In Video: Ukrainian Evacuation Teams Get Rid Of Dead And Wounded

In Video: Ukrainian Evacuation Teams Get Rid Of Dead And Wounded

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Russian reconnaissance UAV spotted Ukrainian evacuation team, which was taking bodies of dead or wounded Ukrainian servicemen from the battlefield. Despite the fact the Ukrainian vehicle was spotted by the Russians, the Russian military dod not open fire on them and allowed to take bodies away to the rear; but Ukrainians preferred to get rid of the bodies halfway.

The UAV followed the evacuation vehicle and filmed it turning away from the main road in an attempt to hide in the small forest plantation. The evacuation team took the bodies of their dead or wounded comrades out and threw them into a ravine a few meters away from the road.



This footage is one of numerous evidences of the Ukrainian military getting rid of the dead and wounded. The horrific losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the battlefields do not correspond to absurd Zelensky’s claims about only 31 thousand Ukrainian servicemen killed in this war. Moreover, the corrupt Kiev regime has no funds to pay for the hospitalization of the wounded or compensation to the relatives of the dead. That’s why officers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are ordered to hide the real losses by all the possible means.


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propaganda is funny.

if russia has killed as many as they say, then how come ukraine is hitting their rear more effectively now than at first.

both sides are full of shit.

_Tom Sawyer_

i may be a stupid american currently in transition, but even i know that we simply use the ukrainians as cheap cannonfodder, while our nazi friends and poodles from eu-nato do the non-cannonfoddery stuff.

its not hard!
just like my micro wiener.


ukraine is not hitting anything nato countries are doing that. do you think ukraine would be able to fight a war without the help of 20+ countries? no of course not and yet ukraine and their helpers still losing. there will come a moment when russia will be forced to retaliate against those helpers.

up in smoke

to damage some oil refinery or to kill civilians in belgorod? this is more effectively? lol


i am amerikunt shit expert


missile and uav attacks are a reflection of the number of personnel killed on the lines of contact? was the german v2 attack on antwerp in 1944 a reflection of their minimal losses? thanks for playing, derpster.


imho is correct. and if i scratch my nose, i’m sure it’s because a dog peed on some petunias down the block.

Last edited 11 months ago by Apocalypto

those are drone attacks not mass battles on the ground you dumbo.


uh, let me think on it a bit. oh, i know! because it doesn’t take 100,000 new conscripts to fire a newly supplied, long distance variety of storm shadow, scalp or other missile. just a couple of western doompfs with ukrainian patches, a downlink from nato target acquisition hq and a green light.

Last edited 11 months ago by Apocalypto

insanity is funny when one despises the insane idiot making a total a$$ of itself. go away ffs

The avenger Z

you see polish/french mercenary , what will happen to you if your ukra nazi “bro in arms” comes to help you on the battle field – he will kill you!


kraken killed polish mercenaries retreating from the battle field last year. this is well documented even american media reported on this

Peter Jennings

there’s footage out there showing soldiers with very clear british accents also suffering the same fate from retreating ukrainian soldiers. it may even have been southfront where i saw it.


one of those guys was a yank.


well, kraken actually hates the poles too, but it’ll still pick their pockets.


and black market human organ business is big in ukraine.


what’s ukraine hitting…..jack shit. ukrainians will go down as the dumbest people ever to walk the earth. ….it only took a small kike tea party backed by a dorky cia agent to destroy a country of 43 million….not once did any ukranian group rise to kill zelensky and his cohorts. let it be written that putin allowed a group of kikes who prior to 2014 were cleaning toilets destroy a generation of ukranian men…if there’s a hell then this it it.


you’re right about everything you say except one thing. let’s not downplay russian losses either. nobody knows the true casualty numbers but it’s the highest we’ve seen since ww2. and is it any surprise. the russian mod is useless as fuck. 90% of the russian soldiers don’t even have an optic on their weapon. why anybody would agree to enter the battlefield without an optic in the current century is beyond me but alas.


is that what determines life or death on a modern battlefield with himars? optic sites on infantry small arms?


so are you arguing that himars attacks account for 100% of all casualties? if not, then what is your point exactly?

i don’t know about you but let’s enter a wooded area. ill take my pulsar thermion 2, and you can take your iron sights. who do you think is going to see who first? hint: you’ll be long dead before you were ever aware of me.


