On February 20, a Su-24 warplane of the Russian Aerospace Forces (VKS) avoided at least two anti-aircraft missiles while it was providing Syrian Arab Army (SAA) troops in southern Idlib with a close air support.
Halab Today, a pro-opposition new channel, released a video showing the Russian warplane dodging one of the two missiles by maneuvering and releasing jamming flares.
Syrian activists claimed that the missile was a man-portable air-defense system (MANPADs) launched from a Turkish observation post in the town of Qaminas in southern Idlib. These claims have not been verified yet.
Several Syrian and Russian airstrikes targeted the Turkish “observation post” in Qaminas, killing two Turkish soldiers and injuring others.
The incident took place during a Turkish-led attack on Syrian Arab Army (SAA) positions in southern Idlib. Russian Su-24 warplanes provided the army with close air support, allowing it to repel the attack within a few hours. The Russian airstrikes destroyed twelve vehicles of the attackers.
Earlier this month, two helicopters of the Syrian Arab Air Force (SyAAF) were shot down over Greater Idlib. While Syrian militants claimed responsibility for both incidents, some observers believe that it was the Turkish military that targeted the helicopters.
Now Turkey military should be legitimate target in Syria by Russia Air Force and SYria Air Force or Russia military or SAA. Providing modern weapons to militants by Turkey, Russia should treated this as aggression against Russia and Russian soldgers
Totally wrong! I don’t care what Erdogan says I care whe he does. What he is doing is brilliant and Russia is playing along perfectly
I heard the same argument when Putin went to Israel, he was a sell out etc. Than a month later Syria makes huge gains against Israeli ISIS and Al Cia Da Israel.
Actions count, in war words are just propaganda to throw off the enemy.
Erdogan is getting the racist supremacist global Jewish satanic slave empire dictatorship to ease sanctions as he gets the stupid JIhadis to kill themselves in attacks they have no chance of winning so Israel can’t used them against Turkey later.
Facts: If Erdogan goes against Russia it will give Israel the opportunity to implement the Yinon plan on Turkey, which they tried to do just over 4 years ago but Putin saved Erdogan and his families etc lives.
Erdogan will never forget or forgive that!
Erdogan and all his relatives and friends will be murdered by Mossad death squads, Turkey will be turned into one big Raqqa, bombed to bits and then broken up, with Israel getting Western Turkey along the Med, the Kurds will get central southern Turkey, Armenians Eastern Turkey, half the Turkish population will be killed and the rest will be forced to flee to Germany. Turkey as a state and people will cease to exist forever, and Erdogan would go down in history as the worst Turkish leader in history.
Erdogan is buying time until the S-400s and the pipelines from Russia are all operational, as Turkey is vulnerable to economic sanctions and air attack until then. Erdogan has to pretend to be neutral until the gas pipelines and the S-400s are all fully operational as Turkey is still vulnerable to Zio economic sanctions and attack until all these systems are finished and ready to battle against the racist supremacist global Jewish satanic slave empire dictatorship.
You have an interesting perspective.
In this crazy conflict anything is possible.
What does the psychiatrist say to his jacket strapped patient?
Answer: ‘ You have an interesting perspective. ‘
Remember Russia and Iran have agreed to make Turkey the gas and oil pipeline hub in the middle east, which wil make Turkey tens of billions in the future and Turkey does not want to throw that money away.
In addition Turkey needs Russia’s and Syria’s help to make sure they and not Israel make money from the Cyprus and Palestine gas fields off the coast.
Follow the money not the words
Erdo worships money, and with all such people, words are cheap and the consequence’s deadly when ‘words’ create hatred that can last for centuries.
Erdo needs to pull his army back to barracks, seal his borders, and let the SAA rid the planet of the US backed Jihadi’s in Syria.
Erdo can then claim victory over terrorism in Syria and eat some kebabs in Libya.
Yes this is exactly as you said what will happen, but Erdogan has to make it look good to fool the racist supremacist global Jewish satanic slave empire dictatorship.
“”Erdo needs to pull his army back to barracks, seal his borders, and let the SAA rid the planet of the US backed Jihadi’s in Syria.
Erdo can then claim victory over terrorism in Syria and eat some kebabs in Libya.””
Some one who gets it. It about the money! Its always about the money!!
