In Video: Libyan National Army Prepares Gaddafi-Era Scud Tactical Ballistic Missiles For Battle Of Sirte

In Video: Libyan National Army Prepares Gaddafi-Era Scud Tactical Ballistic Missiles For Battle Of Sirte

A screenshot from the video

The Libyan National Army (LNA) is reportedly preparing Gaddafi-era Scud tactical ballistic missiles for the upcoming battle of Sirte.

Sirte is the strategic port city, which is currently besieged (from the western flank) by forces of the Tripoli-based Government of National Accord and Syrian militant groups supported by Turkey.


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target practice

Damien C

These things are useless in regards accuracy, they are only effective when buried in the ground and used as a roadside IED


Re malaka Mustafa memeti, hahahaa do you need some help finding your submarines?

Dumb mongoloids !


Dubai, United Arab Emirates (CNN) – The official Turkish Anatolia News Agency commented on the reported loss of contact with two Turkish submarines, and that they were lost off the Libyan coast in the Mediterranean.

Anadolu said, in a report entitled “Search with us for two lost submarines for Turkey”, that news is being circulated since June 8 about the discontinuation of contact with a Turkish submarine, after jamming it from Egypt, Russia, and that when Ankara sent a second submarine to search for it, the contact with it was also interrupted. The submarines become lost.


What a retard you’re to believe this lol


Find your subs first and then we can talk again turkisis scum!

You have absolutely no affiliation with the sea, you are better off in the desert and in your caves in the Mongolian mountains.

hahaha dumbass turks !

Mustafa Mehmet

Re souflaki girl katsarides stop spreading your dirty filthy poison every where. go on your gay priest waiting for you ?



What priest WTF u on about again re karagiozo ?

Where is your submarines re malaka kebap ?


The sea is not for you turkgays !

Turkgays live on mountains and in caves.

Brother Ma

Why do all the Turks here respond so childishly ? Are they all fifteen year olds in their mom’s basement or are they just so slooow? ;)
God prevent more of them flooding Europe and when will Putin finally send them to Paradise for their 72 as they wish?


Cause thats the only way they can possibly respond.
They are on the wrong, they always have been, they got no history they got a criminal record ever since they moved here from mongolia. Genocide genocide genocide and some ethnik cleansing thats turkgay’s ”history”.
Turkisis cockroaches.

Brother Ma

Not a History but a criminal record. They hate that! Lol

The Objective

You man Sisi will most likely be overthrown in Egypt if he gets into a war with turkey.
There is need for an immediate deployment by Turkey. May Allah give victory to the good guys in this fight.


Sisi is not ‘my man’ , but most likely he is The Man that Erdogay would love to get down on his knees and suck his d1ck off !

Egypt is the number 9 military power in the world and is going up too !

You dont want to mess with Egypt you shit-kebap mongoloid twat !

Mustafa Mehmet

thats why they lost to israel six days war they last only 6 days haha

The Objective

You really believe that the global firepower comparison is an acceptable estimate of strength? Well, your source says Egypt is tronger than Iran, Israel, Pakistan, Germany, and even Turkey the second largest army in NATO. You really think that crap is real. GFP website is nonsense. I don’t take anything they publish seriously. We’ll soon know which side is stronger between Egypt and Turkey.
If not for Russia, I’d say all of U.A.E, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt combined cannot overthrow the GNA provided Turkey backs that country.


hahaha ”2nd strongest in NATO” hahahahaha
So those numbers matter but the most famous and most objective site’s numbers (GFP) are the fake ones !

Thats why you are a turkisis dumbass !

The Objective

Second largest does not mean second strongest. A non-nuclear state cannot be stronger than a nuclear-armed state.


Turkgay is bankrupt, you are probably the only one here that doesnt know it yet!
The Turkishit lira is toilet paper.
Egypt has a much better economy compared to turkgays!

Egypt HAS GOT the missile defence capabilities they bought S400 from Russia amongst other systems.
Erdogay’s muslim brotherhood (of gay twats) is getting obliterated by Sisi every day, they are nothing.
We pray turgay makes that fatal mistake and messes up with Egypt and / or Greece.
By the way, let us know when you find your two missing submarines !

ahhaaha stupid turk!

The Objective

I am not a Turk. I am a faithful Muslim that is observing things in the Muslim world and which leaders deserve our prayers and goodwill. Both Sisi and Haftar are Zionist agents. Turkey is still in the shackles of Zionists since a good portion of its military and civilians are against Erdogan’s pro-Islamic reforms. But Turkey will finally break loose of this Zionist control if Erdogan or someone similar rules the country long enough.
The Turkish economy is not as healthy as it used to be, but certainly not bankrupt. Secondly, Turkish economy is far better than the Egyptian economy. They have a much stronger currency than Egypt. My friend studies in Egypt and he tells me about the economic problems most Egyptians face. Egyptians have been demonstrating recently against corruption in the midst of an economics downturn.
Soon, the battle for Sirte will kick off. May God give victory to the good guys.

