On April 1, a video showing a Ukrainian soldier targeting a Russian warplane, allegedly a Su-34 fighter bomber, with a US-made FIM-92 Stinger man-portable air-defense system (MANPADs) in an unspecified region of Ukraine surfaced online.
While some Ukrainian sources said that the Russian warplane was hit, others went all the way to claim that it was shot down. The video itself shows no sign of any hit.
Reportedly video of a Ukrainian soldier firing a Stinger MANPADS at a Russian aircraft. The source claims a Su-34. https://t.co/7IzwIh4LGw pic.twitter.com/OzRz44rWMZ
— Rob Lee (@RALee85) April 1, 2022
The Stinger anti-aircraft missile, which is guided by infrared homing, has a targeting range of up to 4,800 meters and can engage low altitude aerial targets at up to 3,800 meters. The missile’s short range limits its ability to engage high-speed, maneuverable aerial targets like fighter jets. The guidance system in the older versions of the missile are also vulnerable to counter measures, such as flares and laser-based infrared jamming systems.
Ukraine first received Stinger MANPADs from Latvia and Lithuania before the beginning of the Russian special military operation on February 24.
After the start of the operation, the US, Denmark, Germany, Italy and the Netherland joined in and supplied hundreds of Stinger missiles to Ukrainian government forces.
The Russian military has been working nonstop to hunt down Western weapons shipments to Ukraine, especially those that include Stinger MANPADs. Some Stinger missiles have been already captured by the Russian military as well as the armed forces of the Donetsk People’s Republic and the Luhansk People’s Republic, according to some reports.
Despite numerus claims by Ukrainian forces, there is still no evidence confirming that any Russian warplane was shot down with Stinger MANPADs.
Ok, happens.
When we get a video from today about the Orcs’s Mi-28 shot down with a MANPAD in Lugansk?
Blyatiful hit into the rear of the Havoc, the whole tail being blown off.
Lovely to watch.
Nyamaza mjinga.
LOL… You really are so russophobic and cant understand that the thing you want to see here is FAKE NEWS??? Southfront will never post nazi and western BS…
Yes southfront being kremlin propaganda will only post proputin degeneracy and pretend it is true analytical knowledge.
SF is nobody’s propaganda and has been doing excellent and factual reporting. Infact Bilderberg/Murdoch lies factory MSM and Jew media is telling absolute lies and total fabrications against Russia. SF has gained a very high level of professionalism and credibility and that makes the Anglo-Zionists and EU lapdogs very uncomfortable. They have already banned RT, Sputnik, Iranian networks, and Lebanese Al-Manar for telling the truth. The so-called west is losing the propaganda war and is getting very desperate.
So wait a minute are the west Nazis or Jews ? You are getting mixed up in your rhetoric Putinslut
Zionists are supporting Nazis globally. Do some research on Pegida and other fascist groups.
There are nazi jews.
Go no further than zelensky or soros.
Culomoisky is my favorite. With one hand he steels IMF money and with the other hands it to ukie neonazis, taking a 99.999% cut for himself.
They are fascist-capitalist feudalist paedophilic and GENOCIDAL MAGGOTS ! That’s and more satanism is ur decadent pervers\pervert west….
Fascists are one thing, capitalists are another. The closest thing to capitalism these Azov morons understand is clubbing a business owner over the head until he signs over his business to the boss, like Kolomoisky or some other lowlife, then dumping his remains into the river, thinking they did great earning a few thousand hryvnia.
Judeofascists / Zionists / Hebrewnazis
Both, darling.
The Jews are the Nazis of today.
The Jews sponsor the Nazis in Ukraine and Brasil.
You son of a dyke, you flabby mangina. You really need to be slapped hard,til the oxy milkshake flies out of your mouth.
Er….. if you can’t tell from the one sided plain old regurgitation of FSB propaganda releases. This is not a news site.
Your being brainwashed if you believe and read everything from this site. Please stop being a sheep
Rather Russian propaganda than CIA/Mi6 propaganda.
What about getting information from several reputable sources, and trying to ascertain the truth?
Which source from the Anglsophere is reputable? The US State Department media releases? CNN? WaPo? NYT? The Guardian? BBC? CBC?