Russia, Iran and China are paying Turkey more then the racist supremacist global Jewish satanic slave empire dictatorship will ever pay Turkey.
Erdo also has to fool his Jihadi’s by arming them if this scenario is correct.
If Erdo withdraws his forces too quickly he will face an angry jihadi problem at home.
Perhaps a Corono Virus outbreak amongst the jihadi’s would create an opportunity for Erdo to completely seal his borders with ALL of Syria :)
Yes you get it. If Erdo withdraws his forces too quickly he will face an angry jihadi problem at home backed by Israel and the USSA slaves of Israel. This will happen no matter what but he can minimize it by having Syria and Russia deal with as many of the Jihadis they can for him now.
Gas pipeline won’t do shit,
That’s why he’s fucking with Greece and struck a illegal deal with idiot sarraj in Libya- desperate for oil.
The s400 probably won’t work without a Russian finger…
Erdo is desperate for ‘Cheap stolen oil’ at $10 / barrel.
Russia and Iran have agreed to make Turkey the gas and oil pipeline hub in the middle east, which wil make Turkey tens of billions in the future and Turkey does not want to throw that money away.
In addition Turkey needs Russia’s and Syria’s help to make sure they and not Israel make money from the Cyprus and Palestine gas fields off the coast.
Follow the money not the words
I was talking about the pipeline significance on the immediate war efforts.
Not the long term profit.
Also to answer the second part,yes that is why they are constantly in Greek and Cyprus waters constantly harassing (doing seismic surveys)YES in Cyprus and Greek EEZ. its
the same reason they struck a bilateral but illegal deal with the Isis supported Libyan government.
Wow you finally get it. good for you. The pipelines will do shit, as they will be needed when Israel orders its USSA slaves to put an energy embargo against Turkey. The pipelines will save the Turkish economy and the S400s will prevent a USSA / Israeli air attacks to aid the remaining Jihadis and prevent them from overthrowing the Turkish government.
Russia, Iran and China are paying Turkey more then the racist supremacist global Jewish satanic slave empire dictatorship will ever pay Turkey.
Another bright international analyst.take your meds.
Take your Zio opioid meds from your zio Sheckter mass murderers. Thay have murdered more Americans then died in the Vietnam war and made billions doing it.
That is right follow the money!
Remember Russia and Iran have agreed to make Turkey the gas and oil pipeline hub in the middle east, which wil make Turkey tens of billions in the future and Turkey does not want to throw that money away.
In addition Turkey needs Russia’s and Syria’s help to make sure they and not Israel make money from the Cyprus and Palestine gas fields off the coast.
Follow the money not the words.
Erdogan has to make it look good to fool the racist supremacist global Jewish satanic slave empire dictatorship.
“”Erdo needs to pull his army back to barracks, seal his borders, and let the SAA rid the planet of the US backed Jihadi’s in Syria.
Erdo can then claim victory over terrorism in Syria and eat some kebabs in Libya.””
It about the money! Its always about the money!!
Russia, Iran and China are paying Turkey more then the racist supremacist global Jewish satanic slave empire dictatorship will ever pay Turkey.
Erdogan plays the game, but…
He is nuts… How else would you judge a man who invokes the ascension of a medieval empire; Last one was Mussolini.
He is retarded, like the Turks and like (in different level) all the Balkan and Middle East people.
And the Turks… Their last war (real war) was a 100 years ago. So they forgot what a war is…
They have no chance.
Well, even hundred years the Turkeys lost every war to Russians, Greeks and Arabs.
lets hope you are right.
If the Turks did this, then Erdogan just started a game of Russian roulette with 5 rounds in the drum, and you don’t need to be an rocket scientist to understand how it will end on his part.
Wrong! I don’t care what Erdogan says I care whe he does. What he is doing is brilliant and Russia is playing along perfectly
I heard the same argument when Putin went to Israel, he was a sell out etc. Than a month later Syria makes huge gains against Israeli ISIS and Al Cia Da Israel.
Actions count, in war words are just propaganda to throw off the enemy.
Erdogan is getting the racist supremacist global Jewish satanic slave empire dictatorship to ease sanctions as he gets the stupid JIhadis to kill themselves in attacks they have no chance of winning so Israel can’t used them against Turkey later.
