In Video: Russian Missile Burns Ukrainian MiG-29 Fighter Jet In Dnipro

In Video: Russian Missile Burns Ukrainian MiG-29 Fighter Jet In Dnipro

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The Russian military has destroyed another Soviet-made MiG-29 fighter jet of the Ukrainian Air Force (UAF) in the Dnepropetrovsk region.

The MiG-29 was refueling and loading armament on the ground at the Dnipro International Airport when it was struck with an Iskander-M tactical ballistic missile with a fuel–air explosive enhanced-blast warhead. Video footage of the strike was posted to social networks on November 23.

Russian media said that the missile strike destroyed the fighter jet and left some 15 officers and engineers of the UAF dead or wounded.

The Iskander-M missile used to hit the fighter jet has a range of nearly 500 kilometers. It can be armed with different conventional warheads, including a cluster munitions warhead, a fuel–air explosive enhanced-blast warhead, a high-explosive fragmentation warhead, an earth penetrator for bunker busting and an electromagnetic pulse device for anti-radar missions.

The highly-maneuverable missile is guided by a GLONASS-aided inertial navigation system. It can be also equipped with an optical seeker with a digitized scene-mapping area correlator system for terminal guidance.

Some 40 MiG-29A, MiG-29S, MiG-29MU1 and MiG-29MU2 were in service with the UAF before the start of the Russian special military operation in Ukraine more than two years ago. Last year, Ukraine also received at least 27 MiG-29G and MiG-29AS from Poland and Slovakia. The Russian military has already shot down many of these fighter jets or destroyed them on the ground.

The Russian military stepped up strikes on high-value Ukrainian military targets behind the frontline in recent months, mainly using Iskander-M missiles.


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el ricky marti

how do you translate nato to spanish nowadays? : derrrota estrategica looo000ooosers.


no va a pasar nada.


when i see this video i am surprised that ukraine can get any plane still in the air. but maybe rf just needs some enemy jets operational for live training✌️🤫💪

Last edited 3 months ago by thewhiterose

your not paying attention nato’s building the biggest air force base in the world in romania right now. when it’s ready that’s when the war will really begin imo .

Last edited 3 months ago by Annon
Nome de Plume

so, they’ll all be in the air at once, so when the nuke hits they’ll remain untouched?

try not to be so stupid, cupid. once the war ‘really’ begins, the nukes start flying.

now you can begin your flurry of denigrating posts in rebuttal. you have my permission.


putin will be sure to phone ahead, like with dnipro – to be sure no planes are injured. lol


one single russian nuke, of theyr some 5.500, and this will be the biggesrt nato airforce graveyard.


one icbm nuke should take care of that, no problem.

Shlomo's little weenie

it certainly f’en will. no blanks this time around and no warning. 🤪

Just Sayin

if you ever looked at maps of ukrop, you’ll notice there are actually shitloads of airfields and other military infrastucture such as large munitions depots. hundreds of billions of usd has been sunk into ukrop project to build up this infrastructure over the past ten years. ukrop is clearly being weaponized against russia by the satanists.


satanists are fixated on inversion and reversal for some yet unknown cult behavior (clue me in if any occult researchers know why).

Just Sayin

in any case, my point is that airfields are large and numerous. it’s a difficult problem and so is long range interception of aircraft with stand off weapons.

ukrops regularly get french hammer bombs depoloyed. rf intercept the glide bombs typically, but also the mig-29s or flankers that drop them get away by flying below radar until the last minute. the f-16 is more visible on radar than the latter or mirage 2000, and this will be an issue for ukrop once soviet aviation is depleted.

Slim Pickins

new burger at macdonalds–oreshnik…tastes best with humble pie


cookies nuland is screaming at hubby kagan, demanding to know why the russians have such a thing and not the us. she would have called it witch hazel in her honor.


trump sys he will pose 20 years of none eu or nato joining of ukraine but will arm ukraine.what does that our weapons and better position to attack russia which is the closer neighbour whom we want to split up as nato.


russia should destroy all soviet era under ground bunkers in kiev and odesa.kill or arest zelenski.just as israel does in beirut,syria,iraq and iran.

Nome de Plume

if i were a self-respecting ukrainian, i would never stoop to using a soviet built bunker.

but since self-respecting ukrainians are scarcer than hens’ teeth, it’s only an improbable fantasy.


don’t lie, otonazi coprophagus: ukraine’s russian and soviet past was glorious, when this republic prospered most. after 1989 it became a paradise for looting mafias and liquidators of inherited wealth.


since the jewish and bandera gangsters, together with the terrorist nato, want to “de-russify” and “de-communize” ukraine, in order for them to be happy, all those bad things must be taken away from them: odessa, nicolaev and their large shipyards, the power plants atomic, and all the great soviet hydraulics of the dnieper.


this, i can agree with whole heartedly.


yeah, we know – a glorious past, where the politburo promised a chicken in every 1000 pots and the waitting list for a car was two years and only if you offered a bribe.

you seem to have some nostalgia for big government having total control. well then, the ussr was your ticket. it was the biggest.

your bit on what happened right after 1989 though was accurate to a t., although it was true for all the soviet block countries.

Last edited 3 months ago by Hello

since the jewish and bandera gangsters, together with the terrorist nato, want to “de-russify” and “de-communize” ukraine, in order for them to be happy, all those bad things must be taken away from them: odessa, nicolaev and their large shipyards, the power plants atomic, and all the great soviet hydraulics of the dnieper.

Conan M

tell me again why russia hasn’t completely destroyed ukraine’s air force???… more pootie-poot “patience of job” on full display… that still believes a “contract” is somehow still a contract no matter what and that the west will ultimately honor their signed negotiations… who is holding out hope for all his personal frozen bank account(s) in the west along with the rest of the russian federation’s commerce?…

Last edited 3 months ago by Conan M
Conan M

… and after 2 days ago, someone needs to tell him and the russian banks that ain’t gonna happen! how truly tragic that russia didn’t attempt to build it’s credit system mir and separate from western commerce completely taking over the reins of control to the briics that could have re-invented global commodities with actual price discovery after the west’s maidan stunt 10 years ago…

Last edited 3 months ago by Conan M

can’t see video as it is “damaged” says firefox


tak, že sa dá konštatovať, že demilitarizácia s denacifikácia úspešne napreduje. svetu mier!!!


confirmed decoy. russ hit nothing. cannot see on vid.


people are almost unbelievably, no are unbelievably stupid .really they just are .and educated unto it .too .
