In Video: Massive Attack Of Ukrainian FPV Drones Destroyed Russian Military Column


On June 2, both Russian and Ukrainian military sources reported a massive attack of Ukrainian small FPV drones on Russian military column in the Russian border Kursk region. On June 3, the Ukrainian military confirmed the successful attack with numerous videos filmed by the UAVs.

The column of at least 14 military trucks with supplies was destroyed by drone strikes near the town of Sudzha in the Kursk region near Ukrainian border. The footage confirmed that the column was first paralyzed by the strikes on the leading vehicles. Then, the last trucks came under the attack. Russian forces attempted to scatter the trucks around and hide them in the forest plantation near the road, where some of them were reached by Ukrainian drones.

According to Russian military sources, the Russian military personnel only suffered losses in several wounded servicemen.

The transfer of military equipment in large columns was one of the main reasons for Russia’s losses at the very beginning of the Special Military Operation in Ukraine, when the Russian military was ambushed and destroyed on the Ukrainian roads. The Russian military command has already accumulated a lot of experience in years of full-fledged military operations in Ukraine, but there are still losses incurred due to negligence.


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there needs to be air support for all russian military convoy units operating in areas where they may be subject to enemy attack! not good that this equipment has been needlessly lost.


it’s hard to do for fpv drones. also a reminder that these attacks are carried out by western forces, as ukriane lacks rhe ability to find these targets. over head surveillance comes from the west. it us transmitted to a western military intelligence site, then transfered to a military site in ukraine where western operators key in the coordinates and then direct the ukrianians to attack while commanding them on what actions to take.


dacă le e greu sa insoteasca un convoi, atunci sa sufere. nu se misca nimic mai mult de 2- 3 masini fara protecție aeriana. chiar si un elicopter era bun.


and what good would a helicopter do? these are usually small drones. they are hard to see normally and produce a small radar area themselves. helicopter will do next to nothing. the best you can do is have people with shotguns and buck shot scanning skies all the time. employing ew is also difficult over large areas for less valuable assets. these were transports with limited supplies. most inf survived


the heli can offer electronic jamming and create a safe zone around the convoy.


buck shot or something similar might be an answer to the drones! someone somewhere is controlling the drones in flight find those locations and destroy them.


the russians have hand-held jammers. the problem is that they were not used because no one is on the roofs watching. a helicopter is irrelevant, a larger jammer could be taken aboard a vehicle. this was purely a mistake. overconfidence backfires. the rules must be followed.


cea mai buna ar fi o mitraliera care sa traga cu alice pentru pasari (nu gloante ci bilute de plumb, cate 9-15 la fiecare cartus). dar mitraliera trebuie sa fie cuteava lisa _ adica fara ghinturi


there must be a way of jamming the nato signal in order to block their ability to home in and seek targets. start with the signal points in western ukraine

Malcolm Z

3 truck burned of 16…beside they repeat many attacks


and the west laughs at russia.
russia thinks it is winning. lol.


so ten years after the five eyes began claming that russia was in the ukraine and began training, arming, advising and supporting the ukrainian armed forces, how is the ukrainian puppet coming with their project to reclaim crimea and donbas? should be wrapped up any day now, i suppose.

moody blues

poroshenko issued a new statement saying ‘if i’m the president, donbass will be ours in 24 hours.’

then someone whispered in his ear…. ‘but that’s nothing new. that’s what you said last time you were president.’

Rudolf Schuster

…my friend, the west is laughing at both ruzzians and ukrozzz.

the laughter about the ukrozz has unfortunately passed us by now, since they shit our cities 💩💩💩


nato and the globalists are using ukraine as a tool to attack russia. nato cares not how many millions of ukrainian people die or about ukraine as a country. zelensky is the current glove puppet


the eu is mostly laughing at itself. inflation is high, unemployment is increasing, bankruptcies are increasing, vat will be increased, the world is not investing in the eu. money flows into war support. who is really laughing here?

moody blues

western military analysts ‘with battlefield experience’ think its winning too. go figure.

Johny cash

cant get more pathetic than the russians tbh


well, i think that since the russians continue to grind up the ukrainian military, which was the fourth largest in europe prior to the smo, and which has been blessed with ten years of us advising, training, arming and support, clearly it can get more pathetic than the russians. that’s just simple logic.

Donald Trumps Paedophile Army

tbh johnny cash was a drug addicted paedophile, just like you…


joe biden and his son hunter!


excuse me, but where were the mobile air defense systems? driving around only with a large volume of trucks is asking for trouble. and can the truck have protective nets attached?


protective nets against drones is a good idea! they use a wire cage against rpg rocket attacks in iraq a fixed net system might be one idea

Russia Is Looking Like...

i can’t wait to see the pro-putin idiots making excuses for the russians, but if this would have happened to any nato personnel or ukraine, it would be another story right? just like south-fromt said after years of warfare, russians should not be making the same mistakes, as in the beginning!


how are the ukrainians coming with their assignment from their us owners to retake crimea and the donbas?


if it would happen to any nato grouping, nato would just kill 1000s of civilians as retaliation just like their predecessor the axis. the only difference is that back then the germans were in charge and now the usa.
the personal is mostly the same. only a couple nato countries like turkey, poland, england and of course the leader usa were not part of the axis.

