In Video: Israeli Troops Shell Southern Lebanon With Middle Ages Trebuchet

In Video: Israeli Troops Shell Southern Lebanon With Middle Ages Trebuchet

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Shocking video footage posted to social networks on June 13 showed Israeli troops shelling southern Lebanon with incendiary projectiles using a wooden trebuchet.

The trebuchet is a type of catapult that uses a rotating arm with a sling attached to the tip to launch a projectile. It was a common powerful siege engine until the advent of gunpowder. The design of a trebuchet allows it to launch projectiles of greater weights and further distances than that of a traditional catapult.

It has been estimated that certain trebuchets in the Middle Ages were able to launch projectiles weighting as much as 60 kg each for more than 350 meters.

Hebrew media said that the Middle Ages siege engine was used by Israeli troops just to burn vegetation near their sites on the border with Lebanon.

A statement attributed to the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) noted that the use of the trebuchet was a “local initiative” and not a tool that came into widespread use.

The use of the trebuchet by Israeli troops was likely a funny propaganda stunt meant to calm Israelis down after a series of rocket and drone attacks by Hezbollah that set several forested areas in northern Israel on fire in recent weeks and led to much criticism against the IDF.

Jokes aside, the IDF has been attempting to start fires in forested areas in southern Lebanon since the outbreak with the confrontation with Hezbollah on the backdrop of the war in the Gaza Strip last October.

The IDF has been firing white phosphorus and illumination shells across the border on a nearly-daily basis. There have also been reports in Lebanese media of Israeli troops using drones armed with incendiary grenades and flares to start fires on the border.

Humor has for long been recognized as a very effective coping tool. Now, it appears that the IDF, which is facing some failure on the border with Lebanon, is resorting to humor to cope with the serious challenges posed by Hezbollah.


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lmao whats next?


north koreans took bull shit (literally) and other garbage, put it to balloons as a load and sent to south korea as response to loud korean pop-“music” coming from speakers at the border. crap exchange.

Last edited 9 months ago by Антон
Puppet Power

likely built with usa tax money for 350 million probably called the iron dome trebuchet

Last edited 9 months ago by Puppet Power
Conan M

lets hope this means that i$rael has run out of “whiskey pete” and other banned munitions by the un and that they are resorting to this because they are running out of financial support from big goyim $


where is saladin when he is needed? those damn circumcised crusaders goes totally insane.

idf nazis

oh my god, these pathetic little yids. israel looks like it needs to be razed off the earth. i used to think that was an extreme position, not anymore. the place is a black stain on humanity

Last edited 9 months ago by idf nazis

the golan heights are dotted with volcanic cones which are used as forts, with trenches, glacis slopes, and dry moats. scaling ladders, and portable draw bridges, are still required to storm them.
in aleppo and damascus, isis used trebuchets. one advantage is that anti-artillery sensors can’t detect them. when things get medieval, low tech works.


isr is essentially a quasi east med city state (c2000bc +) captured by marauding invaders.

zios are perpetually violent, parasitic and expansionist. they can’t and won’t coexist. 8 months of g*nocide (following 80 years of slaughter) needs a truly sick mentality.

until other states join with ansar allah to drive these hordes out of palestine then humanity will be perpetually blighted or doomed to extinction. zio-isr (like the nzis) is the antithesis of human civilization.

Icarus Tanović

well, this is rather hilarious.


israel training to go medieval on those hebollah but-tocks.

Moshe Dayan

double entendre : to distract from the fact that weather manipulation hq , globally, is by the idf and the entire intelligence world knows it. the euphrates drying up is them utilizing ai to control weather manipulation worldwide, to achieve that specific goal in particular, and of destroying food and water supplies to all other populations except their own.
these murderers are quite sinister.

Diaper Joe

artilleryless zionists are broke lol 😂


uuu what the fuuuuck


israel is stuck in the middle ages with its new religion:zionism. its a version of europe in the 17th century. the trebuchets may be in jest but the hilltop pallisades aren’t. what a way to live. was this the dream. to live in a hill top palisade. should have stayed in brooklyn.
