In Video: Russian Army Takes Out MiG-29 Fighter Jets, More Air Defense & Radar Systems In Ukraine

In Video: Russian Army Takes Out MiG-29 Fighter Jets, More Air Defense & Radar Systems In Ukraine

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The Russian military has carried out another round of strikes against Kiev forces, hitting high-value targets in the regions of Dnepropetrovsk and Kharkiv.

Video footage of the strikes were released on April 20. In Dnepropetrovsk, tactical ballistic missiles destroyed a MiG-29 fighter jet at Aviatorskoye air base as well as a S-300PS long-range air defense system that was deployed nearby. Meanwhile in Kharkiv, a 79K6 Pelican long-range surveillance radar deployed close to the settlement of Rozdolne was destroyed by a precision-guided munition, most likely a glide bomb.

In recent months, the Russian military stepped up strikes on high-value targets of Kiev forces behind the frontline in the special military operation zone, mainly using the 9K720 Iskander missile system and bombs equipped with UMPK gliding and guidance kits, like the FAB-500 M-62.

Missile strikes damaged or destroyed three Ukrainian MiG-29 fighter jets at Aviatorskoye and wiped out a S-300PS air defense system in the nearby settlement of Lyubymivka earlier this week.

The recent strikes highlighted the miserable status of Ukrainian air defenses, which no longer have the ability to even engage Russian reconnaissance drones used to coordinate missile and bomb strikes.


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dead hand is ready

nato’s goal is to destroy russia. but the day they achieve this goal will be the very day when the rf will press the red button (as stated in her constitution). and this means nato’s immediate end (because there is absolutely no way for defense) atomic destruction of all nato countries. i would do the same: if a killer kills me but i have the chance to kill him too, i would, ofc, no question about that. so in nato’s place i would rethink. it is impossible to defeat russia by force. cope.

Last edited 10 months ago by dead hand is ready
jens holm

nato is albanien, belgien, bulgarien, canada, danmark, estland, finland, frankrig, grækenland, island, italien, kroatien, letland, litauen, luxemburg, montenegro, nederlandene, nordmakedonien, norge, polen, portugal, rumænien, slovakiet, slovenien, spanien, storbritannien, sverige, tjekkiet and no decider.

all the world can see usrr destroyed it selv and the museum insist thats their choise fx having election between one person.

jens holm

but insinsting others join that deroute is not accepted. ussr created ukraine . mow they fight it to keep in in line a loyal vassal. loyal to what.

its here every day. no answars for a better life and goes for the reast of the ruins.

they only see almost all is better then any returns. by that they now have choises and at least hopes.

jens holm

and us nasty eu went back in, because ussr as well as the tzar state again could be relative tradepartners now by kiev replacing moskva. thats the whole point.

ussr left the building.

but we could not trade them them with no changes. thats we went in with d e m a n d s for descent structurers for them and us. its is and was a some something for something in a 2 + 2 = 5

dead hand is ready

stop taking narcotics son of a whore

jens holm

i go church—amerika bank worship money—my god is money

jens holm

0 id wrote that. his servicedog is at a hospital having permanet menthal problems.

its realy bad. so far they has amputed ears and eyes.

its in a wheel chair. he sold its legs to france.

jens holm

sure. my mother is maria magdalena and she is 1999 years old and friend to jesus. she might make him to no alcohol in russia as you to fish in the salty bathtub aral lake.

Last edited 10 months ago by jens holm
jens holm

i writ but my gay mulatto nurse tell me what to think

jens holm

its a pure farce you dont see those countries will not be taken by others as by ww1 and ww2 and fx by hitler or stalin.

usa – and uk – as the contrast to thát and helped us up and fx hapan and south koreas as well. the marshal also was for own reason but my denmark fx at least 4 times gdp par capita.

we has fre schools, free education, all has homes with fx showers. we have free hospitals, almost free healhcare and medicine.

jens holm

we when group old, men men live to almost 80 and russia is 65,5. we also get a desent descent pension and need no help for relatives.

det base is step by step change based on tax goes back to us, when we need. we also are number none in low corruption and a trusted state with descent police and courts.

in that is we include all, so they contribute. we has reduced random hate all over by that and also are safe in the streets to compared to others.

jens holm

women, lgbts, jews whatever are not visible. and we has not nazis. lat last they tryed to get in seats they got some 800 votes and we are some 5,8 millions children incl.

we think is a right ukraine grow and many steps grow from almost nothing to better. i never was a military thing even we of course had to move troops to the new borders.

and no be back are in 1991 before gorbitjov and jelsin. we have to produce weapon instead of wellfare.

jens holm

all dane are nazi–we submissively pay 65% income tax—in our dumbocracy vote is masochism

jens holm

danes are happy for paying high tax. it makes high wellfare and distribute it.