Ever heard of the Trusted News Initiative? It is overt integration of Anglsophere media into a propaganda structure.
Never stop Ukroderping
I read the Limey ‘Integrity Initiative’ tweets when I want to have a good laugh.
I like the Brown Noses guy, ehr, I mean the underwear salesman Belching Cat. Sorry, I have a hard time keeping his names straight.
I’m glad you pointed this out, I was just about to apply to live in Siberia and wear a funny fur hat. Southfronts cunning ploy to show videos of tanks stomping about and things being blown up totally distracted me from the wests videos of cats meowing and women complaining that the bombs were vilating their rights to post crap on the internet. I am now totally going to put a poster in my window stating that I stand with the most cioorupt country on hte planet because they have provoked the big dude and are getting their asses kicked.
Sorces: head, voices in my. Langley et all. 2022, pag. 134.
I have never seen anything like the completely nonsensical propaganda narrative coming out of the Angloshere media and the Ukrainian puppet apparatus. It’s like the fake Panama narrative from 1989 amplified 1000 times.
I find it interesting that SF worries Ukrotards to the degree it does. The US propaganda fantasy rules the entirety of English language communication with the exception of a few minor entities like SF, and yet Banderpites and their CIA owners are absolutely rattled by it’s existence. Funny, funny stuff.
LOL, who wrote that, the Atlantic Council Facebook Fact Checkers?
Get a life, that tune died years ago.
Ok. Then why are you here ?
Southfront domain is literally registered in russia on a russian name
The thing you fail to understand is that opponents of the Great Counter-insurgency conducted by the US MIC for almost eighty years don’t have to do anything other than tell the truth in the face of relentless CIA/MI6 fantasy. The Ukro lies are pretty weak, but they know the attention span of Anglosphere Instagram slugs is short, so they can fire away with Ghost of Kiev, Snake Island,
street-fighting with Molotov cocktails, rescuing Jessica Lynch, etc.
I still laugh when I remember the US claims of a fleet of Sandinista MIGs that was literally cooked up by a CIA guy at his desk and “leaked” to reporters.
Shut ur toilet fascist-capitalist feudalist paedophilic and GENOCIDAL anglo-saxon MAGGOT !
Russkie propaganda is to Ukie propaganda what The Azov Sea is to the Atlantic Ocean.
You need to be hit
According to Disney news network.
Meanwhile you lost 8 helos 3 jets in 3 days
Even western sources now acknowledge that Ukraine has less than a dozen operable helicopters left. The failed attempt to repatriate the Azov Nazis from Azovstal proved very costly as the captured pilots explained. Now their Poltava base should be leveled by Kalibr missiles.
And 3 Ukraine heli was shot down in Mariupol…
Russia is running its military campaign against Ukraine out of Moscow, with no central war commander on the ground to call the shots, according to American officials who have studied the five-week-old war.
That centralized approach may go a long way to explain why the Russian war effort has struggled in the face of stiffer-than-expected Ukrainian resistance, the officials said.
The lack of a unifying military leader in Ukraine has meant that Russian air, ground and sea units are not in sync. Their disjointed battlefield campaigns have been plagued by poor logistics, flagging morale and between 7,000 and 15,000 military deaths, senior U.S. officials and independent analysts say.
Russia is retreating from all fronts except Donbass. Denazification and demilitarization was just for 1 April.
Not retreat regroup.
And only from Kiev.
While you hohol infrastructure and reserves are toast.
Azov battalion is less then a 1000 members.
I’d think russia should have destroyed them by now.
It would have been cheaper for Moscow to offer them all 10 million to pack up and leave.
Russia is just getting warmed up, SLAVA ROSSIYA!
IDK these Russian conscripts look pretty warmed up to me!
Isn’t war glorious! Such good time are rare to have anymore!, Well done Putin!
Their mothers must be so proud, and happy Putin have their little boys this opportunity.
Military Academy teaching to some syphilitic faggot nazi banderiputas a new lesson with LIST:
1. There were not conscripted russians, sorry for the ukrop Ze LGBTQ pussy licker idiots.
2. War is supposed to be …what ? Motha fucker punk ? Dead peoples on both sides…..
3. Ukrop have a ‘better’ number of casualties by a ratio of 3 or 4.
4. Red Army suffered the most casualties on ww2 than all other sides together ! Do you knew that cock sucker maggot ? This is telling something to your 1 neuron brainbox hollow shit ? Victory is the most important thing and you gonna feel that.
