UPDATE: Acording to recent reports, the srike led to casualties among US forces. The strike allegedly killed a private contractor, injured 5 other contractors and injured a service member.
Several mortars hit the area of Erbil International Airport in the Kurdistan Region in northern Iraq, Kurdish Peshmerga sources reported on February 15. According to reports, the strike caused no casualties.
The total amount of mortars that hit the area is being reported between 3 and 5.
US forces have a base in the vicinity of the airport. Therefore, US forces deployed there were likely a target of the attack.
Conflict developing in (northern) Iraq:
One side: Turkey, KRG (traitor kurds), US
Other side: PMF, PKK (moderate kurds)
Iraqi gov is neutral it seems
it is highly likely Iran is doing it haha
I hope you aren’t mad and understand that your forces shouldn’t be inside Iraq, pro-resistance Turk
i am not alevi i am laz old russian Trabzon: D
İf you are Turk ı am transformer.
yeah i am turk laz :D do you know what is ?
Greek seed.
lol you know I do not live in Turkey I live in Europe so I am different Turkish than you
? yes very very ”different”.
so do you think all Turks living in Denmark who follow Turkish politicians? no i know many of them they are not interested in following but it is not all it is anyone
of course not and of course you do have right to hate erdogan,it is acceptable but you are close to the point of category who frustrates,equalizes the hate to erdogan to hate to your own country.
I support the Turkish military, but I do not support Erdogan
I do not support Turkey, which is going to war against Assad, because Erdogan supports jihadists in Syria, do you understand?
ı do but ı will support erdogans current syria policy right down to the last bullet.
Tamam everyone has their own opinions and attitudes
it’s different people
That be cypriot seed,definetaly not spartan (too bold,too quick)fk athens!
Trabzon north of Turkey
God help the Alevi minority from the neo-Ottoman regime opression
I’m genetically Syriac but I’ve been born in Europe so you can call me white lol
i disagree this just means iran doesnt appease kurdish traitors and turkish terrorism anymore but at the same time if this was iran than there would be an entire different level of damage and not just arash artillery missiles
iraq is part of ahlulbayt and its real leaders are ahlulbayt but at the same time they are not the same faction as us to put it simple they are not as united as us
hezbollah in iraq is ideologically us and so is hezbollah in lebanon but these creations of iraqis arent and i can imagine the likes of muqtaba sadr or similar people being behind many of these attacks against american targets
this is a symbol of iraqi independence seeking rather than iranian control
There are 150 Zionist Mossad and IDF agents attached to the Kurd turds and both Turkey and Iran will not stand for either dumbass Americunts or Zionist scum in Irbil. This is was warning hit and the so-called Kurdish “international airport” will be hit with loitering munitions next if all the spies and NGO don’t leave. Both the Iranians and the Turks, who cooperate very closely have had enough.
US and Zionists supporting the most extreme terrorist elements in the region to keep the conflict boiling as it suits their interests, however even nominal US “allies” like Turkey now realize that US occupation and meddling in Iraq and Syria is the real issue,
Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan says the United
States is supporting “terrorists” who, according to Ankara, have just
recently killed more than a dozen Turkish forces in northern Iraq.
Ankara said on Sunday that militants of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party
(PKK) had executed 13 captives, most of them purportedly Turkish
soldiers and police officers who had allegedly been kidnapped in
southeast Turkey and kept in an Iraqi cave. It is a well know fact that both US and Israel have been supporting and arming Kurdish elements and have advisors embedded with the PKK and other Kurdish militias in both Syria and Iraq.
The captives were reportedly killed in Iraq’s northern Gara region.
terrorists kidnapped terrorists
The Kurds are a historical nuisance in the region. In this case Erdogan is right. The PJAK is also anti-Iran and armed by Zionists.
erdogan works with the nuisance and they will fall together its well done for him to get involved this far everywhere and spread hatred against turkey in all those places where he gets involved this is basically him preparing to take down turkey once and for all
Erdogan is looking after Turkish interests. I am not opposed to him. It would be best if Iran and Turkey cooperate more in facing threats. Turkey is a big powerful state but faces challenges.
turkey will become quite small going forward and no iran will not allow terrorism be it by turks americans saudis zionists or who ever they will fall and fail in future
Iran is very weakened by sanctions and Turkey by far is the strongest power in the region Frankly. But it does face serious challenges as it is becoming a US and Zionist target as well.
weakened by sanctions you say do you think iran needs the globalists?
We live in a global interconnected world and Iran has been isolated for 40 years and its economy is in very bad shape and need s investment and technology. Anyway, time will tell. I have said enough on this situation Frankly.
not anymore you not
in a deglobalized world iran is a superpower and turkey is a failing nation state trying to sustain itself by expansion get used to it things will change
turkey is a lackey and these lackeys are faster dropped than they are build up
Turkey is no ones lackey .
turkey is everyones lackes
this doesnt give turkey a free card to bombing villages as they please
The Kurds have invited Zionists and Americans and their agenda is anti-Iraq, Turkey and Syria. However, since there are 20 million Kurds in Turkey and they are oppressed as second class citizens, the major conflict is between them and Turkey, however they do pose a threat to Iran to some degree.
what are kurds
barzanis are sellouts they kill kurds themselves all the time in fact they send children and women to fight for them these parasites and they kill the families of those who fight because they demand money
The old mullah Mustafa Barzani was a sell out and Zionist agent and the whole family is a corrupt stooge of the US and Jews.
iam not talking about the daddy he was even better even thou he was terrible disgusting
ErdoDog is a delusional clown who has shot himself in the foot a dozen times. He will do it again.
all these turkish posts are perfect targets nothing more than that and what turkey does is delusionally place targets in the regions thinking that means the revival of ottomanism in a world were ottomanism is utter backwardness
There is no Iraqi government, the PMU are the effective government. The moron puppet Kadhimi can not even go out in the “green zone”.
its not pmu but ahlulbayt assembly in iraq that governs iraq
one of theirs is more powerful and untouchable than pmu so they govern iraq in truth
Only because GWB was dum enough to oust Saddam.