countries semilar to mine all has high taxes. and the partner is sadist. we give and get back.

you indicate we are victims for psycotats. how comes. potin has finally erased human right for you.

we insist inn paying paying high but fair tax. thats confirmed by parlement and governes as routine. and i would not, we also can elect new decider for us.

jens holm

moron dumb dane so happy 35% require mental health treatment


you are enthusiastic about denmark because you come from a dirty country like ukraine!

believe me, we’ll be back there soon! i promise you that

jens holm

2) many put us in in anciant constructed data and only know and use the collapsed ussr as the god and real thing.

how comes🐤🐤🐤🐤🐔 gok gok. we mainly keep our level and the didnt go down 3 times last week.

i support ukraine. they has has no chances since 1917 + denikin and russia is like better hay to they new ladas.

ukraine for many years has a big tradepartner by moskva. even hitler was helped to invade your own country.

jens holm

my support for ukraine is to pay ukie male prostitute600 pesos to lick ukie peniz

jens holm

0 id wrote that.

jens holm

i frequently lie because i inferior to russian—with male life expectancy now 76


35% danes require mental health treatment —in russia 2% where it is free and medicine is free

White Eagle

yes, free mental health treatment at the penal colony in siberia (food and accommodation provided). at least some of the 2% are also in opposition to rf government 😉

White Eagle

but seriously at least russia is attempting to solve their own problems. mental health sufferers in the greatest democracy in the world, have to self medicate with street drugs, and sleep under the piece of cardboard, while their government is spending billions spreading their system around the world (not peacefully). what a farce 🤮

jens holm

i partly agree. usa certainly need reform and there are nu good signs.

but has space for it making fx 5 times more in gdp. old bernie sanders has told them and the too rich is too rich. most of them dont listen

jens holm

i worship dollar—money will give me morality pay for brain transplant and pay for my transgender surgery

jens holm

0 id wrote this with tail

White Eagle

truth hurts. if you can’t recognize your country’s shortcomings, you are lousy citizen.

jens holm

its not that at all.

jens holm

no its not.

transgender holm

we are corrupt amerikunt colony—so corrupt we submissively pay 65% income tax—russian pay 13%. and half russian salaries paid cash not taxed…we world famous stupid

jens holm

far out not to compare taxsystems.

countries with high tax mainly also has higher wellfare by gdp as well.

the russian system cant even collect tax 👩‍🦽🧑‍🦽👨‍🦽

russians are low productive making 15.000 dollars pr capita. denmark makes 70.000 by that we dont have your hands to mouth cigarbox economy.

your numbers. russian has some 1.500 a year. we have some 24.500 each.

jens holm

i very stupid—after tax russian earns more than dane and amerikan—-dumb submissive dane too poor to travel—vast numbers russian travel turkey egypt thailand india spain argentina italy china hungary…but no interest in boring dumbmark

jens holm

i must be on bicycle with fishing gear and swimming west.

more poles to denmark. they have real money.

you support eu and nato well. thanks.

jens holm

sorry i very stupid inferior to russian desperate—i know they are better than me but i feel humiliated because they have a culture but dumb dane only have disney

jens holm

0 wrote this.


inferior money worshipping holm—denmark more corrupt than amerikan kleptocracy—for a uneducated moron holm insecure childish she can only tantrum—there are no objective corruption studies you can cite—only perception rankings by amerikan government funded transparency international

jens holm

it seemes you have no acces to that as well.

several others around the world do exaxt same thing. eu does with mainly with but not only eu, which is:

austria, belgium, bulgaria, croatia, republic of cyprus, czech republic, denmark, estonia, finland, france, germany, greece, hungary, ireland, italy, latvia, lithuania, luxembourg, malta, netherlands, poland, portugal, romania, slovakia, slovenia, spain and sweden.

jens holm

a reason is we pay eu tax and it must be fair to give back to ones, which need.

nato is same same thing. we pay pr by inhabitant and how many we are.

im sure india, china and japan does it.

im sure un has a lot from specifik critical regions and countries as well.

jens holm

and the russian version.

if you dont look and registrate there is nothing. and if you want to, you just in kremlin or a balcony in vladivostok.

it has been 100% confirmed in the new eu members and worse in ukraine.

whats the objektives in your world. you cant even handle statictics in simple highschool level and so to speak compare headbanging with fireworks.

jens holm

confirmed by me the senile nazi holmo jens

jens holm

we very submissive do what master joe biden tells us

jens holm

we terrified of life and death—must work until 69 to retire then we are senile and cannot enjoy anything except disney cartoon

jens holm

in dumbmark we worship money–we very inferior try to prove we equal to better russian–we are weak pathetic

jens holm

partly right. we work well andget paid. and we do it because we then can use them for things we and others need.