Facts: If Erdogan goes against Russia it will give Israel the opportunity to implement the Yinon plan on Turkey, which they tried to do just over 4 years ago but Putin saved Erdogan and his families etc lives.
Erdogan will never forget or forgive that!
Erdogan and all his relatives and friends will be murdered by Mossad death squads, Turkey will be turned into one big Raqqa, bombed to bits and then broken up, with Israel getting Western Turkey along the Med, the Kurds will get central southern Turkey, Armenians Eastern Turkey, half the Turkish population will be killed and the rest will be forced to flee to Germany. Turkey as a state and people will cease to exist forever, and Erdogan would go down in history as the worst Turkish leader in history.
Erdogan is buying time until the S-400s and the pipelines from Russia are all operational, as Turkey is vulnerable to economic sanctions and air attack until then. Erdogan has to pretend to be neutral until the gas pipelines and the S-400s are all fully operational as Turkey is still vulnerable to Zio economic sanctions and attack until all these systems are finished and ready to battle against the racist supremacist global Jewish satanic slave empire dictatorship.
Erdogon did that coup himself to clean up opposition.
There’s U.S bases in Turkey, there’s nothing more to say.
Erdogon did that coup himself to clean up opposition.
I agree it was self orchestrated coup to get rid of opposition. Bloody shameless Dog.
What is “There’s U.S bases in Turkey, there’s nothing more to say.”
supposed to mean?
When there are us bases it is more likely to have a zio backed coup against a Goyim government.
Erdogon did that coup himself to clean up opposition.
Really are you a zio troll?
Why did he have to hide at the Russian base in Syria to survive the coup?
Why didn’t the USSA and NATO come out against the coup right away?
Why did Erdogan purchase the S-400s?
Yeah right. And you actually have the guts to call someones statement flat out “wrong” while writing delusional, already 1000 times debunked crap.
Erdogan surely loves you sucking his Ottoman cock.
Wrong! You are either a lowtar or a zio troll.
Turkeys economy is far to weak to sustain any kind of war with heavy zio sanctions against them already. Its all an act you fool
I am right because I follow the money! Russia and Iran have agreed to make Turkey the gas and oil pipeline hub in the middle east, which wil make Turkey tens of billions in the future and Turkey does not want to throw that money away.
In addition Turkey needs Russia’s and Syria’s help to make sure they and not Israel make money from the Cyprus and Palestine gas fields off the coast.
Follow the money not the words
Wake up! It about the money! Its always about the money!!
Remember Russia and Iran have agreed to make Turkey the gas and oil pipeline hub in the middle east, which wil make Turkey tens of billions in the future and Turkey does not want to throw that money away.
In addition Turkey needs Russia’s and Syria’s help to make sure they and not Israel make money from the Cyprus and Palestine gas fields off the coast.
Follow the money not the words.
Erdogan has to make it look good to fool the racist supremacist global Jewish satanic slave empire dictatorship.
“”Erdo needs to pull his army back to barracks, seal his borders, and let the SAA rid the planet of the US backed Jihadi’s in Syria.
Erdo can then claim victory over terrorism in Syria and eat some kebabs in Libya.””
It about the money! Its always about the money!!
Russia, Iran and China are paying Turkey more then the racist supremacist global Jewish satanic slave empire dictatorship will ever pay Turkey.
All this stupid erDOGan achieves by doing this is:
– alienating Russian and Iran, so that he is surrounded by powerful enemies
– clearly exposing himself as a lier, unreliable partner who can’t hold a pledge, except his regime not as powerful as the USA regime
– after having supporting ISIS so strongly and so long (before betraying them) clearly exposing himself as an adamant supporter of terrorism = someone to be eliminated
– demoralizing his cannon-fodder army by sending them to death for nothing with the most stupid military tactics, and ridiculing the Turkish army
– thereby giving hope and courage to the Syrian people and army to liberate the further Northern areas still occupied by his army and proxy terrorists, at some point later when Idlib will be fully liberated.
He did stage the coup to purge the army and administration of all opposition. There were accounts of troops that supposedly were involved in the coup, telling stories how they were told it’s a drill and were just instructed to take certain positions. Not sure where did you got that fairy tail :D:D:D
Interesting perspective…..time will tell.
