In Video: Syrian Army Confronts U.S. Patrol In Northern Al-Hasakah

On February 6, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) confronted a unit of the U.S. military that was trying to conduct a patrol in northern al-Hasakah.

According to the al-Watan newspaper, the incident took place near the town of Tell Shamiran in the countryside of the town of Tell Tamr.

“A unit of the SAA intercepted a military convoy of the American occupation forces, that tried to enter the village of Tell Shamiran in the western countryside of Tell Tamr and forced it to retreat,” the Syrian newspaper’s reporter said.

The Syrian state-TV also shared footage of the incident showing U.S. armored vehicles leaving Tell Sharman under the cover of Apache attack helicopters.

Several similar incidents happend in northeast Syria, in particular north al-Hasakah, happened during the last few months. The absence of any coordination between U.S. and Syrian forces is likely the reason behind these confrontations.

Several units of the SAA were deployed in northeast Syria last year following a breakthrough agreement between the Damascus government and Kurdish forces there. The deployment of these troops helped to halt a Turkish offensive on the region.

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Whose helicopter?

Tom Tom



SAA should have arrested them as illegals thats what US does.

Tom Tom

Unfortunately, the U.S. has allowed millions of illegals into it’s country. Most countries do not allow non-citizens into their country without visa/passport. Most people know these things.


Yet the “Illegal” Americans are spreading to the rest of the world like cockroaches ;}

Tom Tom

Slipped right by the fact you’re wrong about illegal aliens. I’ve said above and often the U.S. should leave Syria, and that no matter who is President, the same neo-con program continues. Obomber signed Executive Orders to bomb Libya, Syria, Yemen, Somalia, just as Bush did for Iraq/Afghan and what is likely for Trump to do with Iran, that is if Iran/Russia/China and various other allies don’t hit them first, which I think is what will transpire.


You will expire before that ever happens.

Zionism = EVIL

When is your welfare money about to expire? Jew rat!


Never started so can’t expire. Again, a loser like you could never hope to live were I do and as well as I do. Sorry for your congenital inadequacies.

Zionism = EVIL

LOL, says the lonely JEW RAT!

Tom Tom

I should be around till next week, Jake.


It’s about time for some turnabout in this stupid game, thx guys

Tom Tom

U.S. should leave Syria now.

Arch Bungle

U.S is like cancer, once infected it takes years of chemo and pills to get them out.


The real mutating cancer is incubating in the Tel-Aviv petri dish of all cancerous strains.

Arch Bungle

The Zionist regime’ in Tel Aviv is more akin to Syphillis.

Zionism = EVIL

Jews are worse than that, look at the perverts Weinstein, Epstein and the sick child molesting Rabbis. The sick fucks need to be gassed again.


Says either the demented Adolf from his bug infested coach after a meal of road kill. Or Igor, the Putz Putin the Poisoner Troll, from his Moscow Troll House downing his Vodka ration and trying not to get drafted to get killed in Ukraine or Syria.

Zionism = EVIL

Jew rat is desperate LOL


Nahhhhhhhh…just amused by you, Igor, along with your Adolf butt buddies.

Arch Bungle

Works every time. Jake321 the hasbarat has a web scraper trawling for “israel”, “zionist” and “syphillus”. When it fires, a flare goes off in his arse propelling him to his standard issue idf keyboard where he spews copious amounts of bullshit onto the internet while his shift supervisor rams him frantically in the ass to increase his performance …


Speaking of meds, it’s time for yours, junior.


In strategic, financial, political and military terms the US involvement in the illegal occupation of a very small dwindling parcel of Syrian territory is completely devoid of any rationale. The only reason is the Zionist lobby promoting endless US wars in the region so as not to face the ultimate wrath of the Arabs. To have a small number of US soldiers floating around in a hostile region serves only Zionist cowardly agenda of hiding behind NATO forces and prolonging the conflict. That is also the primary reason why Zionists attack Syria in cosmetic terms, even though militarily it serves no purpose as Iranians are now too deeply entrenched in Syria to be dissuaded by a couple of futile missiles fired by the airspace over Occupied Golan or South Lebanon. It is also time Russia takes a more staunch stand against US, Zionist and US provocations as their ultimate goal is to inflict Russian casualties. Turkey is now is the final stages of a very desperate gamble in Syria as its terrorist suffer irreversible fate.


If you missed it, deep down, Putin likes and respects the US and Israel better than any Arabs or Shi’a.


Would you prefer the IDF attack the SAA directly without the U.S? no problem, we can reach Damescus in 2 days. Don’t hope for something that will hurt you more than us.

Zionism = EVIL

Actually, in military terms having the dumbass Americunts in the region is an R&D bonanza for Iran as it is dismantling all the Americunt weapons in Iraqi arsenal and reverse engineering them. Today, unveiled the hybrid version of the improved Hellfire and has armed most of its military helicopters and armed drones with it:


Iranian defence industries organization released images of a number of military helicopters overhauled in Iran showcasing the IRGC Ground Force’s Airborne Division has furnished its Bell 214 choppers with a new air-to-surface missile, known as the Iranian version of American AGM-114 Hellfire missile.

