care half a camel or dromedar with 3 legs or not.

I comment Iran friends everytime ignore there are 3 kinds of sanctions against Iran. There is an UN one, there is an EU and there is an USA one.

By that USA dont “force” and we are not satelites to them even USA makes pressure for it.

..Much like Iran makes ropetricks on themself for internal use as their own lives and the state doesnt matter. It prevent more children and less jobs and food is needed. Covid might help too. Hip Hip for China. They also print Your money.


man you and your fuckin jive talk……you’re so fawkin out there beyond the deep end. I feel sorry for your family if you got one.


Iran will respond to this by impounding oil bound for Indonesia if this vessel is not released soon. These Indonesian monkeys can’t possibly be doing the US’s bidding. It will end very badly for them.

Jens Holm

There we go again.

They already know. So many dont like Iran, Syria by Assad and Hesbollah. You should wonder why and learn. Learning about the rest of us seemes not to be allowed. The propaganda of Yours never show.


shut up foo……go make aliyah in your heenb brew land.


Frankly, these retards come here for attention, deprive them and they are gone.


Just downvote and don’t acknowledge the desperate idiots.

Jens Holm

I see Your big mouth cover Your brain, if there is any brain.

Ishyrion Av

So many doesn’t like you and you still didn’t learn why. Maybe they are right, maybe they aren’t. Who knows?


He’s a colored shyster living in the EU. Just rubbish outta his mouth.

Arch Bungle

I blocked that idiot a long time ago.
Saves a lot of time, believe me.


Jens is a moron but the HiaNd is a total retard.

Arch Bungle

I blocked the whole list of dipshits:


Spent a whole year listening to these clowns and they’re all a waste of time.


He is totally insecure and wants to be Russian. Lol


I might be many things but I am not RACIST PIG like you for sure!

Arch Bungle

That’s truly sad. Putin said: ” Russia is for Russians only”


Oh cmon, not on top 3 stage? :'(

Just Me

Even for a fruit loop you are ranked low mate.


I’m honestly crying. Eveeybody here is winning prizes and nobody sucks my peepee. Btw, would you suck it if I was dying?


You have to try harder. Titles 1 through 3 really earn their status. It’s your own fault.


That guy Hiend is a fraud, he’s prorussia, diesn’t deserve his place.


I’d say you and him somehow cancel eachother out, don’t you think? But unlike you, he’s always angry. Rourrrgh and not funny.

Is the bar still closed? I wanted to say don’t worry as you have a special and fuzzy place in my heart, but since there’s no booze or anything to snort there, I doubt if you like it but it’s yours if you want it!


I will drink one for you. Yes they are closed, there are open spaces up to 22. But I got used drinking at home. Cheers.


Ow, $#it!
Is there anyone to tell you when you had enough?


Never happened in my life. They just live :)


It’s so good when nobody gives a rat’s arse to what one is doing in the house… [sigh]


He’s an Israeli…….you should know.


He’s not.


Garga, he’s obsessed with the ME……..what does that tell you? kheli dewoneh to the point of no return. inha moderjenda can worry about 10 other things but he worry to death about Iran……lol. He gotta comment on Iran no matter what.


He’s obsessed with Russia and Putin, doesn’t talk much about Iran.

Why am I telling you this? Read a few of his comments, will you?

As far as I know, there’s only one Israeli on this site. A few pretend to be, but can’t speak Hebrew.


Thanks !!!
It is really pleasure not to be appreciated by you!!


I’m not sure about Jens, now when I know you being
I D I O T and RACIST PIG on top


Thanks for the compliment racist PIG ;).

Laurent Parodi



I have blocked him. Thanks.Now a lot of intelligent comments as the trash is gone.


“I have blocked him. Thanks
ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha, hha,ha,ha,vha,ha,ha,

Just Me

True. No one likes the imbeciles.

Jens Holm

I take Your blocking as a plus. I dont write for You. You not even try to debate. You just write what You find in Your self created deep dark under Your bed blanket.

Debate is learning from each other and in institutions such as parlaments. You represent HARAM parlamentarisme. You represent COMMUNIST parlamentarisme in its worst.

There is no parle there. Somebody else already has decided everything for You from before You were born.