furthermore, the lack of optics is just a single example. they don’t really have much of anything else either. they’re not even supplied with an encrypted radio. whatever they do have is what they bought themselves. comms equipment is not standardized in the army.

basically all the mod gives you, is an assault rifle(with no optic) and a uniform.
no comms, no radio jammers(for their vehicles), just nothing.


russian military is a generation ahead of any. i saw what garbage the americans had in iraq and afghanistan….usa military is junk. …..they still use the m4 lol.


i guarantee you that all the cunts on this website who advocate that russian soldiers don’t need more gear, will apply different standards to themselves should they have to go to the frontlines some day. then suddenly a good optic will be a “necessity”. just not for the boys from donetsk right? cuz fuck em right? just cannonfodder right?

Last edited 11 months ago by Sunny

do you believe that the scenario you’re describing represents a significant aspect of combat in this conflict? that view would certainly be at odds with pretty much all available evidence.


really? are you so sure about that? the entire area around kupyansk is primarily woodland combat. and obviously that isn’t the only example. if you’re assaulting a trench somewhere, would you rather see the enemy poking his head out, or not?

idk why you’re making so many excuses for why one should not invest a few grand on a proper kit? the only reason would be if you enjoy seeing lads die cuz they’re under equipped.


possibly not given that russia has special anti sniper detector devices that will find night sights and even plain optical sights, ever played rock paper scissors?


man give me a break.


better equipment for the russian troops is a generally good sentiment though, you can get sights that let you shoot round corners and all sorts of things, just saying there might be reasons behind what they use.


yes. the reason is that the lives of conscripts are cheap and if they die, they’ll just send more. or at least that is how they see it.

Last edited 11 months ago by Sunny

the only conscripts involved are ukrainian, the russians are volunteers, conscripts are not deployed in the smo. shotguns have iron sights for faster target acquisition and better peripheral awareness, a human size target with an automatic rifle at closer ranges doesn’t require pinpoint accuracy either.


i don’t want to get bogged down in semantics. there’s also barely anyone in the russian army with a shotgun so i’m not sure why you brought that up.

here’s a very telling example. the biggest threat to the russian soldier are enemy drones. russian volunteers scrapped together a portable radar that can be mass produced for a ridiculously low price. perfect right? but the russian ministry of defense responded that there is no need for anti drone protection.


in some circumstances open sights are genuinely better was the point. regular scopes are so cheap anyone could get one, night sights that don’t need an ir illuminator are very expensive though. at the start of the smo there was a vid on here with an lpr volunteer showing a us vlogger around, he said when it gets dark we get the night sights out so they must have them.


see what a stupid thread that imho guy started.


ak 12 does have optics as standard…most take it off in close combat and go open sight.
russian military is superior just have to be used right….get it gerasimov

Massa John

they grab their wounded from the field to make them disappear like chum.the more day pass the more they astonish me with all the gold they have in their hearts.


but did they check the bodies for gold teeth before dumping them?


sawyer refuse to pay alimony after divorce–i bitter no need humanitarian assistance from muslim

_Tom Sawyer_

because you did not satisfy my emotional needs!

jens holm

wot? you have been maried bifore me? wai you did not said me zhis?


next of kin can probably expect a funeral bill from zelensky

Just me

politicians in their palaces are forcing people to die in what they have called “war.” people are divided into teams and are then supposed to believe and defend everything that comes from their team without checking. it’s always the same crap.

Peter Jennings

human nature at its worst. maybe these poor souls are not being listed as kia? dumped in a ditch so that pay will still be issued but collected by someone else who isn’t a family member. normal ukrainian’s are fighting back. they have realised that it’s probably better to die on one’s own terms than to be sacrificed by nato maniacs, who have far too much confidence in what it is they are doing.


i don’t believe for a minute that the ukes pick up their dead out of respect like the russians do. ukes are “el bizarro” and always do what vlodope tells them what to do, no matter what.


ukies are strange creatures. they should be all corralled into a zoo.


i guess their organ shelf life had already expired.

Kibosh Warrior

if ever there was a better promotional video for conscripted ukrainians to surrender to the russian forces, it would be the video of wounded ukrainians being carved up in the organ harvesting abitoirs of doctors without borders. dear conscripts, your jewish bolshevik occupied government actually wants you dead, russia just wants you to surrender. make the right choice lads.


thank you for this video!
