These videos show the current situation in the area of Generalisimo Francisco de Miranda Airbase in the Venezuelan capital of Caracas. The airbase is supposedly captured by forces loyal to US-proclaimed ‘Venezuelan President’ Juan Guaido.
There have been no comprehensive photo or video evidence that Guaido forces control the airbase itself. However, they have set up positions around it.
#30Abr @leopoldolopez señaló que están en proceso de liberación de todos los presos políticos del país por orden del presidente encargado Juan Guaidó #NoticiasEnVIVO por #VIVOplay:
— VIVOplay (@vivoplaynet) 30 April 2019
#30Abr Arrojan bombas lacrimógenas al distribuidor Altamira donde se encuentra el presidente encargado @jguaido junto a militares venezolanos y sociedad civil. Conéctate #NoticiasEnVIVO por #VIVOplay:
— VIVOplay (@vivoplaynet) 30 April 2019
#30Abr @jguaido: “Hoy valientes militares empiezan a sumarse a nuestra causa, hoy empieza la fase definitiva“. Conéctate #NoticiasEnVIVO por #VIVOplay:
— VIVOplay (@vivoplaynet) 30 April 2019
DIRECTO Cada vez hay más gente y más periodistas con Guaidó y López
— EL PAÍS (@el_pais) 30 April 2019
DIRECTO Gritos de “libertad” y “no nos defrauden” de los venezolanos que empiezan a acudir al llamamiento de Guaidó. Así está ahora la situación en el puente donde se han hecho fuerte los antichavistas
— EL PAÍS (@el_pais) 30 April 2019
DIRECTO Disparos y lanzamientos de humo en La Carlota, mientras empiezan a llegar simpatizantes de Guaidó y López
— EL PAÍS (@el_pais) 30 April 2019
DIRECTO Leopoldo López habla a la prensa mientras se escuchan algunos disparos
— EL PAÍS (@el_pais) 30 April 2019
If they gain control of the air defenses the US will start bombing.
Time to bring full force versus the vermin and wipe them out!
History repeats itself. Happened in Syria 7 years ago: US-funded groups bring chaos
And why would they ever stop?
The only way this would end is if many other fund and support secessionist movements inside of the USA. Texas has elected politicians who have fought tooth and nail to secede from the USA and become the Country of Texas again.
The only way to end it is to nuke the US.
Maduro needs to crush this quickly – he doesn’t want the fate of Gaddafi
he will suffer the gadaffi-ceucescu end its just a matter of time .
If it was Castro or Chavez, they would had shown their faces there on a tank or apc, surrounded by their own supporters. Looks like big slow Maduro is pissing his pants under the bed.
White Helmets terrorist have arrived too
Now that Gweedo and his company of traitors have shown themselves taking up arms, they can be legally terminated as traitors and not hold a claim to just being political opposition; nowhere in the ‘west’ would such traitorous individuals not be subject to termination by the country’s military. The time is now to put an end to this before the mercenaries come and begin shooting people on both sides as was done in Ukraine. To not do this now is to end up in a situation similar to the coup in Ukraine followed by the country’s resources being stolen from Venezuelans, for the benefit of those running the Empire and their friends at a great cost to the future of the everyday Venezuelans.
All true, but the President seems to be missing in action, just another pussy like Assad and Yanukovych.
These Jew morons destabilize every single country in the world. What they have learned in the schools. I assure that these morons will destroy whole world if Russia and China don’t resist.
So true.
Unarmed civilians.
I hear people laughing in the background of some video
They should be worried because when military will start implementing the law people they will se what is war.. and no more laughing and death and fear will PREVAIL
If US puppet will take over the country people of Venezuela will have the same fate as other countries in which US has been involved
They should deliver an ultimatum, arrest or shoot those who occupy the airport and secure warrants for the masterminds. Area should be cordoned off from civilians. They should thoroughly comb the area for mercs, foreign equipment and past and ongoing communications
Defectors must be shot and kill because their are the door for enemy to come in and irresponsible national protector arrest all opposition leaders.Maduro if you follow slow action of Putin people will start losing safety in you.Show the aggressor that you can be more aggressive.Dont hide under the bed and piss in your under pant.Be brave join your arm forces and boost morale.Stand up for country which you rule it is your motherland dont be scared of bullets.Take on Guiado toe to toe subdue eliminate him.All the Cocaine and drugs which USA confiscated has been sold world wide to medical institutions by USA.