You are like debating with my TV. You are raised to debate with Your TV only and by that kept by Yourself and Your great Leaders as spendable sheep.

Im from a world, You should join or at least take good parts from. You deny being raised not to and believe thinsg even I give links by text maps and like that. Ypu not even believe, whats going on next dooe, even You see it Yourself. The truth is by Sana and KGB-TV like pollutnik.

So I tell others readers as person living in west how we do things here and how things mainly are better and things here and there is much worse.


You not even try to find all the things You can see as public decidings by the internet from mine and other govermenets. You deny the same information and much more is kept in the dark, even You can get it in fx Denmark for free in Our public libraries.

Im so sorry many danish publications mainly aqre in danish and we dont use Ypour simplified languages as well. But we for many years has had translaters such as google and Bing. You even get get it by sound, if You are blind.

But no, You aree less clever then the Emus and dont know Emus as well. They might no see much, when they take thior heads and little brains to the groun – BUT THEY LISTEN.

So I write for the ones lestening here. At least some read and learn. I read and learn and grow.

Here You are just as a horn on a car used for no reason by children because they are raised to it by devastaing non devellopment used as spendables.

chris chuba

The U.S. has coerced its vassal states into attacking Iranian, Venezuelan, and Syrian commercial shipping. This is illegal and why our country is losing credibility and influence. Trump was just a symptom of a longer term decline.

Jens Holm

Thats partly correct, but we are not vassals but Western Economies as well as many of us are Nato, EU as well.

I will remind You that we mainly are betwen the mad feudals and the just as mad socilists, which are not socialists at all.

That dont say we are vassals. It says USA is an usefull partner and Venezuela no matter what wil not be the next decades no matter whicj´k kind of criminals are running it.

Well, thats my oppinion about it. Do You think we really support the Fox/Trump USA???


Shove your opinion where the sun doesn’t shine.

Jens Holm

I do. Many places in ME and Russia is very dark. Im sponsored by Allah and Jesus Christ.

I pay CIA to row my golden bathtub for me too:)

We soon will send You this cow to inspire Syrians to unite themself. If they devellop well and improve livingstandards and getys used to it, we will send cowws with 4 tits.

It can write with its tale like the Assads. Even the Jihadists are inspired by pictures. Soon Islam will only have 4 imporetnt legs instead of five.


The monkeys are quite limited as they just send some maids and domestic servants to Wahhabi Arabs and have nothing else to export.

Just Me

Indonesia has informed Iran that it is a technical issue, so let’s give everyone the benefit of the doubt. This will be resolved soon.

Fog of War

” That’s racist. don’t disrespect 250M people because of one incident ”
Which race did he disrespect, the Indonesian ?


Go travel to the far east muzlim enclaves and see for yourself the sentiment against shia islam. Have you been to these countries?


I’ve run into these malays and indonesians. Both are wahabbi types. Just be careful around them. Tens of thousands joined Daesh. You should know this.


Ok, but just be warned……the shittiest speak the loudest.

Jens Holm

You and Iran dont decide that at all. Indonesians are very good muslims being nice to nice muslims.


oh so you as a yahudi goin decide?……..GTFO here…….lol

Gene Marrill
Emad Irani

seems like Indonesia is polluting Persian Gulf… hahaha


Seems our boys were ready and expecting this to happen. Everybody is too calm! It was not our first experience with Indonesia acting on behalf of the US.

Has anybody noticed there was no oil patch around the tankers? Pollution, my foot!
Indonesia managed to anger 3 countries (Venezuela-seller, Iran-transporter, China-buyer) with one move, bravo!


Iran has a navy,so maybe its time to go hunting for Indonesian ships.


Sorry it will be a somewhat long reply, so humor me and read it all

This one is a delicate one, there’s no wonder they chose Indonesia for this. First we need to have some data on Indonesia imports and exports and trade routs. Take a look at this map:×360/smart/filters:no_upscale()/IndianOceanTrade-56a042475f9b58eba4af9165.jpg

As you can see, any shipping route between Iran and east and southeast Asia (say China) has to go through Indonesian waters. A tit for tat might be more harmful to us. This move also doubles as a warning to China. a message that it’s the US who controls the Malacca strait.

