In Video: Izz Ad-Din Al-Qassam Brigades Show Their Recent Operations In Gaza Strip

In Video: Izz Ad-Din Al-Qassam Brigades Show Their Recent Operations In Gaza Strip

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The Izz Ad-Din Al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of Hamas, released new footage of their military operations and attacks on Israeli troops in the Gaza Strip. 

The fighters are seen using artillery mines, IEDs, Soviet-made RPG-7 and Chinese Type 69 portable anti tank grenade launchers. Palestinians attack Israeli tanks in close distance and military columns of Israeli armored vehicles.






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San Judas Tadeo

dúring 9/11 wórld tráde centér tówers wére pancáked. toók mány yeárs to idéntify the míssing victíms thróugh diffícult & expensíve dna testíng. ísrael usíng us precísion 2000lb bómbs havé pancakéd 1000s of hígh ríse buíldings in gáza. the 42k+ deáths is an underestimáte of whát is reálly háppening, its a foregóne conclusión that mány more severál 1000s of womén, childrén & toddlérs are unáccounted, buriéd crushéd undér the ruíns of gazá

Conan M

it’s the western world”$” end!… 9/11 was the last nail in the coffin that the prc, india and russia ignored that made those gazan, iraqi, libyan, syrian, yemen and ukrainian massacre(s) possible!…
i wonder if china and india sleep well at night understanding their commitment and contribution to u.$. terrorism they made thanks to their hauling away the crime scene of the steel with bodies embedded in them with the tacit silence of russia as un/unsc “members”?…

Last edited 5 months ago by Conan M

you do understand that china and india are not two people, right?

Conan M

yes i do. but they certainly think like “one j**”!…

Last edited 5 months ago by Conan M
Shlomo's little weenie

yes, these kremlin rooskies are pretty adapt at deflection and black-holing events that don’t suit their narrative. covid 19 was an irresponsible contamination leak from fort detrick. global research ran with it for weeks. nothing from pootyville though. they knew about it. china’s wuhan copped worldwide condemnation though it was infected yank military turning up to the military games there that spread the shit.


wtc 1, 2 and 7 weren’t pankaked. it was a controled demolition, not a collapse.

Indian Times

indian times today claimed that, the recent terror attact in israel, was maded by erdogan’s order via turkish secret service mit s help. the terrorists gets explosive education in turkey and sended back to israel. people also talks that erdogan’s wife is arab and thats why erdogan hate israel and helping the arab terrorists. turkey as a nato member may be put outside if trump wins, and turkey s place can be fill with israel.


there won’t be an illegal occupation of palestine by the jews – they will all be gone to hell and the rightful inhabitants of palestine can rebuild thei country. the new hegemon in the me will be iran and netanyahu passed from village to village, naked in cage to be pelted by whatever can be found – he deserves an ignoble end!

Shlomo's little weenie

well, as long as those that are throwing whatever shit at this delightful primate can all bellow out at their loudest in unison that it’s all kosher blessed, then the planet’s eternal victims can’t complain 😭


sounds like a load of bollocks


first of all, there are no terrorists in palestine or lebanon, only resistance fighters. as long as there will be colonialism and oppression there will be resistance.


second, nobody needs to have “an arab wife” to hate the genocidal colonial project called “israel”. all you need is human values and a brain.


hamas and hezbollah don’t need no stinkin’ turkish help. erdogan is a snake selling stolen syrian oil to shlomo. he is worse than shlomo. shlomo can’t help being a snake, that’s just what he is, but erdogan chooses to be a snake. and shlomo is the only terrorist in this game. the resistance attacks exclusively military targets. shlomo targets exclusively civilians. nato is a joke. nobody cares about nato, not trumpo or anybody else. nato won’t exist soon. neither will israel.

The brown eye

erdougan can unilaterally bring the slaughter of gaza & lebanon to a quick end. all he’d have to do is cut oil & all other trade to israel, abandon the fsa & other zionist puppet terrorists in syria, cooperate with assad to eradicate pkk,ypg,sdf zionist slaves, cut the semalka crossing, cut land crossings inside syria coming from iraqi kurdistan. rusia & syria would do the rest. what is erdougan afraid of?, not getting f-16s. they’re junk anyway just like everything from nato


one year on, despite besieging, starving and carpet bombing gaza, the cowards of theiof still get their asses handed to them every time they try to step into gaza.

technology and welfare from uncle sam is not a valid substitute for real fighters.

Indian Times

indian times today claimed that, the recent terror attact in israel, was maded by erdogan’s order via turkish secret service mit s help. the terrorists gets explosive education in turkey and sended back to israel. people also talks that erdogan’s wife is arab and thats why erdogan hate israel and helping the arab terrorists. turkey as a nato member may be put outside if trump wins, and turkey s place can be fill with israe l


looks like the hasbara troll farm has been set to auto pilot. all the trolls are cringing in their bunker.


learn how to write instead of expecting anyone to decipher that nonsense, pleeeeeeeeeeez.


yes, “us” and “israel” are the same. 1000 year ago judaism was forced onto white people, they get ruled by judas iscariot. after that they started to burn women alive and send trick movies for to make the world as evil as possible.
according to some information, the towers was almost empty, there are pictures where you can see trough many of the upper windows, only the sky visible.
it was asbestos sanitation the american way, many more have died from it.


speaking about these towers, it was a fraud all along as they were indeed empty. the so-called attack contains so many anomalies it practically failed the cross examination test. majority of mainstream media played the game all along. add the missing trillion us dollars, the intentional destruction of a pentagon section containing all audits and the seizing of all footage surround the pentagon by the fbi.

Ming the merciless.

may they rest in peess

Huckelberry finn

i’m really worried about our comic relief snowden, no hasbara for the past 2 days, was he in bin yamina?


i wish you had a decent left side margin.


the axis of resistance defeated israel’s dream of an energy pipeline from india to israel. now arab governments cannot normalize with the jews until there is a palestinian state. this is something the jews simply will not do, so they will deepen their pariah status as a racist colonialist settler project like apartheid south africa. long game is lost by israel because i will keep saying this, the jewish issue is fundamentally mental degeneration. lack of self awareness and lack of self control

Last edited 5 months ago by hasbarats

they will change their minds. when things going good nations will be forced to toe us, eu and uk line. money means everything and the eu us and uk control all the finance in the world.


they do not control yuan or rouble, rupee or rials. when things are going good, everybody is trading with everybody. the western worldview is not promoting “things going good” so the world is splitting into non western trade zones. the western financial system is failing the majority of the globe.


big joke, hezbollah are hitting nothing. fire powdwfpuffs, and making no effect. just talk and amateurish vids.

Shlomo's little weenie

hmmmm… an interesting statement there. i tend to disagree. there’s a whole herd of inbred hook noses that were sitting up in a canteen some days ago, slurping away on their kosher gruel that got an instant laxative dropped on them from above (praise the lord 🙏)that would think otherwise. those turds that are left that is.

R. Ambrose Raven

a financial times article “how israeli spies penetrated hizbollah” was interesting background, but its real message was the incredible amount of effort and violence the zionists are willing to commit in order to avoid any compromise with any other portion of humanity.


karma up close as heroes destroy the zionazi invaders. it doesn’t get much better than this. onward to the end of the sickness nested in semitic palestine and the $cum that pay for it.