5. Do you think russians don’t have such snapshots with dead, mauled or evaporated hoholik ukrop pigs ?
So,stop, I’m wasting my time with a congenital retard wired brain nazi racist. Oh, one more I forgot: Suck dick doodoo trash.
“according to American officials who have studied the five-week-old war.”
Uh huh.
You mean the military geniuses who spent TRILLIONS of dollars and TWENTY FUCKING YEARS in Afghanistan, and couldn’t even manage an orderly withdrawal without getting thirteen people killed and obliterating an innocent family with a drone?
Those guys?
It’s truly amazing how this same gaggle of woke fuck-ups in the Pentagon have the gall to critique a five week old successful Russian military operation in Ukraine…lol
The guys who won Vietnam, the actual dollar-cost of which still cannot be accurately assessed, but the campaign literally altered the US position in the world. They were forced to implement the metro-dollar scheme as a result.
Anti infrared will solve javelin and manpads.
What Russia needs are Nuclear Anti-Bullshit Flares fired into the US Whitehouse, the UK Parliament and NATO HQ.
Oh, I nearly forgot, the BBC management buildings as well, LOL
Russia has Soviet era FOAB with 7,100 kg (15,650 lb) HE and they should be used on Kiev airport and train station, the blast radius will blow every window in maydan and get the message across. So far the velvet glove approach is not working well. Russia is fighting a existential battle against the worst Nazis, so a more robust approach is needed.
We all know Russia has conventional weapons capable to turn ukrainian cities into moon landscape in a matter of hours but that’s somehow not what Russia wants here.
I am not advocating a moonscape, but selective high value targets must be hit with high yield explosives to make a point, like the Iranians just did t to a Mossad base in Erbil and the the Zionists went quiet. One FOAB on a strategic target like an airport or railway station will put the fear of God in the Ukrainian photo-op warriors.
Again Military Academy 100% agree.
Military Academy TOTALLY agree with that. Very big mistake from Moscow. Second agree for FOAB, that’s what we can call a proper VOLUME FIRE. You’re damn right.
LOL good joke indeed
The Russian tech has pinpoint accuracy thanks to Russia’s own GPS equivalent. It shouldn’t be too hard to punch in the co-ordinates of NWO minions, along with their estates and businesses.
That would do us all a favour.
The longer Russia has, the more missiles they could make, the further down the list they could go.
Suddenly, i feel optimistic.
Wow! Target rich environment.
Training on star streak missiles is complete. I’m interested to see how they preform compared to the stinger.
They are faster, have a longer range, and use laser guidance. Should be able to hit more then just helicopters.
We should be honest without bayraktar and especially manpads, Russia would have taken much more territory in Ukraine.
Those haven’t made any difference. As you can tell, nobody was out there to take territory besides liberate Donbass and demilitarize Ukraine. Guys are checking out cities like Slavyutich and leaving. The last Ukrainian TB-2 was shot down yesterday.
I desagree, I’m neutral, what’s happening in Ukraine reminds me what’s happened in Afganistan. Soviet army was successfully but when Americans started to give manpads it was much harders for the Russians. History repeating himself today. Lot of tanks, helicopter and some planes was destroyed by theses manpads.
Mister Poutine wanted to “denazify” Ukraine to do that we have to overthrow the government. Today the government standing and Kiev standing too.
For the bayraktar since the beginning of war Russian side says all bayraktar was destroyed but they are always flying.
Sometimes we have some video of bayraktar but Turkish government ask Ukraine not to show the videos of bayraktar. The videos that we see sometimes are in fact stolen videos.
When Putin gave his speech about the Ukrainian people and Russian people being the same people, many believe that was a signal he wanted the whole country.
And in the opening phase Russian troops were dropped deep into the country, expecting to only have to hold position for a day as ground troops linked up with them.
Ground forces never made it as deep as expected bye bye paratroopers.
But who know what’s going on the Putin’s head and what information he is receiving.
What ever it is , it’s obvious he didn’t expect to lose this many troops and equipment.