I think all 3 countries, mainly Iran and China have to put all their political weight behind this issue and bring all their sticks and carrots to solve it with Indonesian government once and for all, otherwise they’ll be thorn on the side of trade between the countries.
Based on this, I doubt if Iran gave in under pressure in regard to what South Korea owes us (they sent envoys 3 times and suddenly got quiet, apparently they are waiting to see how this situation develops).

On the other hand, Indonesia as a net crude (~%20) and petrol (~%70) and other hydrocarbons importer, imports about average 220k barrels of crude and products daily. Their main suppliers are Azerbaijan, Angola, Malaysia, Algeria and Brunei (crude) and Singapore, South Korea, Malaysia, China and India (petrol, diesel, etc.). As you can see, they are not very dependent on the Persian Gulf hydrocarbon imports.

On the other hand, their exports mainly goes to China, the US, Japan, Singapore, India, Malaysia, South Korea, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam and a small part to a dozen another countries. It is also evident their destination has nothing to do with Persian Gulf.
Surprisingly, Americans played this one good.

This one must be solved politically and China can play a big part as their biggest trade partner. Such incidents show the illiteracy of our administration in global affairs (despite their repeated claim that only they understand the language of diplomacy) which borderlines treason. Instead of developing ties with east Asian countries, the global south in general and our immediate neighbours in particular, they spend precious years waiting for a few arrogant European countries and the US to do their part, something they never intended to do from the get go. Now we have to reap what these idiots sow.

Let’s hope our people either vote more responsibly in the next elections and don’t fall for the usual lies like wall in streets or classrooms (very unlikely) or just sit in their homes and boycott voting so the people smarter than them choose a suitable and patriotic president.


Ali jun, they didn’t win anything, let alone “fair and square”.
First, they push other countries to do their dirty work. If they had what it takes, they’d do it themselves (the 4 tankers’ cargo which they “confiscated” was already sold, Iran received the money and the tankers were not sailing under Iranian flag. There is a case in American courts and the buyer -an Emirati company- demands the return of their cargo).

Second, since transfer of oil between two vessels is not illegal by any stretch of imagination, it wasn’t stolen property and there was no smuggling, they have to release them and they will. At most they can claim that ships polluted waters and provide their evidence (because there will be a case in international court) and even if the ships were really guilty of polluting the environment, a local court determines the amount of damage and a fine will be issued and paid.

If none of them works, then the US, British, Saudi, Emirati and other South Korean ships will have to pay the price for this foolish act. Indonesia might not have much vessels here to bargain with, but the ones who ordered them to do their work sure have.
South Korea illegally and against all international law and order stole our money and they have to pay it back with interest, nothing short of it will solve the issue between us. Now if they are willing to turn this simple issue into an international crisis, they are welcome to it.
My guess is our tankers will go their merry way within a week or two. Let’s wait and see if I saw this correctly.

And as you said, in the meantime we have to not only get rid of this arrogant, lazy, extremely unpopular and damaging administration, but also make sure they never be able to return to power. Even Shah in his last days were more popular than Rohani now (popularity around %4!!).

Emad Irani

One question: If Rohani has only 4% popularity why didn’t they (Leader and Parliament) remove him already?


First, the %4 came from a poll, not an election. Let’s clear this one out.

I want nothing more than not having to see or hear Rohani or any reformist, believe me and I voted twice for Khatami and in 88 for Karrubi. Yeah, I know.
Leader has the power to remove him by law, but he won’t use this power after all, Rohani was chosen by people someday and Ayatollah Khamenei won’t move against people’s vote and will.

Like it or not, reformists-moderates (eslah talaba vo daar o dasteye Rafsanjani) are a part of the government and after almost 8 years, they are everywhere and control everything like an octopus. Parliament could impeach and remove Rohani who deserves it (like Banisadr) but it’ll come at a great expense. Now that Judiciary and Parliament are at the hand of people who work for country, they prefer to contain Rohani until his term legally finishes and send them away quietly, and they are containing him.

Jens Holm

We are not pushed. We protect each other and share the expensies. It pays off.

Rials are no money unless they are recycled as toiletpaper.