GWB was an inept clown and tool of Zionists. However Biden is senile and demented stooge of the deep state.
Obama was superficially all about ‘Change’, but had no real power and served as a black token. Biden, a lifelong corrupt deep state asset is all about ‘No Change’. Back to the CIA and Pentagon mission creep. Back to keeping US forces deployed in endless wars.Under Biden, War should be open for business decade after decade.
Biden and his mostly Jew cabinet members are true warmongers. US Secretary of
State Antony Blinken, a lifelong Zionist had criticism Obama for not following up on the latter’s promise to attack Syria. At the time, Blinken had said, “Superpowers don’t bluff. US is now once again building up forces in the region for a prolonged conflict that suits the deep state and Israel’s agenda.
And just like all the other wars after WW2, it will only be a waste of time, dollars and cannon fodder.
The Jews don’t care about US taxpayers or American goyim lives, their agenda is paramount and now they have total control over US government in history https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/0ddb7f5c27a4d8a7f5d28497387c547bab3f430f08f031ece62723d6d2c053ac.jpg .
— The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion
In Russian high level politics Obama is called America’s most evil and hypocrite president they dealt with in many decades and honestly i think they are right i can still not believe that creature got the Nobel Peace Prize
Exactly, rihht on the spot. He was greatest threat to world’s peace and hypocrite, the deciever.
True. so it is time to remove Israel from the equation. US can be bled and bled until it leaves. It WILL leave when hundreds of dead US soldiers are seen on CNN and FOX
Poor man dreaming dream again
Nothing changes until the Zioterrorists and NATO and their influence are kicked out.
The 2:0 war of Iraqi liberation from Americunt occupation is just beginning. The Kurd turds were getting too big for their turbans and needed to be whacked.
This appears to be a well coordinated targeted attack at a CIA convoy heading into the airport and caused many US casualties.
US ‘outraged’ after Erbil attack kills American intelligence “contractor”, wounds others
The intelligence agent “contractor” killed and six others injured, including US service member and contractors, US sources finally acknowledged after the local media published a list of US casualties.
More videos and photos coming in. This was a major attack on a CIA convoy and many more casualties than reported.
Departure lounge at Irbil airport
Several US armored vehicles totally devastated at the airport
These are no rockets as the embedded shrapnel clearly shows and a whole building has come down.
this is mortar strike judging by the shrapnel and first impact recorded i am 99,9% sure
Yes, the first video is mortar one.
US needs to get out of the region or will face resistance from everyone.
hahahaha fat stoopid Amerikan mamtu tell lie, big boom show on Mongolian TV….many fat Amerikan kishmish….leave Iraq now……
This is a major attack and the extent of damage and casualties is far greater than US has admitted. A new Sunni Iraqi resistance group has claimed responsibility.
Frankly, even Erdogan is coming to the obvious conclusion that US is supporting a range of terrorist groups from hardcore Salafists to Kurds.
President Erdogan says US supporting terrorists in Iraq and Syria who ‘kill’ Turkish citizens
this joker erdulugul must be joking because his turkish soldiers are as much terrorists as those who are killing them
That is irrational childish nonsense Frankly. Have a good day.
so are those who bomb villages terrorists or not?
what or who gave the imbecile turks the right to bomb iraq
And who gave the US and NATO criminals the right to invade Iraq, kill millions of civilians and plunder its resources?
turkish terrorists will be bleeding big time
I hope so. Savage horde of barbars.
Update: One contractor killed, I wonder what the story gonna be…
ISIS is coming back with Biden…Turk-isis/Kurds plan….I don’t think it would be PMUs as they don’t really go to Kurds areas.
Already posted. SF needs to update, the contractor was a CIA agent and 6 servicemen critically wounded.
Any “group” said anything yet, I remember reading this on RT just sometime ago,
Also, Kurds seem to be really crying about it, it could be them or Turk-isis.
It doesn’t really matter how many of those pigs died btw…one pig die the other run to take the place…money for some is everything.
Unfortunately, the Jews have total control of US government via the deep state and will escalate the conflicts in the region and against Russia. Whoever hit the CIA convoy knew what they were doing. Most likely Zionist agents were also killed.
Half a dozen US armored vehicles were blown to bits, looks more like loitering munitions than rockets.
A Sunni, previously unheard of resistance group has apparently posted a video of the attack and claimed responsibility. US should heed their advice and get out as over two decades of a brutal occupation has brought nothing but misery for the Iraqi people.
hahahaha stoopid Amerikan tell lie, very big boom and many kishmish….death come from sky….
Interesting. Someone is going to double down naturally. By then, the players will be clearly identified.
The second video shows some big ass explosion. PMU is the onw who did this, Hezbollah also.
So no safe heaven for Americans in Iraq, as they thought that it would be northern traitors controled part. The shit that Erdogan spit is just smokescreen.
US were politely asked to f*ck off from Irak by Irak parliament so..
Violence is apparently the only language those thieves understand..
Yankee go home LoL