The Objective

About Egypt having the S-400, I want to remind you that these systems are meant to protect the Egyptian homeland, not an invading force in Libya. Turkey will not invade Egypt, neither will Egypt attempt an invasion. Libya will be the battlefield.
While Egypt has the home advantage cos it’s closer to the frontlines, Egypt is still pretty much unstable politically at home. A major quacmire for Egypt Libya, like Yemen for Saudi Arabia, will quickly erode support for Sisi. Egypt recently received loan from the IMF I think twice. That is not the sign of healthy economy.
Next, there is Iran to think of. They recently announced support for GNA. Should Iran supply just a few long-range precision missiles to the GNA, Egypt’s forces deployed along the Libyan border will be decimated before they make any further incursions into Libya. I don’t know if Turkey has such missiles as Iran, but they can always get it smuggled into Turkey from Iran. They share a land border and it shouldn’t be too difficult to sneak several such missiles into Turkey who’ll then pass it the GNA.
I think sisi deserves some lesson just like Haftar got.


You are showing the symptoms of mental disorder, seriously!
It is in fact your friend, Erdogay the Taliban, thats unstable at home Not Sisi!

It is Erdogay that has put 100s of thousands of Gullen followers, in prison, Not Sisi!
It is Erdogay that has invaded Syria Iraq and now Libya and is funding and training the isis terrorists amongst other terrorists.
The new isis boss is A Turkish citizen after all.
Erdogay is on the wrong side of history, Turkgay is on the wrong side of history, as they always have been.
The Arabs hate the Turks. Apart from Qatar that is.
Egypt has the backing of all the other Arabs and so has Haftar.
Also France and Greece Cyprus and Israel are on Egypt’s side.
Stop the bullshit lameass propaganda, you are not convincing anybody.
Egypt is number 9 in the world militarily and Turkey has massive problems with their war-factories.
On top of that the turks are useless, they lose to Greeks in the air and at sea. In fact they are missing the two submarines !
Not missing a 4×4 jeep or a tank, they are missing two SUBMARINES!

…Stop being silly.

The Objective

This is not a struggle between Arabs and Turks. It is a struggle between “Faithful Muslims” and “Hypocrite Muslims”. The MB is not based in Turkey only. They are all over the Muslim world. The GNA are Arabs, so too are the Qataris, Yemenis, Lebanese, Iraqis, Algerians and plenty of others. We are tired of being ruled by western-imposed stooges like Always, Emirati and Jordanian regimes, Bahrain monarchy, El-Sisi, Gulen, and many others. What you are witnessing now is the effect of the Islamic awakening. The prophet said people will be sorted into two camps: one of “disbelieve and hypocrisy” another of the Faithful. If you are a Muslim, it is important to study the current events in the Muslim world. These two camps have already taken shape. Know where you belong.
People like Sisi and his supporters will never honour the Shari’ah. That should tell you which camp they belong to. Also observe which countries are supporting them? Do these countries have good relations with Islam and Muslims. You also mentioned that Sisi has the support of much of Europe, and Israel. America too secretly supports him. Haftar is a US citizen.
On the contrary, the present regime of Turkey has managed to purge the county of many anti-islamic forces. Qatar is standing today thanks to the Islamic-minded government of Turkey. Iran is another target for the enemies of Islam including their hypocrite Muslim friends.
My friend I hope you did learn something from my observations. Can’t say much typing on my phone. Maybe I got to start a blog on this issue.


Yeah you go start a blog.
And I m not a friend of a radical muslim like your self.

And dont try to deny that you are one.
You support The Muslim brotherhood a terrorist organisation.
You support Erdogan a brutal dictator, a Taliban, a sponsor of terrorism, that has divided his own country and has put so many thousands in jail and is commiting genocide on the Kurds and has dreams of a new ottoman empire.
I hope you realise your self whats good and whats bad and decided what you want to be.
Good luck.

The Objective

Oh sure. I never expected you to be a friend or fan of my soon-to-lauch blog. From your comments I can see you are a kafir or worse a munafiq like Sisi. You have the right to fight and hate us true Muslims as much as you want, but that doesn’t mean we should give up the struggle against the kuffar and munafiqs like Saudi rulers, Sisi, and their ISIS.

I will invite you to my blog once it goes live. You can comment using disqus. Feel free to disagree with anything you read, but don’t use abusive words on people. You can disprove a point by providing strong logical arguments and proofs. That way, civilized people will reason with you and respect your argument. I am sure we’ll agree on some issues, cos it seems we both hate America’s policies around the world.

Good luck too.


Thanks for the invitation but i dont like kafir and that other thing (whatever those are) I prefer mousaka, pastitsio, Greek salad and ouzo.

And I think you and I have different interpretations of what civilisation and logic and reason is.

America’s policies you say, like the policy of using turkgay to do the dirty jobs for them?
Like the policy of letting them occupy north Cyprus?
Yeah that is definitely American policies I am not a fun of.

The Objective

The last thing Sisi wants in a situation where he is forced to invade Libya and openly engage the GNA backed by Turkish forces, Qatarri forces, plus a number of Iranian precision missiles. It seems that’s where things are headed.
There is strong pushback against Emanuel Macron in France for his Haftar support. Hence, France is unlikely to join the fight. Same goes for Greece.
Turkey is currently deploying forces for the battle of Sirte.
May Allah give victory to the faithful

Mustafa Mehmet

tha paro xana na mazepseis ti mama sau…..chazo skyli ..ananin amini sikeym deli kopek better


Pare fora kai ela me tin opisθen !

Kai prosehe min skisis to kaltson tourko poustraki !

Brother Ma

A valid point. When will Turkey or one of these Turk-apologists tell us what is going on? Not that we will necessarily believe them but you know what I mean. ;)