Jens Holm

Are the green arrows for pinquins comming up and down, because they have no TV:)

What a strange map. Is it for tourisme by own boat or what. Its also ignored Japan and Soutkorea gets a lot of oil and fuel from the ME.

Well USA and a rpup of other nations control the Malacca strait because it was full of pirasy. Its not anymore. They didnt take in country definitions

Jens Holm

It poor crap telling less then nothing.


Indonesia (270 million population) is the biggest Sunni Muslim country in the world (more than 3 times size of Turk population).
Unfortunately they have low GDP but have young population thus big potential.

John Brown

You have to be kidding. Another totally corrupt nation like India. Very few real Muslims there mostly lying cheating and stealing.


The info on country doesn’t come from me.
I do not judge that country.
So they are not Muslims because you say so…and all 270 million are “liars”?
How nice from you

John Brown

If one doesn’t follow the Koran are they still a Muslim? I thought being a Muslim was to follow the teachings of the profit and of god and that it is a choice, one is not born a Muslim.
For example real Muslims don’t lie, is this not correct?

Like all those alcoholic homosexual sheiks in the gulf countries and Saudia Arabia. If one is an alcoholic homosexual are they still a Muslim.? Please tell me.


I am not Muslim, I do not want to judge them.
It is up to Muslims themselves.
You INSULT 270 million people calling them liars “cheating and stealing”!

teachings of the Prophet =(NOT) teachings of the profit

John Brown

Hey no judging just seeing if they follow the teachings of the Koran yes or no. If one claims to be Muslim but doesn’t follow the Koran are they Muslim? The Koran says no


OK if you consider yourself competent on the subject…
I am not competent and do not want to offend Muslims by saying something inappropriate.
I respect their religion as I expect that they respect mine.

John Brown

Since you brought it up what is your religion?


Orthodox Christian

John Brown

The Koran is very literal so as long as you can read its very easy to follow along.

I can read so I can tell if people follow the Koran or not.

John Brown

You sure seem to consider your self an expert here.

I was not aware that punctuation in the English language is defined in the Koran. Yes Allah is the Arabic word for God and God is the English word for Allah. Could you please direct me to which pages in the Koran refer to such punctuation please.


I can’t.
It is my personal experience only.
I told you I am not an expert on Islam.
Every Muslim I know (where I live) or I have met in my life, would always say; “Allah”.
But maybe you are right.


for Muslims is “Allah”

No, Arabic
speaking Jews, Muslims and Christians had no other word for
God expect “Allah”. You are much better off not commenting
on topics that you have no knowledge of.


No disrespect but we Orthodox Christians NEVER use word “Allah”


You must be a child. I said all Arabic speaking people have no
other word for God but ‘Allah” . The Rabbi who changed his
name to “Ovadia Yosef” was an Iraqi Jew by the name of
ABDULLAH YOUSOUF. The word “Allah” was part of his
first name.


Of course I can understand that in Arabic they all say the same !
I аm telling you in MY LANGUAGE not in Arabic!
In my language Muslims always say “Allah”(use Arabic word for “God”) while Christians always say “God” – never “Allah”


I do not know.
In Old Testament, Hebrews-Semites would call God “Yahweh”
These new Jews I do not know and I do not care..
If they are Hebrews they should call God the same like they did thousands years ago -“Yahweh”.


You need to find a new hobby and stay away from the discussion
forms because you are writing on issues you know nothing about.
How do you think Egyptian Copts refer to god? Allah.


It is just linguistic trick – they have lost their religious identity those Yemeni Jews (if the Yemeni Jews’re Semite-Hebrew).
I told you for Christians is NEVER “Allah” (unless they are Arab speaking)and you keep insisting on silly Arab speaking examples.
Stop being provocative because I am being decent with you.
I will not respond any more of your silly questions in that insolent tone you have.


How they say ‘god”.

Albanian zot – Basque God – Bosnian bog – Catalan Déu –
Corsican Diu – Croatian Bog – Czech Buh – Danish Gud –
Dutch God – Estonian jumal – Finnish Jumala – French Dieu –
Frisian god – Galician Deus – German Gott – Hungarian
Isten – Icelandic Guð – Irish Dia – Italian Dio – Latvian
Dievs – Lithuanian Dievas – Luxembourgish Gott – Maltese
Alla – Norwegian Gud – Polish Bóg – Portuguese Deus –
Romanian Dumnezeu – Scots Gaelic Dia – Slovak boh –
Slovenian Bog – Spanish Dios – Swedish Gud – Welsh Duw –


I can’t comprehend what your point is, what are you trying to say azzizza?
Of course that each language is saying differently.
Luxembourgish is dialect, not language really.