The weapons mounted on the IRGC’s Bell 214 helicopter, unveiled on Tuesday, are dubbed “Qaem-114” missiles, a new generation of the Qaem-class smart bombs.

The new Iranian anti-armor missile appears to be equipped with a dual-charge penetrating warhead, probably powerful enough to piercethrough armored shells as thick as 1,000 mm of US Abrams and Zionist Merkava tanks.

It is very likely that the new Iranian anti-armor missile will be mounted on Cobra and its Iranian version Toofan attack helicopters and combat drones capable of flying with heavy payloads.

The new weapon is expected to enhance the operational capabilities of the Iranian aerial units against armored ordnance.


Yep, the better for them to shoot down civilian airliners and kill their own people.

Jose Martinez


Willy Van Damme

Really like to see this, The ‘mighty’ US army after being bombed in Iraq are now the joke of the town in Syria. What’s the purpose of this humiliation?

Traiano Welcome

Build a wall and get the Mexicans to pay for it. That will keep the Yanks out.


Mexico’s not paying for shit, Fuck Tramp and Fuck you too!

Arch Bungle

Whoooo! Some spik got triggered !


excellente video!:)


the idiots from the disunited states of A are out of their depth – as is well known they can’t get out of a wet paper bag if their lives depended on it – they will soon be on their way home in body-bags (like the idiot joke 321 keeps harping about) or fleeing to say saudi arabia which at that time very well might be in for the surprise of their lives when the houthis a) have stopped most deliveries of crude from ras tanura and yanbu/rabigh on the red sea coast and b) deseated mbs of leonardi da vinci fake buy at 450m$. anyhow the saudis ain’t something you would bet the family silver or the family farm on.


And when did you say you would get out there and prove how brave you are against those worthless Americans and Israelis, kid?

Arch Bungle

Jake321 trolling the forums from a basement in tel aviv again …


Nahhhhhhhhh…from a top floor condo in sunny California. Sorry you don’t have the ability to do the same, junior.

Arch Bungle

Just keep telling yourself that, Avi, Shlomo or whatever your real name is.


No reason to tell myself anything. Just look out my top floor window for a nice evening panoramic view of the Bay Area. But you are correct about my name not being Jake. But wrong in your guess as what it might be. In any case, a loser like you could never afford it here.

Zionism = EVIL

hahaha living on welfare and peddling BS for hasbara from ugly hooked nosed moms’s basement eh!


Nahhhhhhhh…you’re wrong as usual, junior.

Zionism = EVIL

Old enough to have fucked your grandmother JEW arsehole LOL


You mean the only thing you ever have gotten to fuck is a grandma ass, kid.


Run forest, run ;}

Assad must stay

good, seems like SAA has more balls to stand up to US patrols than russia does, that is really sad


Nahhhhhhhh…they were looking to get US green cards for surrendering.

Arch Bungle

But you’re obviously lying right? Because that aint what happened, right?


Nahhhhhhhh…just making a point that even a loser like you knows would be true if the US offered green cards to any Syrian who surrendered. Same with most of the Iranians and Russians.

Arch Bungle

You were trying to make a point? Sorry you failed. Please do try again.


Sorry for your congenital inability to understand much of anything. Next time pick better parents, kid.

Zionism = EVIL

Jew rat lol, giving parsimonious advice TOO FUNNY!


Thanks for proving yet again that you picked the wrong parents, junior.

Arch Bungle

More illogic. You really didn’t make it past high school did you?

Arch Bungle

No need to apologise you’re the idiot here. Question is, who allowed your mongoloid sub-iq parents to inbreed?


Likely true. And 90% of them are Putz Putin the Poisoner Trolls working for a Vodka ration and draft deferment.


And as usual, most of the Syrian troops offered to surrender if they were given residency in the US.

Arch Bungle

As would the IDF. OH but they’re mostly dual citizens already …


As you in a way indicate, the IDF guys don’t have to surrender to get to the US. So your comment is silly as usual. As an aside, Israel is about the only country in the world were more people from the US go there than folk from there come here. Try to keep up.

Arch Bungle

I in no way indicated that. Unless you’re an illiterate tool who struggles with English comprehension (which you have proven you are many times on this site).
The rest of your post is gibberish. Try to make sense.


LOL…damn, you’re so dense you don’t even understand what you said. Israelis whether duel citizens or not can travel, live and work in the US with ease. No need to surrender. Try to get the simplest things correct, Junior.

Arch Bungle

Try to spell “dual” right, Shlomo. Maybe take an adult class in basic English, though it’s doubtful it’ll cure your kind if stupidity.


LOL…grammar Nazi points out a typo and in so doing makes his own mistake. Too funny. Try “of” not “if,” stupid. But this indicates you are just another Putz Putin the Poisoner Troll posting for his Vodka ration and a draft deferment.

Arch Bungle

By the way I just tossed that IDF label out there because I knew the resident hasbara troll would come running. That proves you really are a smelly little hasbarat beavering away in a basement in Tel Aviv.


Holiday for February 7, 2020 is:

“Wave All you Fingers at Your Neighbor Day”