Interesting indeed.
I heard it was soleimani that rescued erdogan during the coup. The rest of what you said was very interesting. Thank you.
This idea is interesting, but somehow is just a good theory. If Erdogan would want to clean the terrors nest from Idlib, he would not supply them weapons (an I mean, heavy weapons, anti aircraft weapons!). He would just encourage them to attack SAA positions – they would die faster without those tanks!
Or he would support the legitimate government of Syria, training his army with this occasion and he might even get a leverage against kurds.
But the frustration and fury is very obvious at him and his government at all levels, including mass media he controls.
He is loosing very clearly, which makes him impredictibile and dangerous.
As for the relation between Israel and Turkey, I’m confident to say that they follow the same goals and they are in fact, allied. Israel wants a part of Syria (and Lebanon, and..), Turkey wants a part of Syria (and Irak..). Both want to rule de Middle East (from different perspectives), and both see Iran (who might also want to be the major regional power as well) as their enemy.
As for Russia, they follow their own security needs. And that need asks for a strong Iran, capable of defending his borders very well, an ally in Syria and perhaps Irak to counter the US influence. As for Turkey, is very important how it behaves. They could be partners (not allies!) or enemies.
The Jihadis leaders are not that stupid to attack Syrian armour without heavy weapons. Those weapons Erdogan gave them were USSA weapons paid for by American slave tax payers not Turkey and they won’t do any good against Russian air power. Erdogan has to at least make it look like he is really helping them.
If Erdogan would want to clean the terrors nest from Idlib, he would not supply them weapons (an I mean, heavy weapons, anti aircraft weapons!). He would just encourage them to attack SAA positions – they would die faster without those tanks!
The jhadists are stupid period. What they hope to achieve now, after all? Control Idlib, or all Syria?
They are there for money and if they are asked to attack, they will. As long their demon is guiding them.
I am right because I follow the money and its always about the money no theory there.
Russia and Iran have agreed to make Turkey the gas and oil pipeline hub in the middle east, which wil make Turkey tens of billions in the future and Turkey does not want to throw that money away.
In addition Turkey needs Russia’s and Syria’s help to make sure they and not Israel make money from the Cyprus and Palestine gas fields off the coast.
Follow the money not the words
I think here is not about money. Russia and Iran want security, Turkey – God know what they want cause they are irrational. Erdogan is ready to risk trashing the Russian deal just to keep a foot in Syria, that is very clear.
He is asking permission from Moscow to do that and that, but since Russia says no, he acts like a stubborn mule and push it forward, hoping no one will notice or they will notice too late.
Wrong! It about the money! Its always about the money!!
Russia and Iran want security and its worth a lot of money!
Wake up! It about the money! Its always about the money!!
That is why Russia Iran and China are paying Turkey.
Remember Russia and Iran have agreed to make Turkey the gas and oil pipeline hub in the middle east, which wil make Turkey tens of billions in the future and Turkey does not want to throw that money away.
In addition Turkey needs Russia’s and Syria’s help to make sure they and not Israel make money from the Cyprus and Palestine gas fields off the coast.
Follow the money not the words.
Erdogan has to make it look good to fool the racist supremacist global Jewish satanic slave empire dictatorship.
“”Erdo needs to pull his army back to barracks, seal his borders, and let the SAA rid the planet of the US backed Jihadi’s in Syria.
Erdo can then claim victory over terrorism in Syria and eat some kebabs in Libya.””
It about the money! Its always about the money!!
Russia, Iran and China are paying Turkey more then the racist supremacist global Jewish satanic slave empire dictatorship will ever pay Turkey.
Sorry, but you are delirious.
No one is paying Turkey a dime.
Racist supremacist Jews like you are not paying them yes.
Turkey is getting transit fees in the billions from Russia from the oil adn gas pipelines and China is investing tens of billions in Turkey and hundreds of billions in Iran.
Turkey will be exporting gas from the gas fields off the coast of Cyprus and Palestine making those billions, not Israel! You lose again!
Well does money count? Do people care about money? Do they want to be rich? Does money matter?
Maybe in your fantasy world no one wants to be rich or get paid.
Putin is fighting fire with oil literally.