Arabic-speakers of all Abrahamic faiths, including
Christians and Jews, use the word “Allah” to mean
“God”. The Christian Arabs of today have no other
word for “God” than “Allah”

Jens Holm

That right.. We even has Jehovas vitnesses using “Yahweh”.

Jens Holm

And and all warn against Baal :)


Good for him (I do not see the fact that they aren’t use their original language in their Jewish prayers as something positive ….they lose their identity ).
Now what is your point exactly?!
Because you keep repeating the SaME all the time.
Using Arab word doesn’t make them to be Muslims anyhow.

Jens Holm

I agree. I just wrote about it again. Faith and believes are inside Your head and even the muslims come to heaven one by one and not die in family groups.

Insisting the Choran cant even be tranlated to other languages is same thing. You dont spread the message well and You can bias anything as You wish for and against the non readers. And thats whats done.

Demark reformed to protetantisme because not many danish understood Latin and Greek. By that people much easier could learn abot christianity but also many other things. So by that we a little by a little made schools for all for more and more things. It was very good for better farming, You v´culd read about it instead of having need for a teacher.

Jens Holm

Thats highly incorrect. They had Jehova.


It is permissible to lie to infidels…much like Jews can lie to goy. But, Christians can lie to anyone, while supporting the Church of Satan or whatever evil endeavor they feel like. As long as they take Christ as their saviour, they can do anything they want and still go to heaven. The US is supposedly a Christian country and look at the way they kill, cheat and steal. Are they a Christian country? Evangelistic Christians think so. They have prayers before CONgress, before sports games and in local gov meetings…yet they are equal to Israel as international criminals.

John Brown

Yes there are few real Christians in the USSA today. Many are what I would refer to as satanic Christians following todays fake Jews who are Satanists. The only real Jews today are the black Jews from Ethiopia.

As for Judiaism today you need to read the Talmud.

See the confession below. Remember nothing beats the voluntary confession bragging.

In haunted Salem, a Jewish church founder preaches the art of ‘Satanic’ social change
At a former funeral home in a town inextricably linked to witchcraft, secular Jew Malcolm Jarry opens a new head quarters for his Satanic Temple.

For the 49-year-old Jarry, there is not much conflict between being Jewish and a Satanist. As a matter of fact, the two identities have come to inform each other, he said.

“I see it like Buddhism,” said Jarry. “Satanism is something that can co-exist with being a Jew,” he said.

In addition to Jarry’s belief that Judaism and Satanism can co-exist, there are parallels with how Judaism and Satanism have been branded by their detractors, he said.

John Brown

This is wrong.
“Christians can lie to anyone, while supporting the Church of Satan or whatever evil endeavor they feel like. As long as they take Christ as their saviour, they can do anything they want and still go to heaven.”

You are describing Judaism. They can lie cheat and steal from the Goyim and get forgiven for it all with no repentance once per year in a ceremony they have for this.

Christians can do all these things lie cheat and steal etc., and be forgiven if they truly repent.

Saying you are sorry and doing it again does not count is not repentance, hence they will not be forgiven unless you believe one can fool god.

Repentance is required for forgiveness from god.


No, I’m describing American Zionist Evangelical Christians.

Jens Holm

Actually even the first writing downs was disputed for being different.

Its written down in the holy Choran twice where and who You can lie for and against.

You probatly never has been reading in that book. You only have the comic book version which can be sharp or the opposite.

1) Among muslims and even in marrige and
2) Its allowed to lie all You can for all non muslims like me sekular one.

And there is a 3) which You deny. If You want to take over a country the best ways is to integrate at least some of the local stuff to be succesfull.

Its like having a car in a wrong color and the engies has to be repaired now and then. But it is a good tranporter and what You can effort. As long as its like that and allowed in trafiic by rules made by the goverment its duable.

