In Video: Russian Flag Waving In Tonenkoe, Avdeevka Front


The Russian 1st Slavic Brigade planted the Russian flag in the center of Tonenky, advancing from Avdeevka. 

Footage of Russian fighters who hoisted the flag of the Russian Federation in Tonenkoe was published on March 2. The main line of Ukrainian defense is falling. The mop up operation is ongoing in Tonenkoe, which confirms the fall of the southern flank of Ukrainian defense.

The first reports about the Russian control of almost all the three settlements there, including Tonenkoe, Orlovka and Berdychi, came several days ago. Battles there are still ongoing and the Armed Forces continue to resist, but the Russian military is holding the initiative and the upcoming fall of the entire line of Ukrainian defense west of Avdeevka seems inevitable.


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se cauta iepuri europeni cu generali in gips sa tina linia ce va colapsa. maciuca e primul iubitor de clauni.


breaking‼️ heavy clashes broke out in ingushetia, #russia.
the fsb special forces encountered armed resistance in ingushetia from partisans plotting to overthrow the russian regime. eyewitnesses shared footage of a shooting in the oksanova street area.casualties are reported.fights are going on.

Last edited 1 year ago by jacktheshipper

a few muslim terrorists funded by cia nullified—ingush the poorest region in russia


heavy clashes?if you are not there calm down.the fighting is localized in an apartment building where security forces have blockaded the terrorists.


breaking: lame cia project nullified because the cia is the pathetic

Shock and Awe

breaking!!!! all the isis obama led terrorists have been liquidated with extreme prejudice!!! there are no russian casualties, civilian or otherwise, only obamas men died, and they died like vermin!!!


zi le la toti de pe live map ua sa coloreze harta.

jens holm

i good for the russians, but it it not the ukra defence line, which is mush more preparede.

next is where the defence got fresh soldiers and supplt from. it 3-4 smaller town. so next for russians are very big fields with tree lines.

i wish ukraine well.

jens holm

jens homo holm loser nazi senile—please send me more glue to sniff

homer simpson

we like jens—he idiot like me

jens holm

i good for all mans with 25 øre. no need to wash first.

jens holm

i bend over for 1 taco


moron—fields cannot be defended by ukies—they can poorly defend fortifications built by cia for past 10 years—stop sniffing glue holm

jens holm

its secret cia building fortifications.

maybee they keep low profile using thespoons.

jens holm

my flag is homosexual


rainbow and nazi flag waving above my trailer.

jens holm

amerikan require dumbmark fly homosexual flag cuz we submissive colony

gilberto posada

al vientola tricolor blanca, azul y roja. viva rusi a

Haj Amin al-Hoesseini

i know about the orthodox ‘prophecy’s’ about the waving of the russian flag above the aya sophia as they called it. i have read the prophecy on the tombstone of constantine the great about the liberation of constantinopel as they called it, by the russians. when you see the image of edessa (mandylion) on their uniforms and after damascus is fallen they will come in an attempt to restore byzantium.

Edgar Zetar

sources of the prophecy please?


if you can’t hold an area against attack for a whole day even, counter-attacking with what little is left of your military is emblematic of the problem in the first place. almost an entire generation of ukrainian men gone for the perverse plans of some rich retards.


never elect minority jews in your country nor stupid nazis that get on their knees for western globalist jews.


it’s pretty close to all jews, though some of them are brave and stand against the evil, even in israel where they are punished and spat on. it’s truly disgusting beyond belief what many of them put up with and participate in.

Peter Jennings

maybe because those running the isreali apartheid regime are not true jews? we have seen how these people pass themselves off as european or american, even to the point of changing their original family names. assimilation is one thing but these people don’t want assimilation. they prefer to wipe out what is there already and start over. the real jews in present day isreal have a problem.


they certainly aren’t in the sense of people following a religion. in that regard, there aren’t many real christians in the united states or elsewhere. racially, they obviously aren’t all khazarians involved in this. many cheering and participating in this evil behavior aren’t white at all.


they are not elected. do not believe in elections, it is just theater.

jens holm

my lgbt flag found in basement gay bar


amerikan lost empire rotting away

NATO is asking to be nuked

give them hell vlad

homer simpson

we prefer fentanyl despise families since we are mentally ill bitter and unloved

John Tosh

visited nigeria and the cia tried to run me over at the airport. the car came straight at me and i just moved out of the way…… i guess the cia is learning from its agents in romania.

i also found out most of the kidnapping in nigeria is orchestrated by the cia… they tried to use women, people i know to kidnap me……. obviously these losers at the cia do not understand that i am simply a person telling them of the future.

John Tosh

the future of earth…. in less than 120 years, the usa will no longer exist on the planet earth. russia will exist…. china will exist…. the usa ceases to exist. i am sorry cia, but this is the future. there is nothing you can do about it. kill as much as you want to…. you are doomed.

Last edited 1 year ago by John Tosh
Peter Jennings

the cia and their goons do the same at pakistani checkpoints. a few pakistani policemen have lost their lives in the past. they obviously have stuff in the car that they don’t want checked and are willing to kill to prevent it.

Peter Jennings

russian forces always advancing. the kiev junta and its nato ringmasters always retreating. quite soon there won’t be anywhere left to run. western think tanks got their sums wrong. even their propaganda isn’t working. there aren’t many ukrainian flags waving in blighty these days, if any. those ukrainian’s who are in blighty are keeping their heads down in case they are shipped back to the front by nato ringmasters.


triple sixer got his/she panties wadded up.