transgender holm

russia free university –63% adults graduates in dumbmark 25%

jens holm

that far out. do you use for fishing in arctis or does they go to heaving.

if also know the russians problems are not there. they are in the 3-4 years level and just after four.

thats the ones, which can handle advanced things well.

i have written about your socalled free universities in the opposition moskva times. in its best they so to speak learn copy new versions of armatas.

transgender holm

russia more hospitals per capita than dumbmark

jens holm

not correct, they treat much fewer and less and almost everthing is very expensive and also corrupt.

jens holm

we are such submissive stupid whores we pay 65% income tax for freedom.🤡

jens holm

whores included. of course they pay tax too.

freedom is a choise. its decided to share many things, so its for all, by that.

thats what high tax is for.

transgender holm

all eu economies dead—russian thrives growing 3 times any eu economy🤣

jens holm

its must be in % and not money.

dead hand is ready

an where did you read anything about usrr in my post bitch

jens holm

i worship amerikan dollar in church 3 hours today so i can go to amerikunt heaven

jens holm

0 id wrote that not me.

jens holm

i dont need to. i have knowlegde and are not desperat.

this is not your post or site.

jens holm

nato=32 weak slimy worms that want to be russian wolf

transgender holm

russia superior to dumbclitland—morally intellectually culturally…clit holm insecure inferior


moron senile uneducated holm nazi cannot see—only bleat like weak americanized sheep

jens holm

sure. putin and others there must have´blocked that too.

jens holm

it’s a pure farce you don’t see those countries will not be taken by others as by ww17 and ww24 and fax by haribo or katjes.

usis and ukros – as the contrast to that and helped us up and fax happy and southpohl as well. the marshal also was for own reason but my kokosmark faxis at least 4 groodap par capita.

we has freez schools, freak education, all his homer simpson with fax showers. we have food hospitals, almost and no medicine.

jens holm

thats no comment

jens holm

i humiliated russia superior to all nato

jens holm

to have tradtions for honor killing?

jens holm

it’s a pure farce you don’t see those countries will not be taken by others as by ww17 and ww24 and fax by haribo or katjes.

usis and ukros – as the contrast to that and helped us up and fax happy and southpohl as well. the marshal also was for own reason but my kokosmark faxis at least 4 groodap par capita.

we has freez schools, freak education, all his homer simpson with fax showers. we have food hospitals, almost and no medicine.

Joseph Robinette Biden Jr

“-we will work with china in order to accelerate the climate crisis.”

Last edited 10 months ago by Joseph Robinette Biden Jr
jens holm

that why i support wind and sun power and never has supported nordsteam and other build ups.

no political crisis can hit them. locally many things are cleaner.

we see the dilemma. people around the world has right a better life, but there shadows by fx by fossils.

we also recycle more. its a plus in that too.

Joseph Robinette Biden Jr

shut up retard, you brain is even messier than my old senile brain

jens holm

try danish wegovi or ozempic and fx the avira antivirus.

then you will be in alarclock mode if you have a loaded battery.

jens holm

holm jens i am disgusting inferior moron desperate to prove danes are inferior

jens holm

if all make leftover like you, there were need for fossils and uranium

jens holm

i am stupid cambridge shows wind more expensive inefficient like my senile brain

jens holm

0 id—i support wind cuz my farts more intelligent than my words

jens holm

dumbmaerk is nation 404–nobody cares whether it should exist

jens holm

we in denmark do.

who are nobody.

Massa John

those iskanders are stepping out of vlads production lines like muffins…huahua

jens holm

im afraid so. an old say is its easier to make war then peace.

chat guy

now that ru is winning, this bitch starts to talk about peace lol pathetic

jens holm

its not even same context.

did you use transplant instead of translate because trans i forbidden as dna in russia?

jens holm

i pray to dollar god for war—i worship money

transgender holm

i am inferior clit

jens holm

nice surgeon made my 2 cm peniz into 3 cm clit—after uncle hans rented me to 400 gay mulattos


the insecure nazi holm desperate pathetic upset that she is inferior


american goal is to ransack russia of all assets and minerals.just as it did to england. instead of attempting to con polish people to take part in yet another war, americans should put their boots on and show us all how it’s done! well as big as the american mouths are, why do they keep obfuscating and take on russia. we humanity in general and during this time of enforced american imf imposed austerity, need a good laugh!

jens holm

easy. none force russia to sell anything and fx to it for own wealth.

for sure you many proletars still get nothing. hard times for karl

jens holm

today in bank church i worshipped money for 3 hours…i put amerikan diek in mouth amerikan money in azz

jens holm

uncle hans a gay pervert took out my azz when 7 years old many times—now i incontinent need diaper