I have an old scooter which is like that. You lokm at it and it starts at once. It gardly use fuel, its ugly but for local tranportation in my town and outisde it, its perfect. None are laughing especially the ones,which would love to have it. Once one said: Its ugly. At least You could paint it less rusty. I said Im lazy and therefor dont paint and use the scooter.

So try that but be nice to Your mothes and dont use here like this:)


Indonezia is not ‘considered’ muslim country by arab muslims because they are moderate or keep older gods too, as Brazil or Mexico, they are catolics but keep pre christian gods too.


Total nonsense! Where did you come up with this nonsense?


Which part do you consider nonsense?

cechas vodobenikov

bacon too much LSD


I blocked him long ago because I realized he’s an Israeli.


Frankly, the idiot is an uneducated moron and does not know that Indonesia is CIA controlled vassal corruption state since the overthrow of Sukarno.


But YOU white RACIST pig know that brown people from India are “smelly” and “disgusting” huh?
Remember saying that? I am sure “ashok warma” remembers well !
…and so what if Indonesia is under US influence?
Many Muslims countries are under that “influence” or have traded it for Chinese “influence” (Pakistan) which is not excellent either for Muslim country.


Pakistan is a failed state. Do you know this?


Not as long as they have huge Chinese investments. They can’t fail.
If they are “failed state”, than they have stronger military than many states that are not “failed”.

Jens Holm

Its a competition. I see China is a good helper. I dont see its enough. It involves too few people as well as the rewards almost only are for the ones, which at least have a little of something.

GDP pr capita dont support You at all. 6200 for India and 5.200 or something for Pakistan is not much even You get a lot for not much money there.

Jens Holm

Most people know that. It was what they were able to in that terryfying dividing not driven by Ghandi but agressive Muslims.

I would say it would make Pakistan into 3 states, where one of them has a corner of Afghanistan too.

Today India has problems too. Hindus try to make all to hindus or muslms and others from second to third class populations even they have their own terrible rank system themself.

Some contraseption might help all there too. Its also a matter of a good life is possible for the mainparts in those countries.

For Pakistan they have more and mor problems with salty fields, so they grow less and less food. They are not orgasnized to make needed vital changes against that. And as for Ganges, they even will get less water.

Jens Holm

Dont offend pigs. They even was able to leave Middle East because they were and are exelent swimmers

For human being outside the muslim and maybee indian world pigs are number one animals. They eat everything they are served and not even makes a lot of very good meat but also leather, soap and medicine. Even their ears are exported as snacks for rich dogs.

They also clean fields perfect for all kinds of unwanted insects, worms, dead mice, onions and any kind of leaves.

True they smell, but they dont smell as much, if You didnt keep them in the most dirty parts of Your own leftovers.

And when they are cooked they has odeur in hevane or better. The same for taste.


Family photo from vacation?

Jens Holm

I dont remember. We were Young:)



Jens Holm

And the reason was the relative few chinese were communists and took over more and more.

Im sorry for those many killings and how it is, but USA and me too prefare this for Chaiman Mao, Pol Pot and Ho Che Mihn.

Kenny Jones ™

I think you’re being too harsh on them, their government is sh*t yea but the people are fine


You think?

Kenny Jones ™

A lot of Indonesians as far as I know are anti-israel


Yes, common people. There is an Islamic resurgence in the islands.


Very much so.

Jens Holm

Thats highly incorrect, but very good excuse. Its very much about how many in %.

I dont blame Syrians comming here. 90% might be a litle strange and insist in old days in Syria was as if they still are there – BUT 90 of 100 is no criminals.

Danes are 95% not criminals in exact the same way. they might have a ticked for fast driving by car or something.

But most of the last 5 % are hard danish crimals AND most of the 10% Syrian criminals are even harder and much more criminals.

And its not about Jihadists. The Jihadists here hardly do any harm. They just live very isloated from the rest of us. I have good none muslim neighbors doing that too.

Jens Holm

I hope You will get internet soon and can look up for Yourself. This is no childcare center or a dating site.

I give it a try and hope Your tail can handle to open the link. Indonesia has 229 mio muslims. India has 195 mio muslims.

Its seemes You are not able to see or understand GDPs as well a detailed and well explained maps for corruption.