Russia Is Looking Like...

hey, south-fromt did you ban my ip address, and for me being able to post on russia is looking like a fool, again and again, in my title? you guys have become no different than your enemies from wester media, that censors their critics comments like there is no tomorrow!


you’re saying that western media censors their critics? why would they need to do that?

moody blues

it happens every once in a while, stop crying like a baby and jostle your vpn a bit. good grief. their system’s a bit screwy.

Russia Is Looking Like...

russia recently has dealt with the worst terroist attack in maybe of this entire century, when you add up the wounded and killed. entire russian air-defense systems have been wiped out in masse, including the s-400 and now today, a entire russian supply convoy has been wiped out, with replacement soldiers , and important military gear.


and yet still town after town in ukraine keeps falling..


and still took down 2 ukranasi fighters…

Ramses ll

@russia is looking like…

probably, this is the reason why ukrainian troops are on the verge of moscow, achieving one grandiose victory after another 😆😆😆

moody blues

so, you’re saying they’re cry babies like you with your ‘oh, they’ve banned my ip address. horror of horrors but see, i’m back peddling my bullshit anyway, ha ha.’

ok. well – peddle away. everybody needs a place to blow off steam.

Last edited 4 months ago by moody blues
Edgar Zetar

do not know if you can call it negligence. you need the logistics and to support the troops in the front. the small fpv drones could be hidden anywhere and just the zone wasn’t cleaned enough to move logistics convoys. could and will happen, nothing new here.

Conan M

does this mean that russia will stop selling it’s energy to the west and vacate it’s seat in that “hollowed” (out) pit of hell called the un in nyc?…

Last edited 4 months ago by Conan M
Conan M

“according to russian military sources, the russian military personnel only suffered losses in several wounded servicemen.”…

is that supposed to be some kind of a consolation prize or “gift”???… and when is mr. putin going to provide a wall of honor for every russian soldier who has made the ultimate sacrifice for god and country in south ossetia, syria and ukraine since 2007???

Conan M

“up voted” for the idea of russia leaving the den of inequity aka sodom and gomorrah that is the un, but alternatively “down voted” for the idea of providing every name of the service men and women who died in protecting and defending their country over the past 17 years???…

makes no sense at all!


feel free to stop posting any time, derpster.

Conan M

let us know when russia’s veto at the un clubh0u$e starts “working”!


a “wall of honour”? like the one the americans built to distract the population from their disastrous imperialist murderfest in se asia? never stop derping.

Conan M

not at all the same. because russian forces are on the right side of it, much like the vietnamese were defending their homeland from the americans after the fraud of the gulf of tonkin incident lie. had russia endorsed 9/11 truth and demanded an investigation of the collapse of the towers and building 7, and been relentless in it’s pursuit for the war crimes that the u.s. committed, maidan 2014 never would have happened!

Last edited 4 months ago by Conan M

so the us state would have investigated itself for 9/11 if the russians had demanded it, and their strategy of hybrid war against russia to prevent economic integration of the eurasian landmass outside it’s auspices woud have been abandoned? the derp is strong in you!

Conan M

how will we ever know hadn’t they at the very least tried?… perhaps there might have been a stronger union that would have formed with other un members like the prc, india and certainly iran hastening the un exist for a new foundation through the briics that might have also collected eu members?…

just saying.

if that somehow strikes you as absurd or useless in some way look at the alternative that you and i are now living in.


Last edited 4 months ago by Conan M

your assertion that some action by russia with regard to the 9/11 operations would have resulted in the us state investigating itself, and then undertaking some radically different geostrategic course is absolutely absurd.

Conan M

again. what is your world today without that investigation by the likes of china, india and russia that has had false flags on tap post 9/11 with russia now on the brink of a nuclear chicken scenario with nato that will be the equivalent of “charge of the light brigades” with nuclear weapons?…

needless to say, the road less traveled had the russians, prc and india did what they were supposed to do as members of the un security council after 3 buildings 2 planes…

Last edited 4 months ago by Conan M

what precisely is “the west”? the americans would love to completely fill the european hydrocarbon market with the fruit of their permian basin ponzi scheme. in order to break the soviet union, the us squashed the soviet capacity to generate foreign exchange using the us saudi puppet to baloon supply. you’re suggesting that this time the russians do the work for the americans. thanks for derping, derpster.

