In Video: Russian Assault Groups Attack Under Cover Of Large Smoke Screen


The rare footage from the Ukrainian frontlines showed the Russian military using the special aerosol screen in the battles on the Ukrainian frontlines. The large screen of several kilometers was reportedly spotted on the northern Donbass frontlines in the Seversk direction.

According to Russian military sources, the special smoke screen was used during the assault operation in the area of the village of Belogorovka. It was installed by Russian Radiation, Chemical, and Biological Protection Forces to support the offensive operations.

The screen is not poisonous. It is aimed to hide the movement of Russian troops from Ukrainian reconnaissance. The smoke covers Russian assault groups and allows them to approach Ukrainian military positions near the settlement. Thanks to the smoke, Russian assault managed to launch attacks at a close distance and take control of several Ukrainian strongholds located right on the outskirts of Belogorovka.

The battle for the village of Belogorovka has been ongoing for a long time. After the Russian military took control of the local chalk plant, the Armed Forces of Ukraine are fighting to save their positions at the local chalk dump which is the dominant height in the area. LINK


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smoke with no fire is possible! belogorovka derives from white mountain (actually a hill), because it’s placed near main height of that area.

Psionists slaves of America

russia can even use unmanned vehicles to lay the smoke screens. chasiv yar is caput. the 95 billion aid package is too little, too late, u.s. taxpayer dollars flushed down the toilet. putin will time his offensive actions to do maximum damage to senile biden’s electoral campaign, add to that his blind support for the genocide in gaza plus the backlash is causing among parts of the democratic party and it all leads to a perfect storm and an inevitable win for trump in 2024

Cheers to better times

western regimes need to be flayed and gutted for any of this to end. the worst of them crucified. doesn’t matter who gets selected as president, the evil only gets worse with time. they’re like mordor in lord of the rings but worse. chemists, machinists, electricians, radio hobbyist can and do create weapons in sheds and garages that pose mortal danger to most militaries.


greta thunberg will be furious! that much smoke! doesn’t evil putin care about climate change at all!


but hey – it’s even better than chemtrails!


putintrails – that’s what they will say. it’s like a “putinflation” which transformed into bidenflation.

jens holm

if greta was man i would sleep w her


smoke em if u got em, well done…

Ivan Skavinsky Skavar

right from the ‘art of war’ book

Ivan Notor

drones became blind. mentioned smoke one year ago.

Crocus Shooting Gallery

the orcs are good at running into machine gun fire…especially when shopping at the mall…heheheh


you have to be less than scum to be happy about the hundreds of murders of innocent and unarmed civilians, including women and children.
braindead morons like you are unable to understand that there is karma and the universal balance, so its very likely that you and your wife, daughter or any other part of your family will suffer the same thing, if nothing worse.
stupidity and depravity does not protect against punishment.

Crocus Shooting Gallery

heheheh…orkie got mad…heheheh


no you moronic son of your sister and your grandpa, im a pure blood german

jens holm

my smoke is amerikan $$ which i worship—why i am senile mentally ill fear death

Cheers to better times

nice. give those soldiers everything they need and more. this video and the song reminded me of halo 3 and its menu music.