Finally You have no patents for, what islam is. As for many other religions, its in well descriebed versions and often mixted into old relion there.

Most arriving muslims to Denmark never has been reading the Choran or the Haddits. Even comming from ME, they cant read and their Imams cant read and ceratinly not the old arabic language.

They know Islam as a man made cookbook for naive children made for keeping girls and female as low as they can – and remain so. Cars and dogs has more rights then them.

So we learn them to read, write and understand danish. After that they can read the choran in a modern and traditionel well translated version.

I sometimes kind of cry and laugh too. They start their prayer with a “IT WAS WRITTEN” But how do they know.

So buzz off with Your old mans patent about Islam.Maybee muslims in Syria invented Islam by the Arameans but they certainly has destroyed a lot of it.

Here in Denmark the muslim women now mainly as a minimum get rights and responsabilities as they actually are written. And Syrians as well as Paælestinians and somalis are very very much over represented in jail here for theft, internal theft and murder for honor. Well the men is. Their women are in protedted centers for voman and gils. Half of all there are muslims even muslims only are a few %.

If Indonesians and Indians are worse then those middleeasterns they would run around nakeked stealing each others clothe back:)

So You lie about that too.

Sylvain Jeuland

I think they have big potential too, +5% GDP per inhabitant per year, so doubling every 15 years.

The country is beautiful to visit and people there are very nice to meet. I have some Muslim friends there since I always travel alone. Each people is different from the other one. I had many talks about life, family, wedding, religion, politics in Indonesian language.

At school they learn national language (especially needed in Papua), English language, German language (some learn French). Their highschool Maths are harder than in France (I taught some lessons in a classroom with my math teacher friend). They have their universities in different subjects. Some friends in Makassar are commodity traders.

The language is very European (ekonomi, analisi, precisi, agrobisnis, matematika, inggris, jerman, informasi).

They are building nice colored new houses everywhere in the countryside, in cities. They are building high speed roads upon mountains to link big cities. Many people remain poor too (it’s not France where many people give almost half of their salary to poor incoming people).

Ah, government should make a law to prevent people to throw their waste on the street floor. Later, later.

To sum up, in my opinion, Indonesia is a mix of Asian, mainly Muslim and Western country. And it’s so cool to travel there alone, then having a good mie-bakso food with teh while chatting with local people.


Very nice description.


You sound cheechan. Are you?


you sound curious, are you?

John Wallace



The Indonesian Joker is a US puppet and trying to curry favour with the new Jew administration in US.


Couldnt have said it better, a nation of professional goyims trying to suck up to the big dog

Jens Holm

You certainly tell a lot about Yourself. Not all live like You.


Yeah some live in Danish ghettos, barely able to speak a word of english, and browse southfront all day spewing jewish crap.

Jens Holm

All danes speak at least some english. We all go to school at least 9 years and by that learn english. Its not difficult because we are neighbor languages.

Top 10 Countries that Speak English the Best!
South Africa.

Jens Holm

We all are puppets when we are not as You are told. Even the indonesians soon will be Jews and actually are Khazars which love svimming.

chris chuba

We bray about China controlling the South China Sea where they have never blocked any shipping while we have actually blocked international shipping in between SE Asia and the M.E. Talk about projection.


US idiots are also encouraging the corrupt regime in Jakarta to”counter ” China. The CIA coup in 1965 killed a million Chinese. Soekarno was worse than Pinochet.


Indeed they murdered hundreds of thousands o their own people supervised by the CIA,they need teaching a lesson.

Jens Holm

Yerrrh. Muslims killed up to one million chinese supported by CIA.

After that Suharto took over and was even worse.

So who has to kill all those muslims or at least a couple of muslims???

Jens Holm

As usual 25 sheep has no idea about what the South China Sea is about.

It has ZERO relations to anything with Iran, USA and UN sanctions. Most not illiterate infantiles will say, that according readings, wrtings and videos – in non cencured sountries – its mainly abiut oil and gas drilling but also about traditionel for centuries and centuries of fishing there from Vietnam, Phillipines, Taiwan and a few more.

Kenny Jones ™

Iran isn’t playing, Indonesian tanker will be seized in the Persian Gulf

Arch Bungle

Indonesia is a shit hole. Probably no tankers worth impounding.