Conan M

the russians have been doing the work for the jewish master that also owns the f-uku$. don’t kid yourself. read the latest rt tribute that the russian president bestowed on his khazarian fifth column owners of his central bank earlier today while continuing to ignore the open genocide of that same “tribe” that is not only trying to extinguish the indigenous in russia. but also the ones in rafah…


the moment they give up their veto the un will put up legal world wide un sanctions which then allmost everyone would oblige. would be suicide to leave the un.

Kibosh master

it was suicide to join the un, the jew n has been killing christian nations for jewish banksters ever since….

Conan M

suicide not leaving the un given the predicament the past 10 years that now has nato troops inside ukraine complete with an air force + the russian assets in foreign banks being stolen to facilitate the zelensky junta???… where is the worth of staying in the un for russia and not leaving it completely to build it’s own un in moscow to expedite deliverance to the briics?!!!

Conan M

…the reason why russia doesn’t want to leave the un is that it has too many dual nationals living in western europe and the u.$.. and it’s too difficult for putin to deliver the ultimatum you either come “home”… or you stay where you are permanently!


it is just a simple ambush thats it


after ten solid years of failure by the armed forces of the ukrainian cia project, any achievement is cause for celebration.

moody blues

after many threats and as many tears, zelensky managed to get burkina faso to promise to attend his swiss fondue cheezwiz gathering. that’s a major win, he announced to his public on his sole tv station.

Last edited 4 months ago by moody blues

russians will never learn. they keep making same mistakes for the past 2 years


clearly. that’s why the ukrainians have just about got the last of the moskals out of donbas and crimea. any day now.

Ivan Notor

a massive leaf blower will do if you can not invent something…


its nato gave logistic support to mercinaries and ukro to attack russia convey . this mistake of russia columnn of 16 vehicle in big truck is big mistake russia should use small truck which is fast to transfer and fpv drone cant chase fast truck or pivkup size mini van. use the tactic of gorilla fighters russia should,now there is many western support is there to ukro nazis giving staellite target

Joe Smith

the key word in the article is “trucks”.
i can imagine the emergency meetings in the kremlin over the partial loss of a small column of trucks.
somebody bring in the towels to mop up the sweat. at least nato propaganda is good for a laugh.

christian reinhard

why are the trucks parked on the street?


a small drop in a huge ocean of technical and strategical russian superiority. they will check the eventual mistakes and solve it, so that this never happens again. mesnwhile 1.000 nato pawns and thousands of millions in nato equipment were destroyed in the last 24 hours.

Massa John

i see a dozend bottles of vodka

Mauro Cambuquira

parece que a rússia está a brincar nesse jogo de guerra. são muito inocentes e chegam a ser infantis. quem está no comando? ou parece sem direção.


3 trucks taken out and its massive attack? ukroturds sure enjoys small victories. but ignores the 4 bradleys ifvs taken out by one russian, then just recently another tin can of a abrams blown away.


its a bit like germany v brazil in the 2014 world cup when germany was 7 nil up and brazil scored a goal a bit annoying but never changed the outcome.


or a better example is the battle of bautzen in late april 1945 where a defeated german military inflicted a serious defeat on a polish army causing thousands of casualties and over 200 tanks/trucks destroyed.


except that a few burned up trucks hardly constitutes a serious defeat for the russians, poindexter.

Nafo Autistic Kids

something to learn here for both sides. russians to protect their convoys and ukrainians to keep pissing into the wind and snorting more hopium

eliat diggins

maybe a tesla coil defense system?

moody blues

what will all the tesla owners in ukraine do with no electricity?

Nafo Autistic Kids

they can connect to the european industrial fart complex. that should power them until 2026 at least


a question for the russian commanders, what was a compact column of military vehicles looking for in the middle of the day on a road in an open clearing 🤔 on the way to the front ☝ in the range of the enemy and without any protection? did they have a picnic? stupidity is apparently still abundant among the command staff.


could be a decoy?

moody blues

could be, the trucks were filled with ukrainian pows on their way to a swap meet.

even with desperation in filling the trenches, ukraine can’t miss these opportunities. it’s in their genes.

Last edited 4 months ago by moody blues
Nafo Autistic Kids

if you consider that prostitution is ukraine’s identity, then yes they have major issues

Conan M

in rt today “putin congratulates jews”… “the russian president called salvation day, which celebrates the defeat of nazi germany, one of the most important dates in jewish history”…

obviously no room at the inn “comment” for the indigenous 1 million in rafah in that congratulations to the occupier who is also committing genocide 79 years later???….


Last edited 4 months ago by Conan M
Conan M

but i’m certain i$rael has pootie-poot’s back?!!!

V2 for Victory

what they are waiting for to apply jammers, and use shotguns vs those shitty fpvs? where are the aps like arena for russian armoured stuff?
