In Video: North Korea Test-Fires New Solid-Fueled Hypersonic Missile

In Video: North Korea Test-Fires New Solid-Fueled Hypersonic Missile

Click to see full-size image. (The Korean Central News Agency)

North Korea test-fired a new solid-fueled hypersonic intermediate-range missile (IRBM), the state-run Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) announced on April 3.

Leader Jong Un oversaw the launch of the new Hwasong-16B missile, KCNA said, calling it a strategic weapon showcasing the “absolute superiority” of the North’s defense technology.

The new missile perfects the North’s project for “putting all the tactical, operational and strategic missiles with various ranges on solid-fuelled, warhead-controlled and nuclear warhead-carrying basis,” Kim said, according to the North Korean news agency.

The leader added that the solid-fuel missile would give North Korea the capacity for “rapidly, accurately and powerfully striking any target in the enemy side worldwide,”

Kim also promised to further develop the country’s arsenal to counter his “enemies”, a reference to Japan, South Korea and the United States.

Solid-fueled missiles can be launched more quickly than their liquid-fueled counterparts and are easier to move and conceal, which theoretically makes them harder to detect before launch.

According to KCNA, the Hwasong-16B flew for about 1,000 kilometers, reaching a peak altitude of 101 kilometers during the test.

Hypersonic missiles travel and maneuver at least five times faster than the speed of sound at low altitudes in the atmosphere, which makes them extremely difficult to track and intercept.

Meanwhile, South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) said in a statement that the launch probably focused on testing the missile’s flight performance in the early stage of development, an area in which North Korea appeared to have made partial progress.

North Korea “exaggerated” several specifications, from flight range to a delay in igniting the second-stage engine and quickly changing flight orbit, the JCS said.

The new live-fire test came less than two weeks after the North Korean leader supervised a solid-fuel engine test for an IRBM.

It’s worth noting that North Korea unveiled its first ever hypersonic missile, the Hwasong-8, back in 2021. Despite being liquid-fueled, the missile was a major breakthrough for Pyongyang.


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Three Time Loser

do not worry america, biden plans to put illegal alien criminals and terrorists to work on slingshots to counter the threat.


the illegals, brought in by the bankster jews (un), us taxpayer funny money, and the many blackmailed pedophiles and perverts are going to get blue helmets and guns to restore order when the us gov fails in a planned way. hence, the intentional destruction of us society to foment chaos and the demonizing of guns.

Last edited 11 months ago by BunkerDwellers

it is the u.s. that has destroyed the society of the world.

don’t blame others for what america created. america is godless from its inception.

Raptar Driver

godless yet the constitution mentions that men were “created”.the truly godless believe that we evolved. america wasn’t born the beast it became the beast or evolved into it. this evolution was godless.

Just me

people are now so stupid that they cheer for an oppressive regime because it’s not the usa…… the fat kim and his monster family now have hypersonic missiles to save their fat ass from being deposed. it is ridiculous. calling kim president is even stupider.


you need to learn history and how things in the koreas got like this. korea is traditionally a passive country on international affairs. but the u.s. practically destroyed them and seized half of their country. then imposed sanctions and embargos on the north to try and force them to submit as well.

north korea deserves recognition of their astounding recovery and accomplisments against those oppressions.

Just me

why don’t you go to north korea and take a look at this paradise that isn’t the usa??? it’s sad that people are so easily fooled. kim is a sick pig, you can see that when you visit north korea but……nobody cares about that here. everyone just repeats the crap they hear on this site. that’s just the west sucks and the east is always the innocent victim. no government in the world is the friend of the people…

Raptar Driver

go look yourself! north korea is poor because of our strangulating sanctions since we bomb them into oblivion in 1950s. every citizen gets a free house free education & free health care. compare that with americans who go bankrupt because of seeking doctors care or to buy a home or to get a college education.

Just me

you should visit north korea…….then you can see how stupid you are.


you are coming on here spouting nothing but your ignorance. south korean puppets made visiting nk illegal and any south koreans who even visit nk will be imprisoned for life in some cases. i suggest you to go and see yourself what nk is all about.


south korea is a criminal country. it has the highest suicide rate in the world. it still engages in human trafficking selling korean children to highest international bids. about 30% of working females in south korea are prostitutes. it is a heaven of plastic surgery and almost every female there is fake with a whole lot of brondi wannabes and mangled face.


there are about 30000 north korean defectors living south korea and a lot of them now want to go back to nk. in fact a lot of them already went back to nk despite knowing that doing so is illegal in south korea punishable to life sentence in certain cases.


north koreans are better off than koreans living in the occupied south korea with enormous gap between rich and poor. about 1% of south koreans own the rest of what is left of south korea. those 1% mostly are holdovers from the 36 years of japanese occupation and they are called japan collaborators similar to nazi collaborators.


in all, south korea lacks elements that constitute nation-state and will perish just like the defunct south vietnam.


jeder bürger bekommt ein kostenloses haus? können sie das bestätigen? jeder bürger? an so etwas glaube ich nicht. sollte es die wahrheit sein, dann wäre es unglaublich. wo kann ich lesen, dass jeder bürger kostenlos ein haus bekommt? freundliche grüße

Satanic Anglo Scum!

yet you consider biden or trump a president…worse calling any u.s politician elected into the whitehouse to serve as the nation’s leader a “commander in chief”.

Last edited 11 months ago by Satanic Anglo Scum!
Rudolf Bensheimer Thelen

germany congratulates its korean friends on this success!

-herzlichen glückwunsch

Just me

alter……hast du roten lack gesoffen ??? schau dir mal nord korea bei you tube an. es gibt menschen die sind dort hin in die ferien gefahren.


there was somewhere a piece of news, that muricans also tested a hypersonic missile. but there was no confirmation of success, so most likely they failed again. how many times they have failed?😆

Raptar Driver

of course they’re gonna fail when they hire people based on affirmative action. america is the land of the retard, dullard, lame and the wanna be.

Massa John

not to mention their obesity, they more than earned to be called hippo-nation.

Kibosh warrior

they were going to release the footage, but noticed another mouse on the engine in the green screen studio and decided against it..


all that matters is the fact that nk has the ability to vaporize and erase north america off the map. nk almost pushed the button in 2013 and will do it this time for real if north america decides to play a stupid game and become suicidal once again.

Last edited 11 months ago by vietnam

nk has nowhere near enough nukes to erase north america, and if they are just starting to develop hypersonic missiles then many of their nukes will be intercepted. however, they do have enough nukes to maintain their sovereignty from the us, unlike most countries. their nukes and their isolationism are the reasons why they have not been invaded or controlled by the us.


nk does have the ability to vaporize and erase north america off the map given nk’s enormous natural resources and history of its nuke development that goes back to right after the korean war. not many people know that nk has abundant uranium and literally can produce an unlimited number of nukes.

Last edited 11 months ago by vietnam
Just me

wtf give shit about it. it is just coming straight from the cia. just collect some worn out tires to float in oceans when south korea is liberated just like south vietnamese boat people. here is a caveat. the plane carrying south vietnamese “president” could not lift off from the runaways because of the weight of the gold he stole.

Last edited 11 months ago by vietnam

they are clearly excited about this one, they showed the money shot 8 times from 8 different angles lol