Rhodium 10

Tankers or merchan ships

John Wallace

Indonesia produces a million barrels of oil a day as well as their own gas. No need for them to go too the Persian Gulf. Indonesia was well within its rights to seize the ships if they were illegally in its territorial waters. Indonesia has the largest Muslim population in the world


Well if they don’t go to the Persian Gulf the Persian Gulf will have to come to them.

John Wallace

They should have been doing that somewhere else quietly.


something like 700000 bd and is in the market for another 1200000 bd – from wherever.


No, Indonesia buy the gas from overseas. The crude oil from indonesia is sold to overseas and buy the refined back from overseas.

John Wallace

Thanks. I was in Indonesia nearly 40 years ago and was under the impression they refined their own through their own company. Apparently not. A bit like Venezuela then that send most of their oil , or used to , to Koch Brothers in the US to be refined and then purchased back .

Jens Holm

Its specilaized on larger facilities like many other things.


Indonesia was acting as US proxy for US geo-strategic interests in this instance. Note, Indonesian military always wants US deals despite their long term appalling human rights record – to override that sort of negative publicity you need to do occasional ‘dirty work’ favors. Now, Indonesia itself may not regularly send tankers to Gulf, but the instigator behind this episode certainly does, as do its allies – & one of the US’ junior level allies may be the ultimate recipient of Iranian repercussions.


US sanctions are illegal so those bastards can’t use sanctions as an excuse,they probably had a phone call from Reich HQ,time to take some Indonesian tankers.

Jens Holm

As a start You could read articles about it. You not even do that. Its as our Windows85 cant even open the videos too. You have heard about moving pictures with speak:(


No big deal,indonesia conforms to international standards,iran obviously cloaking,but it will be sorted out as expected,nothing to do with usa treasury,indonesia are not cia vassals!

cechas vodobenikov

Indonesia generally assumes a neutral attitude in international relations; I suspect this will be resolved without CIA sabotage


Why would those ships transfer oil in Indonesian waters when common sense and logic dictate that those functions are best operated in International waters to avoid any repercussions. If this is true then Indonesia has taken sides with the US and that is not in Indonesia’s best interest.


its obvious ain’t it?…….we know what’s going on. Iran will retaliate sooner or later.

Jens Holm

I hope so. Iranians are too many. I know its a strange kind of child contraseption, but whatever.


No you need a life. For a supposed Dane you’re fuckin obsessed with Iran? Why is that? Why don’t you tell us that you are a yahudian?

Jens Holm

According the Indonesians they take their own side by this. And I do have a theory about being in indonesian waters. The straits there are guarded by international navies.

As many others I need better verifiaction, buit I do believe in thos scenero most like is true.


you much prefer to be in lee of land to avoid risks of separation of vessels and the rupture of the pipes connecting the two vessels.



Fog of War

Whats Iran going to do now ? Impound an Indonesian tanker ?


business as usual which is drug running from there to the disunited states of A under the auspices of the same unit, the disunited states of A. smack, herbs and meth, what have you.

Rodney Loder

The South China Sea was Japanese occupied after WW2 it was thought by the Allies that Chiang Kai-shek would be China and Mao Zedong would be dead, actually Chiang died in 1975 Mao ascended into Heaven 1976, he’s one of my trusted Confidants at the moment.

Taiwan could be assaulted by China tomorrow and conquered by the weekend, it’s Friday today, anyhow the South China Sea had to be given to someone and it was decided that Chiang would be the beneficiary, “on behalf of China, not Taiwan”.

The Allies could have given it to Australia but Indonesia would have objected, we could have bribed a few Indonesian officials to pass on the objection but Menzies loved the Japs and McCarthy loved Menzies so it was decided that Chiang would be the owner of the South China Sea so as to help the pending Indonesian genocide of Communists.

Now all the Commies are gone thanks to the homosexual Sid Loder donating me Jesus Christ to maggot Jews, furthermore Indonesian officials can now be purchased for about the same amount Sid got paid for donating me, FA, – Jews never pay what they promise just ask Susan Loder she got nothing and gave everything to Jew swine and Christian Traitors.