I bet Erdogan like Trump Macarnoni etc., a ll have the money counting machines and that they all want to get paid!!!!!!! Show them them the money!!!!!
Interesting perspective. I wonder if any of it is correct?
Lots of Zio trolls on this board. A few months from now I will have been proven to be right.
Of course Turkey did it, who else?!
daamn now that’s a whole another level of retardation by erdogone
‘Err’ by ‘dog one’ Lol
Time to flatten that ‘observation post’ as its obviously a SAM site and not an observation post.
So the turks are using the “observation posts” as a location for launching ground to air missiles?
(That’s what i get from it)
And Russia now they know the purpose of it, because they got evidence of it i assume? (or at least they saw from where the missiles were launched)
So now the question is… what will happen to the turkish “observations posts”
the posts are arms depots
So can the SAA take those toys from the turks? That would be really neat if they can take those weapons from them it will boost SAA weaponry.
Actually, most of you are right, these posts are logistics hubs for terrorists and their HQ and should be taken out. Russian airforce has learnt a lot since the Afghan war and now have ECM and countermeasures in place to neutralize the third rate Americunt stingers.
The zios are outdated one big example they couldn’t repell persian attack on ain asad air base and did not countered attack Iran all end for so called invincible zios gahahahaha
Nothing will happen to the Turkish observation posts. Unless SAA destroys them Putin will sit back and keep watching.
Quoted from the article above. “Several Syrian and Russian airstrikes targeted the Turkish “observation post” in Qaminas,killing two Turkish soldiers and injuring others.” Well in this instance it seems Russia and Syria DID do something about this particular observation post.
This terrorist OP was firing Stingers on Russian and Syrian aircraft. Firstly, the rotten Turkeys have invaded Syria and secondly have the gall to fire at Russian and Syrian airforces fighting terrorism. These OP terror bases should be hit by thermobaric weapons. I like fried Turkeys.
Yes, hopefully this gets the Russians to step it up a couple of notches to get the Turkies out of Syria.
Regardless of what the Americunt and Jew media portray Russia, it is still a very powerful superpower with many means at its disposal. Turkey is a third world bankrupt shithole with practically no resources and half of its population does not even want to part of it, i.e Kurds, Alevi Shia, Christians etc. The inept Turkeys are having a hard time coping with the SAA, let alone if Russia gets serious. The first step Russia should have taken when it deployed its limited military assistance force in Syria was to declare a NO FLY ZONE. It can still be very easily done by just bringing in more AD systems like Tor2, BUKS, Pantsir and S-300/400 or even test the ultimate S-500 Prometheus in Syria. The Turkeys have a weak and antiquated airforce with the 30 year old F-16 as their workhorse, which the Ansarallah have been blasting out of the skies in Yemen. It would be Turkey shoot if Russia, Syria and Iran get serious.
Ya right eevrrthing I said
That would just be great. It would give Turkey the necessary excuse to march on Aleppo.
March? If they could march they would have be there.
more like marching back home
You need an army that can actually fight for that. A capability the Turks have so fair failed to show.
They observe sky only…;-) If fight continues this way I expect Turkrats will push F-16s against SyAF and maybe RuAF again.
Ground to air missile launched from a turkish artillery post recorded by a russian drone https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/174c3f2914f6d44b8bce3241d48355dbb2f77e0dbaec5b34d93ed1c4a3a739c7.jpg
2nd pic https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/208d25d2f1bacb393b52b98f8c778a671411cb465bf30ddf17561f1101a31aa5.jpg
Pekabooo we see you.
Putin should have warned Erdogan one time. After that, the RAF should have lit up those convoys, as soon as they entered Syria. Turned them into a “Turkey shoot”.
RuAF, we British have the RAF.
The Russians refer to it as the BBC.
No worries, so do we.
Nicely played Russia, nicely played.
Now manpad is in terrorists hand given by Turkey to endanger SAA & RuAF. Its an escalation to a higher level.
Time to equip the Kurds to fight back. Has the YPG send over to help Turkish Kurds, promising them an independent Kurdistan in Ankara.
Arming the YPG and PKK is a two edged sword.
True, but promised them Ankara as Kurdistan to move all Syria Kurds out of Syria. YPG will still get their weapons from USNato like ISIS.