Or for Russi to be turned into a pariah state like North Korea, Iran, and Syria.
Yes, Turkish drones like bayraktar are awesome, but only to second class militaries, not to Big Powers. Hope you could understand war concepts and aerial fight like air superiority. And Nope, Russia dont taked more ukraine terrotories because they dont wanted, because if they wanted trust me, will take.
Russia expected Ukrainians to surrender in few days like in Crimea. Someone from Kremlin should pay for this misscalculation
The Mongoloid Leader.
The Kiev Klown Kabal decided that the Ukrainian people would pay. The meter is running.
Difference was mostly in first week where Russia really disappointed with bad logistics and exposed rare supply columns. Bayraktars and also road ambushes made some damage there. Later on, when positions were fortified, and serious anti air defense rolled in, we saw another picture alltogether.
But main reason why Russia did not sieze more land is the fact they came in with 200k military, it’s simply not enough to occupy more land and hold it for longer. We will see in next few weeks how good and effective that strategy was.
America took Iraq with slightly more, and The same delusion the Iraqis would be friendly and welcome them as liborators.
But I saw Somwhere Russia is calling up 137,000 more conscripts, So we will see what they do with them.
300,000 soldiers should be able to occupi a fair bit of territory
Sounds more like wishful thinking on ukrop part.
Taking Kiev sounds like wishful thinking, indeed.
We will talk about that when the war is over.
The Americans were really wishing that the Russians would try to take Kiev, but they didn’t.
Hey shitforbrains, the Russians were never interested in taking Kiev. The thrust towards Kiev is what is known as a feint. The purpose being to draw troops/equipment away from other strategic objectives in the East and simultaneously rendering them static and vulnerable to air power/ missile strikes.
Worked like a charm…lol
You just can’t come up with something like this.
Brave commander of “territorial defense” busted while fucked by a tranny with big dick, all during the collapse of Azov forces.
In Odessa, the commander of the defense was caught in an orgy with a transvestite.
In the underground brothel of the Odessa region of Arcadia, Colonel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Andrey Kislovsky, a deputy of the Odessa City Council from the Trust in Affairs party, one of the leaders of the local territorial defense, was spotted.
https://t.me/intelslava/24096 where is Belgorod, in Russia?
For those IDIOTS who believe what Kremlin propaganda are telling them.
I have a message towards Russians.
Ukraine have at the moment activate 500000 soliders wich are professionally trained for over 8 years.
Plus we have 14 million men actively training at the moment and are eager to kill Russians soldiers they even try to bribe the millitary to be allowed on front lines.
Ukraine mens are willingly ready to die to liberate the entire country including Crimea from Russian Orcs.
Are you Russia ready to die for Putin??
You Russians already have 18000 dead soliders plus around 40000 injured… and you achieved nothing absolutely nothing apart from dying for Putin
How many of you are ready to die in Ukraine for Putin??
Spam in desperation.
“already have 18000 dead soldiers”..nope. exactly 6 millions de sextillions de gorillions.
Keep dreaming hohol.
I only watched it for the cries of disappointment. I was disappointed.
Zelenskyy Says Two Ukrainian Generals Dismissed for Being ‘Traitors’
By Jack Phillips April 1, 2022 Updated: April 1, 2022biggersmaller Print
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy announced he’s dismissed two generals and called them “traitors” as the conflict with Russia enters its 37th day.
Stingers and other manpads are for shooting down ground support planes like A-10s and su-25s or for shooting down helicopters. Fighter jets are too fast and they usually fly higher than the manpads can reach.
Do you think Britain’s Star streak can hit a jet?
Maybe a slow one
Germany increases richness of an already target-rich environment for Russian aerospace forces.
Russian aeroghost forces… Maybe they are on Mars already lol
ukrops lie —same as amerikants and anglo colonies
……..hey, did they get that laptop I left at Oksana’s Pleasure Palace? Please keep it safe for me.
Moving on: 10000 stingers for one chopper hit. At this rate, Zelpot will be back to smoking crack and playing the piano at his office in 2034.
One has to doubt the effectiveness of the Stinger or Javelin systems at this point.
Only a dead Russian is a good Russian! Stingers to the front!