The video above was widely shared online. It is reportedly showing the use of a special drone for the evacuation of heavily wounded Ukrainian servicemen.
Thousands of Ukrainian servicemen, including wounded, are abandoned on the battlefields. However, such a rough evacuation leaves them no chance to survive.
they extracted this orc to harvest his organs, but then they remembered orcs don’t have human organs hehehe
laugh all you want but i’m wondering if zellenskyy doesn’t have a trifecta operation in place.
a) get all the funding and military supplies/assets he can from the us and nato.
b) get and launder as much as he can from soros to keep this conflict going.
c) make a profit selling human organs of the freshly deceased.
d) line his pockets and the pockets of his friends as much as he can so he can live a comfortable life after he gets removed from office.
ukrainian ready for his grave 🤣
i expected an asimo type robot, then. atleast a real arm to use the recovery mode.
who the hell came up with this idea? a guaranteed way to lose face lol..