No support for kurds, they are an israeli/usa tool just like turkey.
Kurds get one deal, reconcile or die.
Lufthansa will need to equip passenger jets now with SU 25 flares.
Every European and US carrier will :)
Huthus just shot down a Saudi Typhoon fighter jet with SAM, by waiting for it to finish throwing all flares. The radar lock on must has frightened shit out of Saudi pilot.
lmao the idiot pilot probably wasnt able to distinguish the beeping of just lock on from beeping of “locked on and fired”
These highly paid Saudi pilots drop bombs from great height indiscriminately on Yemen civilians., are cowards fearing been hit by manpad or air defense guns.
When they hear lock on beeping, they wet their pants and discharged all their flares at once.
But the video reveal the jet was chased by a Huthus missile, that was ground controlled with clear tracking radar is simply amazing.
And thats how you fly a jet.
If true, this is a flat out decleration of war against Russia.
Nice present for Assad, as such steps only serve to push Russia even closer into supporting Assad and much further away from appeasing Erdogan again.
Turks surely know how to fuck themselves.
Turks soldiers always were wankers.
;) Now they are soon to be thermobarized wankers. ;)
Hot Stuff then :)
All these attacks prove one thing: the SAA is a trash can without russian airsupport.They get overun like muppets.If Turks get rid of the airsupport,primarly through some deal,but even by force (primarly USA operated)…SAA is gone.
There’s not such thing as Turkey, but a U.S proxy with governmental power. Think about it like ISIS but with the power of a state.
Now that Russia dismantled all this circus of “terrorist global warfare”, the perpetrator came to light.
Which means that, there’s no more need to keep playing this dumb games with the U.S gestapo.
The ISIS bullshit it’s gone, what is left is the vassal states. Turkey is a proxy to debilitate the power of Russia, if a war goes up, Turkey will cease to exist for sure, but the U.S it’s hoping that Russia will get weakened by such event.
There’s no doubt in my mind about it, most of the weapons that Turkey has were given by the U.S, just like they did with previous artificial states.
Exactly bro.
Well guess what? They haven’t lost Russian air support. So why even bother saying that? The SAA has gained so much territory in the last couple of months with the help of Russia who has been helping Syria since 2015! Why would Russia give up now? Your comment seems a redundant and I perceive your comment as nothing more than a hasbara troll trying hard to trigger.
Thats exacly it, these guys’s job is to create the reality their masters want, no matter what the truth is, all they do is pander the talking points there given, no deviation.
The little fascist crew.comes on at the same time too, its almost as if its a unionized shop LOL.
Its only a matter of time before someone figures out how to take control of such device and returns back to sender.
Today no snack baring for the goat fu*kers.
I can`t see the video. No, is more, I don`t see any video here.
Turks have always been sniveling backward pos. When the typewriter was invented they put out an Islamic decry saying it was Haram ( wrong ) in the eyes of God to use one.
Greece handed them their àsses using far less manpower and military equipment.
Turk have always been blowhard swimming in their own pile of sht and trying to sell it off as perfume.
Erdo and ilk are an extension of the Muslim brotherhood…those days are over you backward swine lovers.
Stupid Putin……long overdue to drop some ammo on Erdogan
Apparently Putin safe him from his own fake coup to get close to Russia. But still Erdogan backstabbing knife is out.
Read the article the observation post was flattened.
my hats off to that russian pilot, great job :))))
Russians are very skilled and aggressive pilots.
From the little ive seen, they are excellent pilots flying really good planes.
I dont know much about avionics and electronics, but i do recognize a good machine when i see one. These old SU24 are thrashing the al nusrats right now.
May not be the prettiest, as.long as its tough ,thats what really matters.
Useless video unfortunately.
Third time’s a charm.
Your friends are incompetent.
Goat fuckers!
Erdogan is really getting mad and unpredictable. Time to cut him some wings…
RuAf would under no circumstances attack a Turkish O.Post. if it did then the ‘rumours’ about Turkish soldiers attacking the aircraft that was on close air support to troops on thw ground ,must be true. This was a clear warning. if anyone attacks Syria he is an enemy immediately. lets compare this with US selling out the Kurds for their pet Sultain. Russia is very patient indeed with its ally Turkey but it seems that its patience is getting thin